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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 193 KB, 1080x1440, anne_rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19555856 No.19555856 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19555863

Is she really dead?

>> No.19555876
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Seems that way

>> No.19555909



>> No.19555953

hey boys, never read any anne rice books or whatever. need some snap opinions. based or cringe?

>> No.19555957
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She knew Ted Bundy so imma say absolutely.

>> No.19555971

She sued the fuck out of fanfic authors, other than that I know nothing

>> No.19555987


>> No.19556010

sticky NOW. I'm crying bros. I remember the summer I was 12 and I read the first two Vampire Chronicles books. Comfiest time of my life. RIP to a true legend.

>> No.19556206


>> No.19556232
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was she vaxxed?

>> No.19556259

Literally who

>> No.19556578
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sticky for vampire lady pls

>> No.19556580

Think she was the first writer when I realised 'this is some fucking shit writing'. So she had her uses

>> No.19556652

>So she had her uses
yeah as a cum bucket

>> No.19556804

>announces that she's a Christian and returned to Catholicism
>can't give up liberal causes tho
>bitches about current state of Christianity
>backpedals and says she's a "secular humanist" by 2014 while still claiming Christ is a part of her life
Wonder what God would think?

>> No.19556821
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>> No.19556823

not my problem.

>> No.19556825

Based Anne Rice.

>> No.19556862

RIP, she was way cooler than 99.9% of lit posters

>> No.19556960

Sticky this shit, you faggot mods.

>> No.19556967



>> No.19557011
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>Rice died on December 11, 2021 of complications from a stroke.

It means it's working

>> No.19557034

She was one of the greats. She was still living at first st and chestnut when I visited the garden district in search of the house—that house. Yes, she actually used to live in the Witching Hour house. Haven’t read any of her recent stuff, but her early stuff remains without parallel. t. Fellow author who was greatly inspired

>> No.19557048

never read her book but i did watch that homoerotic movie based on her book starring brad pitt and some other hollywood femboy. i watched it at this chicks house on a vhs tape was super high, man the 90s were comfy. like if you went inside a house and locked the door, the outside world essentially ceased to exist, unlike now where the whole fucking world is beamed into your pocket at all times.

>> No.19557347


>> No.19557367

anon you can still have this, you just need to turn off your phone and not carry it with you

>> No.19557377

I found them enjoyable as genre fiction.

>> No.19557392

pfizer claims another victim

>> No.19557398

>some literal who hole gets more attention than Robert Bly's death
Grim state of literature

>> No.19557406

Some series are better than others, the prose is florid and purple but usually suits the tone. her work is good for what it is and furthered the genre, it's a shame other authors missed the point of how insidious and inhuman the characters as a result of their own actions are and spawned paranormal romance. This applies to more than just the vampire books.

>> No.19557423

Didn't she also write smut under another name? How good was it? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19557515

What a beautiful and sweet soul, immortalized forever by her majestic transmutation of life into the written word. She is with the greats now for sure.

>> No.19557524

Her smut name was Whitney Ryan, worth checking out

>> No.19557793
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Best goth novelist easily.

>> No.19557903

They didn't even stickied Peter O'Toole's thread on /tv/ back when he died
You'll just have to spam her for 2 years with >OoOoOo i am Anne Rice's Ghost, where is my sticky threads

>> No.19558454
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her books are about gay vampires, basically they were written for proto fujoshi

>> No.19558466
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>> No.19558470

I wonder if she reconciled with the Church?

>> No.19558479


>> No.19558488

at least she won't have to actually watch that TV series remake of interview with a vampire even though I'm sure she signed off on all the... well, changes.

>> No.19558525

her and Stephen king were like the big two of horror in the 90s

>> No.19558528

Yet she literally tried to ban fanfics based on her work.

>> No.19558647
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she wrote three sleeping beauty BDSM books as A.N. Roquelaure. I enjoyed the first two for what they were but checked out early into the thrird book when beauty gets kidnapped and introduced to some sultan's harem or something.

>> No.19559324
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>no side effects
just think how much worse it would've been if she hadn't been vaccinated

>> No.19559409

She died of cold weather.

>> No.19559419

sounds like she had a relatively quick death. we all should be so lucky.

>> No.19559736

She sounds based as fuck.

>> No.19559985

to be fair back then fanfic was looked on as copyright infringement by almost everyone and no one had realised the positive effects it could have to increase a writers audience.

>> No.19560105

>by almost everyone
it was a vampire thing. whedon tried to crack down on buffy fanfic so anne rice decided to do the same with her vamps

>> No.19560156
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what did she mean by this?

>> No.19560235

Actually, it's even more then that.
Anne Rice famously made mailing lists part of book culture when people wouldn't stop writing homosexual fanfiction with her characters, which she hated. She even went as far as to trademark her characters and sue hosting providers, which caused the VC homoerotic fanfiction network to resort to mailing lists. Kind of neat.

>> No.19560386

Her only book I've read is The Witching Hour and I gave up after 300 pages of nothing happening.

>> No.19560571

I was just rereading Interview!

>> No.19560579


>> No.19560875

Queen Of The Damned is the only book I read in one siting in my entire life. I reread Interview few years ago and the setting is really stunning, too bad it was wrecked by Katrina, I wish I could visit the place someday.

I hate internet so much

not that easy, especially if you're dependent on it, and anyway, all you'll see around you is a bunch of retards who didn't follow you in your heroic decision

>> No.19560993

Damn, sucks that she died. Never read one of her books though. But I guess I'm going pay her tribute anyway by watching and cumming to the video of Alexandra Snow RPing as a mommy who got caught reading one of the Rice books.

>> No.19561201

sticky rice

>> No.19561237

>turned into a giga christfag
>wait a sec... christians don't support fag marriage and abortion?! wtf i hate god now

what a lame cunt lol, would have been memer if she was just an IRL wiccan hippie her whole life

>> No.19561252

>old bitch who wrote faggot vampire books for 15 year old scene girls

uh, alright, whatever

>> No.19561278

why, are you vaxxed?

>> No.19561333

>Rice returned to the Catholic Church in 1998 after decades of atheism. On December 14, 1998, she fell into a coma, later determined to be caused by diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and nearly died.
>In 2004, Rice nearly died again from an intestinal blockage or bowel obstruction, a common complication of gastric bypass surgery.

Nearly died twice wow

>> No.19561336
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Does she have any lesbian vampire stories? (cause that's what I'm into)

>> No.19561348

>3rd time is the charm
>your comment has 3 3s

>> No.19561356
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didn't mean to

>> No.19561972

Checked and also God tried to warn her twice about her support of fag "marriage" and baby killing, she didn't listen, God said "I'm going to let the vax stroke her out, fuck it, I'm done with her."

That said, I actually really kind of love her books, especially the first several Vampire Chronicles. Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat and Queen of the Damned are legit great. Some of the best modern gothic fiction in existence. RIP Anne, you confused liberal dummy.

>> No.19563045

Love her book, Interview with the vampire. Shame she never got talked about here or in /sffg/.

>> No.19563153

because 4channel is a +18 yo site