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1954981 No.1954981 [Reply] [Original]

Dune thread

also Brian Herbert is a fag who should go die in a fire

>> No.1954997
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Arrakis got some good huntin'.

>> No.1955000

Why does anyone like God-Emperor? Its just a bunch of stupid lectures. If Leto had somethign intresting to say it would be intresting but instead we get gems like "why lesbians make the best soilders"

>> No.1955006

I thought Dune was boring. It could've been awesome with the sci-fi, the politics, and a desert planet, but it was so badly written.

Read Foundation instead.

>> No.1955008

really? I loved the writing in original Dune.

But unfortunately quality went down with every next book

>> No.1955010

I agreed with you, until you said read Foundation. I am sorry but both are poorly written. Dune has the advantage of at least having a culture that feels real and unique, Foundation is just "Fall of the Roman Empire IN SPACE"

>> No.1955011

People enjoy God-Emperor? I thought the consensus was that the first book was awesome, then just forget the rest.

>> No.1955017

There is always one guy in Dune threads talking about how awesome God-Emperor is.

My opinion is first book is enjoyable (even if its poorly written), next two books are readable, and then everything from there on out isn't worth while.

>> No.1955042
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>also Brian Herbert is a fag who should go die in a fire

>> No.1955049

dammit Brian those prequels sucked you you know,
even if Baron did rape revered mother