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/lit/ - Literature

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19539169 No.19539169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I read here that if I contacted Amazon they would remove it for free, but I just talked to them and the guy still asked me for the "fine".
At this point I'm thinking about just paying the damn price for it, I already fucked up by buying a Kindle and not a Kobo, might as well take it all the way.
The ads do bother me, although I guess I could just ignore it and be a bit cheap.
What do you think ?

>> No.19539177

>pay to remove
the absolute state of kindle kiddies

>> No.19539181
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>the Kindle ads
you gotta be kidding

>> No.19539184

Regret it to my core.
My sibling bought a Kobo and it works fucking wonders. Meanwhile I'm stuck with ads, a higher price and fewer formats supported.
I was punished for my own retardation.

>> No.19539397

did having ads worth you saving €10?

>> No.19539422

Kobo is fucking shit bruh, you don’t know what you are talking about, kobo’s software is buggy as hell.

>> No.19539428

Just disconnect your kindle from your Amazon account and pirate all your books.

>> No.19539552

You can install a custom OS to your kindle, however the biggest price you'll be paying is not being able to buy from the Amazon store anymore

For me who downloads all his books from libgen it isn't an issue

>> No.19539563

Don't listen to >>19539422 but yeah, Kobo is much better than Kindle in almost every department except the price (Kindle's base model is way cheaper than something like the Kobo Clara, for example)

>> No.19539678

They still sneak ads in your main menu although only at the bottom, so out of principle I would refuse to pay. Remove all ads at least instead of giving "suggestions" on what to read next. Amazon is shit and today I would not recommend e-readers in general. Get fewer paper books, maybe second hand if you wamt them cheap, it's not like there are that many books that are worth reading.
If you want to pirate like a filthy nigger that's another problem but you better steal the e-reader as well or you're kind of retarded.

>> No.19539708

so you bought a kindle and they serve you ads? motherfuckers. just download moonreader on a tablet and switch your wifi off

>> No.19539717

I've had a Kindle for 10 years
I've never had ads
It has never connected to the internet. Airplane mode and download everything I ever want off #bookz

>> No.19539739

buy a fucking kobo instead

>> No.19540164

>in a product you already paid for
this is bait right?

>> No.19540169

The ads are not intrusive and they're not even stuff I would want, so they are easily ignored. They're more like "screensavers" than anything else.

>> No.19540170

>wtf i bought this tv why are there ads on it!!

Grow up.

>> No.19540174

Where are the ads? I just keep it offline all the time and use libgen for the mobi files

>> No.19540186

wtf are you talking about, there is only one add that is a mere screensaver. And you can email them to remove the add, they usually do

>> No.19540190

I don't know what your talking about. My kindle doesn't have any ads.

>> No.19540219

You're a pushover who can't admit he got fucked by amazon so you rationalise their right to force you to consume their ads in a product you paid for. You're trying real hard to convince yourself mate
>They are not that intrusive
>I can easily ignore them...
>No I DON'T care
Also I don't own a TV because I'm not a faggot. Besides it's a false analogy, the ones putting ads in television are the channel owners, who offer free entertainment in exchange for the ads the consumer watches. If I play a DVD or a videogame or use it for any other purpose there are no ads by the manufacturer. You should understand the key diferences.

>> No.19540254

Would you suggest an Ereader or a tablet if I am just going to download from libgen?

>> No.19540260

Different anon, but e-reader. They use matte e-ink displays that can be lit by direct light rather than using a backlight, which prevents the shitty eye strain you get from staring at a bright screen for ages. This also gives e-readers fantastic battery life, with the downside being that the screen refreshes slowly (not much of a problem when you only need to flip a page every minute or so). Anyway, e-reader >>> tablet for reading.

>> No.19540271

Thanks anon, that eye strain makes a lot of sense. Reading off my desktop kills my eyes, even with a filter. Physical copies are just too expensive for works that I do not have an attachment to.
Any suggestions of which e-reader? I saw an anon above liked his Kobo.

>> No.19540286

The Kobo Clara HD is good, but I only say that because it's what I've got and I don't have any experience with others. Got mine for $50 CAD from a nice lady on Kijiji, so I'd suggest watching your local classified ads and looking up reviews of whatever models you see.

>> No.19540376

I will check that one out, $50 is a solid price. Will also keep my eyes open for deals.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.19540384

Jesus Christ, being this conditioned must be a sin. i cant remeber the last time i've seen an add in any of my devices. Just buy an e-reader that doesnt have adds, is that simple.

>> No.19540407

>leave my kindle on desk at work
>people walk by, see the cringy ads and assume i'm reading a cheap romance novel or a book about a horse


>> No.19540444

They're not intrusive at all. You just don't know.

>> No.19540459
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>buy a cheap 2015 smartphone
>download Aldiko reader
>completely free and zero ads
>can read any format
>built-in dictionary, encyclopedia, highlighting, annotation, and more
>can customize whatever visual theme you want
>two clicks to download an ebook for free off the internet, save it in your library, and open it in the reader
>also it's a fucking phone
Who in their right mind would buy an ereader? Please tell me this thread is satire.

>> No.19540463

There are plenty of ads in video games, you're just too stupid to notice them. Lots of DVD's come with ads in the form of trailers and other previews. I'm going to have to ask you to stop being pathetic.

>> No.19540472

>an add
An “add”? You mean an ad?

>> No.19540477

id rather not be another tard staring at his phone during my commute, not to mention its too small anyway. laptop is too big, ipad is too big, e-reader is "just right"

>> No.19540486

thanks for posting this OP. im trying to decide between kindle and kobo and had heard about the ads on kindle. what a massive scam. all of my books are in pdf format anyway

>> No.19540489

>on an e-reader
is this a joke?

>> No.19540525
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>id rather not be another tard staring at his phone during my commute,
I see, you're an NPC who reads for image. You don't actually care about literature, you just want to posture and show off to your fellow NPCs. Carry on, you worthless fucking pseud.

>> No.19540614

I have kindle and I always have the flight mode on, didn't even know there were any ads but paying for getting them removed sounds like even bigger cuckery than paying for ebooks

>> No.19540622
