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19535330 No.19535330 [Reply] [Original]

From Alasdair Macintyre's "After Virtue".

Was Enlightenment in France just a cope?

>> No.19535372

Alisdair just wants to have sex with dolphins in a communist utopia; he should not be taken seriously. No, Alisdair, dolphins cannot consent. Moreover communism is stupid and evil. Not very virtuous of you.

>> No.19535431

Sounds tarded to me. sounds like he believes that 19th century myth that the French revolution was caused by ivory tower French intellectuals. French culture did dominate the 18th century but they also had 2 absolutely terrible kings during that century that were not even a shadow of the greatness of Louis XIV. The Seven Years War was an international embarrassment. France as a nation in the 18th century declined severely in prestige and greatness from the position they had held the previous century. That was the real reason for the revolution and Napoleon.

>> No.19535471

>French culture did dominate the 18th century
France doesn't have people like Locke, Hume, Kant. They have only rip offs, like Montesquieu or Condillac. They were all Lockeans and anglophiles.

>> No.19535497

>This is no country for an old man to be in said Chigurh as he squatted and ate beans with tortillas upon whose yellowed flesh the malevolent gaze of the sun beat down upon with the furor of a vengeful angel
Jesus Christ, really?

>> No.19535558

English philosophy is individualistic and atomistic exemplified in Hobbes and Locke. French philosophy was influenced by the English, but Kant was influenced by Hume wasn't he? Doesn't make him an anglophile. French philosophy is anything but individualistic or atomistic. The French like Montesquieu and Rousseau loved expounding theories and treatises on universal laws and universal liberty and enlightenment. The Englishman had his eye on himself alone, the French on all of mankind. it's no coincidence that universalism was also a huge topic in the Revolution. nor is it a coincidence that Louis XIV was the longest reigning, most successful and powerful monarch in European history. And then there was his spiritual successor Napoleon. Universalism is the stamp of the French character.

>> No.19535572

>the Scottish Enlightenment was the best!!!!
Yeah, totally not a biased book OP.

>> No.19535614

>Universalism is the stamp of the French character.
Germany is more universalistic desu.

>> No.19535681

It's true though, despite the bias.

>> No.19535713

But what was going on in Scandinavia?

>> No.19535730
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all of the enlightenment intellectuals were coping hard