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19559333 No.19559333 [Reply] [Original]

>you hit like a bitch, anon

Is this a good way to open my short story? What else do women say when their boyfriend beats them?

>> No.19559336

>Harder, daddy

>> No.19559337

>What else do women say when their boyfriend beats them?

>> No.19559368
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Oh yeah OP I'm totally sure /lit/ a whole board full of betas, NEETs, soiboys, incels, failed males, and closet fags REALLY have the answer to your question about women

>> No.19559370

>What else do women say when their boyfriend beats them?
I love you

>> No.19559401



>> No.19559418

>What else do women say when their boyfriend beats them?

They just sob.

>> No.19559438

You hit like a bitch is such a lazy cliche, I would avoid it

>> No.19559444


>> No.19559454

idk All the women In my family burst into banshee screams if you so much as slap them let alone beat them

>> No.19559456

My first serious gf back in highschool told me about how her dad beat her and then proceeded to try and antagonize me into punching her in the face while fucking her. She probably would have succeeded if we were not at her house and there would have been no way to explain away any physical damage away to her parents, she was being a real bitch and doing a great job of antagonizing my raging teenage hormones. She was a bit on the schizo side, hid it very well for a year or so, but it really came out in those last few months. Fairly certain the stories she told of her dad beating her were made up. She taught me how to spot crazy even when it is in hiding.

>> No.19559461

You should write "YES, FUCK ME UP, DADDY". Make the story about a self-destructive bitch who learns to love herself by the end of the book.

>> No.19559463

>implying we didn't all watch as our mom's new boyfriend beat the shit out of her

>> No.19559468

kek, based american

>> No.19559470

Please be shitposting
If you need to ask you do not need to be writing about domestic violence
Please don’t
To answer seriously, in general you don’t talk after

>> No.19559517

Did u get beaten anonette? Please share with us

>> No.19559560

You literally got this stupid idea from twitter.

>> No.19559569

Am an anon, as >>19559463 says 1+ people my mother dated hit her and it was literally the only times I’ve ever seen her voluntarily stop talking.
Got strangled once by one of them and also didn’t say anything for 12+ hours after. There’s a sort of forced dissociation.

>> No.19559601

Based, I will make sure our protagonist strangles this bitch to put an end to their argument. It will be like the tony soprano strangling Gloria scene.

Btw what brought it on? Did you mouth off?

>> No.19559617

I stood there once while my girlfriend slapped me in the face over and over again while I got angrier and angrier. I slapped her once and she just stood there shocked and stormed out, shaking.

>> No.19559648

I was napping near midday on a couch in a side room on a Saturday. Guy decided sleeping outside of my bed wasn’t okay and woke me up by dragging me by my hair onto the floor, chased me into my room and then choked me near unconsciousness. It was just groundless crazy person shit. I cried like a little bitch for hours desu.

>> No.19559714

How fucking retarded are you to think that even remotely resembles an abusive relationship

>> No.19559977
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>his woman is still talking after he beats her

What was the point of beating her then?

>> No.19560036

العلف والبذور

3B (Based beyond bewilderment)

>> No.19561451

What's your book about?

>> No.19561464

pic looks more like a cocaine nose bleed than a smack to the face

>> No.19561472

based experienced woman injury typologist

>> No.19561516

for your short story, sure
it's not like it would make it any worse, right?

>> No.19561713
File: 706 KB, 970x1600, 1639360788955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19561763

t. Tenda Spencer

>> No.19561783

I knew the art style looked familiar!
It’s Markydaysaid.
Do check him out, he’s pretty good, here’s a comic for the greekfags

>> No.19561793

How do you spot crazy then?

>> No.19561869

You should kill him

>> No.19561979


>> No.19562080

I dated a couple of girls who were victims of sexual assault and they were both into extreme rough stuff. They both watched porn openly but neither of them was slutty or even flirty.

I think survivors of that shit are just forced to process and try to take ownership of themselves. Sometimes they can end up just being repressed, sometimes they can end up becoming a stripper/porn star, sometimes they just reclaim that aspect of their lives and do crazy shit with someone they trust.