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19535722 No.19535722 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely believe that if you read too much philosophy you will go mad. Anyone share my sentiment?

>> No.19535724

That’s just because you are a mentally weak loser.

>> No.19535732

If you believe in too much of it you go mad, true.
If you simply read too much of it you waste your time.

>> No.19535742

Stop being mean or I'm going to say mean things back you.

>> No.19535743

No but it might make you more and more depressed because you're adding more and more complexity to your thought processes and yet none of it brings you happiness.

>> No.19535751

Philosophy isn't necessary to be perceived as mad. In fact, philosophy could provide a necessary cover story.

>> No.19535753

Just imagine. Everytime you think you got it figured out some motherfucker shows you how you got it all wrong. Every single time. Imagine what that does a mf?

>> No.19535770

Sometimes I think some philosophers went over the edge into insanity but they coped through their thinking as a distraction from the overwhelming chaos of sense experience.

>> No.19535952

Needing the universe to make sense according to human notions of order that badly is undoubtedly a form of, or side effect of, mental illness. Philosophers trying to scratch that itch by obsessively trying different combinations of logic and perspective is the same as obsessive compulsives obsessively cleaning and geometrically-organizing their homes.

>> No.19535971

How much philosophy, would you say ten million?

>> No.19535995

Are you saying philosophy is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder?

>> No.19536194

define "mad", if being mad means being out of the ordinary, dancing out of the line, like the German word "verrückt", then, obviously, if you become more intellectually diverse, especially in terms of metaphysics, you might become too different from the common folk by virtue of being too much of them, making you "verrückt".
I don't really see how that's a bad thing tho.
If you mean that you would literally lose your mind, I really don't think that is true, this impression probably based on the fact that people who are intensely interested in such topics tend to be weird in the first place, making it more likely for them to be someone who would have gone mad anyways.

>> No.19536529

There WILL be a chosen one

>> No.19536543

Source on pic?

>> No.19536565

Realizing the absolute spirit can do that to you.

>> No.19536580

Tiger & Crane Fists, it's a martial art film.
The same footage was used in the comedy movie Kung Pow.

>> No.19536606

Yes, absolutely.
I don’t believe in flat surface, space, straight lines and anything else I took for granted anymore. My own body is absolutely alien to me and often more remote to “my” being than the fluttering between the wings of a startled bird. I have no conception of time; “just” cause the sun rises and sets doesn’t give me the certainty of Aristotelian time anymore.

>> No.19536647

Stream that film if you're so great

>> No.19536679

Reading philosophy is fine as long as you aren't looking for a "philosophers stone," or a final, totalized answer to the problems life presents. This is what people go mad seeking. Unaware that what they want can never be accomplished, most will settle for as far as they could get, and delude themselves into believing they actually found it to avoid facing the horrible reality of it all.

>> No.19536858

You are fucking mad, fag

>> No.19536877


>> No.19536920

yeah i threw all that shit out. thinking is anathema to the soul. just live bro

>> No.19536943

Most of the world.

>> No.19536950

no shit, you can go mad for any reason that's why its madness

>> No.19536965

What people call schizo is just advanced logic they can’t wrap their heads around.
It’s like trying to explain how light switch works to a 70 IQ mongoloid. They’ll call YOU stupid because hey do not have the mental capacity to understand what’s you are saying.
Same thing applies to reading too much philosophy, you’ll be operating on a higher plane so others won’t understand what you are saying.

>> No.19536996


>> No.19537106

Philosophy is badong

>> No.19537126

Much violence is committed in the name of preserving someone's "mental health."

>> No.19537161

Wheres the stream?

>> No.19537170

Just read Hegel Lacan and Zizek mate.

>> No.19537258

I read all philosophy
All smiles

>> No.19537274
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All the media says is Ego Death, ___ism, Phenomenology...
I'm just trying to accumulate philosophical knowledge for Noumena's sake!

>> No.19537647


>> No.19537666

This desu. It's fun to learn about how other people interpret reality in all their different sophisticated ways, but ultimately it's just navel gazing and mental masturbation that can distract you from living if you let it.

>> No.19537788

if your idea of madness is being a retarded faggot then sure

>> No.19538102

You will not find enlightenment in books.

>> No.19538953
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>> No.19539084
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>Anyone share my sentiment?
Pic related


>> No.19539092
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>> No.19540347
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If you dont go full schizo reading philosophy you are not doing it right

>> No.19541241


nobody likes you

>> No.19541277

Possible, but maybe wise people seem crazy to you because you are not too bright yourself.

>> No.19541290
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>> No.19541360

Agree. Arguably language itself is just delusion. Hearing a voice in your head. I've always felt that when I have a breakthrough writing something it's a bit like temporary madness. And afterwards I look upon my own writings as like the ravings of a madman.

>> No.19541427

He did made some good points tho. Not a insane person from what I could gather.

>> No.19541460

Yeah, especially with metaphysics. I can’t understand how people like Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, etc., wrote giant books on metaphysics and didn’t go completely crazy. Just sitting in a room for years, brooding and trying to prove something impossible cannot be good for your mental health.

>> No.19541514

I love metaphysics so fucking much.

>> No.19541523
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Midwits will go mad. Yes. Only superior intellects swim in those waters.

>> No.19541736
File: 2.05 MB, 2560x1926, florence-henderson-gallery-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wrote giant books on metaphysics and didn’t go completely crazy

>didn't go completely crazy


>> No.19541741

i agree

>> No.19541760

I think you may be onto something. My best friend killed himself last year and he was reading tons of French philosophy at the time.

>> No.19541779

meh the ideas in books float in and out of my head most of the time depending on the filter each applies to my mind at the time. what's debilitating is perhaps the familiarity with this form of inquiry which when applied during an emotional crisis can reek havoc. it feels like a pack of wolves is biting at me from every angle in these moments of (moral) emotional turmoil.

>> No.19542331

loved that movie

>> No.19542342

No this is putting the cart before the horse.

>> No.19542355

I am sorry for your friend, but you are mixing up cause and effect. People turn to religion or philosophy when their life becomes meaningless, rather than the opposite.