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19526699 No.19526699 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone noticed something? The quality of your writing and thoughts is directly related to the activity on you were doing just before.

For example, my major is chemistry. After solving chemistry problems for hours, I feel genuinely smarter afterwards, I write better and my quality of thoughts and insights also improve for some reason.

I also do part time copywriting for soulless products like mattresses, shoes, etc. And I feel the opposite after hours of that work, it's like my brain shuts off from any creative thought.

What I don't understand is, my brain is probably burning the same level of energy while doing either these activities. I constantly brainstorm while copywriting just like I do for solving problems.

Might be a long shot but Is there a book that explores this phenomena?

If any anon can provide a logical explanation, I would appreciate that too. Are there certain areas that are inherently better to occupy yourself with for retaining an intellectual mind?

>> No.19526715

Your emotional state affects your cognitive ability and you were probably in a state of flow while doing work you enjoyed.

The end.

>> No.19526725

Tesla’s dad tested him as a kid by asking him to try to guess what he was thinking.

>> No.19526732

Then why do people of certain professions always seem smarter/interesting than people of other professions? It's too simplistic to believe it's because they all hate their jobs.

>> No.19526743

Not what I'm saying. Compare and contrast these:

Different personalities being attracted to different professions is different. For that look at the Big Five model.

>> No.19526752

>thoughts is directly related to the activity on you were doing just before.
well of course you retard lmao

>> No.19526771

Thanks will look into those

>> No.19526775

There's no such thing as a stupid question. (Just stupid people). She's a chem major--what do you expect?

>> No.19526778


>> No.19526785

Trying to train the autism out of him.

>> No.19526797

There are books on flow but I think most of them are bullshit self-help crap that just ape the concept. If you want to go further into the concept after reading the wiki article, try journal articles.