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File: 28 KB, 302x251, cs lewis anscombe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19516956 No.19516956 [Reply] [Original]

>The lady is quite right to refute what she thinks bad theistic arguments, but does this not almost oblige her as a Christian to find good ones in their place: having obliterated me as an Apologist ought she not to succeed me?
CS Lewis on Elizabeth Anscombe (The Collected Letters of CS Lewis, p. 35)

>> No.19517064

I can sympathize with Lewis here but it might be the case that Anscome's faith was not expressly rational; perhaps she was a fideist. While it wasn't exactly the Catholic position--Anscombe being a devout catholic herself--Wittgenstein, her mentor, did apear to hold it. She was very interested in Aquinas' work though so this is probably wrong. I haven't read her--I should--so I am very interested in what other anons who did think about her position. I hear that she was very adept at debate however.

>> No.19517072

Christcucks BTFO, as usual

>> No.19517073

>very adept at debates
She well may have been but her point regarding lewis was more a classification error. His argument still applies just in a more minor position. I don't see what was served by that exchange and to leave it all barren and his reaction perfectly encapsulates this issue.

>> No.19517080
File: 160 KB, 720x1160, A80BECC1-472F-499C-8871-8520DA2E6CA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The transcendental argument for God is the only viable way to prove God. In this postmodern milieu you can believe whatever the fuck you want anyway.