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19558019 No.19558019 [Reply] [Original]

1. Less Than Zero is narrated by Clay

2. RoA is narrated primarily by Patrick Bateman's brother and a girl and a gay guy + Patrick Bateman has a single chapter near the end + Clay has a single chapter which parodies LtZ better than DFW was able to

3. American Psycho mocks RoA in the opening chapter + Paul from RoA appears staring at Bateman b/c he looks like Sean + Tim Price (Justin Theroux from the AP film) appears in multiple chapters of The Informers

4. Glamorama is narrated by Victor, a character with 2 chapters in RoA + He dies in the last 1/6 of the book most people miss this + Mentions Lauren, one of the main narrators from RoA: “Lauren Hynde died in … December 1985 … in a car accident … outside Camden, New Hampshire.” (Right after RoA ends lol)

5. The Informers... doesn't matter... Tim Price + someone from LtZ are main + Sean Bateman from RoA is mentioned

6. Lunar Park is about fictionalized Ellis and loops in all his previous books + someone imitating murders from AP

7. Imperial Bedrooms is a different Clay from LtZ + claims LtZ the novel was written by someone else + mocks the movie's connection to reality + is self-contained to the LtZ characters

Did I miss anything

>> No.19558027

>Did I miss anything
You missed the reason why I should care.

>> No.19558041

Ellis is a total hack.

>> No.19558066

>RoA actually deep and links in characters
lol yeah you missed a lot

>> No.19558075

Stop posting this. What do you think is going to happen?

>> No.19558096

I have to validate all the hours I wasted reading BEE somehow.

>> No.19558104


>> No.19559561


>> No.19561286


>> No.19561842

You need to deepen your analysis of his work as fanfiction.

>> No.19561886

like fanfiction of himself?

>> No.19561924

Stephen King and Sanderson does it better
Interesting movie thanks to Avery. One of the worst books I ever read

>> No.19561926

No that his entire work is Sparkle horn the magical pony dragon for a rich gay elite college cunt.

>> No.19562031

Avery is pretty cool

>elite college
LOL what
What does this matter?

>> No.19562044

I liked the bit where the chick wants to lose her virginity and wants everything to be just perfect and then she just loses it one night at a party to some drunk idiot who throws up all over her. Hilarious.

>> No.19562145

>LOL what
As opposed to party colleges.
>What does this matter?
If you can't see how BEE's class position is continuously emphasised, from the vampire pedophiles in his short stories, through to Bateman slumming it as a mere executive when he is independently wealthy.

>> No.19562273

He's just a whiny rich homosexual. Why do you faggots make such a big deal?

>> No.19562294

Because the big deal is the basis of literary criticism for fucks sake. Without investing in a detailed analysis how would we know that Bateman is not in fact psychotic, but is merely becoming psychotic to fit in. Much like the bohos in the first chapter, Bateman is "rich cunt punking."

That's the whole fucking point of murdering the author and gutting the work, to eat the kidneys fried and the liver raw.

Jesus fuck do you read for plot?

>> No.19562348

bee is a shit writer and you are a shit faggot

>> No.19562354

Did I ever say he was not a shit writer?

>> No.19562627

RoA is primarily narrated by Sean who is Patrick's brother

>> No.19562699

>Interesting movie thanks to Avery. One of the worst books I ever read
The movie is good but it deviates from the book too much. The book is far darker and the characters in the book are far less likeable. But it became a romantic comedy primarily. It's a good movie I guess but it fails to capture the energy of the book.

>> No.19562759

Dont care, but how are the sex scenes? Any memorable pervy shit, like underage urethral sounding with slivers of wax or riding defibrilated cock? Or was that from this other dudes books? Cant really tell them apart.

>> No.19562842

>He dies in the last 1/6 of the book
when exactly

>> No.19563906


>> No.19563917

So if your college isn't a party college it's an elite college? That doesn't make any sense.

>class position
What class position is BEE in? =^)

>> No.19563926

Ellis said it's the only movie to capture the spirit of one of his books.

But yeah it's missing the grinding and uncomfortable darkness, even with the suicide scene.