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19514760 No.19514760 [Reply] [Original]

need a book for this:
>realizing how easy it would be to live life in a dreamlike state and ignore the significance of the world
should i be terrified or relieved?

>> No.19514768

Live well. Enjoy your stay. Don’t stress.

>> No.19514786

Becoming a lotus eater is harder than it sounds.
I mean, unless you have heroin.

>> No.19514829

Most people already live like that

>> No.19514839

wow great empty platitude, you are a truly a giant of intellectualism

>> No.19514878

What fun is there in that?

>> No.19514889

>Meaningless sass
>empty bitterness against a happy-despite-it-all person
Get well soon.
I’d say more, but who the hell are you?

>> No.19514932

Well, considering that you aren't aware that what you call life is a dreamlike state you should be happy

>> No.19515673


>> No.19515702

I agree. So quit complaining about having to work in Christmas.

>> No.19515725


>> No.19515747

Fuck you.

>> No.19515952

After a while things begin to add up, debts, loneliness, obligations, biological drives, and will all in an instant will crash down upon you. There is no escape from the reality of your circumstances, the IRS will fuck you in the ass, your family will be disappointed in you, your hair will fall out, you’ll have cum bursting out of your ears, you’ll be digging ditches with beaners, it’s all too much. It’s best to take life seriously anon

>> No.19516159

Pls enjoy your stay...

>> No.19516182

Meh, such a thing can't last forever. Even if you could by some miraculous abilities, you'd wake up very old and disappointed.

>> No.19516543
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Lmaooo got em

>> No.19516560
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I wish it could. The amount of stress I have to endure on a day to day basis to be a functioning member of society is almost not worth it desu. Even during the weekends I can't relax anymore. My life is just a continuous road of me ignoring my emotions and trying to muddle through, because there is nobody who cares.

>> No.19516583

Where pepe is going?

>> No.19516620

>realizing how easy it would be to live life in a dreamlike state and ignore the significance of the world
>should i be terrified or relieved?

The Unbearable Lightness of Being…

>> No.19516626

My novel desu

>> No.19516627

>The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop.
>Anything by Krasznahorkai
>The Woman in the Dunes
>The Third Policeman

>> No.19516754

To college

>> No.19516803

I doubt it. Look at the suitcase on left seat

>> No.19516807

Give us more context, what makes your life so difficult anon?

I am the second poster.

>> No.19517013
File: 98 KB, 1026x1200, 1629893928671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heroin guy?

Well I have a few things that are really weighing me down in life.

1. I have no social contacts outside of school. I live with my autistic father and I don't talk to my mother and sisters anymore. This leads to me spending most of my time alone and in silence. I have many different hobbies and interests, but at the moment it's difficult to do anything. I have a really difficult time trying to make friends or connect with people and this basically keeps me in this limbo-like state of isolation and trying to distract myself from it. I am a social guy and when I'm at school I have nice contacts with people and my peers seem to like me. It's just that it never develops into anything more than just casual talk. I think this is because I am very scared of truly opening up and being myself around people, but I don't know how to change this.
2. Anxiety. I have extreme anxiety, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed I am plagued by this piercing feeling of dread and anxiety in my stomach. It makes my face numb, my hands cold, my body stiff. I don't even know what I am afraid of anymore. All I know is that I'm constantly afraid. I have been going to psychologists since I was 16 years old and I'm 21 now. I have tried pretty much anything, but nothing other than medication seems to help and I really don't want to resort to meds again.
3. Addiction. Because I go through so much stress I am very prone to addiction to try to relieve these feelings. I am mainly addicted to drugs and to pornography. I try to stay sober from both of these things and I am mostly successful in this, but this just worsens my stress because I have no adequate coping mechanisms to make me feel better. Again, I've pretty much tried everything on this front, from meditation to exercise, to religious practice to healthy eating.
4. Depression. Because of the things I have listed above, I am depressed most of the time. I often have this blockage in my throat like I have to cry, but I cannot get myself to.

I'm going to keep trying things to better my situation, but I'm kind of losing hope since I've already been struggling for so long. I feel like I am stuck in a vicious cycle that I cannot seem to get out of.

>> No.19517066

College in the 1800s

>> No.19517117
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What you don't need: Escapism

What you need: to google a psychiatrist in your area and find an appointment.

I'm honest, you sound like you're more than aware of your issues and are still trying to muddle through, despite full well knowing that it can only end in a burnout or worse. You don't seem to be in a good place right now and honestly, nobody is all the time. At the same time, you seem unable to get out of this hole and that's perfectly understandable. Be glad to live in a time and age where people are more open to talk about and accept those issues and act accordingly. You grandparents would've most likely had to turn to drinking and wallowing in their own worries til they die, you have the luxury of being able to find help for those issues.

You need therapy or at least a qualified third party opinion on your situation.
Go call a psychiatrist's office and ask for a session to get an assessment.

The hardest part will be picking up the phone and making the call. Once you're sitting across somebody who's willing to listen and work with your issues, it's gonna feel like having a dentist fix a toothache you've been having for months.
Time only moves in one direction, so stop looking back all the time and look forward to getting the help you need.

Best of luck.

>> No.19518375

Just live out in the woods. Quit everything. Bring some camping equipment and just live outside for a while. This will give your brain a hard reset. You can bring whatever books you want