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File: 51 KB, 302x475, Notes_from_underground_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1954765 No.1954765 [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm reading Notes from Underground when I finally stumble upon this part

"She embraced me rapturously and ardently. A quarter of an hour later I was running....."

AHAHHAHA, He only lasted a quarter of an hour? Now I finally understand why this man is so spiteful of the world. He's inept!

>> No.1954772

My favorite part of that book is when he punches the cabbie in the neck

>> No.1954770

OR he's just the best hugger ever

>> No.1954779

And then pounds the door with both fists and feet. I love the humor in Dostoevsky's works.

>> No.1954782

I love when he has that big crazy fantasy delusion about how he's going to tell that guy off, and then just pussies out and acts all passive-aggressive all night.

Reminds me of that meme where the two guys pass each other without any incident, and the first then gets on 4chan and goes "SO I RAN INTO THIS FUCKING NIGGER EARLIER--"

>> No.1954784

> yfw you realize The Underground Man would trip on /lit/ if he existed today

>> No.1954787


virgin detected

everyone knows that 15 minutes is average and respectable

>> No.1954796

If I can masturbated for up to five hours, and simply blow my load due to boredom, I'm certain I can last more than 15 minutes with a woman. Not that I want anything to do with their disgusting cunts.

>> No.1954806


fucks sake man...you must have horrible friction burns

best part is when he obsesses over not yeilding his way to that guy in the street...but he can't do it because he isn't alpha enough...really funny

>> No.1954838

Ah, but he finally bumps shoulders with the damned officer, and though the officer was stronger and barely budged while he fidgeted all over, he at least for a moment was an equal to the officer. He did not give way!

>> No.1954863


that's right...lol
it took him much sleeplessness and anguish to force himself into it though...and still he didn't achieve the result he needed, his ego remained a mess.

>> No.1954868

I can last an hour and a half if I make the effort, but I have trouble getting off when I fap, so it's one hell of a trade-off.

>> No.1954876


Also, everyone knows that if women have at least one good or two minor orgasms, they'll think it lasted forever even if it was only eight minutes.

>> No.1954877

Protip: fapping is nothing like vaginal intercourse.

>> No.1954879

>named satan
>says lol
>forgets important parts of story
>believes the situation was about gaining ego
This board is for people above 18

>> No.1954883

two "minor orgasms" in eight minutes

anon it's not an orgasm every time they make noise

>> No.1954884

protip: it pretty much is the same thing

>> No.1954885
File: 81 KB, 266x400, q342345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't know what the fuck you're saying do you?

>> No.1954887

It's really not.

Especially as far as longevity is concerned.

>> No.1954888


>believes the situation was about gaining ego

yeah it pretty much was

>> No.1954889
File: 10 KB, 300x299, laughing_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unable to defend his position

>> No.1954890

I'm aware of that. I meant I can last like an hour and a half in bed. If I've had sex with the girl before. First time, fifteen to twenty minutes is pretty accurate.

>> No.1954893

Ah okay, thought you meant masturbation.

For an inexperienced guy who goes straight to fucking without foreplay, fifteen minutes is entirely believable. Actually, commendable.

>> No.1954892
File: 33 KB, 329x400, laughinghomelessguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look at this faggot with delusions of entitlement

>> No.1954894

I doubt the underground man is concerned about an ego, concerned about bolstering his importance in the world. That by itself would turn the book into some simple angst ridden babble.

He wants to show the world that we are all the same, if we are all "stupid or intellectual" it would be the same thing. He talks about "we" at the end, he speaks for everyone for he claims we are all stillborn humans lost if only left with ourselves.

>> No.1954895

It's true. Not to mention that if it's the first time with that girl, you're usually nervous, and more excited than usual.

Why would you skip foreplay, though? Personally, I think it's fun.

>> No.1954900

The Underground Man is also enraged when people consider themselves above him, such as with most everyone in the book, or even when a person considers themselves below him, such as with Liza.

>> No.1954901

You'd be surprised how many people ignore foreplay altogether. It's psychologically stimulating, but most people are concerned with their orgasm, and the notion that cock size is all that matters, so they just use what they have. It's why so many people are considered "bad lovers in bed" and all that.

I actually think it's pretty interesting that the Underground Man is an impersonal, selfish lover. That's a nice touch.

>> No.1954906

Seems silly, when you can get the girl to the verge of orgasm before you even start sex, which makes your job a lot easier in the long run.

BTW, is the book worth reading?

>> No.1954908

If he was selfish he wouldn't give a second thought about his actions, but he instead torments himself over ever step he makes, usually justifying the wrongs and rights of every action he made but never coming to the decision of if his actions were correct or not.

>> No.1954913

Oh, definitely. It's short, and though the first half is dense, the second half is extremely rewarding. It's a good intro to Dostoevsky; read the short stories White Nights and The Dream of the Ridiculous Man after (or before, if you want a taste of his style).
Or Emerson's Invisible Man, which takes the idea of an underground man and places him during the Harlem Rennaissance; one of my favorite novels, actually.

That doesn't sound selfish to you?

>> No.1954916

No, selfish is drinking in full the joy of your actions while giving no conscious thought to your wrong doings.

>> No.1954921

Sounds to me like his actions were selfish and he was selfish at the moment, but he wasn't a selfish person after the fact.

>> No.1954922

Adding on to what I previously said, the underground man consistently works to undo his selfish behavior while at the same time attempting to justify it. He repays Simonov, pay Appolon his wages, he even chases after Liza to kiss her on the feet and ask for forgiveness.

>> No.1954924

He's consistently two sides of a coin, a selfish vs forgiving side. When one is shown at the front, the other is arguing with him on the inside.

>> No.1954926

He got off on his own punishment, on feeling degraded. He didn't like it in the slightest, but it gave him meaning; without it, he became nothing. I think it was selfish even after the fact, because it was self-serving validation mixed with shame.

Just my interpretation of it, it's been a while since I've read it.
I just think it's more psychological than "he felt bad".

>> No.1954932

I would say it was more psychological than "he was selfish", but I see you further justified your meaning and I can accept the merit of your views.

>> No.1954942
File: 15 KB, 466x202, 128728912170666590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic win dude sex is soo funny the universe cannot contain your awesomes almost as awesome as me!!



P.S. do you like beer and parties haha

>> No.1954947
File: 268 KB, 720x540, awesomethread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954949
File: 33 KB, 302x300, your_opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1954950
File: 82 KB, 429x410, 1310442299856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
