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/lit/ - Literature

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19521834 No.19521834 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19521844
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All day every day every month every year. Kant stop won't stop.

>> No.19521932

thank you to whoever posted about 'The Sluts' on this board. Such a surprisingly addicting read.

>> No.19522307

I made a chart but its on my pc and now I'm using my phone. Will post when I get back

>> No.19522312

Kitchen Confidential - Bourdain
Game of Thrones/Clash of Kings - GRRM
White - Bret Easton Ellis
Crime and Punishment

yea yea i know

>> No.19522537
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I unironically started reading this year. Thank you, /lit/. I owe it all to you.
>The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat
>On the Heights of Despair
>The Prince
>Animal Farm
>Oedipus King/at Colonus/Antigone
>Crime and Punisment
>La Țigănci by Mircea Eliade
>Memories from the House of Dead
>Wuthering Heights
>the Divine Comedy
>Prometheus Chained
>Ion/Charmides/Euthyphron/Criton/Alcibiades I/Protagoras/Laches/Theages/Lysis/Hippias I+II/Appology
>Notes from the Underground
>Letters from a Stoic(haven't finished it yet)
>Time Out of Joint
>King Lear
>Merchant of Venice
>Thus Spake Zarathustra
>The Trial
>Metamorphosis + most of Kafka's short stories
>Lord of the Flies
>Frankenstein(haven't finished it yet)
>Nicomachean Ethics
>Metaphysics(got filtered so I haven't finished it)
>Epicurus letter for Herodotus
>Discours de la Methode(got filtered)
>Tolstoy's Ressurection
>+Matthew&some other chapters/various Romanian poems and small plays/bits from Suma Theologiae/some books on Roman and Byzantine history

>> No.19522547
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>> No.19522556
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>> No.19522615

Very nice; would be your friend, we seem to be interested in some similar authors

>> No.19522630

Also: check out Sergio Pitol. You seem to like Compton-Burnett and he's very much inspired by her work. He's also considered a sort of predecessor for Bolaño, Vila-Matas and so on

>> No.19522649
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I just started reading a month ago and I haven't finished anything yet.
Maybe next year i will have a list of books just like this anon

>> No.19522693
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>“Technological Slavery”
by Theodore J. Kaczynski. >“Fight Club”
by Chuck Palahniuk. >“Studies in Pessimism”
by Arthur Schopenhauer.
>“Civilized to Death”
By Christopher Ryans.
>“Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians”
By Fanny Kelly.
>“Invisible Monsters”
By Chuck Palahniuk.
>“Can Life Prevail?”
By Pentti Linkola.
>“Stories of Old Greece and Rome”
By Emilie K. Baker.
>“On the Heights of Despair”
By Emil Cioran.

Presently reading: “The Story of Philosophy” by Will Durant.

>> No.19522721
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19 so far, the ones nearer the top I liked most.

>> No.19522739

The beginning is the hardest part, anon. Your brain has to adapt to every new habbit and that takes some time. It is especially hard if you spent your teenage years on vidya, anime and porn. For example, it took me 2 fucking weeks to finish the Aeneid. At first I couldn't read more than 20 pages without loosing my focus and jittery but now I can read up to 80 pages in one sitting depending on what I read. Granted I had a lot of free time this year and nothing better to do. I believe in you, anon.

>> No.19522749

Painfully American

>> No.19522752

i won't list them all, only the best ones

Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte
Selected Writings, Thomas Carlyle
Mysteries, Knut Hamsun
The Wanderer, Knut Hamsun
Jude the Obscure, Thomas Hardy
Far From the Madding Crowd, Thomas Hardy
Kim, Rudyard Kipling
A Glastonbury Romance, John Cowper Powys
Suspended Judgments: Essays On Books And Sensations, John Cowper Powys
Rats in the Sacristy, Llewelyn Powys
Thirteen Worthies, Llewelyn Powys

>> No.19522842
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Some good shit, some absolutely dire shit.

>> No.19522891
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Surprise Kill Vanish by Annie Jacobsen
Surviving the Killing Fields by Haing S. Ngor
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick (re-read)
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Shrine of Jeffrey Dahmer by Brian Masters
Wiking by Henk Kistemaker
Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe
Somewhere in there I read the Pentateuch as well. I'm re-reading The Lord of the Rings now (and quite loving it!)

>> No.19522928

Good work, anon. I started reading in the last third of this year but was not as well rounded as you. The Guenon shitposters got to me unfortunately.

>> No.19522995

i've been reading for years but it was only this spring i stopped reading meme crap.

>> No.19523013
File: 2.61 MB, 689x2943, Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 19-13-49 Goodreads 2021 Year in Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what the random 5 stars shit is about. I didn't rate any of these

>> No.19523037

That's not 5 stars, it's 0 stars - they fill in red when rated. The year end summary pulls out highly rated ones and makes them bigger, so I guess if you don't rate any it just picks some at random.

>> No.19523062

Oh thanks anon. I had a feeling it might have been something like that

>> No.19523078

unironically started reading seriously in 2021 thanks to /lit/. Attempted to start with the greeks but 'ngmi'ed and took short cut but not regretted yet. With chronological order

Crime and Punishment
Myth of Sisyphus
Moby Dick
About 10-15 dialogues of Plato
WD Ross book on Aristotle
Several SEP articles mostly synopsisms of major Philosophers chronologically from Descartes to Hegel
Durant`s Story of Philosophy
Gombrich`s short history of the world
Kolakowski`s Main currents of Marxism (1st and 2nd vol yet)

Currently reading: the Brothers Karamazov

>> No.19523092

I started reading this year

>> No.19523096
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forgot pic rel.......

>> No.19523137

Pic rel
>inb4 forgot pic rel
I didn't.

>> No.19523154
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The Ministry for the Future - KSR
Mean Business of North Ganson Street - Zahler
The Slanter Guttter - Zahler
A Congregation of Jackals - Zahler
Corpus Chrome, Inc - Zahler
Annihilation - Vandermeer
SPQR - Beard

if you like Zahler's movies at all, you'll really enjoy his books. he's a good puply writer. I'm finishing up Herbert's Dune books now.

>> No.19523163

What are his books like anon? I liked Dragged Across Concrete but wasn't a big fan of Bone Tomahawk

>> No.19523199
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Did you not like Bone Tomahawk because it was a western? His books basically read a lot like his movies. So Mean Business and The Slanter Gutter and modern day crime dramas, so if you liked Dragged Across Concrete then I recommend these two books. If anyone here liked Bone Tomahawk, I recommend Jackals since it's a western. The books are quick reads, with fast dialogue and a good amount of violence. And for those that like Philip K Dick and want some pulpy sci-fi, read Corpus Chrome.

>> No.19523215

I don't mind Westerns. I just found Bone Tomahawk poorly structured. It had nice ideas but 90% of the film felt superfluous. I felt the "slow burn" dynamic worked way better in Concrete. Thanks for the recommendations though anon

>> No.19523279

absolutely, I am just here to spread the word. I fuckin love Zahler.. as indicated by me reading a lot of his books back to back this year. enjoy. 'Mean Business' is a great start for you.

>> No.19523281
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Also these as audiobooks
>cixin liu - remembrance of earth's past 1-3 (finnish translation, read the english translation few years ago)
>väinö linna - täällä pohjantähden alla 1-3 (under the northstar)
>kalle päätalo - ihmisiä telineillä (people on scaffoldings)
>nietzsche - thus spoke zarathustra (finnish translation)
>susanna clarke - piranesi
>frank herbert - dune
>mika waltari - sinuhe egyptiläinen
>katarina baer - kiinan suurin harppaus (china's greatest leap)
>christa steinby - herodotos
>wolfram eilenberger - taikurien aika & vapauden tuli (2 books about philosophers in 1919-1943)
>sunzi - the art of war (finnish translation)
>dostojevski - crime and punishment (finnish translation)
>hemingway - the old man and the sea
>kalevala - original

>> No.19523290

oh this looks right up my street, thanks for the recommendation!

>> No.19523341

Franny & Zooey - J.D. Salinger
Nine Stories - J.D. Salinger
The Stranger - Camus
American Psycho - Ellis
Stiller - Frisch
Ansichten eines Clowns - Böll
Death of a Salesman - Miller
The Death of Iwan Ilyich - Tolstoi

Just recently got back into reading and read these since September or October.