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File: 10 KB, 300x300, toilet-sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1953493 No.1953493 [Reply] [Original]

His hand shot down instinctively and felt for his satchel like it was some abstract life-preserve keeping him floating above the waters of insanity. His mind was racing and mad panic was etched onto his face for all to see. Thomas had just done the worst thing in the world, what he had spent his whole childhood being warned about and most of his life trying to avoid doing. Thomas had just accidentally walked into the girls’ toilets.

“Oh God.” he croaked as he felt the gaze of a dozen women fall on him, the door behind him already shut.

Oh God? He thought in a moment of clarity, questioning his staunch atheism. Mockery shot from their eyes, mouths fell agape and Thomas was sure this was what Mark Twain had meant about staring into the abyss. He reached his hand behind him slowly, fumbling for the door handle like some arthritic gunmen reaching for his pistol.

“What are you doing?” squealed a buxom blonde haired woman with obvious schadenfreude.

It felt as if an atom bomb had just detonated inside Thomas’s head, the deadly question severing off all communication between his brain and his body. His hand abandoned its search for the door handle and fell limp; the entire left side of his body following in suit as he slumped against the wall clutching his shoulder with his one good hand.

>> No.1953494

“Never… toilet… w-w-why.” he sputtered nonsensically trying to make them understand his treacherous predicament and the threat they posed as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his tongue spasmed like some horrific serpent trying to escape through his mouth.

“I think he’s having a stroke.” cried an attractive brunette above Thomas’s escalating wails of anguish.

Behind Thomas the door opened again and a large elderly woman walked in with a bemused look on her face. Trapped on both sides, Thomas felt for sure that if there was a Hell, this was it. He cogitated on the sheer malevolence he felt being projected upon him and the terrible sense of dread in the air. Sure their looks of mirth and ridicule had been replaced by ones of concern and horror as his body snapped and contorted its self like some demonic marionette, but he saw their true intentions, knew what they had planned for him all along.

“NO, STAY BACK, HARPY.” he barked as a kindly faced woman made to help him, swiping at her with his satchel with all the grace of a special needs kid trying to catch butterflies.

>> No.1953496

All of the woman took a step back, the large elderly lady now pressed against the door blocking his exit permanently, clever girl he thought, laughing maniacally through the pain and chagrin he now felt.

“WHAT’S HAPPENING.” a gothic looking girl yelled, bursting into tears as Thomas’s skin began to peel away before their eyes.

It was the beginning of the end, he knew that now, their would be no fairy tale finish, only a bitter resolve and an acrid scent left in the air where he once lay in agony. His skin had given way to the muscle and fat beneath as arteries flared and fired, letting off geysers of blood in all directions, splattering women and walls alike with gore. A chorus of screams joined Thomas’s as each girl backed into their respective corner, no doubt rearing for their final attack thought Thomas who heralded their screams of horror as some sort of rallying cry. His body pumped like a faucet, showering everything around him a deep shade of red. His internal organs sprayed forth from his mouth, with the speed of a cannonball, hitting the sealing with a wet thwack only to fall messily on the old lady’s head. His eyeballs had long exploded out of their sockets before his bones began to dissolve beneath the pulped up surface of his body, oozing out as smoldering miasmic syrup that burnt through to Myers, two floors below. And when Thomas finally breathed his last agonising breath and his brain gave way to locusts and other plague bearing insects, he knew what it was to enter the wrong toilets.

The End

>> No.1953502
File: 105 KB, 270x260, DOHOHOHOHO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1953506

lol wut

>> No.1953516

Gripping tale.

>> No.1953519

This was actually pretty fucking brilliant man. It needs a little scrub and polish, but it's one of the best things I've seen on /lit/.

>> No.1953524

cheers man

>> No.1953776

Agreed, do you have any other stuff? Best I've read on /lit/

>> No.1953785

Was I supposed to laugh? I fucking laughed hard.

>> No.1953793

> see thread and replies
> assume samefag
> open thread
> see rest of story
> fucking lol hard

>> No.1953861

That was great. How many drafts came before this one?

>> No.1954147

at first i was like interesting
then i was like LOL

>> No.1954176
File: 81 KB, 623x477, 1288219383008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1954192

A bit like 'John dies at the end'. Cool stuff.

>> No.1954197
File: 51 KB, 500x910, Tegan+Quinuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not sure if I liked it or hated it.

>> No.1954220

Felt like a commercial for boost or something.

>> No.1954273

brilliant, anon.
just brilliant.

>> No.1954284

I enjoyed the descriptions and the flow. Well done.

>> No.1954295


SLAF i saw a real cute pic the other day, of Astro and Tegan together, he was teaching her how to drive :3

will send you the link later but it warmed my heart

also got T&S's discog for download