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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 629 KB, 2000x3700, 4chan_2019_top_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19546304 No.19546304 [Reply] [Original]

This is the tie breaker for the annual Top Books poll.

Please vote in the form


>> No.19546317
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw haven't read more than one book per category

>> No.19546321

How do I downvote books

>> No.19546351

You just don't vote for that one. You vote for the other one.

>> No.19546412

Not even pretending you haven't come from reddit lol.

>> No.19546448
File: 67 KB, 750x424, 6728C2CC-4773-41A9-8785-F4815609E0F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see this list is just as retarded as last year

>> No.19546480

atleast it didn’t «win»

>> No.19546491


>> No.19546494

>based Hitler tied with pseud crap
ngmi /lit/

>> No.19546513

can we make this fiction only next time?

>> No.19546556

same. Most of them are books I haven't read yet because 20th century literature doesn't interest me much

>> No.19546591
File: 800 KB, 1372x1024, 1633294155331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which book(s) do you like most
>Only choose the books i've read

>> No.19546600

God you people are exhausting.

>> No.19546604
File: 113 KB, 1150x1280, IMG_20211019_151459_286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which book(s) do you like most
>Only choose the books i didn't read

>> No.19546635

I haven't read most of the books in the poll and I don't want to be dishonest and only vote for what I've read, so I'll abstain this year and try to catch up on more books for next year (though the way I read books almost guarantees I won't read many).
The only book I read and loved enough to immediately jump out as a personal favorite included in this poll is No Longer Human.

>> No.19546675

I read many of them and you're not missing out on much. Older literature is just much better mostly because it covers much more time.

>> No.19546680

I was baiting you anon but you didn't get angry at me :(

>> No.19546756

trolling outside of /b/

>> No.19546821

Trying to be a woman in a man's body

>> No.19546902

are all these books gonna be on list or some not

>> No.19546907

you??!? I'm ashamed man read more borges btw

>> No.19546960


>> No.19547005

These books will be on the list, this poll is to determine where on the list.
If after this there are still some minor ties, they will just be sorted alphabetically.
But this should give /lit/ a say over how they feel the books should go.
There were no ties with the final books and books that were off the list. The vote count dropped by one precisely at 100 so this will be a clean list

>> No.19547007

Will Don Quixote be number one?

>> No.19547009

no I mean books from the poll in the OP, are all of them fit in top 100 and we're just voting for order or some will be pushed out of list

>> No.19547011

>The vote count dropped by one precisely at 100

>> No.19547015

oh thanks

>> No.19547023

Tiebreaker is such a great idea anon. This year looks like it is being done right

>> No.19547038
File: 1.97 MB, 3024x3024, 20210916_155911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, that was just the first tie.
Moby-Dick has and always will be our favorite book

>> No.19547049

Yes, this is just for order, the numbers worked out well and there is no jockeying to be on the list, it is just where will you be on that list.
You are welcome
Thank you, the tie breaker results will be much easier that the OG post since don't have to reformat anything.

>> No.19547058

What was the vote count for 100th place? 2 or 3ish?

>> No.19547066

thanks for your work mate

>> No.19547095

The book in the 100th position has 7 votes.
The book in the 101st position had 6.

I won't reveal the other numbers until I drop the list, but the vote responses this year were very plentiful.
You are welcome, I could have done it without /lit/'s imput, I'm just happy to be a part of this

>> No.19547102

That's too bad. I don't really rank books but Don Quixote is one of the most important historically speaking

>> No.19547162

get a new joke, it’s been several years now

>> No.19547165
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this slavshit

fuck off

>> No.19547180

When will we have the results anon pollster?

>> No.19547190

You WILL have the results by Dec 15, for sure.

>> No.19547212

He consistently makes the top 10. Dostoevsky dominates the top spots and the bible has been hot recently

>> No.19547221

Yet it never fails to trigger you tranny

>> No.19547223

Ferdydurke bros, this is our time

>> No.19547230

So how long does the current poll last? Surely 24h is enough given that it's not particularly important.

>> No.19547290

read more books pleb

>> No.19547298


>> No.19547314

Not gonna read slavshit I'll stick to actual yuropeens not bugmen.

>> No.19547351

voted for that shieet #!

>> No.19547487

Russian landlords in serfdom ages (a.k.a russian classic authors) were wealthier than anyone of the europoors. Also most of russians are white.

>> No.19547496

Spiritually bankrupt

>> No.19547503

You gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.19547516

touch grass etc

>> No.19547519

Yeah this one is mostly to find a baseline tie break, so I think I'll dhut it down when I get 200 or so responses. There are certain books that are obviously tie broken, where there are still some left that are pretty close. I'd be good to see if they break in one direction

>> No.19547520

This is the hardest choice for argie anons

>> No.19547528


Ok chang.

>> No.19547556

If this blurred version are the current standings, then we have
>1. Moby Dick
>2. The Bible
>3. Don Quixote
>4. Lolita
>5. Ulysses?

>> No.19547565

It's the 2019 chart. Filename

>> No.19547570

The blurred version is just the 2019 one

>> No.19547572

oopsies you're right

>> No.19547584

It's already a nonstarter unless OP decides not to allow it to be ruined

>> No.19547612

are you fucking idiot

>> No.19547622

dial 8

>> No.19547641

Just ignore it, it'll only take up one spot (as will the Kaczynski one).

>> No.19547724
File: 46 KB, 600x399, wi600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19547829

>Demons and The Idiot listed
>no Brothers Karamazov
Did Demons and Idiot really get more votes?

>> No.19547836

TBK probably got more votes and wasn't tied with anything.

>> No.19547842

sum lit im posting pics i took at Guadalajaras international book fair in case you want to see them >>156330023

>> No.19547849


>> No.19547898

>not seeing /pol/sters as a neccessary evil to prevent too many women and redditors coming on the board

>> No.19547910

Wait until I release the spreadsheet...

>> No.19547922

are the books ordered? like is the third question for example for books that are ranked below the first question/choice?

>> No.19547926

oh no no no no

>> No.19547934

where do you think current day poltards came from?

>> No.19547973

I have the Question Shuffler on, so no

>> No.19547984

cool, I hope you don't censor the list by removing MK or some other stuff. Did Marx make it in? Some guy in the last thread said he made 109 bot accounts to vote for him. Also did any other fascist literature make it in?

>> No.19548364

you're half right but this is a loaded question since basically any kind of politics that's not total hedonism almost certainly has roots in some pozzed platform.

>> No.19548405

elitistic gatekeeping should be enough to keep the plebs at bay, no need for edgy middle school «humor»

>> No.19548492

I cant believe I share a board with plebs

>> No.19548516


>> No.19548535

Not according to Pierre Menard

>> No.19548544
File: 1.39 MB, 1820x4348, TrueLit Top 100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will our list compare with Reddit's?

>> No.19548550

Who gives a shit?

>> No.19548551


>> No.19548647

I never said I personally endorsed it, although I do recognise them as a neccessary fact.
Most anons can't get into "elististic" gatekeeping, how would you do that on a non-locked anon imageboard? Once you start adding social signifiers like upvotes and reacts etc, it's all over, you've encouraged too many women to roll out their pathological bugbrain that gets off on social transfiguration. Better just to let the rude anons run wild and spout hate speech. The best way to keep an open forum is to allow both the most degenerate and the most pious.

>> No.19548709


>> No.19548737

about 75-80% the same desu

>> No.19548747

>the shittiest translation of the odyssey in existence
they have shit taste

>> No.19548757

Reminder that this got universally panned on their own subreddit not having enough minorities and women authors

>> No.19548793

>affirmative action is putting 50 random books by minorities up in the leagues of Shakespeare
imagine being some rwandan soupmaker publishing sonic fan fiction featuring slave owners and someone calls you one of the best writers of all time for no good reason

>> No.19548801

this is books list not translations list

>> No.19548946

>109 bot accounts
KEK anon...

>> No.19549089

You sound like 2 retarded homosexuals. I voted Mein Kampf and I read more classics than you two together and I also never read the book. Kill yourselves newfags.

>> No.19549121

doesn't matter if you like me or not, you are still my unwitting filter to remove unfavourables

>> No.19549233

rent free

>> No.19549494

How do I vote tiebreakers when I have only read one of the books and hate the one I’ve read?

>> No.19549509

just dont pick either anon

>> No.19549631

Hitler hands down, I don't like Borges at all.

>> No.19550169


Where do you think 97% of your books came from? White people. You would think /lit/ would be the bastion of the 4th reich here but theyre midwit leddit transplants.

>> No.19550202

Great to see Ferdydurke up there, now I also hope that Good Soldier Svejk and The Sleepwalkers are up there. Broch/Gombrowicz/Musil/Hasek/Kafka bros, it's finally our time

>> No.19550257

the death of vergil is here

>> No.19550298

>Where do you think 97% of your books came from? White people.

>> No.19550310

I haven't a single book from your list but I still voted >:)

>> No.19550368


>> No.19550386

why the fuck is recognitions so high? literally the worst book gaddis ever wrote

>> No.19550559

>Reddit-tier picks are actually pretty based
Unironically a really good list
I've only been on r/literature maybe trulit's taste is not that bad. It's so similar to ours that I feel like a lot of /lit/ users are on that subreddit kek

>> No.19550703

>It's so similar to ours that I feel like a lot of /lit/ users are on that subreddit kek
It's a sub from refugees from here who fled hen philosophy discussions took over. Still haven't developed their own taste aside for including more diversity quotas I see

>> No.19550806

what other books did you vote for?

>> No.19550812

range ban burgers any day now

>> No.19550826

>range ban phoneposters any day now
Now we're talking.

>> No.19550895

range ban everybody and close this shithole already

>> No.19551226

Having Hitler in top 10 is just a warning for everyone and it says kikery is not welcome

>> No.19551270 [DELETED] 

Why is this shit taking so long? It's been one week away from a month that I voted in your poll, hurry it up. Didn't you yourself say that you got the most votes out of every other? What else do you need?

>> No.19551287
File: 766 KB, 976x850, 1636320742387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Industrial Society and Its Future - Kaczynski
What the fuck?

>> No.19551489

Made the top 100 for three years now. It was just edited out in 2019 and 2020

>> No.19551795

jews are famous for their galgenhumor, i don’t think it will scare them away

>> No.19551943

vote for proust

>> No.19551989
File: 62 KB, 976x850, 1637739478972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Industrial Society and Its Future - Kaczynski
Are you niggers serious? I still can't get over it.

>> No.19552054

Not when it's tied with Shakespeare

>> No.19552250

I hate to be the one who asks the question again, but when is the complete list going to be published?

>> No.19552259

Probably this weekend

>> No.19552267


>> No.19552299


>> No.19552392
File: 29 KB, 610x280, 97654345678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the poltards going to do? Are they going to sacrifice one of the greatest works of 20th century literature to do LE FUNNY and make room for a shitty written political pamphlet? Let's find out.

>> No.19552477 [DELETED] 

>pseud SF for manchildren vs the work of the man who fought against kikes and created a vision of white unity for the present
Yeah I'm afraid I care more about protecting the interests of Western culture than about some spic and his stories

>> No.19552498

the only remotely sf story was the babylon library
the only kike was the hitler himself

>> No.19552502

If you want to partake in the standardized and stagnant progressive discourse about literature you see practically everywhere else law on the internet, you can go to those places. You either have to deal with these people or you get that; there is no middle ground anymore.

>> No.19552515

read his Garden of Forking Paths it's a story about chink who served for nazis and spied in french

>> No.19552523

Yeah, a lot of these communities tend to gravitate towards the same novels. I think it would be more interesting to do lists like top short stories or different categories of non-fiction for some more interesting results.

>> No.19552534

the real challenge would be to try and weigh the the circles that make up the communities themselves.

>> No.19552641

we did a top 100 plays earlier this year, and while pretty basic it was a lot of fun

>> No.19552648

i just want recs and memes, not schizo burger culture war

>> No.19552654

They’re famous for having big noses being greedy and perverting shiksas

>> No.19552658

No one cares what you want retard

>> No.19552682

no noone cares what YOU want retard

>> No.19552694

>yeah im afwaid i cawe mowe about pwotecting the intewests of westewn cultuwe
if western culture was ever about writing shitty political pamphlets then it'd be better off dead. I don't even care about your retarded political sympathies but MK is simply terrible, there are tens of texts superior to it within your nazi bubble. But you either don't know about it because you're an utter pleb, or you admit that you're voting for the author and not the actual book

>> No.19552744
File: 202 KB, 700x751, 1638645567872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19552750

It's a good book, you haven't read it and just speak out of your ass. But I do agree with you that there are better books on the right and more worth while reading, most of what Evola or Celine have written for example is better, but it's also less known, by virtue the top 100 books are also the most read books. Most people here are pseuds who have read like 50 books tops and they keep reading what other people from here suggest, so you get pretty much the same or very similar list year in year out. Hence why MK or any other meme book makes it in every time... because the taste propagates, even the people who went to reddit because it was too /pol/luted over here, have the same taste minus the nazi picks, but overall same meme books.

>> No.19552772

we should spam lit with our favourite unpopular books to fix it

>> No.19552789

Same. Sorry, opie, I'll try to read more next year so I can be a better man for you. Please forgibe me. :(

>> No.19552796

I'll break your spine

>> No.19552809

i shill my favorites all the time, ferdydurke even made into the top hunna this year

>> No.19552815

>Verification not required.

>> No.19552905
File: 3.98 MB, 400x640, 1636464055645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to see that the list isnt censored

Also, *ahem*

>> No.19552920

I vote ferdydurke every single year, so I guess it just took another vote for it to make top 100. Based.

>> No.19552925

>not respecting borges
the nigger is you

>> No.19552950

It would have taken at least 7 votes. See
>The book in the 100th position has 7 votes.
>The book in the 101st position had 6
What could have caused this sudden surge I have no clue

>> No.19553065

Yeah, I’d just be interested in seeing a list for a category where the official consensus isn’t as solid here r well define. Wouldn’t even have to be a top 100. A top 25 would be good enough.

>> No.19553074

All these lists are pretty useless because /lit/ has a lot of very different groups that barely share anything in common. It's like a multicultural democracy: it doesn't work.

>> No.19553138

what would you tell your family if they asked why you got that pic saved on your computer?

>> No.19553178

Even if his parents don't find out, the fact that he has that on his computer says a lot.

>> No.19553185

But you would think that would result in more interesting favorites lists then what we get.

>> No.19553200

Yep. I feel there are certain authors that only have 10-15 anons that discuss them.

>> No.19553338

Do you happen to have a link to that list?

>> No.19553379

>"Oh that's for making fun of trannies on the internet haha"
>"Haha nice one son, have fun!"

>> No.19553477

you will never be a son

>> No.19553643

Haha I love this guy! He's so funny, smoking weed and being fat, very funny stuff. I especially like his political commentary on twitter and his kike arrogance.

I understand why you'd save this image, I too relate with this slimy pig.

>> No.19553715


>> No.19553813

Do you have the pic?

>> No.19553836
File: 3.73 MB, 1410x2250, Top 100 Plays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but I found it in the archive. Not a bad list, though it's missing some I would have included.

>> No.19553860


>> No.19553886

Thank you for the effort, anon.

Also, I really hope the Iliad gets in top5
*wink wink*

>> No.19553938

>look mom, I can spout racial slurs online!!

>> No.19554014

Post your predictions

Here are mine:
>The Bible first
>The Iliad top 5
>Mein Kampf top 10
>Herodotus top 30
>Shakespeare gets 3 plays in top 50
>Culture of Critique makes it into top 100

>> No.19554149

Brothers Karamazov and Infinite Jest in top 3

>> No.19554205

>IJ top 3
It's the to let it go anon we moved on

>> No.19554611

Ecclesiates was probably the most doomer thing I've ever read. People will say I read it wrong, but it's on par with Mainlander talking about God committing suicide.

>> No.19554896

I hope the Pale King makes at least top 25

>> No.19554916

Ficciones is objectively a better work of literature. Mein Kampf is not even literature.

>> No.19554970

No one cares about your gay criteria faggot

>> No.19555056

That list is genuinely identical to /lit/'s taste so I don't know if that makes that particular subreddit based or if that makes us Reddit

>> No.19555096

>Odyssey above the Iliad
You'll learn to detected pseuds one day anon. The surface similarities are because those people are /lit/ rejects so they never developed their taste differently after leaving from here.

>> No.19555729

The ties have been broken.
This year's list will be released on Sunday.
Thank you to those who broke the tie.

>> No.19555742

Sorry, just how things are. Non-fiction is not literature.

>> No.19556393


>> No.19556421

No one asked retard we're voting books

>> No.19556442

just give me the fucking list

i dont give a shit about your rankings

>> No.19556445

touch sex

>> No.19556489

Thank you pollster anon for organising this. Interested to see what effect the increased poll size will have on the list.

>> No.19556687

Kek did this get deleted for being too based and triggering too many trannies?

>> No.19556712

no he accidentally attached a femboy pic

>> No.19556718

>newfag tranny doesn't know we can check the archive to see the post

>> No.19556731

post the list anon

>> No.19556734

you are very smart sir

>> No.19556801

you are single

>> No.19556880

It is Sunday you numpty

>> No.19556886

He's probably a sleeping amerifat

>> No.19557108

mother fucking idiot i will rip and tear your guts

>> No.19557171

Yet it still triggers you.

>> No.19557203

Stop spamming your kike crap dysgenic mutant

>> No.19557226

Oh it's another lets use obscure words in my insult because it validates me as the smarter person!

>> No.19557241

Let me try a language you can understand
I'm bigger than you

>> No.19557243

said troonspamer

>> No.19557251

prove it

>> No.19557255

You don't even know who you're insulting, so I really can't take any offence at all.

>> No.19557260

so this is the power of lit

>> No.19557285


>> No.19557340

>retard thinks we're friends and we can send YouTube links to each other that I'll actually click

>> No.19557349

do you really enjoy spitting bad words

>> No.19557449

I wish I were as cynical basedpilled marginal as you

>> No.19557518

where's the final result

>> No.19557537

in OP's vault aka his ass maybe
he'e being rather too fussy with it i must say

>> No.19557573

He's probably still making the image.

>> No.19557677

op can you do a separate chart for non fiction only

>> No.19557725

OP here. Fuck you.

>> No.19557733

Just look at the reddit chart or the lit one from the previous years, its always the same

>> No.19557750

Oh yeah?

>> No.19557992

getting impatient now

>> No.19558026

Go watch porn

>> No.19558472

Ay yo OP, while you're making the chart could you just post the document that has the final list?

>> No.19558742

>not including Pirandello
list discarded

>> No.19558758

my bad, it's there, too low but there nonetheless.
Another nice one would have been Testori's Trilogy, but I don't think it's available in english, so that's understandable

>> No.19559066

Where did faggot OP go

>> No.19559232

OP is an incompetent fraud. I curse you devil.

>> No.19559412

learn to wait kiddo

>> No.19559536

Results are up
Results are up
It didn't do too bad
List is out
Congratulations it made #4
List is out, compare!
DFW didn't do as well this year
List is out
List is out, over 700 responses
The list is posted
Yeah, I didn't say at the break of Sunday, I said on Sunday. It is still Sunday
Final result is out
Yes I was
It is out
See >>19559412

Here is the new thread
It has the lists.
This thread can die now