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19558105 No.19558105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

One day you'll just die.
What the fuck.

>> No.19558108

Can't wait desu

>> No.19558139

You first

>> No.19558156

I have already committed metaphorical suicide. The lightning has already flashed now I am waiting for the bang.

>> No.19558173
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Gonna need some proof there m8
>but everyone in the past died
Yes and?

>> No.19558180

based and anti-induction pilled

>> No.19558183
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I hope it's quick and during my sleep. I don't wanna be 50 years old frail and weak, suffering from cancer and shitting the pieces of my guts with blood down the fucking loo. I have read a thread on /sci/ yesterday about the final stages of liver cancer. A hospice nurse said that in the last days he heard consistent scream of this elderly women even with the morphine injections. Ligotti once said in an interview that you have to go through tunnel of razers before your last breadth. I am a scared shirtless lads, this is what coming for all of us.

As Stoics and Cioran said the door is always open. I hope I could gather enough strength to blow my brains out before slowly rotting on a bed somewhere for years. I wish I was a nameless, unknown monk of long ago sitting in that cave somewhere with a mind as empty as newly dug grave. I wish I was never born.

>> No.19558187
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One day you'll have your organs replaced perennially and live forever.
What the fuck.

>> No.19558193

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.19558263
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I could die tomorrow. I could have a moment tomorrow where I know I'm about to die. I could have that cliched experience from movies where my entire life flashes before my eyes and I reflect on it. I have nothing that I look back on fondly, nothing I would miss, nobody I would miss, no happy memories. My life oscillates between dull monotony and unbearable mental torment. I have lived a tortured existence for as long as I can remember. An abusive, neglectful and loveless childhood, repeated shunning and ridicule from my peers, never accepted by anyone. Years of bootstrap pulling, whinging to therapists, pointless and futile attempts to change, hard work and effort with no reward. No relief. Only a looming, dark truth that I don't want to accept, that it has all been for nothing. That I have no way out of this hell I'm in, that I have been doomed from the day I was born to exist, suffer pointlessly and die. That death can come at any moment. It is that moment before my death that I fear, not death itself. I will finally have to accept the reality of my existence, the hope for a future where things are better will no longer be there for comfort. That moment terrifies me.

>> No.19558270

>One day you'll just die.
And I'm doing everything I can to speed up the process.

>> No.19558273

It's a prompt you dolt. It'll attract shitposters inevitably but so what?
OP read the Bible...Because we have eternal life bro.

>> No.19558275

why do pseuds pretend like it's a mind-blowing concept or anything? like yeah you'll die. so what?

>> No.19558280

me too, it's a comforting thought

>> No.19558313

Schopenhauer says that death for the individual is like night for those on earth; we might think that the sun is gone but it never ceases to exist.

>> No.19558322

Not literature you fucking ape, end yourself

>> No.19558332

kinda feel like this but trying to reverse it. I don't want to live like a coward. When you're waiting dor the bang you won't stop to notice the amazing opportunities within this life you were given.

>> No.19558347

feelsbadman. but you are the master of your mind so don't complain about the despair you brought upon yourself. cancer doesn't come from nothing you know what I'm sayin.

>> No.19558381


>> No.19558382

I don't fear death. For that state which we call "death" is nothing less than the womb of nothingness from which our life came from in the first place.
Death is coming home. Don't be scared about going back guys. You will be back. The journey will be hard and something other than on earth. But at least we won't have bodies over there. Nothing to weight us down and hurt. Disconnecting from our bodie is quite unpleasant but, in ideal cases, it happens quite fast.

>> No.19558384

>but you are the master of your mind
>the despair you brought upon yourself.
We're healthy and young right now but I can't imagine you making this statement when you will old, fragile, diseased and your mind will become a tomb of failures, good byes and losses that you have taken your whole life. Stare the eyes if old people sometimes when they're lost in thought and sitting in silence.

>> No.19558386

That's the best thing about life desu

>> No.19558403

crazy to think this simple realisation became a corner stone of 2500 years worth of seethe and cope

>> No.19558410

If you're religious you think you'll live forever. Imagine being so dumb you think a nightmare is salvation.

>> No.19558417

>we are healthy

thanks for the laugh m8

>> No.19558426

This. Eternal existence is absolutely terrifying idea, closely followed by eternal recurrence.

>> No.19558430

I am sorry for projection, anon.

>> No.19558435

Good. I will very happily make room for others. I consider it the highest form of empathy, to let others have their say in life as well. I also consider it the height of selfishness to want to live forever

>> No.19558461

Death is liberating in a way because it solves every problem. Knowing my enemies will join me in the void, even after victory, makes it much sweeter.

>> No.19558469


>> No.19558532

I don't know that I know

>> No.19558538

And that's a good thing!

>> No.19558548

thanks for the (you)
I live to avoid regret and bitterness. That's why I'm not getting vaxxed. I'd rather die than be part of the system of the antichrist. Note that I don't identify as a christian but am influenced heavily by christianity and use their language and concepts.
Sounds like you still regret things and fear to regret decisions you will have made upon your path. Just consider that failure and despair arr a part of life if you wamt them to be or not. Better accept and learn to love what you are given than rage against your own being your whole life.

>> No.19558554

yeah anon gl

>> No.19558564

No you won't, you will maybe be sick, but you will never die, you will live forever, that has been proven.

>> No.19558570


>> No.19558640

What people mean by so called acceptance is not trying to think about them. Whenever that thought come up you ignore. This coldness is no better than rage. These are rather minor. The tyrant here is the body, the flesh which is the disease of bones. This creaturely decay, pain makes my blood boil from extreme fear and rage.

>> No.19558644

it's only been written down for that long

>> No.19558650

God I wish

>> No.19558659

Today I was thinking about this and for the first time I thought that I'd be OK with it. Not because of suiidal tendencies but because I think I have tapped into the solution to life, and no matter what I accomplish in the rest of my life I have already fulfilled my purpose.
Not that I'd like to die. I wouldn't like that, I would be scared and distressed about dying. But I would die knowing that my job is done.

>> No.19558695

>a nightmare
4 u

>> No.19558739
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greg stop

>> No.19558788

There’s only so much bullshit a man can or should tolerate in this life.

>> No.19558798

It brings me joy to experience this terrifying series of events enfolding called life. It is traumatic in nature but still my joy is no madness. It comes from the lord within. I am in his hands and thus his wisdom flows into me. And knowledge of the vastness of creation does not make me nihilistic but gives me eternal joy since I am one with this univerese and this is where we go after death. We are emerging out of god and we go back to him. But after the renewal of the holy spirit in the soul we lust after adventourous living once again.

Enjoy it my friend.

>> No.19558825


>> No.19558850

Right. Life vs. death is bullshit. Mobility, on the other hand, decreases with age, both in body and in spirit. Furthermore, you only have so many years to form your reputation, and that cannot profane your spirit, but it can hurt your body. There is only so much wealth and honor before you realize what wealth and honor are. To be honored means to be taken at your word, and that can only mean your word is a prison for the body! Your word cannot affect your spirit, unless you speak heresy. I wonder what God does with the heretics..I haven't a clue! Oh well, I can only carry on.

>> No.19558856

Mobility of spirit is heresy. Mobility cannot constrain spirit, nor age.

>> No.19558868

how crusty

>> No.19558871
File: 118 KB, 1080x1336, F7DCEDD6-4934-42BD-B26D-34D37C3E983A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably wont get cancer at the age of 50. That is still relatively young. Also no need to blow your brains out. Recently in Sweden a capsule was created where you get in, nitrogen puts you to sleep and you peacefully pass away.

In case of intense pain you can always be sedated (sleep) and dont feel anything. You wont wake up again though.
If that is the case why are you still alive? Speeding up the process would mean suicide.
Killing your self before getting too old is an option.

>> No.19558895

>"If to describe a misery were as easy as to live through it!"

Cioran, Anathemas and Admirations

>> No.19558914

Why is it such a universally accepted idea that dying is a "bad" thing? We have no idea what happens after we die. Maybe death is better than life? Yet things like suicide are universally and cross-culturally seen as tragic, horrible, sad etc. I mean for all we know people who commit suicide could be just spending less time on this planet and they don't have to suffer as much as the rest of us who decide to stick it out. I'm not saying suicide is good, I don't think it is, but I do find it interesting on how it is just universally accepted as a bad thing.

>> No.19558919

non-empirically provable claim
eat grass

>> No.19558939


>> No.19558999

Growing old is more terrifying than death and it's insane to me that nobody talks about it. At least nobody I ever heard of. People are simply expected to live as long as they biologically can, fighting for seconds even as geezers, as if years are a score in a videogame of life. In our culture, and I mean global, human culture, there's a notion that the importance of existing precedes the important of existing gracefully. That suicide is more terrible than a terrible life. Even a suggestion to the contrary is seen as monstrous. But to lose yourself, bit by bit, all things that made you - you, is it not what's truly mostrous? To wake up weaker and dumber each morning, having lost some more precious memories, knowledge slipping out of your mind as shit is slipping past your sphincter. To lower expectations, down and more, till a successful climb up the staircase gives you a humiliating shot of dopamine and remembering your mother's birthday is a proudful moment. Death, by comparison, is a swift and decisive swing of a guillotine.

>> No.19559157

about what?

>> No.19559181
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I agree. It reminds me of this quote by Leopardi:

Death is not an evil, because it frees us from all evils, and while it takes away good things, it takes away also the desire for them. Old age is the supreme evil, because it deprives us of all pleasures, leaving us only the appetite for them, and it brings with it all sufferings. Nevertheless, we fear death, and we desire old age.

Learning to die is also part of life, yet people run away from this truth and hang on to life as much as they can.

>> No.19559196

There are countries where euthanasia is legal, I'm a european and there are many cases where people have travelled to Belgium because they were not allowed to legally end their own lives here. People living with horrible painful disabilities for example. I think most people would accept that people can be in such horrible suffering that the merciful thing to do would be to let them die or help them die. We seem to readily accept it with animals, putting a cat or a horse out of its misery is universally acceptable but to do the same thing to a human is considered a step too far in most cultures.

>> No.19559209

thank god. this thought comforts me because i hate life

>> No.19559213

Yes, and it's an empowering fact. Knowing that one day the suffering will permanently end makes me able to endure enormous amounts of it.