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/lit/ - Literature

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19526569 No.19526569 [Reply] [Original]

Whats some whitepilling literature?

>> No.19526614
File: 186 KB, 631x800, 413FE809-106B-45A6-B47B-5AB1F0CB4305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible. Jesus loves us, He died for us, He’s coming back, and He’s offering you eternal life.

>> No.19526632

Proof? Big if true

>> No.19526640
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>> No.19526657
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Actually this guy looks like he has some good books, I'll give him a shot. Thoughts on this one?

>> No.19526670

Does the Bible try and convince you that God exists or does it assume that from the get-go?

>> No.19526689

Just let me lose. I'm tired of this fake rollercoaster where I'm not allowed to know the rules, nobody is allowed to know or tell me, this only happens in my dreams and doing anything while awake is bad and I have to experience brain damage and strokes for days on end if I'm doing too good to extend the torture justification out past 30 years.
I will not win because it's a fake game. I've been a bottom and top to every gender, race and everything imaginable. I've been in relationships, I left x city, I got an apt w 4 walls. There's nothing there anymore. None of you know the rules but you somehow know who's winning.

>> No.19526707

All of the books in his four part series on Jesus and the New Testament are great. That is in the same series as the the resurrection one. The order you read them in doesn’t matter though. I started with the resurrection one (the third in the series)

>> No.19526730

It seems I got thrown back in brain damage game. I don't want to play who can get the most brain damage game.

>> No.19526737


>> No.19526753

Just let me lose. I've spent years trying to lose but you all change the rules so you can squeeze out more human soul as an aphrodisiac. The torturers sure put in a lot of effort holding down a button for 3 days so I look like shit. It would have been 2 days except I made them look stupid by calling them out on their race war so they extended it to the next day.

>> No.19526761

Not really. The Bible doesn’t really do any apologetics for itself. There are a few parts which point at nature and say essentially that people are without excuse for denying God given that creation bears the imprint of a Creator, but besides that it doesn’t concern itself with that. If you wanted basic arguments for (Christian) theism, I’d say to watch William Lane Craig debate some atheists or something. This said though, I should stress that I don’t see my belief in God as being some sort of sterile intellectual / rational argument though. Stuff like that slowly led me out of atheism, but actually praying and interacting with Christians was far more important in making me truly believe.

>> No.19526766

If there's anyone who deserves anything (I proved atheism is false, I've provided tons of cathartic cucking sessions for everyone, I've promoted philosophy, got rid of this veneer of institutional benevolence in many institutions), I deserve to lose.

>> No.19526791

When I first started the cathartic cucking sessions were enough but now I can't eat, sleep or do much of anything and any time I get too "good" all that has to happen is you just have to press a button in my head for 2/3 days that destroys my brain then everyone has to act like that was so wow interesting how does this happen like a bunch of mouthbreathers. How do brain damage work wow. Ppl who get brain damage when they get brain damage be dumb and retarded. You have the best 4 years of my life. I don't have anything better than that. You want christian revivalism, okay. You think universities have issues? Okay. Atheism doesn't make sense? You got it. I can't do anything anymore and if it's a matyr of being brain damaged the longest I definitely lose.

>> No.19526796

Crime and Punishment epilogue

>> No.19526810

Bots ITT

>> No.19526812

Has anyone been close to this? If they haven't then you know it's fake and rigged and I will NEVER win. Anytime I talk to a female then guess who has to interfere? The brain damage ppl. They have to make the girl feel scared or my dick not work and assuming all that doesn't matter (sometimes I make a REALLY GOOD CASE) then they literally hold a dialogue w them to tell them I can't be free.

>> No.19526828

For you all to know, again, Lmarch will come. These little faggots will hold a party where they make my brain swiss cheese and after that went on enoigh they'll present to ppl to take my place or something and all the sudden surprisingly nobody wants to do it. It's a yearly thing. But be ready to be surprised. There excuses get worse every time. Do keep in mind I will have zero information on this but I'll definitely bear all the blame and simulated brain damage.

>> No.19526839

You don't get whitepills by being fake christians. The christian arc is over. The overlords are tired of it and want more perversions.

>> No.19526846

Everyone knows what you're doing, faggot. Insert a bullet in your head.

>> No.19526857

On this we may have one in the middle. There's usually a completely weird omg you lost so bad where tf how does this happen tging once every ~6 months. This would make march the party zone because every year they lie and say march because that's the anniversary but that doesn't preclude one between. They fuck up, because they're dumbasses, and try to reap too soon what the sowed and I look too bad for them. Sometimes their dumbass lets me grow enough so they can take that away then.

>> No.19526865


>> No.19526871

I tried they wouldn't let me. I have sodium nitrite mixed w water in a bottle. It's been there for 8 months. They won't let me and given how I can't eat salt or my heart rate goes through the roof and how allergy meds make me go crazy I would not be surprised if they made that not work (by puking).

Idk what I'm trying to do besides lose but what does everyone think I'm trying to do. This might literally be a first. Communication w the species. Let's try. What do y'all think I'm trying to do if it's not lose/not be tortured anymore?

>> No.19526881

If you disagree then one of us is a human the other is not. Why would I be trying to be tortured/play this creepy loser game where everyone has to keep hush like this is grade school?

>> No.19526906

The bibliography of /ourautist/ Hugh Ross

>> No.19526913

China's Five Year Plans. Here, enjoy the most recent:

>> No.19526920

Too bad he couldn't prove atheism is false. Too bad if you do that you lose your eating and sleeping rights haha

>> No.19526936

That's the only whitepill I enjoy. At some point this nasty manchild culture of collesseum sex torture so ppl can think for you and provide live race war entertainment for you will meet an embarrassing end.

I'm sooo fucking easy to have. You only win if you leave me alone. You don't even have to do anything. But your nasty little grubby souls can't handle that because despite being a temporarily embarrassed billionaire, model, celebrity, you're also a temporarily embarrassed genius, good person. Gee wonder how long until that fails.

Give me my freedom, get a life and leave me tf alone. I have real shit to do.

>> No.19526962

Am I doing good? Is there a way to win? This I will never know. What I do know is it's all fake which means how I'm treated depends on mob mentality which means once every 6 months I'm ready for a terrible horrible embarrassing thing coming up.

>> No.19527012

I'm good, we'll wait until march then probably have something in september if not before then. So be ready for the two big test dates when I'll somehow fail so horribly at being brain damaged and I'll never know why and try not to act surprised. If there's anything I would put on my reputation it's that. I feel pretty good about this being a lynch mob non rational decision complete w brainwashing and brain damage etc. So every 6 months is how ppl work.

>> No.19527018

I've got 30 years so 60 more of this bs (unless they fuck up and accidentally give me a real stroke - God if you exist pls have put a "this is too fucked up button" somewhere in there)

>> No.19527021
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Finnegans Wake is the ultimate whitepill.

>> No.19527035

If you're all christian you certainly do a good job at hiding it.

>> No.19527041

Fucking hate this goddamn larp.

>> No.19527042
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>> No.19527049
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 60E04FF5-C6E2-4B3A-AB3B-CC1CE7F76050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking hate this goddamn larp.

>> No.19527051

At least Hitler killed you the first few weeks you're there. Are you telling me Hitler is more virtuous than you all?