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19513804 No.19513804[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"The advent of christianity marked the beginning of an unprecedented decline." (Revolt Against the Modern World, pg. 278)

>> No.19513811

yeah bro we declined so hard that we just like mastered lightning and broke through the firmament to enter space

>> No.19513817

But I thought that space wasn't real, and electricity was the devil's work because it leads people away from the Holy Mother Church?

>> No.19513821
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>Assuredly, something of Christianity has passed over even into the anti-Christian civilization of our time, with the result that its most “advanced” representatives (as they style themselves in their own special language) cannot help having undergone and continuing to undergo, involuntarily and perhaps unconsciously, a certain Christian influence, if only an indirect one; this is so because a break with the past, however radical, can never be altogether complete and such as to preclude all continuity. We will go further and say that everything of any value still to be found in the modern world came to it from Christianity, or at any rate through Christianity, which brought with it the whole heritage of former traditions and has kept that heritage alive, in so far as the conditions of the West permitted, and still bears its latent possibilities within itself; but, even among those calling themselves Christians, is there anyone at the present time who retains a full consciousness of these possibilities? Where, even in Catholicism, are to be found the men who understand the deeper meaning of the doctrine they profess outwardly, and who are not simply content with “believing” in a more or less superficial way, sentimentally rather than through the intelligence, but who really “know” the truth of the religious tradition which they claim for their own? One would indeed welcome some evidence of the existence of at least a few such people, for that would be the greatest and perhaps the only hope of salvation for the West; but it must be admitted that up to the present time none have made themselves known; can it be supposed that, like certain sages of the East, they live apart in some inaccessible retreat, or must this last hope be finally abandoned? The West was Christian in the Middle Ages but is so no longer; if it be said that it might become so again, there is no one who can desire this more fervently than ourselves, and may it come about in a shorter time than all that is to be seen around would lead one to suppose; but let no man delude himself on the subject; if this should happen, the modern world will have had its day.

>> No.19513834
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>We went to the Moon bro. Technological advancements are the sign of progress.
Modern mentality

>> No.19513856

>broke through the firmament to enter space

>> No.19513881

Would he be happier now? The only religious left will be those relegated to clandestine camps of extreme doctrinal stances opposed to the general secular festivals that are no more religious then superficially cultural. Or is that the worst case scenario

>> No.19513924
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Utterly based

>> No.19513938

>The West was Christian in the Middle Ages but is so no longer; if it be said that it might become so again, there is no one who can desire this more fervently than ourselves
Imagine wanting to just rewind the clock for it to go forward again. Why are tardlarpers so retarded?

>> No.19513953

That book is too advanced for you. I recommend you begin with The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly.

>> No.19513989

Technologies are tools made to achieve something else, they can't be ends in themselves. What's the point of this technology? What's your finalitiy?

>> No.19513992

>noooooo you just don't understand my guru
Yeah right. Christendom ends with a Thirty Years War and a French Revolution. You can imagine otherwise but you can imagine anything you like; there's nothing to prove.

>> No.19514007
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this is

>> No.19514012

How? Explain

>> No.19514094

>Upper right quote in image
How is that not just "if you fight the enemy, they win"? How do you avoid that

>> No.19514101

Whether in Canada or Egypt, the French remain French. Wherever I am I must also surrender

>> No.19514115

"Surrendering French" is a jew meme based on the French reluctance to fight the Nazis.

I asked because the rest of the quotes seem good and I've never read guenon

>> No.19514150

For me that meant that those who are obsessivley dogmatic may be actually harmful to thier own Tradition, regardless of the nobility of thier intentions

>> No.19514176
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>> No.19514178

No schizo, it's in Trudeau, Well Beck, and apparently also the writings of horseface le mystique

>> No.19514765

I've been brainwashed into wanting to read Evola due to internet memes, where should I start

>> No.19514838

For an Italian who thinks they’re a Roman, yeah.

>> No.19514846

> *converts to Islam*
Really can’t think of a bigger disappointment of a writer.

Anyway, while the specifics of this may be true and good, Guenon’s actions themselves were refuted by Spengler.

>> No.19514943
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>> No.19514987

Charles Upton explains this in much detail in System of the Antichrist. In Vectors of the Counter-initiation, he mentions something called the Revelation of the Method where once a conspiracy theorist digs deep enough down the rabbit hole, they will come to agree with the elites and their intentions.
My guess is because they end up becoming dogmatic moralists and want to ompose their morals on society to the point of totalitarianism, instead of approaching their dogma from a personal level and dignity, and as a means to become an Absolute Man.

>> No.19515009
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Yeah all those scientists listening to pagan Greek atomists and Darwinian Eugenic racist idealism were thinking of sand dune fairy tales when playing with radiation and rockets.

>> No.19515014

wtf i love evola now, or at least i might have to give him a second look

>> No.19515026

He literally said sometimes, not all times.

>> No.19515040
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>[Richard] earnestly reproached Malwida [von Meysenbug] for not having her ward baptised. This was not right, he said, not everyone could fashion his religion for himself, and particularly in childhood one must have a feeling of cohesion. Nor should one be left to choose: rather it should be possible to say, You have been christened, you belong through baptism to Christ, now unite yourself once more with him through Holy Communion. Christening and Communion are indispensable, he said. No amount of knowledge can ever approach the effect of the latter. People who evade religion have a terrible shallowness, and are unable to feel anything in a religious spirit. (Cosima's Diary entry for 12 December 1873)

>> No.19515053

God took Evola's legs in that air-raid.

>> No.19515087

god i love asuka so fucking much