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19513039 No.19513039 [Reply] [Original]

How does Death on Credit and his later books like Exile trilogy compare to Journey to the End of the Night?

>> No.19513088

>Journey to the End of the Night
His only normie-friendly book with shallow critiques of colonialism, capitalism, and so forth.

>Death on Credit
Overlong rambling nonsense about his childhood

Deranged ramblings of an infected mind even if he was correct on somethings

>Exile Trilogy
Stylistically unique compared to the rest, the peak of his style. Still juvenile.

If you like Journey for the shallow critiques and the story then you will like no other Celine. If you think his style is interesting and want to see him develop it over years then they are all worth reading. Most people are the former, I am the latter, even though I find him repulsive and childish.

>> No.19513867

What if I like him because I think he's funny?

>> No.19514057
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>infected mind
reminder that Jews have higher rates of mental illness due to inbreeding

>> No.19514070

Is it advisable to read the Trilogy in chronological order?

>> No.19514144
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Do I spend the $200?

>> No.19514179

why someone so humorless would even persist in reading that much of his work is beyond me.

>> No.19514487

I don't find him that funny, mostly.

I know all about the Jews, don't even.

Oh don't even, all the leftists who love Journey and have convinced themselves it is a leftist novel are much worse than someone like me.

>> No.19514539


>> No.19514568

*spreads ass and farts in your face*

>> No.19514606

I've only read Journey and had mixed feelings about it but the Céline enthusiasts I know say Death on the Installment Plan is his crowning achievement.

>> No.19514610

Celine fanboys don't even read him they just like his persona. He's probably better in the original French, but still.

>> No.19514633

Another Dumontfag masterclass!

>> No.19514679

This is /lit/ transsexual hour is elsewhere.

>> No.19514689

It's advisable to read everything he wrote in chronological order. I didn't do this and his first 2 are by far his longest. Some of his later ones are less than 100 pages. I haven't read all of him though.

>> No.19514697

Of what I've read
Castle to Castle > Journey > Death on Credit

>> No.19514714

The thing about Celine is he doesn't write literature, he just jots down his musings. If he was alive today he'd be some vlogger/blogger with a patreon, which is essentially what his books are before that exists. You just pick them up whenever you want, and will always be amused and feel a bit better, aside from Journey which was his attempt at serious literature, and that's okay. He's far-better than Bukowski and mostly a fun figure, even in his pamplets.

>> No.19514725

I agree -- within reason.

>> No.19514730

Well I read him translated, in French he may be different, so I shouldn't speak like too much of an expert here.

>> No.19515581

Thanks, never gonna read his books

>> No.19515640
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Does anyone know which pamphlets are in this particular print? I have pdf’s but a hard copy would be preferable

>> No.19515660

I'm pretty sure Trifles was on Amazon.

Don't blame you

>> No.19516343


>> No.19516362

>muh leftists
chill my man

>> No.19516385

>Deranged ramblings of an infected mind even if he was correct on somethings
wrong, bagatelels for a massacre is probably is best work

>> No.19516621

what ever you do op, ignore this totally clueless moron.

>> No.19516623

I think that people who use this word, should stay away from literature. grow up.

>> No.19516739

Death on Credit is a masterpiece and extremely touching. Guignol's Band and London Bridge are good but the latter is too long. His exile trilogy has moments of mastery but also some slightly boring parts and lacks the emotional centre of DoC, still the books are great and well worth reading. His pamphlets are funny but have clouded the discussion about Celine too much. Still recommended reading. I haven't read Professor Y. Overall one of the best 20th century writers and it's a great shame most people only read Journey and stop there.

>> No.19517108

How am I clueless? What Celine have you even read

It is a nihilist screeching about how jews have infected every aspect of society, how Christians are all Jews, and how globalism, communism, and progressivism are all Jews. This is stuff I already know and do not think Darwinism or Violent nihilism is the way to respond, plus it goes on for 250 pages in a style I don’t find that literary. Castle to castle is his best work I’ve read. There’s nothing in Celine that will make you truly think about life, it’s just some old man who isn’t that well-read yelling for 300-500 pages. He’s fun to read, sure.

>> No.19517742

What’s the scoop with these pamphlet pressings? Are they bootlegs?

>> No.19517979

>Are they bootlegs?
Yes, and the same company is printing both the French language edition shown in that anon's post as well as the English translation of Bagatelles that's floating around. I have the latter and it feels very amateurish. I've seen some frogs comment that the French editions are badly edited and full of typos, but I can't say myself.

Given the relatively recent death of his widow and the stir around the discovery of a bunch of unpublished manuscripts a few months ago, maybe we'll see some new developments in the aborted attempt to "officially" reissue them from two or three years ago.

>> No.19518672
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>jew when the critique of white colonialism or capitalism isn't ham fisted enough

>> No.19518696
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>> No.19518699

It is ham-fisted and I don't even know what the critique is... That Celine was sad? Leftists and Jews love Journey to the End of the Night, so what are you getting at.

>> No.19518837

Retarded /pol/tard

>> No.19518886

Am I /pol/ or am I a Jew? Make up your mind. Neither of which explain why it's good.

>> No.19519982


>> No.19520293

I haven't read Celine in French so I can't comment to that, but what I think a lot of writers who were really fired by him, Philip Roth, Henry Miller, Kerouac and Burroughs, and myself included, what these guys got excited by, was the force of his personality, the persecution, the health problems so on, but maybe more importantly how he 'let's it rip', how he sort of starts in anywhere and just GOES, narrating things as if they were appearing before his eyes again, writing about poor people, sad people, the use of abrupt transitions, the flights of fancy, the idiosyncratic punctuation, and of course a riotious sense of humor (the hotel scenes in North ...)
None of his books have the 'even' quality that you usually find in art. There are long sections in basically every book that are boring or nonsensical, overhysterical ... but perhaps that too is part of the charm, the blurb that is attached to many of the books I have is 'Celine walks into great literature like most men walk into their living room.'

>> No.19520321

I agree with all except this

>Celine walks into great literature like most men walk into their living room
I don't think any of it could be considered great literature at least in English translation.

>> No.19520371

Personally I agree with you. He just doesn't have that kind of 'transcendence' that great authors have. But reading him definitely opens doors. Reading a truly great author, Dostoevsky, Proust ... that shit wants to make you quit, give up the ghost, if you have literary aspirations.

>> No.19520605

Celine dabs on Proust.

>> No.19520810

Dostoevsky is devoid of any charm and style, essentially worthless as a fiction author

>> No.19520853

Celine is the best.

>> No.19520875

Well-put, there's nothing in Celine that wows me on a technical level or makes me stop and contemplate existence.

>> No.19520905
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Style > substance

>> No.19520978

I mostly agree and I'm only judging the English Translations of Celine and Dostoevsky, as it is hard to accurately gauge the impact not in the original.

MP Shiel does mania better than Celine, is more well-read, and has a more unique villain persona, plus he originally wrote in English, so I'm not sure why he's unheard of.

Stoker is also better too, Celine just writes about his life in an odd-way that delves just into essentially bullet points in his later works.

>> No.19521029

What do you recommend from Sheil that Celine fans might enjoy? T8DM5

>> No.19521144
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Science, Life, and Literature.

>> No.19521241

>$200 dollars on a translation
You stupid nigger, just buy the Dalkey Archive paperback. Yes you're a nigger because you "bling out" on books in the same way niggers "bling out" on rims and spinners.

>> No.19522532


>> No.19522554

But are there wild orgies, incessant pants shitting, vomit showers, child prostitution? Normally I don’t care for these crass topics, they’re often done for shock, but with Celine I never get that impression, it’s all very nonchalant, and hilarious.

>> No.19523769


>> No.19524077
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Take the superior Bloy pill instead.

>> No.19525332

Exile is the best of 20th century