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/lit/ - Literature

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19523084 No.19523084 [Reply] [Original]

Monday morning thread: what are you reading or doing /lit/ ?

>> No.19523091

I made a pact with a friend a while ago that we will both read a book before the end of the year. I chose Thus Spake Zarathustra and just remembered yesterday that we made that pact. So that's what I'll be reading. Also I'm working on a project with a friend

>> No.19523094

What’s the project, loosely?

>> No.19523101

A tragedy based around 3 brothers who just lost their self made father, and basically take their issues out on their wives and children. Think Succession but more greek and less ultra-wealthy

>> No.19523122

Working on my thesis in linguistics. I've grown to dislike this subject throughout my education, but am hoping it will land me some job in the book publishing business, which is extremely female-dominated and pozzed, but still better than working in a factory and wearing out my body.

Reading Revolt Against The Modern World and slowly making my way through the New Testament. What about you OP?

>> No.19523169

The girl I'm with is very trad and we've switched to only writing letter and calling on the phone when we're not in person. I am using this as an opportunity to work on my prose and rhythm. I'm going to write the next letter entirely in iambic pentameter without making that obvious to her.

>> No.19523173


OP here, relatively new to literature and this board. Also made a deal with a friend to read 1 book each week. I picked up The Tempest from Shakespeare, which is giving me a hard time.

>> No.19523210

OP it helps to read some secondary sources or watch them on YouTube when first starting to read Shakespeare. There's so much going on in the background that you almost need more information in order to contextualize the story. Would recommend watching at least a few short YouTube videos on The Tempest.

Even if it spoils the ending for you, which doesn't really matter in Shakespeare anyway, it will make the experience much more rich for you. You have to know what you're mining for once you get down in the mines.

Good luck OP

>> No.19523273

Thanks, I will look into it.

>> No.19523322

It's Monday night. Dinner is over, and I'm reading a 1913 edition of T. Tembarom and drinking hot cocoa.

>> No.19523455

How did you meet her?

>> No.19523600
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I just got out of New Testament class. I'm gonna browse lit, vape, and play vidya until philosophy class. Then I have a Japanese film exam. Tonight I am going to an event for philosophy majors at a professor's house. Pretty cozy day anons.

>> No.19523969
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I've been reading Kull. Don't know why but I really like Robert E Howard's stuff. I've read the Conan stories and moved onto the Kull ones. Next time I read something from him I'm gonna try some of his boxing stories to change things up.

It's sort of inspired me to write my own fantasy short stories. I've written a few, one based (loosely) off the argonautica, much like how Howard borrowed from history/myth to make his stories. It's fun but I haven't worked on it in several months, last story I was writing was based (again loosely) off Xenophons Anabasis. It's been tough but my writing has gotten noticeably better with each story (better ideas, longer stories, better characters, etc.).

>> No.19523972

Went to library to return books (bit overdue) and on a whim picked up a collection of stories by Tuve Jansson. At checkout desk I asked librarian to see if we ever got "Notes from an Island" translated into my native language. The librarian pronounced Jansson like "Jason" and alter typing the name into computer she turned back to me and said "…apparently she wrote Moomins?"

>> No.19523978
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I'm in a super boring remote work meeting with boomers droning on about dumb work shit so I'm practicing my Latin declensions while I pretend to listen.

>> No.19524963

I'm at work and am not really in the mood to write though I did make a note to myself about a particular deuteragonist in a work I want to outline one day

>> No.19524984


>> No.19524989

Met her at the church young adult group. Big recommend.

>> No.19524991
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Transcribing Taliban poetry and designing cell phone systems for work. Hoping to finish Insurgent Mexico (John Reed) by the end of the month.

>> No.19524993

That's the plan big guy, should be done in two years

>> No.19525008
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I’m currently reading the Tropic of Cancer, Epictetus, and a book of some of Keynes’ work.

Tfw you will never be an armed bandit roaming through post-collapse Iraq

>> No.19525014
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Researching for an essay about the role of masculinity in Behn’s Oroonoko

>> No.19525016

That’s a pretty ambitious goal anon, good luck.

>> No.19525018

Reading some older books about human geography and working on getting my thoughts in order on a few topics I think might be prosperous. Nothing special, just curious about my niche in reality.

>> No.19525072
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The canadian taxpayers federation annually gives out ''teddy waste awards'' to the canadian federal government or to provincial governments to ''celebrate'' the biggest waste of taxpayers money
Reading them makes me want to kill myself





I fucking hate these worthless animals so much, and I hate national libraries just as much, these subhuman dogs are holding hostages millions of books in their shelves which they either refuse to digitalize or refuse to make available to the public in any reasonnable manner and I swear they're colluding with copyrights owners who every 10-20 years or so influence the government to vote new draconian copyright laws for books that nobody has read in 60+ years, and to ensure that even books and magazines 80+ years old are still under copyright laws despite these faggots having 0% chance of making a profit off them in 2021. I order a duplication of some article in a Japanese magazine of the 1930s (because tee hee they refuse to let me have to through interlibrary loan and won't let me read it online) and they ask me to pay for it by FAXING them my credit card information?

and the best part is there's absolutely nothing I can do about it,

>> No.19525102

reading "ignition! an informal history of liquid rocket propellants"
those post war chemists were maniacs to work with the stuff they did and the fact that so few died of accidental explosions or exposure to their toxic and corrosive chemicals is a small miracle

>> No.19526296
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Inshallah we shall get our chance to do it here.