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/lit/ - Literature

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19521439 No.19521439 [Reply] [Original]

Describe in your best prose the posters you recognize here

>> No.19521445


>> No.19521451

She has a tendency to post tits and laughs at all my jokes.

>> No.19521454

There is a bitchass motherfucker with a butterfly icon who keeps on spelling shit within almost every Thread.

Such insufferable imbecile lacking aesthetics.

>> No.19521502

A cabal of anonymous self important internet users, absolutely convinced of their own grandeur because of the ability to comprehend surface level philosophy and metaphors. Forever attempting to convince those around them of their literary prowess, but ultimately lacking in the basic decency and social etiquette needed to do anything with their so called 'intelligence'

>> No.19521511

Sounds like reddit

>> No.19521516

My boyfriend

>> No.19521528

And therein lies the horror that this cabal will never admit.
They are there own enemy, and always have been. They always will be. Forever proclaiming themselves the superior of the two groups, blinding themselves to the fact that the line between them never exited.

>> No.19521529

some retard who makes bait threads where he badly misinterprets philosophies

>> No.19521532

sounds like reddit

>> No.19521553

There is one fellow who is a proud heroe against all torment and pain. They are garbed in bright colors of their consistent and unaltering decree "Oh Evil, Not made, they suffer , nonetheless". So succulent a dispositions you can feel the lathe nearby. Lips peeled wide and eyes agape I cannot repel the tingle and chemical of guaranteed harmony. Cry against blood, cry for blood. Condemn skeletons for which you will be made. Condemn rot and decay, ruin and rustication The lathe equalizes all and you can stand no more in the guts drowning or beached to asphyxiate.

>> No.19521569

I'm one of the most active posters on this board(as in my posting behavior fits the description of a compulsive mental disorder), and I am very aware that I am mentally ill, of average intelligence, usually insufferable, not particularly well read, a frequent mangler of diction and syntax, and generally lacking in much of anything useful to contribute. People like me can write a shocking amount of posts in one day. There are many other users who are considerably more normal, intelligent, sociable, etc. and you do them a disservice by conflating them with deranged specimens like myself; they naturally post with much less frequency because they are doing other things, so it may seem like the general character of /lit/ is of a low quality, but if you learn to filter out the insane people then you'll find there are a decent proportion of users who have something to offer.

I do have to correct you about our being a cabal however. A cabal is organized, connected, conscious. We are like hobos yelling in an alley so dark and loud we cant even make out how many of us are here and who is saying what. An anti-cabal even.

>> No.19521579

Dunning-Kruger on steroids.

>> No.19521580

Sounds like reddit

>> No.19521592

Me very good, don't do bad and you screwed yourselves by letting me live this long and I'm going to make it everyone's problem. It's as Socrates enemy said "you're supposed to ignore him not charge him but now we can't go back". But you can go back but you won't so eat shit.

>> No.19521597
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I think you sound ok, anon.

>> No.19521601

Fuck you stop being such a whiny bitch I love you

>> No.19521605

"Proust? That's not literature." — Cormac McCarthy

>> No.19521634

It's physical pain it literally hurts.

>> No.19521655
File: 120 KB, 700x700, purple-haze-marijuana-seeds-usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoke this it help you

>> No.19521667

What are some good strains for schizophrenia?

>> No.19521677

I just connected /lit/ with "lit" and it's not a good feeling

>> No.19521687

All herb is good herb for schizophrenia. Just sit quietly alone with you thoughts.

>> No.19521698

I recognize the McLuhan guy sometimes

>> No.19522557

May God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.19522565

That guy that lurks all the time and doesn't post much
'tis me

>> No.19523381

your best prose is awful

>> No.19523444

>Here is that insufferable tripfaggot again. His flamboyant username stands out at the summit of the box which presents itself before me a screen wide, all lines contained therein too many lines tall. Without knowing what he's saying, I already know I will hate what he is saying. But I resist to pay him any attention, for if I felt anything but a mellow condescension for this sad creature of vanity, and I attempted to connect my virtual fist to its cowardly, pseudonymous simper, I may be pulled in by the entropy he exists to represent. With this resolution in mind I resist the temptation to read, and while my sight vaults over the inane homosexual verbiage I find the post number, I click on it, and in the reply box I rebuke him with a stark "kys".

>> No.19523709


>> No.19524908

Literally me

>> No.19524941

What topics do you usually post about?

>> No.19525742
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>no one has mentioned me yet
it's a cruel world, to be forgotten

>> No.19525761
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I'm Vancouver, BC guy. Thought you ought to know.

>> No.19526736

the shitkickers guy

>> No.19526744

I killed 3 to 5 people in Afghanistan anon

>> No.19526749

Waldun Chads Rise up!

>> No.19526894

Who's that?

>> No.19526902

I wrote philosophy essays for dubs and I am forgotten

>> No.19526908

Then YOU take it. I don't want to play this retard game. YOU WIN. I do NOT. Transfer our positions rn.

>> No.19527639

Self-important faggot (if you're not joking).

>> No.19527644

Self-important faggot. No one cares. The waves will roll over you and "dubs" are reddit to begin with.

>> No.19527657


>> No.19527662

The one autist that gets insanely triggered every time homosexual literature gets discussed, specially when it's about greek homosexuality

>> No.19527670
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>> No.19527675

every misogynistic stereotype about women rolled into one person

>> No.19527677

Not until I'm free you nasty little niggers. I'm not your slave you can torture so you can 8 ball a new perversion from my dreams. You need me to think for you you lazy little nigger. You don't how much like shit I get treated so your pestilent little nigger dick can get hard. You are all evil. You are all actively participating in the most evilest thing that's happened on earth and your dumb little nigger brains try to shield yourselves from blame so you can torture me more and benefit from it. I literally asked you dumb niggers to leave me alone after 2 days of brain damage torture and yall told me to stfu so i tried and it worked against you dumb fucking niggers

>> No.19527689

I shouldn't have had 2 days it was a very uncharitable interpretation played out for 2 days. I yelled, warned tried very hard to avoid it and you little pestilemt niggers brain damaged me more so you could have a good time. You are evil and everything you do is evil.

>> No.19527697

Try to remember the peaceful love feeling anon. Like when you were a kid or when you saw something beautiful

>> No.19527713

No fuck you, y'all do good. You've lynched, brain damaged me everything. No if I think of a good thing then I get brain damaged because you nasty little niggers need to torture me for your upcoming perversion.

>> No.19527715

check it out guys, a schizo!

>> No.19527719

It will make you feel better, that's the only reason I said it. If it doesn't help then don't do it. It helps for me

>> No.19527720

Damn what happened to you in Afghanistan bro?

>> No.19527723

Y'all will do every god damned thing in the world besides free me. How many niggers are being tortured? I've been tortured for four years and y'all are manipulative the whole time so you can jerk off like disgusting niggers and throw away every cultural development like a disgusting little nigger. You do good bitch. Boo bitch you do good. You bend over backwards.

>> No.19527726
File: 85 KB, 900x460, 6440984_preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting here for four years
>tfw no mention

>> No.19527732

Lynch these niggers.

When's the last time a nigger has been lynched?

>> No.19527734

The ones that are bugged with glowie surveillance devices

>> No.19527736

Its not about doing good man. It literally just makes you feel better

>> No.19527739

All caps guy
Boston guy who made vocaroos
Obv butts
The kill la kill guy who was a douche to me in an essay rating thread

>> No.19527743

acid and meth

>> No.19527745
File: 37 KB, 669x669, 1600118516278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been posting here since 2012 and had to endure the many years of DFW/Joyce/Pynchon posting. This board used to have the most autistic memes on the entire chan, I'm serious. To be honest I prefer it now. I'll never leave and don't want to. I've seriously learned so much. I'm 27 bt.w

>> No.19527747

It doesn't. Nothing makes me feel good. Kill every human, lynch every nigger before I feel any amount of discomfort. Treat me like a disgusting little nigger. If I shit properly I want a front page news section about it and how everyone who hates me in any slightly passive aggressive sense is a little nigger. Also kill every dr I've interacted w in the 4 years

>> No.19527756

Kill everyone in seattle. Kill both lynch mobs. Kill trump, kill the un, kill the news organizations. Kill everybody. I want peace you disgusting little niggers should eat your own like cockroaches.

>> No.19527758

Seek help, Jason.

>> No.19527760

you are just a puppet and your strings are attached to another puppet that is upside down

>> No.19527761

I don't give brain damage to ppl. In no sense am i we tf you nasty niggers are. You torture each other for sex

>> No.19527775

Then kill that nigger. I want peace. I'm tired of it. Nobody helps me or talks to me. I'm tired of seeing spiders every where. Nobody says shit about what's happening and every creepy instituional member smirks at me like I'm less than dog shit while they demand I give them sex and be good while they give me brain damage. This is what brain damage looks like. Good job you dumb niggers you solved what human brains do. It hurts it's horrifying.

>> No.19527789

Nobody is allowed to be nice to me and it's apparently all about sex but any time someone tries to have sex w me it's some thing that gets in the way.

I want every little nigger to tell me wtf is happening and how to make it end and to mske life simple and easy unlike a little nigger so we can get through it. Lynch the niggers after.

>> No.19527791

the next time your orgasm it will be spider eggs coming out and the will crawl on you inside and out

>> No.19527800

>This board used to have the most autistic memes on the entire chan, I'm serious.
Like what?

>> No.19527803

They got triggered by that too. I can't jerk off but I have to endure porn and evil shit by humans for 4 years? They want me all frustrated so the 8 ball brain damage yields a perversion and you nasty little niggers promote it too.

>> No.19527805

start with the greeks

>> No.19527813

You're telling me that those subhumans rape you?

>> No.19527818

I get brain damage. No fucking nigger dares to be anywhere near me

>> No.19527826

why dont you fight back you coward!

>> No.19527832

How do I fight brain damage you nasty little nigger

>> No.19527839

apparently they took your soul too, slave!

>> No.19527842

But you can share your thought on here bro. Or write a book and vomit all of your bile on paper like Thomas Bernhard use to do.

>> No.19527855

Just tell me wtf is happening and quit cheering on brain damage like a little retarded nigger. I get you need a little sport to chimp out on

>> No.19527857

Anon you need to remember being ok

>> No.19527870

Y'all cheered on brain damage and tricked a dumb nigger into chimping out

>> No.19527873

The only way out is through
that's the only clue I will give to you.

>> No.19527875

>the meta-poster that makes it worse

>> No.19527876

I am not chimping out. If you're not comfortable then write these words in private journal.

War fucked you up really bad.

>> No.19527879

he isnt even the afgan anon, thats me

>> No.19527885

No y'all lynched me and every advice you give is shit. I tried to get killed by meth heads and get raped by niggers. I've dated and fucked everybody. I did everything i lost everythinh. I spent years running and every one of you niggers laugh at me and torture me. You're all evil niggers and I did everything. I went in hospitals I did it all. Nothing happens and I just get more brain damage.

>> No.19527891

Aww the poor wittle bitch wants his attention. Were you a bitch pog?

>> No.19527896

Imagine wanting to be known as the war crimes guy. Gj dipshit you tried to force your nigger love democracy there and nobody wanted it.

>> No.19527903

no im Spartacus!

>> No.19527908

Y'all certainly digest media for virtue at least a nazi would kill you. Way better than a liberal

>> No.19527909
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the pale fire killjoy can stop ruining my threads >:(

>> No.19527933

Tell me wtf is happening.

>> No.19527952

I wont l;;et him do that

>> No.19527954

I don't know what's happening man. But I know you can feel better, you can remember peace and love. It makes me cry when is see people suffering like you are. I suffer like that too. I have problems like that and I don't trust anything. I know there is nothing we can know for sure, but cant you remember the good thing from before, when you were younger, the thing you thought made sens of the world and everything, the beautiful thing? That is all I can hold onto.

>> No.19527959

Y'all are giving me brain damage and torturing me for no reason y'all do good.

>> No.19527962

You are loved anon, but it's by something you can only feel when you let it in

>> No.19527970

Okay and I'll deal w brain damage and mind games until this undefined it which never will be done or answered gets in. I have 30 years of torture

>> No.19527979

I'm sorry life is that rough bro. I really am

>> No.19527980


>> No.19528007

It literally never will. It's a stupid "convince the lynch mob" scenario.

Y'all literally did it. Nobody else did it. There's no hydrogen atom coming to fuck w me. Y'all did it. Y'all lynched me. Y'all continued to torture for me for gain.

>> No.19528011

Then I'm sorry for doing it.

>> No.19528015
File: 258 KB, 768x1280, IMG_20211205_175030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the schizo check-in thread

>> No.19528022

Well how long until it's done?

>> No.19528033

Love the people around you

>> No.19528061

3 words: based internet autism

>> No.19528190

>anon can stop saning my insanity
You're welcome :3

>> No.19528532

What the fuck happened ITT?

>> No.19528540



>> No.19528543

Every so often a thread on /lit/ degenerates into subsentient howling of this nature and reminds us that Lovecraft was right: human civilization truly does exist on a frail raft of sanity floating over a black abyss of monstrous chaos.

>> No.19528642

That one guy who shills Carson McCullers

>> No.19528981


>> No.19529216

it's best to accept we're here forever. at the end of my life I will have crossed off the complete /lit/ 100.

>> No.19529245

He's a rather handsome fellow, to tell you the truth. And, stranger still, he happens to be reading this post right this second.

>> No.19529247

The master baiter baits masturbators over an ocean of (you)'s.

>> No.19529259 [DELETED] 

you mean the one who always gets dubs? oh no, wait, that's me. Check'em!

>> No.19529263 [DELETED] 

... in the post below

>> No.19529268


>> No.19531028

>"there own enemy"

>> No.19531057 [DELETED] 


>> No.19531854

There are a lot of nice souls around this place

>> No.19532118

Incel misogynistic spiritual Eastern doctrine Anon

>> No.19532213

A guy with actual schizophrenia having an episode, and then some cringe faggot trying to provoke him and worsen it by saying zany things.

It's good to recognize the kind of disordered speech/delusional thinking that comes with a genuine delusional or psychotic episode because then you can do your best to help the person (if possible). There's nothing more horrible than being in that kind of episode, it's paranoia mixed with disorientation. If karma really exists, then I can't imagine a worse form of bad karma than messing with someone who is already going through that.

Sometimes all you can do to help is not add more things for them to misinterpret through their delusions. At the very least, don't get offended and frustrated with someone who is in the middle of an episode. They're lashing out defensively, it's not their fault.

>> No.19532249

I am the head hunter of women I am the abyssal demon the abyssal crane the culling the one who watches the road at night and sees frail footsteps and moves in for the kill

>> No.19532980

lol. nice answer. can you give us some examples of your posts? you don't sound like the worst poster on here, far from it

>> No.19532997

porcelaingoirl poster

>> No.19533027


>> No.19533030

A typical pedophile, a fucking moron, and a beautiful incel.

>> No.19533035

>We are like hobos yelling in an alley so dark and loud we cant even make out how many of us are here and who is saying what.
very nice!

>> No.19533623
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The one seething atheist mod that deletes any threads making fun of atheists.

>> No.19533695

I post a ton of stuff which makes me hate myself. /pol/ stuff mostly. I feel much worse about it even than the bad things I have done to my family and to girls I dated, and I did some pretty awful stuff. I am severely mentally ill but it's not really an excuse for everything I've said. I have a compulsion to say and do the worst possible things because I feel hurt by a world which has rejected me, but the world didnt even really reject me; I was given so many advantages and I just threw them away to end up in an awful place because I simply don't work properly. I am angry at reality itself I guess. But i forgive it every night too.

I am just something which should have been killed is the real solution. I am kind of begging for something to kill me.

>> No.19534462


>> No.19534465

Your prose literally just sounds like Joe Goldberg from ‘You’..,

>> No.19534477

Go back to /pol/

>> No.19536038

dumb frog poster

>> No.19536082

And the seething tradcath mod who enables you fags