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/lit/ - Literature

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19541239 No.19541239 [Reply] [Original]

Just a reminder some soi atheist is spamming the Dostoevsky plebbit meme. Let's go over why he's the most based author since Cervantes.
>trained soldier
>mystic orthodox
Discord trannies can't handle the D-man, so they spam nonsensical force memes.

>> No.19541254

Stop defending Reddit man and read some real Russian literature like Tolstoy.

>> No.19541258

Why not appreciate both

>> No.19541263

He's also antisemitic, chud, and this is problematic to talk bad about our overlords despite LGBT+'s support for Palestine but it doesn't matter because we lefties are permanently in the state of ideological dissonance, did I mention that I'm trans btw?

>> No.19541268

Ive seen redditors claim dosto WAS an atheist. I wouldnt pay attention to stupid shitflinging arguments like that

>> No.19541278

I don't even know why /lit/ even likes reddit man, I prefer Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, Mikhail Lermontov and Anton Chekhov

>> No.19541283


>> No.19541292

I want to be a good Christian but interaction with people in my city makes me want to disembowel people with my bare hands. I feel like a mega cuck every time I let things slide.

>> No.19541296

crime and punishment in a nutshell

>> No.19542004
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You forgot the fact that he hated Jews.

>> No.19542077

thats what being a christian is though. You have to realise massive degenerates are really just victims. Hard pill to swallow

>> No.19542146

this kind of post is the real reddit

>> No.19542277

It's too humiliating sometimes. What is worse is that it's for nothing - at least when it comes to people - If they slight you and you show kindness, they will laugh at you and slight you again. If you act toward them with generosity, they will try to take advantage of you. If you turn the other cheek, they will slap you again, with glee. There are so many relentlessly shitty people who are competely beyond change or redemption.
I can't help but feel that by acting meekly I enable them, and the more they are enabled the more they will act the same and worse, whereas if they were punished they would stop being so shit. Sadly conditioning works on people, enabling does the opposite. I know that there should be no hope whatsoever to change people, but only to achieve forgiveness for yourself, but holy fuck it's so difficult. And it's even worse that you take the slight, watch them laugh, smile at them, then anger wells up in you after they're gone and you feel guilty that you felt angry, because you're not supposed to harbor this kind of feeling. It's all fine and dandy if you live in a monastery somewhere in the pastures, surrounded by other monks, whom you can expect to feel guilty if they ever slight you, but in this case, to live in the city and get cucked time and time over, and smile while you take it from people who cannot even fathom having any manners, kindness, morality, it's just so hard. Especially when you know first-hand that meekness will get you crushed in life, and you will die alone and miserable. There's no good ending at all on this Earth for people who behave like this, there's not a tiny fraction of all this effort that achieves anything in the realm of this Earth. You have to literally only do it for God. Every single time you have to think of it is as a strictly personal achievement, with zero manifestation in the world. It's so damn hard.

>> No.19542377

You have it wrong. You're not supposed to just be meek. You're supposed to fight them with that kindness. Shame them for slapping you, laugh at them. Make them see how pointless it is to be that aggressive. Mock them if you want.
You're supposed to fight back, but not in the same way they did, else you're just stooping down to their level.

>> No.19542403

I have the perfect video for your perspective


What you are saying here is very in line with neetch, but I think this video shows how dostoyevsky's christianity is not a weakness but requires the utmost self respect and courage.

>> No.19542406
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>even know why /lit/ even
Dostoevsky haters are dozen-IQ retards who can't make a cohesive sentence. Color me shocked.

>> No.19542452

This is pretty much my view. My conclusion is to give people what they keep asking for. In a weird way, it's as though they want to be oppressed and dominated. It's the only thing they respect.

>> No.19542457

You have to believe in a genuine good in people to show the kind of forgiveness Dosto idealizes.
No matter what we as individuals do, shitty people will exist. Giving in to contempt for those people harms ourselves more often than the ones we project our anger toward.
If you haven't already, read the Elder Zosima chapters of Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.19542549

There are cases where you can do this, cases where you cannot. Interactions in the modern world are complex, so it takes a degree of artifice to "fight" this sort of abuse no matter how good your intentions are. People who operate on taking advantage of others or disrespecting others are inevitably much better at this game than you will ever be. Remember that they have no concept whatsoever of a God, or morality, so your own hand in this game will look unreadable to them, or simply like a very poor hand. And why should you waste time trying to give a better example? These people are irredemable. They think you're retarded for having any principles at all. If you respond to slights with kindness they will think you are simply too cowardly or spineless, or lacking in status or resources to act in retaliation. They're like aggressive seagulls or crows or monkeys stealing your shit and acting like cunts, you cannot reason with them. All they would react to is a direct consequence for their behavior but even then, you wouldn't steer them toward goodness, only to a conditioned behavior born of self-preservation. It's literally hopeless. And this isn't even considering a scenario like, being a Christian in a Muslim county where they will persecute you. What then? You flee, or you die in hope of martyrdom, which in the end is what all of Christianity feels like, whether your martyrdom is a sword against your neck or a lifetime of being cucked by assholes.
But all that remains is, wouldn't you do it? Wouldn't you act like this in the name of the one man for whom is worth doing all this, while all other men are worthy of nothing and irredeemable? Even without the reward of heaven or the threat of hell, there's no other choice but to imitate Christ, but fuck me it's immensely hard. Nor you should allow yourself to relax upon this idea that you will be a flawed sinner anyway, no matter what, and God forgives all. I've seen Christians think this way. God himself was full of wrath, the old Prophets were all messing up and failing God constantly. I don't feel entitled to do the same because of that, nor to "accept" my nature as it is. It's a double torment, torment of living and torment for rejecting the world of the living, one feeding the other.

>> No.19542557

Also thanks I'll watch it tomorrow.
Will do, thanks.

>> No.19542600

>stealing your shit and acting like cunts
Matthew 5:40-42

Just don't care for the things of this world anon. Many people have said this line in some way: "the best way to get revenge is to not care"

I, for one, find enjoyment in it. What am i to do, besides laugh at how blind they are? If i told them to open their eyes, they'd just cover them with their hands.

And finally, Matthew 5:10-12
Hang in there, you're better off in how you're thinking than most people.

>> No.19543475

You could/should also read the entirety of BK. It’s a long book but incredibly worthwhile (at least during the first 2 parts)
The Elder Zosima chapters are just the ones I find best outline Dosto’s ideal philosophy/worldview

>> No.19544158
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poor folks cant be helped

>> No.19544175

Isnt judging an author based on their life instead of their work peak reddit?

>> No.19544260

you clearly haven't read his work

>> No.19544496

>generic irrelevant retort #287

>> No.19544533

>lists the most basic bitch, silver age writers

>> No.19544577

This post was made by a middle aged woman

>> No.19544682

>Just recently I was feeling unwell and read House of the Dead. I had forgotten a good bit, read it over again, and I do not know a better book in all our new literature, including Pushkin. It’s not the tone but the wonderful point of view—genuine, natural, and Christian. A splendid, instructive book. I enjoyed myself the whole day as I have not done for a long time. If you see Dostoevsky, tell him that I love him.

Strakhov gave Dostoevsky's response to Tolstoy in November of the same year:

>I saw Dostoevsky and transmitted to him your praise and love. He was greatly overjoyed, and I had to leave with him the page of your letter containing such precious words. He was a little annoyed at your derogation of Pushkin which is expressed there. . . .
>"How including [Pushkin]?" Tolstoy asked.
>I said that you had been even earlier, and now had particularly become, a hardened freethinker.

In 1881 Dostoevsky passed away, upon hearing the news Tolstoy wrote in a private letter:

>I’ve never seen this man and never had any relations with him, and all of a sudden, when he died, I understood that this was the closest, the dearest man for me, the man whose presence I needed the most… I considered him a friend, and had no doubt that we’ll see each other someday

When Tolstoy died in 1910 the last book he read was "Brothers Karamazov".

>> No.19544685

see >>19544682

>> No.19544694

he's bad

>> No.19544730

whats your favorite dosto novel bros besides brothers k

>> No.19544733

Gogol is batshit inside and Lermontov is top apex doomer.Pushkin is based. I guess them english translations aint no good or doesnt work at all if you can say such.

>> No.19544768

Chekhov is who I was referring to with the silver age comment. Everyone and their mother has read Pushkin and Gogol, not necessarily because they're the best, but because they're accessible. Though I will concede they are both quite good, and I did like A Hero of our Time. But for me, all three do not measure up to the layers, the structure, and the depth of Dostoevsky.

>> No.19544870
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>like Tolstoy

>> No.19544918

mind the hidden layers