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19526789 No.19526789 [Reply] [Original]

These threads are for writers and authors to discuss their projects, obstacles and how they are navigating the solutions

Walked the lakefront near Kelowna and made $20 yesterday, made a plan to add my non-perfect copies on Etsy for $10 (bent spine, crooked cuts, toner smudges) worked a gig to pay my internet bill and researching cheaper properties to rent with more room for my printing equipment

($50 of $190 of my internet bill due Dec 11th)

How did you do today, anon?

>> No.19526807

No, I don’t seek to be writer, I just come here to read what these stupid people post to feel good about my intelligence

>> No.19526842

>more room for my printing equipment
Care to share your equipment?

>> No.19526963

its scummy to sell your art

>> No.19526968

What the hell would you know about it?

>> No.19527026

Brother printer, uses TN820 cartridges
Triumph paper chopper
eBay hot glue paper binder machinel
Also have a Canon PIXMA pro 100

>> No.19527028

Why are you so worried about internet, dude? You should be worried about food on the table (though you could lose a few pounds admittedly).

Internet you can always get in some public place and for a writer the internet is their worst enemy anyway.

>> No.19527030

What? How?

>> No.19527083

To relax I smoke a doob and meme in Mordhau

Yeah I'm the fattest I've ever been!

>> No.19527121

I thought about commissioning a really nice looking cover for my novel. I know deep down it would just serve my vanity, as it would serve no practical purpose.

>> No.19527135

just write to write you dont need to sell it. you can read your own writing and be happy with it. or just put in a cupboard to read later

>> No.19527165

I think every author should also draw, paint, sculpt rr do photography, or a combination of all. Never hurts to have a wide range of creative skills to throw at a book and arts that support it.

>> No.19527168

God I wish I could look pathetic enough for ppl to buy shit from me. I'm always diamond in the rough or too full of myself. If I was a disgusting little nigger I'd be set. Anytime I made a two cent contribution everyone would be wowed. Now I can prove atheism is false and still get treated like shit.

>> No.19527243

I have come to accept that I won't fly as a writer.
So I have decided to write as a hobby, and write what I want instead of pandering to the mass.
If I make a few beer bucks, cool. I will be happy with it.

>> No.19527510

That's a great attitude to have! Make sure you complete your projects and post them here!

>> No.19527686

what kind of tree is that

>> No.19527749

I'm not sure... I'll ask around!

>> No.19527809

I self published my book this month. Mostly stories I've done here for Lamp or such. Need to redo it cause they fucked up my formatting.

>> No.19527973


Did you just upload.a PDF?

>> No.19527990

Please share with us your proof atheism is wrong. This is a thread of author support, and I'm here to listen

>> No.19527995

I'm here to not have brain damage

>> No.19528003

Uh bro? We are on 4chan. You would not be here if you weren't damaged like the rest of us.

>> No.19528209

It's on Amazon, I just fucked up the size for the size that I formatted by book at and am fixing it in a second edition. So the text is really small and the book is really large.

>> No.19528233

What did you build the ebook in?

>> No.19528235

Seek help, Jason.

>> No.19528244

Honestly just uploaded the .Doc finally I had to Amazon. I don't really understand technology so I think all I need to do is just edit it and choose the size for the document (which is formatted as a 5.5 by 8 inch.)

>> No.19528253


You are just jealous that he's banging every girl in Kelowna

>> No.19528254

I may just genuinely have to start over and manually input the trim size. Which is fine, I can totally do that. I want it to be clean when people get it you know? Idk why my retarded ass thought uploading the .Doc would make the book the exact dimensions by default but as mentioned I struggle with tech. It may as well be magic to me. If you know any good sources to help format things I'd love to hear them!

>> No.19528260

Oh ya you gotta build an epub and format it property using css. Hit me up on my contact page on my website Jason-bryan.com and I'll help you get your .doc formatted as an epub!

>> No.19528274

Do you fucking tards really think you can reap the benefits of being a prolific author. Without actually having any raw natural talent, or spending any time honing your craft?

Cannot wait until I win a pulitzer just to flex on you absolute fucking nerds.

>> No.19528282

No problem bro. Do you have a cover? Dedication? So far my own book people have said there isn't a bio of the author, I never thought to make one but customers have commented about it. Good luck, I can help ya out with the epub!

>> No.19528288

I"ll definitely email you what I have, I appreciate it man!

>> No.19528297

I've been writing since I was 17 and am only just now putting something out there. Besides I don't care about being prolific, I care about the art.

>> No.19528308

Right now I'm 5 days from getting my internet cut off but I had a lovely night with my family. Being able to create and navigate life with positivity, being optimistic despite evidence to the contrary, these are real skills I've developed and using in daily life.

wrote a chapter for my upcoming valentine's day novella, possibly titled city of singles: second date - a modern day love story that I will write to appeal to both blackpilled chan tards but also appealing to the YA crowd. I really don't think it would be difficult to write a unifying novel because underneath it all, most of us all have the same fear: not being liked or understood

If I can make enough money to get my minivan fixed and go shovel snow for work, I'll be able to finish my 3rd release by Valentine's day. If you won a Pulitzer I would be the first to greet you as a legend of /lit/ right up there with Gentleman Frank Gardner

>> No.19528329


>Right now I'm 5 days from getting my internet cut off but I had a lovely night with my family

How are you paying for child support?

>> No.19529638

Writing will never be my career but as a hobby to keep myself from going stir crazy on weekends it's fun enough.

The thing, I do want to eventually publish it somewhere online and the recomendations I've gotten have been things like Royal Road or just making a wordpress site.

Does anyone here have experience with Royal Road? It seems like a bunch of weird power fantasy novels, which to be fair mine isn't any better but it's a specific kind and always fantasy.

>> No.19529650

Every author I know that used amazon fucked up the format at first. Look at Gardner's premium XXL copies for example.

>> No.19530233
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Going to write when I'm done waging today. I think I may go home early. I'm remarkably consistent on every part of my schedule but writing, so time to change that.

>> No.19530670

I babysit and spend lots of time with my kid, have been at her place cooking and cleaning for 2 days

>> No.19530679

Nice! Do you have a genre in mind or a story you're working on? Lets hear it!

>> No.19530700

I don't want to work with writing, but I want to produce beautiful and insightful books.
The last few days I've been outlining for my first novel, which I'm doing mainly to improve my technique. It should take several years before I've horned my craft enough to write in an erudite style. It's not going to have a plot proper, more about the characters themselves and their relationships to each other.

>> No.19530723

I told you last time you asked: Speculative Scifi + Southern Gothic. Apparently found 6 agents (men) who accept these genres. I used to think you were making up how woke literary agents were, but after weeding through hundreds of profiles it's pretty clear that you're right.

>> No.19530844

I gave up writing for gamedev because I actually want people – lots of people, as many as possible – to appreciate my vision, not just a handful of snobs who fetishize what has essentially (if tragically) become a dead, obsolete medium.

I did finish my book actually, but I feel no need to relentlessly promote it or anything.

>> No.19530864

spoiler test

>> No.19530912

I disagree about the vanity part. Think about how a great cover sets the tone of the book, as well as setting it apart from others. There is a strong aesthetic appeal and marketing edge to be had.

>> No.19530918

Not OP, but I'm curious: how did you go about finding agents? Right now I'm focused on writing but I get its a holistic process if you want to perhaps be published.

Even better if you know this: what is fee structure like for them, and what is royalty structure like for you? I'm curious not just to make money but as something to keep in the back of my head for the future so I don't get taken advantage of.

>> No.19531083

I dont know all those answers yet, but one option is manuscript wishlist. There are some services elsewhere to have someone match you with an agent. Agents afaik always gets something like 15%, I might be wrong on the number but go find it, they all cost about the same and you pay nothing unless they sell your book. You have to have one for one of the big 5 publishers in the US, since those publishers dont accept cold calls. Royalties are based on what you agree to, but it usually is like this: you get a payment immediately, then collect royalties at a low rate, if and when you sell more than that first payment your royalty rate increases a lot.

>> No.19531153


>I babysit and spend lots of time with my kid, have been at her place cooking and cleaning for 2 days

No I mean how do you financially mitigate the costs associated with your child. how much a month is it costing you

>> No.19531158

it works bro

>> No.19531179

Not sure if this has much to do with the original purpose of this thread?

>> No.19531240

Anon has a point.

>> No.19531349


Jason constantly posts about his financial situation, I'm wondering how he's managing to fund his child's needs and what it's costing him.

>> No.19531863

Seems a bit like prying, I mean, clearly the guy ain't ballin out of control right meow

>> No.19531873

Well that's reassuring at least.

>> No.19531884

That's because most authors who self publish just see they can upload a PDF and fire and forget!

>> No.19531895
File: 71 KB, 357x565, eggcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I used amazon I could download a formatting app called kindle create, which SEEMED to work. guess we'll see how well it worked when I get prints copies...

>> No.19531900

is Ogden Nesmer a pen name or your actual name? it sounds fake

>> No.19531912

The wokeness of agents is nearly 99% contained in women and minorities. A lot of white male agents I've seen are looking for specific genres that aren't pander or tokenism pieces. That being said, I am having a lot of trouble finding an agent for my narrow genre (farcical comedy) and I don't think I'll land an editor anytime soon, either.
I just don't want to give up on my trad pub dream because self pub feels like shitting into a cesspool of shit. You just get lost in the ether. I miss gatekeeping.

>> No.19531916

Does your ebook open on various sizes tablets and phones okay?

>> No.19531929

Jason says he can help edit and is desperate to make some money to pay his internet bill why not see how he can help pretty sure you can find him on Fiverr under schizo shabbos goy rentals

>> No.19531930


His real name is Maxodius Supremicon

>> No.19531947


>Jason can help edit

Count the grammatical errors (e.g. subject verb agreement and the coffee pot)


>> No.19531957

Pretty sure it does. Worked for me, at least.

>> No.19531969

>he doesn't get allegory

>> No.19532021

I just figured he was brown.

>> No.19532038


>grammatically flawes purple prose = allegory

The author learned what `passive tense' is this calender year.

>> No.19532103

Can't today. But I have several promising things in the oven.

1. One highly progressed short story which I think verges on a masterpiece. There are just a few missing pieces and I am unsure of what most of them are. Only that the ending is weak and needs work. But I don't know how to end it.

2. Another promising story which I want to progress.

3. A pile of half-complete stories which I semi-abandoned which I should return to polish off. I'm less infatuated by these ones.

4. A nonfiction book which is massive in scope but which has to be rewritten almost in its entirety. A hugely demoralizing task that could take years unless I can work on it full time which is undoable in present circumstances .

5. A novel I abandoned years ago which has been haunting me. I had to set it aside for educational and financial reasons and lost the thread of it.

6. An academic paper which I am hoping to get published in a respectable journal.

Find time and energy for all of these without neglecting other aspects of my life which are in sore need of attention and while working a day job is a formidable challenge.

My formula for productivity is to focus on

P (level of progression; how far a project needs to go)

M (motivation; how much I want to do the project and it motivates me and feels alive)

L -- length of the project (how much time it will take me to complete)

So I am prioritizing the project which P & M are high and L is low.

>> No.19532128

There's an annual that comes out every year that lists literally every agent, their location, what they're open to, and I believe who they already represent.

>> No.19532140

>you get a payment immediately, then collect royalties at a low rate
You don't get any residual royalties until your advance is covered. So think of it as if every royalty check you would get is actually paying off the "debt" of the advance. But even if you never "earn out" your advance, you don't have to pay it back. I've heard that if you can just manage to fully pay off the advance that's pretty good for a first time author. The average for a new author seems to be $5-10K.

>> No.19532155

imagine meeting that guy on the beach and the just punchins his fucking head and kicking him in the side as he falls down probably makes a "OFF!! UGG!!!" sound and beat him for awhile just kicking his ass as hes on the ground maybe get a few guys to beat his ass with sticks and then kick him and drag him by the fucking hair and bash his head into the water and hold him there for a bit then kick him in the fucking face then take his fucking sign and shove it int ohis fat fucking mouth and make him chew on it then kick him in the chest again and piss on him then wal kaway

>> No.19532162

Sounds pretty based

>> No.19532181

Wow tell us how you really feel!

>> No.19532222

I'd expand your search out of just comedy agents and into litfic agents

>> No.19532298

Blessed quads of gospel

>> No.19532310

I do not wish to become a writer, however I want to write a book.

>> No.19532328

There seems to be a problem here you'll need to reconcile.

>> No.19532534

How do you plan to do that??

>> No.19532604

op seems like a chill guy

>> No.19532752

Wrote six pages today. Finally got to put a crossbow bolt in the gut of one of my favorite characters.

>> No.19532797

Will he be nursed back to health by the love of his life

>> No.19532806

Nah. I'm gonna shoot him four more times.

>> No.19532807

More worried about his imaginary child he's neglecting just to gain some points on a basket-weaving forum.

>> No.19533180

Made a blanket fort with my kid tonight, was cozy!

>> No.19533873

Finish the short story first! You have to finish a project. Once you finish one, it gets easier.

>> No.19533890


The child isn't imaginary. You don't abandon your child shortly after its birth by moving far away if it's imaginary.

>> No.19533892
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Dude stop talking about it. I’ve written over 100 poems and 15 short stories. Several personal essays 12,000 words of a novel and another ground breaking project i’ll not mention.

>> No.19533896

meant to say stop talking about it and just do it

>> No.19534336

I once made a blog on WordPress with some short poems about the internet. Some other people who had other WordPress poetry blogs "liked" them.
Then I deleted the WordPress site because, well, they (the poems) had existed. And that was enough.

>> No.19534599

Honestly I am kinda depending on high wit writing to not sound so insulting. If readership is woke, I will just present multiple perspectives compassionately. I had planned to do that anyways, but it will be especially key in future stories that have sensitive topics.
I do fear that halfwits will take some awful interpretation and insist upon it. I don't like weighing in onto what people see in a story, but I also don't want to be used to push some agenda.

>> No.19534685

Get help Jason

>> No.19534965

We are all helping each other. Why not share what is stopping you from finishing your projects, anon? Maybe we can help!

>> No.19534972

Seek Help

>> No.19535134

When you write these posts do you ever look around the thread and see the positivity and support and just feel mad?

Also, if you really wanted to help, wouldn't you buy a book and give feedback about it? Starting to think you're just trying to be spiteful.

>> No.19535151

Jason, seek help.

>> No.19535155

>made $20 yesterday
How is that enough to live on

>> No.19535230


>what is stopping you from finishing your projects

What is stopping you from finishing your website?

>> No.19535238

Every little bit counts, going to go home today after spending a few days with my kid and the mother of my child... Maybe after another nice coffee and come cheesy eggs on toast. Gotta get working on a solution for the $140 I owe on my internet bill due on the 11th!

The main thing about the $20 that helps is each and every day making progress with my writing career. It is a much easier life to just wear the mask, take a vaccine and work a 9-5 job. Got to resist that in every way possible!

>> No.19535245

You really want me to go over it, dontcha?!?!

I'll be home later today and fix it!

>> No.19535248

Jason, seek help and stop being a deadbeat to your imaginary child and ex-wife.

>> No.19535249


last week you posted a picture of someone donating $200 to your kickstarter that doesnt exist.

>> No.19535287


>stop being a deadbeat

Imagine convincing some rural midwit that you are some superstar in order to get laid, but she believes you and baby traps you, which works because you are a midwit too. It is too late when she finds out you are actually a middle aged unemployable failure and now this girl's parents have to bankroll your unfortunate offspring from their retirement acxoubt while you compete with high achool drop outs for driveway shoveling gigs.

Now THAT is a story.

>> No.19535346

Not a Kickstarter donation and I never said it came from Kickstarter.

>> No.19535417


You thanked an anon, so how did they donate to you?

>> No.19535422

I was making 10k a month in porn and living in a gasloft loft when I met her, she supports me in my art as there is nothing to spend money on anyways as she's antivaxx too. She's not a materialist and is proud of my accomplishment in finishing my 2nd novel and encourages me to finish my third. To her, finishing novels and being an example for my kid of someone who creates culture and navigates an extremely conformist society with aplomb is more important than working a soul-crushing job just to pay so she could go to restaurans or tra-vaaaal?

Guys, someday you too can find a waifu that supports you artistically and believes in you. Until that day happens, I suggest you spend less time hating on me and more time working on your own projects. I'll be here to congratulate you when you do finish them!

>> No.19535426

Seek help, Jason.

>> No.19535427


>> No.19535442

You've been telling me this for half a year or more now... And in that time I've finished The Shitkickers and began work on my next novel.

What have you done in the last 6 months? Maybe it is you who needs help.

>> No.19535474


And yet you abandoned her and your child to live in a flop house hotel in Ladysmith.

checks out

>> No.19535487

I literally made my child's lunch this morning and I'm having a coffee with her mother right now, wassup with that?

Bro, you'll get farther in life if you stop hating on guys like me who are pushing through against adversity. Celebrate those overcoming difficulty and we will celebrate your triumphs too!

>> No.19535488



from an anon to an email address you don't have listed on your site. they guessed it

checks out

>> No.19535491

Seek help

>> No.19535499


>Bro, you'll get farther in life

This. Coming from you.

>> No.19535512

Contact form bro.

>> No.19535516

You are why I keep coming back, to show others that the bullies here have no power. God bless you friend!

>> No.19535533

Seek help.

>> No.19535540

Friend... Write your book and we will support you, too.

>> No.19535556

Jason, I think it’s time you seek help.

>> No.19535557
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>making 10k a month

Jesus, this AGAIN.

>> No.19535575

I never paid taxes on it and made like 10k a month for like 15 years... the government knows this but since I'm broke now they don't go after me!

>> No.19535578

Sure, send me a donation and I'll help myself! :)

>> No.19535588


>I never paid taxes on it and made like 10k a month for like 15 years... the government knows this but since I'm broke now they don't go after me!

Which means if you ever make a decent income it will be severely garnished... and you are bragging about that. As a father.

>> No.19535642

You seem to have a very boomer view of life, nothing is guaranteed and I could get hit by a bus, or write a hit book, or the 50k i owe just gets inflated away...

You guys spend time and energy hating on me and all it does is power me up more! :)

>> No.19535643

Dude you're almost as autistic as he is at this point. Get a life.

>> No.19535649

Seek help, Jason.

>> No.19535680

Can't wait to release my 3rd book while you non-creative pseuds continue to seethe!

God bless you.

>> No.19535822


>"Dad I need money for university"
>"No guarantees in life, boomer"

>> No.19535827

Help yourself
Do something useful

>> No.19535828

Imagine believing university will still be valuable in 10+ years when Canadian universities are woke cesspits full of pajeets and chinese

>> No.19535832

Creating culture is very useful, if more people had done it the population would be less gullible to fall for the never ending masks and vaccines.

>> No.19535833


>Dude you're almost as autistic as he is at this point. Get a life

I'm just jealous, obviously

>> No.19535840

Seek help.

>> No.19535841


>"post secondary education is worthless," claims local snow shoveler

>> No.19535853

People create culture in everything they do. You are contributing to begging culture by begging people to buy your writing,

>> No.19535892

I had the best 20's and 30's imaginable that cannot be reproduced in 2021, literally was a playboy with all of the fun cars, women, travel, video games and partying I wanted. You guys attack me for being poor in 2021 but I'm very fulfilled as far as life goes. If your own lives were fulfilled you wouldn't be attacking me.

If I have to do some work and gigs as a mortal to survive, that's fine because the creativity is still happening and life is on the right path. Hope you are feeling like your life is going in the direction you want, anon!

>> No.19535902

How is that a bad thing? Literally the most based thing you can do is be creative and show off what you made!

>> No.19535905

Are you underage?

>> No.19535911


With 35% of the population getting bachelors, a lot of those snow shovelers have degrees

>> No.19535915

Gotta catch my bus back home, chat later friends and good luck with your creative efforts today!

>> No.19536002


>I had fun in my 20s!

So did everyone else, you aren't special. You're a cautionary tale utterly lacking in self awareness.

>> No.19536056

I'm so grateful that I explored /lit/ today and found this goldmine. Do you guys have a google doc for this schizo? I'd love to read it.

>> No.19536076


No need for a dossier, he's /lit/'s official lolcow. Just criticize anything about him and he'll gladly tell you how you're an incel that's jealous of him because a decade ago he used to bang single moms from Plenty of Fish in his rental condo in the worst neighborhood in Canada.

>> No.19536126
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Jason, we all understand that the mask is uncomfortable and makes you look a little goofy. But, so what? Even if it doesn't make a difference to your health, if you can help at least one person feel a little safer today, isn't it worth it? I know, I know: no one likes to be bossed around. You're an independent, grown man who can make his own choices. But its not very mature to color outside the lines just to make a point. And besides, you're already obeying hundreds of pointless, arbitrary guidelines dictating your daily behavior and speech. Surely you can handle one more, right?

>> No.19536341


>> No.19536398

Haha no I just rode the bus and hit the pot shop without a mask, nobody really cares outside of the cities

I was homeless as a teen, filmed porn in Costa Rica, came back to Canada and lived as a playboy for 15 years and wrote a book about the coming decline of sex and dating (came true) and then I had a kid myself. Quit the porn business and worked a couple of normal shitty jobs for a year or two before finishing my 2nd novel, The Shitkickers, and now I'm setting myself up to help others self-publish using the same home-based equipment I have and the method I'm perfecting!

Not many people made 10k a month working an hour a day and free to adventure and explore life. Most are trapped in the very narrow confines of a 9-5 job

It's still pretty easy to just be a cog in the system if that's your thing. How many people who come to 4chan want to be normal, regular people?

If being an incel is an insult then why is having sex with 100+ good looking women without paying not an accomplishment?

We are gonna make it bros!

>> No.19536444

>If being an incel is an insult then why is having sex with 100+ good looking women without paying not an accomplishment?

Because posting pictures of girls you knew without their consent to 4chan in the desperate pursuit of validation from strangers isn't an accomplishment, it's behavior so pathetic that if those girls found out what you were doing they would be shattered.

Not gonna stop you though, is it?

>> No.19536507


Here's a recent meltdown that follows the typical formula.


>> No.19536556

Seek help.

>> No.19536595
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Actually anyone who followed my Facebook at the time would completely see it as part of my character, in fact they asked me to since I was always vocal about selling porn. Everyone knew me as "the porn guy" and my apartment looked like a sex dungeon with a bathtub right in the open. Many times women just got naked in front of me when I picked up a camera. I cannot tell you how many times I was doing home-videos like on my old YouTube page and women would just take off their clothes. A lot! Like if I am openly taking photos in my apartment and a woman starts taking her clothes off, I think posting a non-identifiable photo of someone is akin to vulgar graffiti on a bathroom wall. This isn't exactly the town square. Am I a scoundrel? Sure, but up until my kid was born I was on cocaine the entire time. I openly did a ton of cocaine while living downtown in Vancouver. It all began when we bought an ounce of el puro blow in Costa Rica for $220 from the fattest and sweatiest Jamaican I'd ever seen.

Never claimed to be a perfect person, but I hope my presence here helps others to continue writing despite the obstacles put in front of them. :)

I think the only thing that could stop me at this point would be my death, pretty committed at this point to my goals in life. Even if I lost everything and ended up in a gulag due to never taking the vaccine, as long as I have pen and paper, and an internet connection, I'll linger around these web spaces and encourage my fellow man to self-express through fiction.

You know, these "seek help" guys, I believe if they were genuinely concerned for my well-being, they might consider that we live in a world so absolutely unpleasant, so clowned up, that through dark humour and fiction, we can escape. Maybe I'm a schizo, that's cool, I don't mind, but please respect the idea that inside my creative space, inside the fictional stories I can weave together, I'm free from the mental constraints of an aggressively, non-chill world.

>> No.19536617

Post some pics of the girls you fucked (just out of curiosity). Also write a book about your experience in the porn industry, it would probably sell.

>> No.19536655

>Never claimed to be a perfect person

yeah, that sounds like reasonable justification for betraying women who no longer have any contact with you by posting private photos of them to a messageboard.

I bet you don't even understand why that's wrong.

Betraying their trust for just a shot at impressing some strangers on the internet. You don't have any friends, do you? Like real friends you talk to and hang out with. Be honest.

Because nobody wants to be friends with someone that weak and insecure. It would be impossible to have any respect for them.

>> No.19536661


Don't worry, he will. I don't think he really cares who he betrays if he has an opportunity to get attention.

>> No.19536664
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Man, I've thought about this, but I shit you not, every villain I met was a you-know-what and the stereotypes were spot-on. I spent 15 years in the business and knew a ton of the veterans from gfy.com, went to Phoenix Forum, Internext, and a bunch of other industry events. You have to be a cunning animal to do well, to be a human being living by my principles I couldn't exactly stay in the business once I had kids.

There we a lot a nice people, too, but definitely a ton of swindlers and creeps. The biggest of all is Deepak Aggarwal who ran Deecash, which completely fucked the business because after like 2006 when sooooo many people had their credit cards banged for $150+ in charges per month called "pre-checked crossmarks" by industry lingo, he was able to make millions of dollars in like 6 months in the business but completely fucked the industry sales-wise for like 2 years because nobody trusted the porn industry anymore. Holy shit there were so many scammers back in the day, to be an honest person was a rarity. Watching a dutch guy scream "you're a fucking cheater!" in the face of a russian jewish guy in the back of a limo going to cheetahs was the most drama of the early online adult I ever witnessed. Peak kino!

>> No.19536670

I haven't had anything to drink today so that won't be happening. Remind me next time I'm blacked out and posting "start with the greeks" on here.

>> No.19536697
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For those of you who are just joining us and want to play:

>> No.19536700

Oh yeah I have friends, but not in the city I currently live in. They're in Vancouver, and even if I went to visit, we wouldn't be allowed in a bar for a drink! There's only 1 highway right meow, Highway 3, and both my vehicles are currently disabled. The turbo 5 speed convertible needs a new ECU for $70 and the 5 speed minivan needs a head gasket. $100 in parts and I can fix it.

Life is a challenge, but it is still pretty fun. I do miss going to the pub exceptionally much. Being able to sit at a square-shaped bar, the social flow was so smooth, and you could make friends so easily! I sold a bunch of copies of City of Singles at the pub, made like $80 a day on a Sunday. Irish tourists were the best customers, the bar, after all, was called The Blarneystone.

>> No.19536706

Hahahaha, yesssss!

>> No.19536714


>Oh yeah I have friends, but not in the city I currently live in. They're in Vancouver, and even if I went to visit, we wouldn't be allowed in a bar for a drink! There's only 1 highway right meow, Highway 3, and both my vehicles are currently disabled

I'm sure these very real, very close friends have no problem driving out to see you.

>> No.19536730

Well, we did have a highway outage recently where Kelowna was cut off from Vancouver and we're down to 1 two-lane highway that connects us now. I mean, it would be pretty risky and all of my friends are drunk and on drugs, not sure if it would be a good idea to come visit right now, especially with the snow we've had.

Would you be my fwend, anon?

>> No.19536742

You forgot the seek help

>> No.19536755


I had a tough choice between "masculine" and "playboy" because he says at least one of them in every thread he makes about him.

>> No.19536764

Bro these threads are supposed to be for authors talking and supporting authors, not sure why you derail it and make it about antagonizing me. Still hope you have a nice day, bro!

>> No.19536781

Seek help, Jason

>> No.19536794
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I'm not sure if you're genuinely concerned for my well-being.

>> No.19536851
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Actually these threads are you promoting your book and this dialogue is a way for people to get to know you better.

>> No.19536903

The first half was productive, the second half looks like an ongoing assessment of my mental health and a scorning of my misdeeds!

>> No.19536937

You write like you're monologuing what you think a 'down to earth guy' talks like. This is so hard to read, I hope your books are written better than this.

>> No.19537391

I feel like your writing is like a rotund mid-30ies woman wearing glasses, perhaps she likes moon teas and has a collection of Fleetwood Mac vinyls she likes to put on while drinking a Copper Moon malbec once she catches up on episodes of The Bachelor and has nothing else to do but bust my balls!

>> No.19537586

What's the Costa Rica part?

>> No.19537663
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I had vaccine anxiety for a while, too, Jason. When I heard that they rushed the vaccine, it didn't sound safe or even effective. But then I started seeing the results. More vaccines, fewer cases of covid reported each day. And when you look at the amount of research that has been published, well, I realized I was in over my head. I'm sure you've realized by now, its pointless to argue with law enforcement. And, sure, the second dose was a bit of a doozy, but it was a lot better than getting covid, I can tell you that, because a few weeks later I tested positive. I can't imagine how much worse it would have been if my immune system hadn't already struggled through it once before.

>> No.19538285

I've got a publisher reading my manuscript as I speak. Should be hearing back this or next week. They already liked my pitch enough to ask me for the whole thing, which is further along than I've gotten with any other attempt.

>> No.19538291

That's awesome! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers that might be a bit too hesitant to submit finished work to publishers?

Thank you for your post anon, we gotta show /lit/ that /lit/ DOES write!

>> No.19538316

Did you do anything different this time?

>> No.19538317

Just keep on sending your work and, if you get an interview from one, make it very clear why you are the only person who can write on the subject. Be boastful and puff yourself up versus competitors in that interview and let your autism spill to show that nobody is more autistic on the subject than you. Whatever you do, don't be humble; you can go to church after you get accepted and confess your sinful boasting later. If you're lucky like me, you'll get a penultimate publisher that, when rejecting you, will say "BTW, contact this person: [email and phone #]. I think they might be interested in your work even if we can do it." That "interested party" is who's reading mine now.

>> No.19538331

see >>19538317
One of the publishers, when rejecting me, directed me toward another publisher they personally knew who might not reject it.

>> No.19538332
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Based AF, thanks anon!

You win the discount tendies award for your post.

Do you have any ritual to get ready to write? Do you have a "zone" you get into to be creative?

>> No.19538355

Not really. However, I write do sections individually rather than in chapters, often in wholly separate documents. Only after I finish all those sectioned scenes do I then compile them together into chapters, based on which sections have the best opening and closing lines, and then compile all those into one manuscript doc to share.

>> No.19538379

What would you say you are doing when your ideas come to you, are you always in a creative state when your best writing hits you, or do you find your daily life interrupted with ideas and motivation?

Can you share with us what your average day is like?

>> No.19538418

Here's the thing... I've been very successful in life resisting everything mainstream.

The only thing that has fucked me over is that I never bought property, I avoided paying taxes because I didn't want to become like my father, he was the ultimate beta male

>> No.19538451

It looks like a london planetree to me

>> No.19538458

Jason, you really need to stop this and just seek help.

>> No.19538482

>Can you share with us what your average day is like?
I guess, though I'm not sure it'll help. I'm assuming you mean an average day when I'm actually writing and not when I'm in the waiting state like now. I'll make a note of alternatives if I'm not currently writing anything.
>wake up
>say two prayers
>get out of bed
>check email
>commute; write story outline notes or beats in a notebook/otherwise, read a book/otherwise again, if not reading or writing new material, take a pen and reread what I've written/printed and edit
>the above, but during breaks/lunch too
>return home
>if I wrote/edited stuff during the day in the notebook, transfer it into Word/if not, read more
>if writing: after doing so, if I've got the rhythm still going, ride that momentum and continue to write the scene in Word from where I left off in the notebook
>keep going until I'm out of writing steam
>computer or TV, including printing out any added portions not in the notebook
>two more prayers before bed

>> No.19538483
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>> No.19538508

I plan on selling my schizophrenic thoughts that I wrote in a coffee shop over the timeline of a month

>> No.19538515

If you're actually schizo it should be interesting.


>> No.19538620

No anon, I'm not, sorry to disappoint. It just feels like it sometimes

>> No.19538656

Post your work friend, this is a friendly space! Tell us what you're working on!

>> No.19538674

Just taking some of my random short writings and compiling them into a small book to share with friends and family.
Like this:

Whatever it is that I am wearing as a way to signal to people of my current state, I will take off in my home and lay naked on my bed, weeping for when someone may look at this vulnerability of mine and love me just the same. I cannot walk naked amongst even those that care deeply for me. To do so would be a violation. What is it that I am hiding when I cover myself, not daring to show my most vulnerable parts? If the scars on my body are not seen, then how do I express it through words only? Words that are not easily told, as the effort to grasp the description is lost in a pitiful flounder. Wounds that have been cut deep, and only I, when facing a mirror can see them for what they truly are. In that way only I can love myself just the same, rendering myself as worthy of life and compassion, to bind myself to such a noble pursuit. I will go out with my clothes on, I will see the clothes that others wear and realize that they too have many cuts and bruises. When they take off their clothes at home, like me, do they look into the mirror in hopes for a different form? Do they weep as well? There is a collective cry for us to know ourselves as worthy. It is the first step to pursuing that which truly holds us to the warm and gentle touch of life that is found in times of strife and suffering.

>> No.19538741

Seek help, Jason. Make your son proud. Imagine if someone asked him about your job.
>hey jimmy! what's your dad's job?
>h-he writes books
>how much does he earn
>h-he earned t-twenty dollars y-y-esterday
>but he once made 10k a month selling a-a-adult stuff

>> No.19538752

My friend, there is more to life than materialist pursuits. I appreciate you and your comments, because without resistance we would never draw out the pure souls who want to communicate with someone who does not judge, lest he be judged.

God bless you

>> No.19538758

Hmm, I am thinking deeply on your post right now. I have an idea of what you're saying and I will reply more in-depth once your writing has sunk in. Good work, very moving. God bless!

>> No.19538769

Jason, I think it's time you just admitted to yourself you need help.

>> No.19538772
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I stay at home with two kids and seldom work on my former writing career, mostly doing odd jobs for my neighbors, for my kids' non-profit school, and for fun. This keeps me from completing things in a timely manner. My wife also never leaves the house and works from home almost nonstop. So anytime something comes up I drop everything and do it.

A university press is expecting a book proposal from me early next year, I have an article due in January (that just needs corrected footnotes and to trim a few hundred words off), and I need to write a conference paper for February that I've barely begun to research.

Today I picked up blood meridian, while watching the kids at the park, and managed to read fifty pages like it was nothing while running around playing with toddlers.

I also agreed to build a rustic indoor gate with rebar and walnut for a neighbor. They usually pay me between $200-$2000 for each job I complete for them, and I already have a massive quantity of hardwood and tools so it's nearly all profit.

Time limits my writing more than anything.

>> No.19538787

Thank you for the kind words anon

>> No.19538797

I more than agree, I'm trying my best to find an outlet that allows me to survive and create things people enjoy


>> No.19538850

Hey guys, I'm finally doing it. I quit the meds, caught the bug again, and quit my lucrative but soul-squelching job.

I'm at 24k words and it's going okay. I'm losing steam though. Some days I read other authors and think my prose is good if not better. Some days I doubt and hate what I've come up with.

But all in all I think the one honest concession the powers that be gave me is that this is really the only thing I'm good at. It's sink or swim now.

Is it normal to doubt yourself this much? If so how do you deal?

>> No.19538857

I don't know anon. I've never gotten to 24k words before. I just hope you make it.

>> No.19538926
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>I'll be home later today and fix it!

No you won't.

>> No.19538933


Please don't teach your child that education is bad just because you don't have one

>> No.19538935
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Well oh shit!

>> No.19538946
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>Are you working on your writing career today, anon?
Nope. Might read a few pages but then I'm off to slave for my wage. Got a job, bum.

>> No.19539018 [DELETED] 

>Are you working on your writing career today, anon? Anonymous 12/06/21(Mon)18:01:40 No.19526789▶>>19526807 >>19526842 >>19526963 >>19527168 >>19527243 >>19527809 >>19528235 >>19529638 >>19530700 >>19530844 >>19532103 >>19532155 >>19532310 >>19534685 >>19535155 >>19535827 >>19538285 >>19538458 >>19538772 >>19538946
Greetings fellow British Columbian. Good luck with the book sales

>> No.19539024

Hello fellow British Columbian. Good luck with the book sales

>> No.19539037

I've been communicating with a publishing company. They have a lot they like about the first book of my big story, but they have problems with it too. In particular, they think it is too long.

>> No.19539075

Did they give you a clear pathway to fixing it? Is this your first book?

>> No.19539085

lamp by lit rejected me so it's going well

>> No.19539173
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What's lamp by lit?

I gotta sell some more books to get my daughter some cool Christmas presents. Also gotta figure out how to introduce her to God and the Bible at some point.

>> No.19540228

It’s a /lit/ magazine. It’s free and I don’t make it so please no body bitch to me about shilling