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/lit/ - Literature

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19543183 No.19543183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, this thread will be about building an audience before hand to have a preexisting audience so you can have a successful book launch.
It took me 18 days to get to 100 twitter followers.
I won't drop a book until around 10,000-20,000.
Is anyone else doing something similar?

>> No.19543207
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I’ve taken the several authors already and posted their follower counts vs reviews on their books, which is roughly correlated to overall book sales.

>> No.19543290

Twitter is dead

>> No.19543293

Yeah okay, anyways the rest of us living in reality will use the tools available to us to succeed. Twitter is such a tool.

>> No.19543624

Twitter is not a place for genuine conversations

>> No.19543665

Which is why I didn't say it was.

>> No.19543916

Good luck shilling your shitty book, but this thread you have created is off topic for this board. Try /qa/ or /wsr/ or some other blogpost-friendly board

>> No.19543945

Yeah fuck off.
Publishing is on topic newfag.
Go be butthurt elsewhere.

>> No.19543980

Shilling your shitty magazines and books is somehow ok. The janitors do nothing about the &amp threads and the F. Gardner threads, but somehow the /lit/ discord and other like-advertising is banned. These guys have no standards. They operate on a whim.

>> No.19544254

My question is, why are you appealing to book twitter when the userbase there is so shit? All they do is cause drama and read the same five authors instead of actually writing

>> No.19544261

I'm not appealing to book twitter. I'm appealing to young men and will get them to read.

>> No.19544268

Except young men don't read, you're more likely to get them to play a shitty indie game than read your book

>> No.19544308

I'm trying to simultaneously build a following on Youtube, Twitter and Medium, hoping they amplify each other.
Youtube as an outlet to talk about books and enter booktube.
Twitter just to interact and eventually shill myself
Medium as an outlet to write stories and articles

>> No.19544318
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I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.19544648

>makes an off topic thread about Twitter
>complains that discussion of an author and his books (gardner) isn't banned
>complains that discussion of homegrown literary magazine (&amp) isn't banned
>complains that off topic threads about discord are banned
>complains that off topic advertising threads are banned
Go back to discord or Twitter or wherever you came from and let us discuss literature in peace