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/lit/ - Literature

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19557908 No.19557908 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19557911


>> No.19557912

ugly, retarded pic. sage this thread and let it die so we can have a better OP.

>> No.19557925
File: 145 KB, 1081x1080, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind is light, body is nimble.

I recognize I am excited, everything is a System.

>> No.19558004

What books would you recommend for someone considering suicide? Or alternatively, someone who might not commit suicide but had resigned themselves to misery and disappointment until death takes them?

>> No.19558023

You diary desu

>> No.19558032

the bible

>> No.19558048

Same shit every thread man

>> No.19558055

Cut the bullshit and absorb every aphorism in The Trouble with Being Born

>> No.19558058
File: 195 KB, 1280x894, 4853C9FE-55A4-429B-A9A5-380EC840CFF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragonball mad
Jimmy Dore has video evidence


>> No.19558087

Do you think great literature can still be made?

>> No.19558094

What’s your idea of great literature?

>> No.19558127

Not the reddit-tier shit you write, subhuman tripfaggot kill yourself immediately

>> No.19558138

What's worse, Butterfly or people who seethe at all of Butterfly's posts?

>> No.19558145

I didn’t ask what you read on a daily basis.
I asked what you/that poster thinks is great literature. No answer? Stfu.

>> No.19558148
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>I served a total of seven years in prison. Now, when I try to separate that first year—plus that I spent at Charlestown, it runs all together in a memory of nutmeg and the other semi-drugs, of cursing guards, throwing things out of my cell, balking in the lines, dropping my tray in the dining hall, refusing to answer my number—claiming I forgot it—and things like that.
>I preferred the solitary that this behavior brought me. I would pace for hours like a caged leopard, viciously cursing aloud to myself. And my favorite targets were the Bible and God. But there was a legal limit to how much time one could be kept in solitary. Eventually, the men in the cellblock had a name for me: "Satan." Because of my antireligious attitude.

>> No.19558167

Civilization is going to completely collapse because of climate change, and without the resources which we had available the first time around, ever achieving this level of technology becomes impossible.

Things are looking quite grim

>> No.19558196
File: 2.07 MB, 1483x1719, C1CB0B48-EA34-4746-A0FA-068228EF6AB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civilization is going to completely collapse because of climate change
Resource depletion more than anything. Extinction is becoming more likely because of climate change.
We must conserve and strategize, but we can’t do that when the prime imperative is to serve state-capitalism or “civilization” as you call it. Its collapse can’t come soon enough. Quite grim indeed.

>> No.19558231
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What did I post last night? Holy shit. I'm on a list now.

>> No.19558232


>> No.19558234

>I'm on a list now.
And that's something to be proud of. It means it's working (my demonic rhetoric)

>> No.19558388

People don't want to be around me because I see the truth. People need to escape from the truth as much as possible, regardless of whatever route they take. Heavy drink and drug use, living vicariously through sports stars, video games, porn, work, gossiping about other people, social media, fantasy sports. Anything to avoid the existential terror of reality. People want to be around other people who make them feel good. Who indulge their stupidity. Who listen to their drivel. Who entertain them like a dancing monkey. Socialising is a reciprocal give and take dance of making each other feel good, even if that's by wallowing in their own misery and self pity. I think happiness is achieved by an effective avoidance strategy of having to cope with reality. I think happiness and an awareness of truth are mutually exclusive.

Please acknowledge my pseudo-intellectual nonsense rambling with a response so I can get a dopamine hit in my monkey brain from someone acknowledging my existence

>> No.19558420

I did not like your post at all.

>> No.19558434

I agree

>> No.19558441

Your fundamental presupposition of what truth is makes the rest of your post redundant, speculative, and subjective as all get out. While I mostly agree with you, the way it's all phrased makes me think you have autism.

>> No.19558447

You sound obnoxious but you're not entirely wrong. A lot of people are just looking to be in a perpetual state of distraction.

>I think happiness is achieved by an effective avoidance strategy of having to cope with reality. I think happiness and an awareness of truth are mutually exclusive.

This is depressive cope without even needing to talk about your use of truth.

>> No.19558456

I thought I had autism too to the point where I went to a psychiatrist and he screened me for it, he said I didn't. Which surprised me.

>> No.19558494

Well, it probably isn't autism, I was just throwing it out there as a joke. Your post itself shows an understanding of empathy and social relations which is normally the part that makes autism funny because autists don't get that bit. You seem to, but have had such a while ride of spiteful dehumanizing existence in whatever little part of the world you live, that you can't go beyond those things to find contentment in the human experience. I think life sucks too, brah, I empathize. Many people say I use too many big words to explain why everything is awful and that books have just made me better able to articulate the doldrum hate that resides deep inside me. It's part of the reason I don't want to go to some sort of therapist or psychologist. What's a diagnosis of schizoeffective, adhd, or depression really going to do for me? Does a diagnosis change my material conditions? Does a diagnosis erase from my brain all the time spent reading zizek, sarte, or marx? Will a diagnosis get me back to a place of childlike innocence? If it can't then there's no point. The abnormal thoughts, feelings, and emotions are are derived from my environment and what I've consumed, I am at fault for my biological failures at this point in the game, it's not just something you can tag and give pills for because the onset wasn't because my office job sucks or I can't make friends, it's from a horrid existential crisis of the human condition.

All that aside, you really should go hang out with your friends bro.

>> No.19558503

Why I cant seem to bring up my desires from subconsciousness into the light of consciousness? I do believe that I want something deep down in my heart but something is stopping me. No idea how to confront it. Am I just a completely broken person?

>> No.19558507
File: 127 KB, 1000x667, sa-kabineinnen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could rim her.

>> No.19558509

Is your current desire not simply the desire to desire something? If that's the case, of course it would be the hardest thing to satiate.

>> No.19558521

Truth is corrosive. "People can't stand too much reality." - Carl Jung

>> No.19558523

I think we live in a confusing and stifling time. It often appears, to me at least, that destiny has abandoned us entirely.

>> No.19558535

I've really enjoyed watching shitty TV like Buffy and Angel, not just because of the escapism from existential dread the other poster talked about, but because the good seasons are pre 9/11 and have to do with prophecies and otherworldly beings just chillin'.

Hot take: Buffy got shitty when she graduated highschool and buffy was the worst character in buffy.

>> No.19558550

I guess it does sound similar to desire to desire something with complete passion. am I just a weak person for not having this or theres a blockage somewhere in the flow of libido?

>> No.19558556

de Troyes, von Eschenbach, Dante, Goethe, Milton, Hugo, etc.

I think there exist some bright spots here and there, but there doesn’t seem to me more than just a very few figures of this stature since about 1800, none since 1900.

>> No.19558573


>> No.19558586

If I could do my life over, I think I know how I’d do it.

>> No.19558594


>> No.19558598

I think your material conditions and social life have restricted your exposure to the vast amount of experiences one can have as part of the human condition. You are decoupled from the direct social relation. Becoming a master at a game like poker or mahjong means nothing if you have no one to play with. Creating the most realistic oil painting wouldn't matter without someone else to look at it. To make a feast means nothing without friends to feast with.

This social disassociation isn't purely your fault. There are likely things you could do to strengthen bonds with others like it's a persona game, but much of the truth is that our current technological society is structured in such a way that it pretends to make us all closer, but we are all now more isolated than we have ever been before. For example, why are you opening your heart out to me, a stranger on the internet that, to you, is just text? Why aren't you doing this with your best friend, in person, over some beers? Why am I distracting myself from the obligations of life by giving a stranger some advice he will never listen to? It is both our faults for continuing participation in this listless cyberspace simulacra, but it's also all the outside factors that have lead us to this point that we are not in control of.

On a slightly different note but on the same vein, you should go watch the new beatles documentary on Disney. To see one of the greatest artistic groups of modern history just sit around and shitpost, like I have done before, was the most humanizing experience. To see what I once thought of as Gods as just people who create just like me, gave me a strange solace.

>> No.19558628

It takes a long time

>> No.19558700

>Why aren't you doing this with your best friend, in person, over some beers?
I remember doing this a couple of times with multiple people but it didnt help. Perhaps we were too different after all.
>giving a stranger some advice he will never listen to?
I think I'll give it a shot and watch the Beatles documentary even if the initial thought is that it will crush me even harder. Coming up with great stuff so seemingly easy when I struggle with the most basic questions.
Im already hitting 30 soon.

>> No.19558710

>I think I'll give it a shot and watch the Beatles documentary even if the initial thought is that it will crush me even harder. Coming up with great stuff so seemingly easy when I struggle with the most basic questions.
The documentary is about the time right before they break up. It isn't all roses, but it does capture the wonderful times of creation with friends. I miss when I used to have band practice, it was much like that, but now I'm old (30) and work 70 hours a week at a law firm.

You'll find something, friend.

>> No.19558717

Antifa and leftists in general would do well to stop looking like this if they actually want people on their side.

>> No.19558727

Them not acting like imbeciles would help, as well.

>> No.19558740

The World as Will and Representation. Alternatively (or additionally) The Portable Jung

>> No.19558750

They have the backing of the media, the government, and the education system. They can look however they want, and they'll still win.

>> No.19558751

>I'm already hitting 30 soon.

Causes me to question how you've lived your life to go this long without communing with yourself, especially if you are intentionally trying to by way of meditation or whatever.

>> No.19558752

I hope more introspection will help.

>> No.19558755

Truth is absolutely beautiful. The moment you realize the truth is a moment of ecstasy. You have not seen the truth.

>> No.19558773
File: 26 KB, 220x325, 220px-Complete_Manual_of_Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try picrel. Aside from anime, suicide is Japan's next biggest export; they've been committing suicide since before westerners realized you could kill yourself.

>> No.19558778

I feel like I lived by choosing the least worst option out of two but never by making a fully conscious doubtless choice when it came to major life decisions. I tried spending time by myself and involving with others but nothing changed. Heart remained silent.

>> No.19558793

Anon, what do you like to do? Not just what you fill your time with, but over the past 30 years when have you glimpsed that moment of joy from the culmination of something you worked on? What do you make? What things do you make happen?

>> No.19558804

The Last Messiah is a brutal essay

>> No.19558817

Ive been recently wondering how I came to be so socially isolated and wasted my youth. Then I remember a dozen instances in which I was a sperg or ass hole and drove people away. Real fucking shame. I dug my own hole bros and now I'm too old to get out of it

>> No.19558822

The seethers desu

>> No.19558827

Try getting on a plan and see what happens. If you get anally probed then you're on a list. If no one cares you're fine

>> No.19558829

Sounds like you're maturing. Most people would be too driven by pride and ego to admit something like that.

>> No.19558837

if you worked on a project and had too do all the work did you snitch or just let it be?
I cant really see any benefit beyond petty revenge to flunk them

>> No.19558862

What do I like to do? This is a very tough question because when I think about it, the things I do now are only being done out of necessity or just mindless habit. There were an instance where I finished uni despite taking an academic leave and no one believed that I'd return and finish the degree. I do take a joy in my willpower and succeeding against all odds (despite the whole uni thing being the biggest mistake in my life and essentialy complete burning me). Now I just wait for a miracle to happen because I tried things like therapy, antidepressants, meditation, sports, living on my own but nothing helped in the long run.

>> No.19558877

Well it's not really much a consolation tbdesu. I'm pretty bitter about all the wasted years and I'm functionally retarded from years of isolation

>> No.19558941

Sounds like you never stuck with anything. I have this terrible habit where I get into something and get decent enough at it where I hit the first plateau. Where you get to that point where the pareto principle kicks in. I'm better than 80% of people because they don't know what they are doing but there's 20% that crushes me. It's happened in almost everything I've done and that hard work at something I know will never amount to anything just to get good at it always scares me off. I get good enough at billiards, mahjong, a dumb video game, etc, I stop liking it because I just hit a wall. With art it was the same. I had a photography show, but none of my work would ever be as good as the greats or even other people in my city, why bother. I had a band and we wrote songs and it was fun, but I know for a fact that even the shitty dive bar bands are better than us. I've written stories and been published, but as soon as I hit that goal I gave up. Don't even get me started on the failure that is my graphic design or drawing background. It's fucking awful. I just move onto the next thing. Learning the fundamentals of the game or the medium until I hit a point where the return on investment isn't very good. I truly am a master of none. I can't even play a song at a campfire anymore because I forgot all the old country classics when I stopped playing. In mahjong soul I'm trapped in the high ranking rooms I got to before, but I'm not that good anymore so I keep losing. After my art show everyone wanted me to do their weddings which was the exact opposite of what I was doing.

I always think, what if I had just stuck with one thing? What if instead of jumping from one thing to another I had just forced myself to be good at something? Would my life really be any different if I had stuck with it? Would I not just be another cog in the capitalist wheel trying to make money from something that was once fun or expressive?

>> No.19558954

Use it as blackmail to have that lazy person do nonacademic things for you. They probably have drugs or friends or both. Basically keep it as a favor in the future, but make sure they know about it before the assignment is finished.

>> No.19558985

Fair enough. Maybe you are exactly where you need to be in your life? Maybe those years weren't wasted? Maybe everything that happened in your life needed to happen for you to develop self-awareness and maturity?

I am part of a 12 step program and I have listened to old men who have suffered more than I thought possible. Childhoods of neglect, sexual abuse followed by decades of alcoholism, prostitutes, poverty, drug addiction, getting a family and a good job and then losing everything and repeating the cycle. Some people who are now sober a long time say they are grateful for everything that happened in their lives, good and bad, as it allows them to appreciate the peace of mind and serenity that they have in their lives. If you haven't suffered in life, how can you appreciate the good times? The idea that life is suffering is a universal truth across all major religions, it's stated explicitly in Buddhism and implied implicitly in others. We all suffer, some more than others, all in different ways. Don't be under the impression that everyone else has it figured out either because they don't. For years I felt I was a special kind of useless and miserable and that everyone else had everything figured out, that nobody else suffered as much as I did. That was a load of bullshit. Don't know if this will help anyone or not but hey.

>> No.19558990

Is there even a way to somehow "feel" the great area, the talent field of yours without stumbling in the dark? A little bit of everything is nothing great in anything.

>> No.19559050

I'm not exactly sure the question, if you could rephrase it that would be great, but I'm not sure I ever 'felt' it? All the projects I listed were a totality of years. You don't suddenly get good at mahjong, you get good with every game played, every round played, every tile played. You read a book one page and one word at a time. A song is one word and chord, etc. All these as little side things I'd do for fun, rotating them in and out like an all you can eat buffet, and each of these experiences would eventually culminate in something (art show, live show, design on a shirt, a pyrrhic victory, etc) that would cause me to give up. Like a goal was reached and none of the other goals relating to that thing people were offering was really worth it. Who wants to go from a post post modernist art show to dealing with bridezillas? Who wants to get something published and then be told what to write? Who wants to play a game that doesn't even bring you joy anymore?

It may be that I've just set the book down at the end of chapter 3 and never bothered to finish it because I just bought some other newer book.

That's also an awful habit of mine, I'll read the first 60 pages of a book in an evening and not pick it up again for years. Every night is a new beginning that will never end.

>> No.19559065

I would certainly agree in some ways. I figure there's something of a paradox about maturity. You can't learn the lessons you need to know without first making all the mistakes by which you need to learn them. Thats why I think it's always hollow when people say "I wish I could go back knowing what I know now."
I was baptized a few years ago and often take comfort in Romans 8:27 "All things work together for good to those who love God,"
I often would tell myself that I am exactly where God wanted me to be. I lean toward a soft determinism and like to think God arranges all the situations in our lives to develop parts of us that He foreknew would be weak otherwise. But that mindset is always at odds with a more nihilist feeling I get. Sometimes I think suffering is just suffering. There is no greater meaning to it. It just happens by incident and we have no recourse in it. The burden of that suffering is a lifelong yoke and a person just has to accept it for what it is and get on. From this viewpoint all talk about gratitude for the lessons learned are just cope. A loss is a loss and can never be regained.
It isn't that the latter mindset is a preference. It just assaults my mind from time to time and embitters me. It's difficult to overcome.

>> No.19559106

Thats the stigma of me being an ESL, not being able to phrase the questions in an understandable way. What I meant by "feel" is how to understand in an intuitive way in what area one might be good at? Do you really need to take the list with every possible thing and just try everything?

>> No.19559136

I think there is a possibility that you could be genetically and socially predisposed to being great at something your culture would never expose you to. What if you were supposed to be good at that Mayan Ball Game where you hit the ball with your hips? We will never know because we will never be in a position to know. I think some introspection on how you were raised and what features of the body and mind you adapt quickly to, and an inventory of the skills you already possess would be a good start. There has to be some calculus to do that would get you to something you would probably be good at and enjoy within our current material conditions, I think finding that thing is probably difficult, and I also bet that even if you found it there would be no alarm going off to let you know you found it.

>> No.19559222

>even if you found it there would be no alarm going off to let you know you found it.
I think thats the biggest problem to me. I have very hard time registering subtle things like this. Maybe Im not doing introspection in the right effective way.

>> No.19559236

/sffg/ has been unusable garbage for months now

>> No.19559770

I'm hitting a wall at 30. I have a slowly-growing balding spot on my crown and it's getting harder to keep weight off my middle, even though I look fit otherwise. Random parts of my body are rebelling: I have a hemorrhoid, a vein recently burst in my thigh and the bruise is spectacular, etc. I measured my dick for the first time in a while the other day and it's exactly 7", and while I know I should be happy about that, I've been programmed by coombrain activity for too long and see myself as small.

I recognize that it's all in my head, though, and all fixable. If I go balding, just shave my head. I'm handsome and I'll look fine with a shaved head, a beard, and my glasses. Especially if I'm more muscular (I'm 6'4"). Losing fat from my midriff, going from skinnyfat to cut, will make me feel better about my appearance and help me feel better about my dick, too. I graduate from Uni next week and my wife said she doesn't mind me using some of my newfound free time to go to the gym three days a week, so I'm going to start doing that.

So I'll be eating healthier and going to the gym, consistently, for the first time in years. I'm prepared to shave my head. I've been reading my bible for about 20 minutes a day lately and I'm going to up that number now that school's out. That covers my body and my spirit. The last thing to bolster is my mind. I need to finally detox from porn. I go for a few weeks, if I'm lucky, then relapse for a day. My wife doesn't know. I've gotten a lot better, but I need to make the final push. God will help me, has helped me. Doing that will help my brain go back to normal.

In sum, I have a lot of things I need to fix in order to be happy and content with myself in life. But thankfully, for the most part, they're fixable or not that big of a problem. I just need to stop thinking like my life is over whenever the latest hot chick to get hired at my work doesn't fawn over me anymore.

>> No.19559781

Realizing how important your birth and early adult years are should it turn out that you have ambition whatsoever.

>> No.19559885

I've read a fair bit on South Africa before and after apartheid and I have mixed feelings about it. I have mixed feelings about racial segregation in general actually.

I feel that segregated races are the only real way to achieve racial harmony. When I look at the United States, post-segregation, I think it's fair to say that racial integration has led to increased tensions, bad blood, and violence. Police brutality (often white-on-black), the BLM riots, etc, I think the root conflict is just that these two races, White and Black, will always hate/fear one another. We can try to mask it, we can force integration, we can uplift the Blacks above the Whites via media and the like. But at the end of the day the conflict remains.

Now, you might raise the point that life before racial segregation, in both the USA and South Africa, was quite terrible for Blacks and Black Africans. I agree with that, but I disagree with the argument that segregation and apartheid were the causes of this. I think the real problem was that the people in charge of setting up these systems deliberately chose to give worse conditions to Blacks. They were racists, to be blunt. If apartheid and segregation had been done without racists in charge (in other words, in good faith), I think they would have led to the best outcomes for all races, and national prosperity.

What set this post off was reading about the Bantustans. I recognize that these places were bad, but I don't think the idea of Bantustans were bad. If I was in charge of America today I would create a White Bantustan, a Black Bantustan, a Hispanic Bantustan, etc. I feel like doing so would lessen racism and alleviate fears of ethnic replacement and conflict.

What do you guys make of it? Do you think that a "segregation in good faith" is possible? Is it something we should strive towards? If not, why?

>> No.19559896

Does /lit/ approve of fanfiction?

>> No.19559954

Awful OP image, Butterfly. You are such an instinctive authoritarian for all your aping at anarchism. All you want to do is impose your own tastes on others. Why wouldn't you instinctively tend toward a /lit/ related image that everyone can enjoy, when creating what amounts to the general communal forum of /lit/? You're just as bad as the DBZ poster in your own way if you continue to post these niche images nobody but you enjoys. The nature photos were a good compromise.

>> No.19560012

Yes. Entirely. I don't speak for the board but I've read some really good 30k+ word novels on AO3 and FF.net.

>> No.19560070

Why do leftists turn into jordan Peterson when talking to incels(that is, when they aren't saying that they should be locked up or euthanized)? They seem to talk about personal responsability being 'muh neolibrulizm' and then go about saying that the reason why an incel cannot get a mate is because he basically doesn't apply himself, isn't being enough of a feminist, misogyny is the sole reason, or that he needs to improve himself. So what gives? Where is the whole socio-economic analysis or psychologizing?

>> No.19560096

I wasn't sure whether this person I matched with on a dating app was a woman or a "woman" based on an eyeball test of facial structure. But she says she's 5'1" tall; that's a promising sign because no man is that short and if they are they're basically a woman anyway. Right?

>> No.19560101

really not doing well bros. the paranoia just keeps getting worse and worse. i find myself immobilized by fear on a daily basis. the world feels alien and evil. i think i'm gonna fucking vomit

>> No.19560116

Start finasteride 1mg a day. Cheap and it will stop your hair loss progressing any further. Hair transplants are also an option.

I'd recommend a 12 step group for sex / porn addiction. I was like you for years, could not stop watching porn. These groups helped me to stop and stay stopped. You're already religious and you're married which will probably help as I'm assuming you want a monogomous relationship with no sex outside of marriage. Personally i'm in Sexaholics anonymous and it has changed my life.

>> No.19560128

Can relate. Seek professional help if you haven't already.

>> No.19560165

i've been to a lot of therapists and was on antidepressants for a while but it all just made me feel worse
and i don't wanna take antipsychotics or whatever it is they prescribe for paranoia because i'm afraid that maybe i'm right to feel this way and it's trying to tell me something very important. maybe this is a valuable faculty that i shouldn't turn off, you know? but at the same time it's painful to the point of being unbearable

>> No.19560181

>only 30k+ words

>> No.19560188

Just remember it's all the "zone" you're in, not anything you are seeing through the filter of the zone. When you're in that zone, a fucking loaf of bread will seem menacing and alien, and your own brother seems like he has an ulterior motive when he says "what's up bro."

I have been so deep in that zone I DID vomit and I have known people who were so deep they had a psychotic episode, and yet they and I are fine now because we're not in the zone and the zone is transitory. Maybe we'll be in the shit zone again here and there, maybe we'll need some professional help to deal with it, but no matter what, it's transitory. Don't give it power by taking it more seriously than that.

Imagine if you had a condition where once in a while your dream state took over your waking state, and you thought while awake the way you would think in a dream. Maybe this lasts a few days or a week. Would it suck, since you are basically out of commission? Yes. But would it define you? No, you'd think "welp I'd better chill for this week and not let these deluded thoughts run away with me."

But yeah you need outside help, you need anchors to reality. Remember reality is always out there and it's just the zone you're in that's fucked. Reality is nice and solid and boring.

>> No.19560237

but what if it's fucking real? what if boring solid reality is a comforting lie i'm telling myself that will have disastrous consequences?

>> No.19560271

Why would reality "give itself" in the form of illusion, if we mean illusion in the sense of having no relation to "true" reality? Obviously the everyday prosaic world people interact with is far more mysterious than we generally think about, especially average everyday people. But the best way to study that is actually to stay close to the structures of the real world as it immediately appears, so you can learn their contours and what they tell us about underlying reality. That's the method of every platonist metaphysician, mystic, every theologian, every metaphysical scientist, and even in some ways every workaday scientist.

You can't abandon reality if you want to understand it. All that does is make you another crazy guy ranting on a street corner. Giving in to paranoid and delusional thinking is NOT penetrating beyond the surface appearances, it's giving in to the surface of things in the most radical way. Have you listened to a crazy person talk, someone past the point of no return? All they do is "dream" out loud, endlessly shifting associations that don't mean anything to anyone, not even to themselves since they forget them half a second later.

The general sense of unreality you have right now may be a natural part of the human condition, but it's in an OVERACTIVE and deluded state. It's like saying "the waking world isn't what it seems, therefore I should take a massive dose of drugs and be perpetually in a haze." You need to have your feet planted firmly on the ground if you want to stare up at the sky and wonder deeply. Don't confuse your feet for your head.

>> No.19560284

People today dont have a holistic self. They've compartmentalized ideologies which they switch between in application.

>> No.19560330

Some Christmas music, touching...

>> No.19560449

alright i've calmed down. still not taking the meds. i can't possibly trust my senses and "sound reasoning" to understand the world, and it would be dangerous to cripple this other mode of thought with pharmaceuticals
i'll just have to learn to live with the pain

>> No.19560457

Do you have health insurance? I was able to go to a mental health facility for a few weeks and it helped me, covered by my insurance. I needed more help than an hour a week with a therapist. There are a lot of different factors one needs to look at when it comes to depression.

>medication - I'm genetically pre-disposed to depression, mental illness is rampant on my mothers side of the family. There is a biological component as to why I feel so depressed that is outside of my control. I get so bad that I am immediately into extremely negative thinking before I even open my eyes in the morning and can't get out of bed. Medication helps me to dampen the negative thoughts and at least get me out of bed.

>social environment - I come from a very dysfunctional family, a narcissistic father and a bipolar mother. My home house is constant chaos, fighting, tension, arguing. I have very low self esteem and tend to attract the wrong kinds of people in my life. Shitty friends, manipulative ex-girlfriends, etc. These things are all going to make depression worse. Of course isolation is also not good but it is better to be alone than in bad company. Trying to start new hobbies AFTER you have gotten the the stage where you can at least get out of bed helps.

>unaddressed addictions - you likely watch porn and spend a long time on the internet. Have you tried stopping these behaviours, even for a week? If you try to stop and you genuinely can't then youre probably addicted. 4chan can be a cesspit of negativity which is going to crater your mood. I know I shouldn't even be here, im isolating with covid and in a hole myself right now. There are 12 step groups that deal with porn / sex and internet addiction that have been a big help to me. When I stop watching porn and spending hours on the internet I tend to feel much better about myself.

>physical looks - do you take care of yourself? have good hygiene? take pride in your appearance? Even taking the actions of taking care of yourself is sending yourself the message that you are someone worth taking care of. Brush your teeth, get some nice looking clothes that fit you, get a skin care and hair routine, go to the gym (if you can manage it), go for a run, get a routine every day where you take care of your body.

>purpose - are you working towards something? or are you living an aimless, idle existence? Do you have a job, enough money to support yourself? These things will help you to feel better about yourself and give you the option of living away from your family if they are a toxic influence on your life.

If you can address all of these things or the parts that are relevant to you then it will help. What does it for me is the fear of what will happen if I continue living the way I am and don't try to improve myself and my life in some way. Hope this helps in some way bro.

>> No.19560542

It doesn’t take a thousand page treatise from the 18th century to figure out why you’re not getting women, that’s why. You need to be attractive in some way if you want to have an attractive partner.

>> No.19560591

I'm just looking for consistencies. When it comes to women and groups like FDS their attitude is all like muh patriarchy, men oppress women in every factor of life and other determinist rhetoric whereas when it comes to incels trying to explain hypergamy or just modern society in general it's all "nuhuh incel, it's all on you

>> No.19560650

The Fury of Ascent.

Multitudinous tumult
Tears through heavens highest vault
Bolting brain my own with chains
Linked by laughs from inmost veins,

Enlightening perpents toil through tightening serpent coils of frightening fervent foils by lightning currents royal,

Sabaoth your mouth of stars
Hushed and crushed by avatars
Armed with Rods that blot the odd
Chop the even leaving God,

Spare me Lord gracious the sign bear me throne stainless the spine pair me stone nameless the Ayn, perichoresis Divine.

>> No.19560700

>You're just as bad as the DBZ poster in your own way if you continue to post these niche images nobody but you enjoys
But I like the DBZ images.

>> No.19560730

Is America's future Cesar going to be more Trumpian in nature or a Institutionalist a la Biden?

I fear the latter.

>> No.19560795

Sadly the latter

>> No.19560798
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>> No.19560841

I've come to the realization that working hard and succeeding actually sucks
You get through it, you feel like you've been through hell, all to realize there is just more more more always more now move on to the next thing and do it again but every time it never feels like you're really solving anything or getting anywhere but every time you're a little older and weaker and it gets even harder every time and it was hard the first time and eventually there won't be a next time and what was the fucking point of it all you could've just failed the first time and given up and accepted your small and peaceful existence as a lowly beast of the earth but no you had to do it you had to do something and now look at you you make me sick

>> No.19560858

Not succeeding is even worse, I think most people who do accomplish something do not regret their accomplishments.

>> No.19560865

the rest of the world will band together and revert america into it's pre-colonial state.

>> No.19560870

No clue. That said, If America ever goes to war with China, I will take the opportunity to report every CCP shill on this board to the FBI. With any luck some of you will be Abu Ghraibed.

>> No.19560874

You're wrong
Success is a drug
Losers are free winners are slaves
We live in a society

>> No.19560905

That sounds like loser cope. How is being a suicidal ne'erdowell better than being a successful doctor or businessman?

>> No.19560921

>I was able to go to a mental health facility for a few weeks and it helped me,
how do you check yourself into one of those? i feel like no one would take you seriously short of psychosis

>> No.19560936

My brother and friends are perpetual jesters. Everything is a joke or should be a joke. Everything is ironic and silly. Nothing is serious. It drives me crazy. Mocking and joking is no way to grow through life.

>> No.19560941

It can't be loser cope because I'm a winner. Winners are the ones who cope by fabricating in their sad little minds how bad it must be to be a loser. Winning is done out of fear or to chase that diminishing high. It's a pathetic existence where manipulative psychos rise to the top.

>> No.19560956

Do you even read these threads, the losers openly admit how bad their lives are. Winners usually don't even post on 4chan because they have better things to do. Enjoying a sense of accomplishment does not require you to look down on people.

>> No.19560980

It's not my fault losers don't know how good they have it.

>> No.19560988

reposting because last thread died like right after i posted
are there good guides for writing erotica out there? also if you're writing for a lore heavy setting like wh40k, how do you balance lore with lewd?

>> No.19560992

There’s all sorts that come here, not just losers but successful outcasts and loners as well, and people are tempted to divulge private fears and grievances because of anonymity. In a world where family and friends often can’t or don’t want to hear it, this is all there is.

>> No.19560995

I would like to write erotica but I keep getting too awkward when writing

>> No.19561000

So you are accomplished and wish you were a loser?

>> No.19561076

when i do it, i tend to just try and think in terms of what physical sensations I picture in my mind. If my character is tied up, I tried to remember specific sensations and feelings/thoughts I've had while being hogtied, and translate that into writing. If the character is faced with a man;s cock, I write about things that have struck me when I've been presented with a man's cock. The closeness, the warmth and salty smell, and comforting softness of the skin and the firm press of the erection, how him getting hard in your mouth forces your jaws open a bit, etc. Just write what you know i guess

>> No.19561107

I agree. I actually ended a bunch of friendships this way.
I still have a kind childlike inquisitive mind about certain things, but I am not a joker. I find such people insufferable.
I also hate Cioran fyi. Pseudointellectual bastard. He can laugh himself all the way to hell.
I dislike this idea that all modern intellectuals need black and caustic humor. Pisses me off and delimits the range of acceptable personalities in a kind of lame and destructive way.

>> No.19561112

anon I'm a virgin ;_;
I can't even write cuck stuff where the dude doesn't get any, because I haven't had a gf

>> No.19561123

then get a gf, i believe in you anon
even if men are sexier than women, it's ok to set your sights low to start. try dating a fujoshi and she can egg on to hook up with men off grindr or something

>> No.19561174

Thinking about my Early Life section

>> No.19561219

I know this is /lit/, not /x/, and that this sounds like utter schizophrenia, but I think living nocturnally as part of my job has caused me to take on some narrow-band form of prescience or intuitive precognition, but only at random intervals and for personal matters or those of people directly connected to me.

>> No.19561220

>I am going to spend the majority of my life working and I'll still be poor and die anyway
How do I cope with this?

>> No.19561227

Jesus fuck these exam timers are shit I fuck e-learning so fucking much. Fuck this low-tier shit university

>> No.19561246
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Here's my wikipedia page after I become a famous author:

>1. Biography
>1.1 Early Life
>1.2 American-Canadian War of 2026
>1.3 Exile to Malta
>1.4 Return to America
>1.5 First Novel
>1.6 Rise to Fame
>1.7 Suicide

>2. Personal Life
>2.1 Family
>2.1.1 Genealogy Tracing Back to William Shakespeare

>3. Controversies
>3.1 Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism
>3.2 Financial Support of White Nationalist Organizations
>3.3 Misogony
>3.3.1 Rape Accusations
>3.4 Connections to the North Korean Kim Dynasty

>4. Literary Style and Themes
>4.1 Catholic Nihlism
>4.2 Therevada Fascism
>4.3 First Draft Only

>5. Legacy
>5.1 Influence on the Neo-Neo-Romantic Movement

>> No.19561247

Swap out what you're doing for a skilled trade. If you have an aging parent or elderly relative, have them 'live' with you on paper and file for a Pell Grant.
Having a dependent means that you're almost a shoe-in for $2,500 to $5,000 or so dollars each semester, more than enough for trade school
Yes I know 'just get a trade bro' is a meme but if you live in a rural or semirural area/state then you'll be able to get a job where all the experienced people are dying out easily
>t. welding/machinist student with a job lined up when I graduate in half a year

>> No.19561253


>> No.19561280

I had a dream where I was attacked by assassin monkeys. They were infested with rabies too. Frothing from their mouth, going mad.

>> No.19561299

top kek

>> No.19561338

>This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

>> No.19561346

>Got a Dominican-Levantine GF who's into Spengler and homesteading
Feels good, man

>> No.19561392
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I make more than this bartending and feel poor as hell.

>> No.19561424

Yeah, but where do you live?

>> No.19561440

I would also add that being a basic laborer is just the gateway towards getting inspector and welding engineer certs/training, which is where the real money is at

>> No.19561454

I don't particularly hate this type of company because I become entranced in it (as I do with most aesthetic experiences). But I do have a certain friend who ONLY engages in that type of behavior and the minute something serious is discussed he either radiates boredom or enters into the conversation antagonistically (since often he must encounter oppositional beliefs). He also happens to be the person most adept at being a jester. The best company for me though is found in those able to oscillate between jokes and serious discussion. Sometimes the serious people are boring grogs, sometimes the Jokers are domesticated urbanites etc.

>> No.19561479

My ex girlfriends main complaint was that any time I was emotionally vulnerable and got uncomfortable I would start memeing.

>> No.19561528

I'm like the obvious of this. Just harrowed and broken by life. I envy people who can just enjoy themselves and not take things so seriously.

>> No.19561547

Did mods just delete that thread about 'what anons do you recognize'? Or can I just not find it?

>> No.19561559
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i picture the American ceaser coming from the military and being pattoneqsue

>> No.19561578

For how much America liked to ape Rome, it would only be fitting if our Caeser was an almost beat for beat copy
Bonus points if it's also Patton reincarnated again

>> No.19561586

Suburbs / Rural Missouri

>> No.19561600

Oh, I see
I live in rural Alabama so my standards for what is alot of money is horribly skewed

>> No.19561623
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Life for Sale

>> No.19561777

I'm either slipping into schizophrenia or early middle age. I'll be 24 a week from today. I wait all day for telephone calls that won't come. I don't get erections any more.

>> No.19561802

I love NSYNC, wish I could sing.


>> No.19561817

The Middle Ages will never come back again. My entire life will be spent in…in this.

>> No.19561836

Global Warming, the Great Cataclysm, approaches. It will send us back to a medieval if not Bronze Age level of technology. Do not be too eager to return to that, for when we will you may find you miss our current idyllic state.

>> No.19561843

In what? 100 years? 200? 300? I’m in my 20s. In another 20, I’ll be middle aged. This is the world I’ve got and it’s all I’ll get.

>> No.19561878

By 2050 at the latest

>> No.19561931

Right so after the large majority of my life is over.

>> No.19561985

>It will send us back to a medieval if not Bronze Age level of technology.

No, it will not. If the current distribution of technology will just narrow even more than it already is. We had people on the moon decades ago, the world is completely enmeshed in a digital noosphere, and a huge portion of the world's population live like the agricultural revolution happened only yesterday. Mediaeval would be an upgrade for a hundreds of millions of people already.

If we do see a major rise in sea levels within the century, enough to start swallowing up islands and lowlands, then how nations manage mass migration out of those areas will be the real test, not the climate itself.

>> No.19562066
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I just turned 28 a little bit ago, it's horrible. I feel how old I am and then I realize I have decades and decades left with each year getting worse and worse. Things feel horrible right now but I know I'm going to look back on these times and wish for them again. I don't feel good ever, my body has been kind of fucked up from years of neglect and abuse both internal and external, i have no friends, mental illnesses, no future, no past, and everyone i once knew is thriving while i just seem to keep living the same goddamn day over and over again. life is hell, and my mother has the nerve to chastise me for sleeping too much. like BRUH living is torture, sleep is comfy. In my dreams, I can have everything I can never have when I'm awake. Imagine being such a massive bitch that you can't even kill yourself, but you're also too much of a bitch to live your life.

>> No.19562067
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>Mm truth not sexy
Precisely why the feds will keep parading these people around. They’re not antifa if they’re actually fa and fa enablers.
No they aren’t. They’re listed as “domestic terrorists” same as racist groups. The feds are playing them against each other to distract you.
Anonymous trolls love to troll.

That isn’t me. I didn’t post it. All the WWOYM general images are niche images. There’s nothing wrong with punker lesbians for once. Get over it.

>> No.19562191

I’m considering giving up on literature.

>> No.19562217

The CIA killed Kennedy

>> No.19562220

Salaam aleykoum, comment ça se passe la lecture du saint Coran ?

>> No.19562230

No. I killed Kennedy

>> No.19562231
File: 133 KB, 1024x819, joerogan45-1024x819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The CIA killed Kennedy

>> No.19562233

How to dissappear completely.

>> No.19562238

It's true

>> No.19562249

i hooked up with a guy who watched joe rogan once, it was horrible. he had a nice dick but otherwise he was just a tool. dumb as fuck, rapey, thought blaire white was good, etc. ghosted him the second i left his house and i never looked back. I was surprised that i didn't even get any std from him because rogan fans seem to be the kind of men to not disclose stds before hanging out

>> No.19562255

Are you a gay?

>> No.19562256
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Or any number of spooks operating out of the pentagon. You bet.

You shove that shit book up your ass before I do.

>> No.19562266

Anon, books are for reading, not putting up your anus. Especially Allah azawajal's Word.

>> No.19562442

They're cynics, only they're compatible with life. Cynics know what they're doing. We feelers will always be miserable.

>> No.19562473

Relax spaz in the next 50 years we will have a colony on Mars. Even if Earth eats it the human race will survice

>> No.19562497

The future Caesar will be an eceleb/tech founder

>> No.19562513

Imagine how based life would be now if Patton wasn't assassinated by Jews and actually destroyed Russia like he wanted to

>> No.19562819
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>> No.19562892

>he doesn't know that climate change will be overblown and used as the next covid

Read Klaus Schwab's book "The Great Reset." He's the head of the WEF and published this book two months into the pandemic, along with naming the WEF's "Davos" meeting The Great Reset as well - ironically, the term "great reset" is now a conspiratorial one and you sound like a schizo for using it. He explains how changes due to covid can be accelerated to save the climate - i.e. virtual meetings vs. in person travel to reduce carbon emissions - in great detail.

The council on Foreign Relations released a book, endorsed by him, called "The Fight for Climate After COVID-19" reinforcing these points and going into greater detail. Read both these books and know thy enemy. Don't become a Greta Thunberg-tier shill.

>> No.19562923

The blue bloods are sitting idly by as the merchant class burn through the resources and settle us into “techno feudalism”. A brief period of hyper burgerpunk meets Mad Max before they ride in and reestablish feudalism without the tech.
This is Davos’ plan. Who’s cheering this on?

>> No.19562943

Everything eventually comes to an end and you're left alone and bereft once more. All I can do is remind myself that it's at least better to feel something than nothing at all. I feel uncertain and forlorn and a little bit heart broken though not in a romantic way. It is tough, but it reminds me that I'm alive I suppose.

>> No.19562995


>> No.19563196

I (female) want to fuck a skinbyrd

>> No.19563222

Read pessoa

>> No.19563230

> have ambition
> completely sabotage it by working an irrelevant, meaningless, make-work office job

>> No.19563270
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>> No.19563315

What do you guys do when you're feeling melancholy? I wouldn't say that I'm depressed, because I have good reasons to be a bit sad - my friends are moving away and I'm leaving behind people I like at my old job to start something new. I'm just lying in bed listening to chill hip hop beats and soaking in all the feelings.

>> No.19563329

Dissipatio H.G.

>> No.19563338

austria is currently encumbered by snow, so i wrote a poem about it at work. dont hold back poetryfags, my second ever attempt at lyrical writing:

Der Schnee verhüllt, der Schnee vereinfacht
ein Sand aus Eis, der alles gleichmacht
Mooß aus Kristall, erobre sacht
du Sturm aus Weiß, Vasall der Eintracht

Man sieht in seiner Zeit nur Formen
die alles viele an sich ziehen
zum Schweigen bringen alle Normen
und sich im Traum vom Ganz verlieren

Würdest du innehalten, dann
würd er auch dich nicht übergehen
deswegen bleibe dann und wann

>> No.19563385

I cant read German

>> No.19563388

jim garrison was a fucking hack

>> No.19563406

He considered suicide prior to the revolution. He also tried and failed to write a novel. The thing with Napoleon is he was a very identifiable figure in his youth, but only in his youth. Fate intervened for Napoleon relatively early. The rest of us…? We’re still waiting in between our 9 to 5s at McCorporation. By not being born into families of the political class or not attending military academies or officer ships upon graduation, we’ve already sealed our fates. As for me, it’s looking hard to be “superior” to anything along those lines. There’s exactly one phase or Napoleon that I find identifiable and it didn’t come after the revolutions.

>> No.19563412
File: 62 KB, 570x712, AE78B601-CD16-4610-A145-ADC98E1823B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he was wrong about Russia? What if our civilization is not Western, but Christendom?

>> No.19563414

In meinem Haus
wohnt eine Maus
Die will nicht raus
Was für ein Graus

>> No.19563423

Now some of you guys
might be surprised
at what I'm about to say.
and say...
who is this lame
who says he knows the game?
and where did he learn to play?
I'd like to tell
of how I fell
and the trick fate played on me.
So gather round
and I'll run it down
and unravel my pedigree.
It was Saturday night
and the jungle was bright
and the game was stalking his prey
but code was crime on the neon line
and the weak were doomed to pay.
When crime begun
when daughter fought son
and your dad, he lay in jail
as your mom lay awoke
with her heart almost broke
'cause the pad was up for sale.
Where blood was shed for the sake of bread
and drunks rolled for their poke
by the sleight of hand of a murphy man
or the words that conmen spoke.
Where addicts prowl
with a tigerous scowl
in search of that lethal blow
and the wino cringes
from the can he binges
and finds his grave in the snow.
Where bells of vice sell love for a price
and even the law is corrupt
as you go down trying
you keep on crying
man, it's a bitter cup.

>> No.19563431

my poem apes an excerpt of rilkes buch der stunden in which the first verse also follows an aaaa rhyming-scheme

>> No.19563516

ene mene meise
dein gedicht ist schaise

>> No.19563580

schni- schna- schnack
du bist ein cuck

>> No.19563591

Didn't make the finalists on the competition I've submitted. It was my first one so I'm kinda ok, but a boost in me ego would be nice.

>> No.19563612

you wrote something and exposed yourself to criticism, that is more than 99% of posters here can say, so congrats to being one of the /lit/-finalists

>> No.19563716

Should I just quit my job? I have no alternative, but even if I did it would probably be equally as mundane and if I have to continue to waste my life on such mundane work, I’ll just walk into traffic. That’s probably going to happen anyway since you can’t ever really recover from this. What? Am I going to be someone important after having spent half a decade as an irrelevant office worker? Obviously not. It’s over. Time to call it.

>> No.19563725

What happens after you accept defeat? What would actually change?

>> No.19563778

It’s official now, /sffg/ is run by schizos. Wonder how long they’ll run sffg to the ground.

>> No.19563833 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19563845
File: 886 KB, 250x187, oprichnik-dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our civilization is not Christendom because despite its efforts, Christianity has never managed to integrate itself unequivocally and fully into our cultural roots AS COMPARED TO the way it did in Western Europe. Due to several historical factors preventing the full assimilation of Christianity (there have been various reasons for this in various centuries), Russia has been prevented in becoming a perfectly Christian culture, and became only a half-Christian culture, a cultural and spiritual Frankenstein of sorts, it is an entirely chaotic culture that does not conform to any specified spiritual system at its core. Our civilization is still young, younger than European civilizations, we have yet to understand who we are but I believe we WILL be entering culture spring. Our history is fucked from the europeanization that has been forced upon this land that will never be Western European, neither ethnically nor emotionally or spiritually. Yet I have reasons to believe that the enormous suffering that has been inflicted upon this nation will pay off and we will discover our legitimate identity in the end.

>> No.19563913

I believe in unknown transcendence as the highest force.

>> No.19563965

Well, if nothing else, I suppose you can’t be disappointed if you no more ambitions.

>> No.19563975

A Luciferian or Faustian society is still technically Christian. The Lucifer and Faust figures only make sense in a Christian context. Anyway, for reading on Christianity and integration with roots see Spengler’s Decline of the West.

>> No.19564013

>we will discover our legitimate identity in the
colonial mirror, as usual. any way, shnibbas still stuck in the 'we' (as in 'we wuz') are ngmi. you want to have an legitimate identity? search within and not in '''history''' that is thoroughly cucked and played.
>btw 'Russians' ('no Russian' lmao) do not exist it is a political chimera that failed dramatically

>> No.19564145

yo.. is bussin’ coming from bussy?

>> No.19564157

>they ride in and reestablish feudalism without the tech.
>This is Davos’ plan. Who’s cheering this on?
Me lmao
It’s the only option left. Further technological progress means an AI doomsday scenario inevitably becomes reality.

>> No.19564177
File: 206 KB, 1000x781, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get you, personally I do not believe Russia is a Luciferian or Faustian society, nor do I believe it is Christian. I have my own views and interpretations of TDOW. It introduces remarkable concepts which we can use but it is not the gospel and we must upgrade our understanding of it in accordance with context. It was written in the 1920s, in Germany, before WWII and before Russia and America rose to immense prominence in the second half of the century. The 20th century has been crucial in clarifying cultural/civilizational dynamics and demonstrating the step of cultural evolution Russia is currently situated at.

Lol, you speak about things you know nothing about. There is no notion of "WE WUZ" in a culture like Russia's, which is riddled with torment and misery (t.Russian). On the contrary we must think about "WE WILL" if we want to do something about the (absolute) state of Russia, or should we just keep eating shit and endure the fact that we are politically, economically, historically fucked? Individualistic "searching within" only works in wealthy nations, because you have humane living conditions and a middle class and you don't have to think about why you are stuck in the fucking dirt and what to do about it, which can never be done individualistically. I want to say "kill yourself" but I will refrain. I will just say that "searching within" for one's personal identity is not incompatible with developing an understanding of history and culture, it is worrying if you are not intellectually capable of both.

>> No.19564254

>On the contrary we must think about "WE WILL" if we want
you get played immediately once you step on that road. every WE is illegitimate in the context of Russia unless it is top-bottom.
>I want to say "kill yourself" but I will refrain.
eh, say only what you think I know you should.. or else your bussy might crack under the weight of the Unpronounced and then you'll have to revert to passive-aggressiveness (of an ontological slave) just to keep your face. and, mind you, no amount of 'historical accomplishments of a legitimate identity' will be enough to clean it.
either way, dude, I'm not trying to harass you or get me some hits from other's suffering. far from that. I do agree about 'riddled with torment and misery', it is so bad that it can not be redeemed. it can only be transcended individually and forgotten as a wicked strange dream.

>> No.19564324

>it is so bad that it can not be redeemed.
What makes you so sure? You do not know the future. It will probably not be redeemed in this century, I agree. But history is a chaotic system highly dependent on unpredictable factors. You do not know who will rule this country in one or two centuries nor how its resources and climate will play into evolving geopolitics. Historical shifts on this territory will also be dependent on what happens in the rest of the world. Something might happen in Western Europe and arbitrarily change the course of our history forever. See you don't know. To me thinking that the current state of Russia is the end-all be-all is not only absurd but frankly quite arrogant. Of course it is prone to change. In fact much unforeseeable chaotic change has happened on this land, it has constantly been reshaping itself. History always mogs individual predictions and opinions in the end.

>> No.19564340

Russia isn’t but in the context of Spengler’s vision the West is Faustian. The question is if Russia and the West actually are exclusive or belong to one greater whole knowing that characterization. For it to be so, it would apply not a Western or a Russian civilization but a American-European-Russian Christendom civilization, each having its own unique relationship with Christendom.

>> No.19564345

And for what it’s worth, I think Spengler’s predictions have unfolded almost exactly as foretold. It’s simply that in my view we see in Russia precisely some of those things which were already supposed to be happening in the West more clearly.

>> No.19564354

If Spengler’s to be believed, a certain inward looking disposition is a necessary component of all high cultures and thus, Russia would have to be inward looking to develop as a high culture. At the time of his writing, he saw Russia in pre-culture, but not yet developing into a high culture. I think that was true for his time.

>> No.19564423
File: 228 KB, 1210x1534, merejkovsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia would have to be inward looking to develop as a high culture
Russia culturally does look inward at itself, and has been inward-looking in its literature since the 19th century. This tendency to look inward has reached its apex in all artistic expression (poetry, philosophy, literature, visual arts, theatre, dance) during the Russian Silver Age, which is absolutely self-referring and obsessed with the motif of Russia. I could develop and give specific examples. The current political climate does not encourage this, however.

>> No.19564640

Personally, I don’t believe Russia has willfully stopped looking inward so much as it’s had to put it on hold. The world it exists in is hostile to such inwardness and so it has no choice but to stop as a matter of survival. In some ways, that is inward looking. I don’t think it’s reached its apex either culturally or civilizationally, regardless of whether we talk about Russia as exclusive Russia or Russia as part of greater Christendom like I proposed. But I say all of this as an American, who knows no Russians, has never been to Russia.

>> No.19564642 [DELETED] 

>Merck’s Covid Pill Might Pose Risks for Pregnant Women
>Some laboratory studies suggest that molnupiravir can insert errors in DNA, which could in theory harm a developing fetus, sperm cells or children.

no comment.

>> No.19564646

Woke up at 3.40 PM today, read an article about a girl who woke up at 4PM. A little scared if anyone finds out about this that I'll make the news

>> No.19564650

Will the EU have a capable military force within the next 50 years?

>> No.19564667
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so hyped up for the debate of the year tonight. I think philosophy is gay but it is still interesting to hear about different aspects of human mind.


>> No.19564750

Capable of what? There’s no enemy.

>> No.19564753

On topic: Spengler spoke a bit about the Marius’ reforms were instrumental to Sulla’s ability to maneuver the Army in his favor and both of these influenced Julius Caesar’s rise to power. The necessary preconditions for political Caesarism were in place before Caesar was ever a real political entity. If we believe that Spengler’s predictions are accurate and Caesarism is on the horizon, are we seeing the necessary preconditions being created right now? It’s no secret that since the 00s the American executive has increasingly claimed power not held by predecessors while PMCs increasingly hold military might under a corporate umbrella but I’m more interested in things such as forced mandates, lockdowns. Will any of these have an effect?

>> No.19565288

Unironically 12 Rules for Life

>> No.19565294
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>> No.19565421


>> No.19565549

the latest from slip and fall school

another one in waukesha, this time a 14 year old black kid raped an 87 year old white woman while carjacking her
>On Tuesday, November 30th at 1:32pm Waukesha Police met with an 87-year-old female at the book drop at the Waukesha Public Library who stated she was “robbed and someone took her car. Once the suspect was back at the police department, we learned that this individual’s age was 14 years old. The victim was able to provide more details that went beyond the initial robbery complaint. Information was revealed that the 14-year-old male suspect had used a knife to steal the victim’s vehicle. The suspect forced the victim inside the vehicle and sexually assaulted the victim. . . . This incident is sad and incomprehensible, but we are bound by the constitutional protections of crime victims. We are also mindful of the statutory protections of juvenile offenders.

and in palm beach, a black man killed a 14 year old WHITE kid! it's like poetry
>14-year-old Ryan Rogers was a freshman at William T. Dwyer High School in Palm Beach Gardens. At 6:40 PM on Monday, November 15, he left his home on his bicycle. His cellphone data suggests he “stopped traveling” at 7:31 PM. His mother reported him missing at 10:30. The next day, his carcass would be found in a wooded area about 80 to 215 feet (reports vary) from an Interstate 95 overpass. He’d been stabbed in the face and head.
>When asked by an arresting officer if he knew why he’d been arrested, the suspect reportedly said, “Yeah, murder, because of what they did to black people about giving them syphilis.”

>From the years 1996 until 2008, there were an estimated 271,224 black-on-white rapes in the US.
>In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
>In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.

racial harmony soon!

>> No.19565631

I may kiss her feet, but if I do it should be a bowing from a lofty position, and not because I happen to find myself in the dirt.

>> No.19565665

The most important achievement of the 21st century is that some propagandists have somehow managed to make people consume and enjoy pure unadulterated propaganda willingly. And by that, I mean it literally, shit like political cartoons that barely even attempt to make an actual joke. To be fair most of the consumers of those things are already hardcore ideologues.
But an interesting development none the less.

>> No.19565741 [DELETED] 

niggers are going to go extinct in the us

>> No.19565826

i am fucking losing it bros
life feels like a protracted acid trip with negative thought spirals going on for days and weeks
i've started sleeping with the lights on like a fucking child because i've started seeing shit when it's dark

>> No.19565834
File: 124 KB, 1080x1350, E8AA6269-BBB5-4F10-88F4-2C02CE8CD864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I donno man, it’s getting me a little steamy

>> No.19565835

> hate job
> keep being talkative and cheery in meetings after drinking a ton of coffee
> feel like a fake and inauthentic fraud

Why do I have to be so hard on myself?

>> No.19565850

My guns are good for many things;
I've learned to use them well.
Our founders wrote our rights in stone.
The only road to Heaven is a rocky road through Hell.
Remember that those parasites are still made of flesh and bone.
Just remember they're still made of flesh and bone.

>> No.19565860
File: 120 KB, 964x725, 1592202742891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend's gf kissed me. We were both drunk and another one saw it. I decided to let it go, never think about it anymore. But the friend who saw it thinks we should tell the cuck - cause if she did this with me, in their own house, she probably has done it more times before. She apologized by message says she regrets it all, so I have proof of my innocence, but nonetheless I'll end up being the bad guy and lose all my friends. What do, /lit/? Help!

>> No.19565865

Whatever you think is an illusion I assure you.

>> No.19565902

i want to believe you
but i'm afraid of you
you could be one of them trying to lull me into a false sense of security

>> No.19565912

>yet another psychotic episode poster
go get help and stop indulging it moron, or enjoy ruining your relationships, alienating everybody, and spending long horrible periods in psych wards

>> No.19565933

Have you ever felt extremely alone, disappointed in yourself, in everything, like there’s no way to remotely live up to your ideals?

>> No.19565955
File: 24 KB, 300x300, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to be afraid of, Anon.
Jesus loves you.

>> No.19565964

no i'm the same guy from yesterday
i want nothing more than to just take something that turns all these horrible fucking thoughts off
but there's an obvious danger inherent in that

>> No.19565974

>repeating digits
ok i believe you

>> No.19566008

>One reads, for instance, of Heidegger's meetings with René Char, when they discussed their mutual admiration for Melville; one also finds Heidegger walking with Georges Braque, and on a harrowing drive with Lacan. There are accounts of Heidegger's exchanges with Ricœur and Marcel, and one learns as well of Heidegger's refusal (or perhaps inability) to speak French.

>> No.19566063

Alternatively, have you ever hated your past and felt like it was preventing you from reaching your ideals?

>> No.19566064

are you tired anon? feelings like that can mean you want to change yourself and give up your current ideals for different ones

>> No.19566096

Tired? Tired how? I don’t know if tired is the right word. It’s more like frustrated or disappointed, maybe even depressed and ashamed.

I have ideals, I just don’t think I’ve lived up to them and I’m not sure I can live up to them.

>> No.19566150

I binge dwank mawt wiquow again and now my tummy huwts >_<

>> No.19566164

If you truly believe you cant live up to them, then maybe your ideals cant actually be achieved. Go and try i say, afterall the worst thing that can happen is that you realize something that you already think is the case

>> No.19566165

any good books on engineering?

>> No.19566464

My high school girlfriend has now become a trad Cath LARPer and completely insane. It is like she is completely different person to the person I knew 10 years ago. I couldn't give less of a shit really, but I think it's funny that some people are out their yearning for a trad wife and that someone will probably end up with her, a batshit insane loony person. She doesn't know the first thing about Catholicism, doesn't go to mass etc. but for the past three years has been calling herself Catholic and brings it up every conversation.

>> No.19566474

I think mind reading & telepathy are fascinating subjects that more than deservedly should come into their own as philosophical subjects tout court. I've read published accounts on Walter Benjamin's speculations, tending towards belief, in telepathy, at least in a seemingly prehistorical human context.

Indeed, it seems that Benjamin's speculations coincided with those of Freud's, as regards the latter's similar supposed consideration of telepathy as a prehistorical human power eventually surpassed by vocal language (Freud also entertained the possibility that telepathy played a part in psychoanalytic "transference" between patient & analyst).

The cynic would perhaps say that telepathy as principal mode of human communication died out when communication ceased to be mere communication, & became as much about concealment as revealment (so that the "linguistic turn" in philosophy is itself sort of the obverse of the philosophical question of pure revelatory communication of telepathy; of telepathy as irresistible confession of the uncontestable reality of at least the emotional state of another mind and the equally uncontestable reality of the mental images correlative with such a state and mind).

Apropos Derrida: it seems the deconstructionist par excellence held out hope in the ultimate truth of telepathy as a real and hence unsurpassable conveyance of the Other's "emotional" truth at least, because of the "confessional irresistibility of telepathy (Derrida believed, it seems, that missives, letters, epistles, etc, carried or were pregnant with a sort of telepathic resonance, evidently produced by the mind of the letter's writer). By which Derridean standard, telepathy and religion are evidently one and thereby Augustine's "Confessions" are fundamentally informed, however unconsciously, by the latter's, perhaps quite powerful, telepathic instinct.

Beyond the possibility of various intrinsic, possibly atavistic, human "powers" that remain yet unaccounted for by science (e.g. Chomsky's theory of the mental encodedness of language in se), there lies the prospective philosophical significance (which it seems to me of the greatest import) of mind reading and telepathy as a future technologically-facilitated possibility (probability), that may or may not signify the regularization, economization, & thereby capitalistic control of what previously, at best, would have been a haphazard, residual human faculty incapable of being capitalistically "domesticated" and exploited on a regular and universal human scale.

Thus is not philosophy quickly approaching the immense problematics of telepathy (that fabled terrifying human power of ultimate and irresistible psychological confessional transparency) qua commodity? To wit, telepathy as one of the Holy Grails of the promised soon-to-be Metaverse's (and its virtual and augmented reality internet) omnipresent conflation of online and "offline" worlds. High tech telepathy as ultimate panopticon.

>> No.19566475

Honestly that's what the guys looking for a "trad wife" deserves

>> No.19566477

If you were a real man, you would take her to mass. You would read to her about the Saints. You would encourage her traditional mentality and help her connect to grace.
Instead you call her looney or whatever bullshit. She is too good for you. She probably feels something deeply wrong in these modern and detestable times, but like a complete faggot, you mock it.

>> No.19566497


>> No.19566507

Do you believe in fate or destiny?

>> No.19566528

Sounds like someone has never dated a crazy chick. She should go to mass herself, after professing these beliefs for 3 years

>> No.19566533

To engineer is human - Henry Petroski

>> No.19566558

She wants a real man of integrity who shares the same views as her. Too bad you're not that man. God, you're such a faggot. Fuck off to Reddit.
Also, relationships where both sides have different religions never work out. Religion is immensely important and can help foster relationships.

>> No.19566577

I'm not the guy who dated her and even still he broke up with her years ago. What I'm saying is you can't call yourself Catholic if you don't even go to mass. These aren't her beliefs, it's just an identity she's trying on, which will be discarded when the next "dissident" trend rolls around

>> No.19566605

You're a fucking retard if you think the powers that be are pushing leftism in general. The powers want the liberal status quo.

>> No.19566708

Obviously. I mean the US is an empire, are empires ever actually leftist? Aren't both Dems & Repub parties controlled by oligarchs, anyhow?

>> No.19566767
File: 48 KB, 350x252, 350px-Lebedev_baptism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia has been heavily Christian since the conversion on Vladimir the Great. It even survived communism.

>> No.19566794

There's a danger in just taking a chemical that fucks with your brain so you can operate at optimal levels. There's a danger in everything. Risks must be taken.

>> No.19566914

nope big risk too scary
won't do it

>> No.19566965

>are empires ever actually leftist?
That would depend on what you think leftist is. Heavily.
>Aren't both Dems & Repub parties controlled by oligarchs, anyhow?
Yes. That doesn't mean, that the oligarchs aren't people, with ideas, and morals, however, twisted they might be in our eyes.

>> No.19567035

> Alexander the Great
Father, king, died when he was 20
> Julius Caesar
Father, patrician, died when he was 16
> Charlemagne
Father, king, died when he was 19
> Napoleon Bonaparte
Father, minor nobility, had a poor relationship with his son

>> No.19567064

>minor nobility
lmao this is such a willful misrepresentation of reality
>virtually destroy monarchy as a global institution
>rule large swathes of europe
>fundamentally change the way countries are governed for the rest of time, even countries he never set foot in
>he was just minor nobility tho

>> No.19567068

His father was minor nobility.

>> No.19567103

Welcome to the good island of eternal paralysis, make yourself comfy because unless you grow some testicles you and I are going to be here a long while

>> No.19567132

just because i won't take the meds doesn't mean i'm resigning myself to inaction

>> No.19567159

Napoleon’s father died when Napoleon was 15

>> No.19567163

seemed like it.

>> No.19567303

won't give up
won't take the pills

>> No.19567315

Managed to get a PS5 just by walking into the shop and buying it. The place was practically dead, too. No scalpers, no swarming parents trying to rush past, no nothing. I've been trying to get one on-and-off since they came out so it's a nice little win.

I went out for a friend's birthday and her friend started hitting on me. Apparently I'm very handsome lol. I've got a girlfriend so nothing happened and I'm pretty sure I ignored her even when she started trying to pull me closer to her.

Good things are meant to come in threes, so I'm just waiting to see what happens.

>> No.19567384 [DELETED] 

i got an offer for a so-called "real job" but the only catch is it looks like i will be required to sicken myself with bi-yearly injections of inert adenovirus genetically modified to have covid spike proteins. i did it once, and i felt like shit for a week. not sure can bring myself to voluntarily sicken myself just for the privilege of having a job with a healthcare plan.

>> No.19567604

Well I spent all day online again

>> No.19567629

Me too brother.

>> No.19567667

I finally found a relevant, real-life political group which supports my values :D

>> No.19567728

Its the fbi

>> No.19567732

finally got all my surplus sleep in. feel great, taking vitamins and gonna rip through a pdf or 2

>> No.19567744

Who is it?

>> No.19567757


The US Green Party

>> No.19567775
File: 400 KB, 1280x1887, greenisred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to be a smug wikipedia skimmer, but
>In 2016, the Green Party passed a motion in favor of rejecting both capitalism and state socialism, supporting instead an "alternative economic system based on ecology and decentralization of power".

>> No.19567786

The rejection of Marxism-Leninism and other forms of state-socialism is something I find appealing as well as the acknowledgement that capitalism very destructive to the ecological world.

>> No.19567799

there's no "alternative economic system", you're just a utopian, not the good kind either

>> No.19567803

Oh thats really gay then. Feds dont care about you fags

>> No.19567815

They’re sort of controlled opposition too. They’re not going to win anything any time soon anyway.
Even this People’s Party they’re trying to get off the ground. There won’t be a political revolution allowed till things get real bad and by then the Pentagon may just run someone who seizes “emergency powers”
Look to stronger stuff where you can is my advice. the revolution can only be social

>> No.19567824

Yes there is, ecosocialism.

>Look to stronger stuff where you can is my advice.

>> No.19567849

>The US Green Party
lol. US is a late stage democracy, 3rd parties will never be relevant

>> No.19567857
File: 33 KB, 303x500, 56F620B7-654E-4CE4-B240-5FE70F089A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Direct action.
Political action, voting, protesting, strikes. They’re all asking permission, trying to navigate the sea of laws they throw at you. It seems so legitimate, but they’re breakers of their own laws and will continue to cheat you and the Greens however they want.

>> No.19567868


>> No.19567953

I agree with that assessment.

T: a Catholic.

>> No.19567955
File: 134 KB, 1000x865, TJ2nz1MKjqPVywyXVsW5vWdHyud8Zrucw4fTsZl4zMQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat ze bugs
You will own nothing and be happy

>> No.19567966

I don't know what to make of Schwab. The shadowy supervillian behind everything turning out to be a German banker who reveals himself as the plan kicks into high gear is something out of a movie.

>> No.19568023

I don't know how to be both kind and not let people walk all over me.

>> No.19568073

he's not a banker he's just some technocrat

>> No.19568165

I've been painting portraits for three years, and I stopped smoking weed almost as soon as I started taking my art work seriously. Then, for the first time in over a year, I have a few puffs, and lord do I think my art is good. It's exactly where I want it to be, and I keep getting better. It's starting to make me money. I don't know what the upper limits of this are. I'm not naively optimistic, I have a day job. I would do this shit for free. I want to live inside my paintings.

>> No.19568167
File: 91 KB, 998x1000, 1624771777337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered that I used to sleep in the middle of my exams during my highschool and bachelor days. I have no idea how I even passed let alone got decent marks. My antics would shock my classmates.

>> No.19568168
File: 1.69 MB, 500x281, snowfallgif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was standing outside for a bit before I hopped in the shower. its dark, foggy, and there's a heavy snowfall thats going to keep going for another day, and my front porch is lit up with the glow of Christmas lights. it was such a sublimely beautiful atmosphere that it made me realize just how much Ive given up to sin and vice and anxiety and demoralization over the last 10 years, how much Ive lost. I want to live, bros.

>> No.19568187

tonight im doing shots of knob creek of my jung book because im sitting on my bed listening to snoop dog doggy style

>> No.19568234
File: 105 KB, 379x670, 81DB06BE-60A5-4CEB-A291-3E32FB3FE994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we pick who posts next (first person to respond to this)?
And can we agree to wait till it reaches page ten?

>> No.19568241
File: 82 KB, 1195x672, 6A334860-4802-4B48-9001-59F6F826C959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who posts the next thread*

>> No.19568257
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 5DD5EA2E-66F1-4726-8F13-48DFE867621E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do

>> No.19568266


>> No.19568281

I think someone will cry foul that it’s not your turn.

What pictures do you have that might make a nice OP? Something evocative of something you’ve read recently?

>> No.19568308

yes. i will make a nice comfy OP assuming this hits the bump limit before i get bored and go read

>> No.19568321

I'm in a homosexual relationship but I dunno if it's a good thing, should I go full tradlarp or continue being happy but knowing that I'm going to hell

>> No.19568377

What picture?

Rest assured you’re not going to hell, of course

>> No.19568397

probably some winter themed artwork that is also fits in with what im currently reading, dont know which yet since i have a massive folder of art to chose from

>> No.19568427

>Had sex with girl who did 80% of the flirting to approach me
>her best friend said she was attracted to me for months
>due to circumstances, we are now both far as fuck away from each other
I'm genuinely confused and believe she is not really interested in pursuing anything with me besides sex, i.e I was used as a human dildo (not complaining). Unfortunately I'm also starting to think I fell for her over these months we have known each other for.
Any books on Males feeling like they got "fucked & dumped"? I unironically find solace in reading stories that resonate with my feelings or experiences, which is probably why I was also a Sorrows of Young Werther fag for a while

>> No.19568430

I get that. I hate that I'm too much of a coward to live up to my own values too.

>> No.19568435

im going to make the thread before the bump limit and theres nothing you guys are going to be able to do about it

>> No.19568436

u sound like a pussy

>> No.19568452

Try cutting back on the porn

>> No.19568476

We’re going to wait for the official one and let yours slide (I think)

>> No.19568500

please dont ever make an OP again, ill take the weeb shit or the fartslave edition over anything like this garbage OP

>> No.19568508
File: 130 KB, 1080x1350, AE950723-63E3-4359-91FB-6ECD5A0095BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chelsea girl cuts are cute


Don’t you like Tank Girl?

>> No.19568511

these are all of the ones that i remember doing

>> No.19568520

All I see is the destruction of beauty and advent of systematic ugliness

>> No.19568524
File: 55 KB, 1024x570, FE05151B-F7A5-4E2C-9D3C-1642E69C9870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19568556
File: 132 KB, 640x480, romanh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight up aesthetic violence against the human spirit

>> No.19568603


>> No.19568619

I really dont understand why you would be so anxious to post this that it couldn't wait for the bump limit at least. ill save my kino edition for another night.

>> No.19568622

there are no rules to war

>> No.19568626

pretty cringe desu

>> No.19568641

It’s not war.
Where were you when I posted this >>19568234
be nice

>> No.19568660
File: 414 KB, 1700x1800, 7F1E0E67-B8F1-4645-9E0E-6B6EAC9579D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greek statues look like fucking doodoo
im making a alternative fucking theead and theres nothing to be done ablut

>> No.19568664

If the anon who I had a conversation with the other day about "mutual awareness of fate" is still around I'm still here and willing to hear you out but I'm getting burnt out on browsing 4chan. If you want to continue that conversation I'll stick around, but in about another day or so I might move on.

>> No.19568668

its not what i would have posted but at least its /lit/ related

meanwhile you made literally the worst OP in the history of this general

>> No.19568671

>greek statues look like fucking doodoo
what an objectively bad take

>> No.19568678

its pure irony coming from that god awful tripfag

>> No.19568693
File: 37 KB, 500x623, 2CCF8FD0-CA2D-425E-9BD3-63E8876FAB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them both

>> No.19568704

Come to think of it, if the anon who I was also talking to about a system for making a seasonal reading challenge with monetary stakes is still around I'd like to say I'm sorry for responding so late that the thread was deleted when I sent the post. I wrote a long post in another thread which took a while, and I didn't back up the post I addressed to you in a googledoc like I usually do. I can probably conjure the essential point from memory if you're still around.

>> No.19569375
File: 16 KB, 256x256, imgofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while (-a year) but I want to get back into reading. My attention span is dog shit and I feel like I only have myself to blame. A lot of my days if not spent mindlessly refreshing twt it's mindlessly refreshing youtube. Or games. Or doing the bare-bones outlining of a story only to come back to it in 6 months and scrap the whole thing. Same goes for my art. I'm frustrated that people are getting their ideas down regardless of how inexperienced they are or how shitty it comes out. They're not afraid to try and even on their bad ones they still get praise for it. I'm definitely going too hard on myself but my brain has been wired in such a way for so long that even just thinking about how much I have to work on overwhelms me.
I want to try reading Dostoevsky's 'Crime and Punishment' in russian now that i did in english.

>> No.19569610


>> No.19569719

i dont know desu

>> No.19569811

i hate society so flippin much