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File: 11 KB, 259x385, Thinking,_Fast_and_Slow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19554688 No.19554688 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19554703

Anything written by Atheist jews.

>> No.19554714

how can they be jewish and athe--nvm i've reached that age that I understand that I'm too good for bait

>> No.19554719

rent free

>> No.19554721

Cope book

>> No.19554736
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>> No.19554737
File: 29 KB, 611x99, Derr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read more books and see pic
Give an example that proves me wrong.

>> No.19554747

Thinking, Fast and Slow is one of the most benign books I can think of. Is this just a joke I don't understand?

>> No.19554749

I don't think its bait. fwiw a Jew in modern definition can refer to a person born of ethnic Jewish parent(s) regardless of their religious practice or lack thereof.

>> No.19554763

How is this evil?

>> No.19554777

Hammer Of The Witches.

Poorly written, pseudo scientific to the extreme of using erotica to charm the loyalties of pent up critics and influences, and lead to many horrible deaths and ruined families and communities.

>> No.19554779

How is it evil? The conclusions are stupid but the studies themselves are interesting

>> No.19554825
File: 330 KB, 917x1386, good book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give an example that proves me wrong.

>> No.19554842

It's just about how we are entering an age where we will need to reconcile Christ with anti-Christian/materialist ideals (in the sense of integrating them rather than simply repressing or ignoring) to achieve psychological wholeness. If you think that's evil then you didn't understand.

>> No.19555105
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>> No.19555166
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>Bro... we just need to reconcile Christ with the Antichrist!
>Don't worry bro, i got you covered

>> No.19555232


>> No.19555251

And that filter? Jesus Christ

>> No.19555557

Most Jews are Atheist you gigantic tard. EG: All of the big name ones in Hollywood or the media. Being "part of the tribe" is enough to be labeled a Jew, they don't have to be religiously Jewish.

>> No.19555573
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>> No.19555708

Read the book instead Peterson's inane ranting.

>> No.19556360
File: 294 KB, 720x1205, 20210403_220138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19556368

The Bible.

>> No.19556369
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>> No.19556389

Jew is a race. you can't reasonably argue that it's a religion because their own scripture says it's a race, and the religious among them consider it a race. according to their own scripture you can't even stop being a Jew, you can just be a bad Jew. you can't become a Jew either, you can only be a "righteous gentile" by virtue of worshiping the same God and observing the portion if their laws that aren't concerned with heredity/tribal identity (which is most of them)

>> No.19556422

Must be hard being an individual in this world where everyone tries to group you into one thing or the other.

>> No.19556438

>point out the existence of an ethnic group
>wow this so sad just let people bee themselves bro
you wouldn't protest if i said Irish or Ethiopian were ethnic groups

>> No.19556457

I would have, if you had said that books written by Irish were evil.

>> No.19556465

show me exactly where i said the Bible is evil

>> No.19556482

oh wait you thought i was this guy>>19554703
i am not. disregard this>>19556465

>> No.19556556


>> No.19557077

This must be bait. Many if not most Western Jews who call themselves Jews identify as atheist or secular. These Jews also live within Jewish tradition, they celebrate Hanukkah, they circumsise their children etc.
If you think I am making this up, then why do people like Steven Pinker, Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman say they are Jews despite being atheists?
The book is benign I guess, but Kahneman's work has been a large part of how modern social media platforms work.
How is the Bible remotely evil? Everything redeeming about our ethics today are from Christianity. Is it because there is slavery in it?

>> No.19557839

>you can't become a Jew either, you can only be a "righteous gentile"
You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. This is just plain wrong.
Jews have to follow the 613 mitzvot. Non-jews only have to follow the 7 noahide laws. A non-jew who follows the noahide laws is a bnei noach. But you absolutely can "convert" and become a jew. in fact, talmud says converts have always been jewish and were present at mount sinai. multiple instances in the torah and talmud make it imperative to be good to converts. why do you lie on the internet? did you read this on /pol/?

>> No.19558131
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This and the entire Frankfurt school

>> No.19558152

Why do people deny that Jewish is an ethnicity as well as a faith? There are many people who are of Jewish ethnicity and identify with it but are not believers including one of my uncles

>> No.19558160
File: 921 KB, 1694x1359, רבי.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did not say books written by Jews are evil though. He said that books written by a subsection of Jews that don't believe in God are evil; most rebbes would agree

>> No.19558185


It's a little surprising to note that even within the midwit journalist / government technocrat class, the idea of "nudge" has become totally bastardised to include coercive stuff as well.

>> No.19558190

What's a rebbe?

>> No.19558203

Converts have the same marriage prospects as mamzers. Basically, if you convert to Judaism, the least ismic of isms, you can righteously hold your dick for the rest of your life, and marry another convert or a somone born from incest or adultery if you're lucky.

>> No.19558217

If these were actually evil, then I would want to read them. But OP pic is just trendy coffee table non-fiction, and Carl Jung is just new age nonsense.

>> No.19558221

I miss the times when the elites read Plato, Aristotle, Homer and Augustine instead of this midwit shit

>> No.19558230
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>> No.19558236
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>> No.19558305

The whole delusion that you can reap the benefits of faith through rationally picking apart religion seems misguided if not evil.

>> No.19558457

Maybe if that was at all what Jung suggests (he didn't).