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/lit/ - Literature

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1952671 No.1952671 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, so, I've never really poked my nose in /lit/ before. It seems obvious at first what this board is all about, but what would you say /lit/ is known for?

I usually haunt /adv/, /ck/ and /cgl/ and /co/. In their respective order, they're known for the following:

/adv/ = where /r9k/ went after it was killed. Girlfriend and relationshit questions all day errday. Troll breeding ground.

/ck/ = "how ramen?" threads, genuine "how do" questions" and food porn threads.

/cgl/ = lolita everywhere. Occasional cam whoring threads. Mostly lolita.

/co/ = comic scan threads. Super hero argument/rage threads. The occasional drawfag thread.

>> No.1952675


>> No.1952679

it's mostly tripfags trolling, anons getting mad at that, pretentious people and their opinions, kindle vs real book threads, 10% of the threads are worth reading gross overestimate

>> No.1952683

Kindle vs. real book, huh? Like what? Rage at the fact that a real book provides more of a reading experience vs. clicking a button to turn the page?

>> No.1952682
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/lit/ is primarily:



3. "I READ THIS. OPINIONS?" threads

4. <Insert philosophical debate question> threads that are half trolling and half good show

5. Straight up "lol trolled /lit/" threads or something relating to tripfriends/tripfags

6. Random people's poems or short story intros that get critiqued on a scale of 10 to /lit/ is on it's period.

Bout' it.

>> No.1952685


>> No.1952688

When college is in session, /lit/ has a regular community of intelligent posters.

We have memes of our own, but they correspond to things that book nerds might care about: overrated writers (Ayn Rand, Tao Lin) or trivia about the greats (like James Joyce's love letters to his wife, which I think is our only reliable macro).

There is also, occasionally, decent original content, obscene poetry-writing contests and general bookchat.

>> No.1952690

LOL yeah sorry, that did seem a little trollish. I was being honest though. Was I right?

>> No.1952692


Basically; ranging from 20 posts to 200.

>> No.1952698

"book nerds"

What's the general definition of a book nerd here? Also, how does one become a book nerd? (Besides the obvious "READ A BOOK".) Is there a 4chan club or something that you are all in? A reading list that you all pass around?

>> No.1952699
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He's right you know.

>> No.1952709
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Stay out of this you harlot.

>> No.1952710
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No, I wasn't trying to SAY that books > kindle. I was asking if that was the usual argument.

I, myself, own both. I have a huge collection of normal books AND a kindle and I love them both. (Reading is my favorite hobby)

>> No.1952715

I haven't been here long (a month or two), but from my first impressions /lit/ is mostly about what you'd expect - book discussion and writing critique. In terms of memes and recurring threads and that kind of stuff, Ayn Rand, Tao Lin, real book vs Kindle, GRRM, Harry Potter, Twilight, James Joyce's love letters, the penis was (or something like that) and some other shit.

It's a nice place in general. Kind of like /mu/ but a bit less elitist and more open to discussion.

>> No.1952717

Also, is there every any "book porn" threads, like how /ck/ has food porn? I'd love to save some pretty book pictures.

>> No.1952719

There's the occasional book cover thread, but they're not that common.

>> No.1952721

/lit/, like /adv/, /sci/ and /soc/ are made up of individuals who moved from /r9k/ and in part led to the board being deleted.

>> No.1952722

>What's the general definition of a book nerd here?

You need to understand the difference between what the late Terry Southern referred to as "Quality Lit", and genre fiction (i.e., mass market paperback books). There are people on /lit/ who post about the nerdier mass market genres: sci-fi and fantasy, and horror. We never have posts about romance novels, or mysteries (except for Sherlock Holmes or Poe), or westerns (except for Cormac McCarthy and his obsolete vernacular).

There is a hierarchy in reading materials, to some extent. But being a book nerd involves understanding that there is such a thing as a book snob. If you stick around, we get Harold Bloom threads which always degenerate into an argument about book snobbery. Harold Bloom is an Ivy League professor who thinks that Stephen King and Harry Potter are terribly written.

>Also, how does one become a book nerd?

Go find a copy of An Incomplete Education, by William Wilson and Judy something or other. That's a good start.

>Is there a 4chan club or something that you are all in?

No. But that would be fun. I know I've occasionally exchanged e-mail addresses with other e/lit/ists and had interesting chats.

>A reading list that you all pass around?

Yeah, we have a wiki, which is posted in the sticky. The reading lists are mostly legit----some are a little selective, others are amazingly comprehensive, based on what the subject was. (We have a great reading list for drama; we have a bizarre one for novellas / short stories)

But as far as 4chan is concerned, /lit/ is like the giant tortoise on whose back the whole world rests. We are very slow, compared to the other boards. But we are also easily the wisest board of all. Seriously. If you ask a question about the most obscure literature- / book- / idea- related topic, you can usually get an intelligent response. But you probably won't get it quickly, unless it's September to December, or February to April.

>> No.1952724
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>Implying you'd have me any other way.

I too was only mocking. I have no problem with either, although I only have physical books. Gotta show dem ladies how hipsta I be, ya get me?

>> No.1952726

The problem with /lit/ is that everyone is on a different level. It isn't like video games where people who are terrible and people who are great can talk about the same game. One guy is talking about existentialism and the other is saying he thought the relationship between X and Y was really cute. Rarely does anyone post ideas or stories in fear of it being stolen. The worst part is even though i love books and i know a lot of people on /lit/ loves books too, i can't break the feeling that everyone on this board is fake, smug, and pretentious. So what is left on /lit/ to talk about?

>> No.1952727
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>> No.1952739
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Awesome! Thank you guys!

I may lurk here a little bit, as this board looks like it has potential to be something a bit "meatier" for the intellect to chew on.

>> No.1952746

>The Penis Was

Our finest hour.

>> No.1952748

Dare I ask?

>> No.1952752
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I think we have more Bookshelf-porn or post-your-library threads.

>> No.1952757

It was a "everybody post the next phrase, it will be a story" thread which produced an ALMOST comprehensible narrative starting with the phrase "The penis was".

>> No.1952758


>> No.1952761

I've heard about it a lot, but never actually read it. Is there a link to it?

>> No.1952764


It was NOT our finest hour. It was the first time /lit/ did any collaborative writing for shits and giggles. So it serves as a good benchmark for those of us who were here in the first month or so of /lit/ and the newfriends (as it were).

There were better collaborative writing threads after that first one: the flyting thread (i.e., sophisticated rap battling, in the style of Alexander Pope) was a real display of talent, with people writing dirty sonnets in record time. Also, the legendary week-long thread of OC short poems about birds. I have both of those saved as complete pdf's but I'm a disaster with wiki stuff, so I haven't put them in our wiki. But The Penis Was is probably there, if you want to see a not-very-amusing collaborative writing game.

>> No.1952767
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>saging within one minute of OP on lit
>the slowest board where 5 replies a minute is considered busy.

Oh Tom.

>> No.1952783


by /lit/

Chapter 1

Eats a pizza ethereal with...when all of a sudden, n****rs splashed me. I didn't pulled my shattered back, because anus was bleeding behind enemy church virginity.

"Muldoon the Cheese was fountainhead," whistled Clevergirl.

"Holy shit, shit" screamed Atlas, falling.

Shanked it into beforehand. Another lover? Ridiculous, magnificent poop.

Clevergirl: "Potatoes, my love. Skinned."

Shrugged. "NIG-NOGS! Shoot Atlas, cuntface," said President Richard M. Nixon. "YOU PIECE BIGHOMOS SHIT!"


Chapter 2

It came to. Needed Homes' pages because jesus didn't get out. N****rs is android's sex, and feels so masochistic. Avalanche whore Jews fathomed existence

because Veronica Origin can't assbutt.

Penis: "Objectivism isn't hard."

Dickbutt: "Since Jews, cocks, communists, slapped killed shitting jazz, daughter through gravy."


"Earthquake...", moaned fan's moustache.

>> No.1952784

Why do people always forget /po/?

It's okay /po/, I love you.

>> No.1952790

I lol'd.

>> No.1952804
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>> No.1952821

>slowest board
>hasn't been to /an/ or /ic/

>> No.1952823

/lit/ is basically just one long running argument, with varying degrees of acrimony or geniality.

I kind of think of it as a bunch of dudes in a very literate bar just drinking and getting into dumb arguments and talking shit about books.

>> No.1953317


This. It's like hanging out with a bunch of friends you fucking hate. I feel more 'at home' on /lit/ than any other board.

>> No.1953334

Metashit because there's nothing of value in discussing lit here.

>> No.1953337

>It's like hanging out with a bunch of friends you fucking hate.
But... I love you guys.

>> No.1954189


I think of it as "hanging out with a bunch of friends that you secretly might want to experiment with sexually, but then afterwards you'd both be so mortified you'd never speak to each other again."

>> No.1954199
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> that feel when /lit/ has a full page of good threads on the first page

>> No.1954209
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Don't forget, "I'm a huge orson welles"