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/lit/ - Literature

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19559151 No.19559151[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am pleased to see an increase in Foucaultposting in recent days. Is /lit/ on its way to becoming an intellectual hub for postmodern right wing intellectuals?

>> No.19559167

leftypol has been raiding us again

>> No.19559199

>leftypol raiding lit
>making threads about a right wing philosopher
Yeah, nah

>> No.19559321

/lit/ is becoming the proverbial bathhouse of the nu-postmodern intelligentsia

>> No.19559334

I fear it's impossible to get over 4chan's fundamental americano-centrism, and in fine its manichean view of any critical author.

>> No.19559556

Leftypol hates Foucault because he was pro-freedom and against moralfaggots.
Marxism is just moralfaggotry at the state level

>> No.19559823

Literally nobody likes this guy. Stop shilling this retard.

>> No.19559831

>right wing
Checks out

>> No.19559849

im more of a modernist if anything
Baudrillard and Lacan are cool though

>> No.19559874

Your raid sucks leftypol

>> No.19559881

I’m reading Discipline and Punish now. Never read any of that philosophy or philosophy adjacent shot before. Even though a lot of it is boring or goes over my head, I’m really enjoying it. I just ordered The History of Sexuality. D&P has given me a different perspective even if I think Foucault stretches things too much at times (add joke)

>> No.19559907

I'm french like Foucault, AMA

>> No.19559930

How do you feel about age of consent laws?

>> No.19559932

Are you a faggot or a pedophile?

>> No.19559941

/lit/ and 4chan as a whole has always been postmodern. I doubt the majority of people here hold genuine right-wing opinions as much as they just enjoy opposing whatever becomes fashionable.

>> No.19559964

he just said he's french

>> No.19560002

/lit/ has a lot of monarchists.

>> No.19560022

>I'm French
>T. Algerian larper

>> No.19560026

So is postmodernism just contrarianism?

>> No.19560041

well if modernism is not contrarian then by definition it would have to be
or is that meta-modernism

>> No.19560046

No, not really. What the other anon meant is that 4chan rightism is just a simulacrum of actual rightism which is pretty postmodern.

>> No.19560060

Leftists hate him. Look how much he made chumpsky seethe. The biggest intellectual BTFOals against liberals in the second half of the 20th century are Skinner vs Chomsky (not live or man to man, Skinner won) and Foucault vs Chomsky. Foucault was redpilled on biopolitics, and predicted COVID-19 and enormous intrusions on personal freedom on part of medical and political authorities under the guise of public health in 'Naissance de la clinique'.

>> No.19560063

What does modernism and postmodernism mean?

>> No.19560065

when can i sleep with your wife again?

>> No.19560067

He could be a Moroccan. Don't be so ignorant.

>> No.19560071

Thanks Baudrillard, we can always count on your nonsense to ghost through a thread.

>> No.19560075

Maybe he's chechen?

>> No.19560080

Ring-wing and postmodern are not mutually exclusive, smoothbrain.

>> No.19560088

What a joke. None of that is true, anon. Read a book, I beg you.

>> No.19560110

True if by leftists you mean pro establishment liberals

>> No.19560143

>I’m such a 4chan contrarian I’m not a contrarian

>> No.19560221

You can't be pro-Enlightenment and anti-ZOG. Commies, Liberals, both agree in lockstep, the former just want Jews to give them jobs without having to go through the diploma mill first.

This. People see that Foucault was assfucking little boys in Algeria and don't see the tools that he was building.

>> No.19560241

Everything that was said is true and a book was cited, midwit. Here's a suggestion. Kill yourself.

>> No.19560608

Everyone loves young girls. Your ancestors probably fucked 15 year olds all the time + women at least 10 years younger than themselves. Grow a pair and stop being so oversocialized
Actually I'm Belgian. Just kidding about being french, hehe.
I'm Belgian so no of course not
You can't, I'm Belgian

>> No.19560665

>Everyone loves young girls. Your ancestors probably fucked 15 year olds all the time + women at least 10 years younger than themselves. Grow a pair and stop being so oversocialized
Careful, you're gonna trigger leftypol with this statement

>> No.19560681

Belgians are probably worse. I need to say no more than "Marc Dutroux."

>> No.19560736

How do you feel about Le Dîner de Cons? Do you eat mussels and frites every day?

>> No.19560824

Foucault's destruction of the concept of man through archaeological analysis of the western episteme helped me finally understand the Overman and made me believe in God again. Post-humanism is it bros...

>> No.19560890
File: 178 KB, 656x555, 1611694197809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does that even mean?

>> No.19560954

Hercule Poirot, motherfucker.

>> No.19561469

It has always been a back and fourth thing, maybe pomo is back in fashion...

>> No.19561501
File: 157 KB, 1196x1280, punch a deluzian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he will never NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR be popular with the right wing. he is a gay french man who died of aids lol, also responsible for the sjw plague of today

if the right is to embrace a postmodern frenchy it would be deleuze

>> No.19561530

>also responsible for the sjw plague of today
Which is strange, considering he would be staunchly against it.
Also, the right's rejection of his work is based on SJW-tier moralfaggotry

>> No.19562007

>he will never NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR be popular with the right wing. he is a gay french man who died of aids lol,
Right-wing intellectuals aren't the ones to make ad hominem arguments, let alone accept their validity, much less accept ad populum as a basis for right and wrong, another fallacy.
>also responsible for the sjw plague of today
>if the right is to embrace a postmodern frenchy it would be deleuze
Delusional. Deleuze is utter garbage, and isn't explicit or logical in his arguments. The opposite of right-wing. Cosmopolitan, obscurant, worthless appeals and midwit bastardizations. Of all the postmodernists, Deleuze has the least to offer to the right-wing.