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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 693 KB, 1353x2008, anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19512517 No.19512517 [Reply] [Original]

found it on /tv/

>> No.19512528

Explain to me what the movie on the left is and why it's all over lit right now I'll think about an answer.

>> No.19512538

Bottom left is 2001
Top left looks like a Ingmar Bergman piece

>> No.19512551

Top left is "Light in Winter" by Ingmar Bergman
Second from top looks like one of these arty 60s Italian movies, maybe Fellini.

>> No.19512563

Last Year at Marienbad

>> No.19512583


Your meme is nonsense.
1. Cherry picked examples. Like the dude who made the meme never watched a Marvel film or 70s blacksploitation.
2. Ethnocentric. European views are not Asian views. The bias of the meme author stinks.
3. Comparing apples to oranges. IN a movie you get what you shoot, and it is always less than what is seeable and includes what the director didn't want as well.
In an anime everything is drawn, so everything there has a reason.

4. Film, anime, literature, anime: the one thing they all have in common is that their purpose for the consumer is entertainment. Regardless of how it changes you or not, it is approached by the consumer as a distraction and an diversion, NEVER as anything else. The author may have artistic or monetary goals, but the consumer is always just looking for entertainment.

Knowing that, how can there possible be one narrative position that says one is better than another?

>> No.19512594

>European views are not Asian views
two of the films on the left are Japanese and one is American I'm pretty sure. Just two are Euro

>> No.19512654

Not really, it’s more like literature and manga are the (superior) counterparts to film and anime.
It’s obvious why literature is the more intellectual older brother of film so I won’t elaborate but in the case of manga it’s definitely more mature and respectable to read them than to reveal you watch anime.
Better art, no censorship (more scenes of gore and nudity), no annoying voice actors screaming at the top of their lungs and calling out attacks like chunnibyo, no annoying J-pop openings, no original endings that completely butcher the storyline, manga is simply the superior medium.
Many anime are literally just made as extended advertisements for the manga.

>> No.19512673

Middle left image? Which film?

>> No.19512698

the face of another by teshigahara

>> No.19512708


japanese arthouse is culturally european

>> No.19512759

anime will never be art. no anime has ever been produced without profit in mind, it is a media without nobility.

>> No.19512779

>the movie on the left
There's a whole bunch of movies in the left. Look like winter lights, last year at marienbad, the face of another, no clue, and 2001

>> No.19512919
File: 38 KB, 960x544, F5E3DECE-5AC5-4ADE-A93B-7BD87A2BA7B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever made that is a piece of shit.
Takahata was one of the best

>> No.19513172

Takahata sure was, but grave of the fireflies sucks dick
Also you're a tranny so your support to the media of anime is more damming than anything

>> No.19513187

i wish filmfags would stop appropriating the word 'art'

>> No.19513191

How do you not have that tripcode hidden by now

>> No.19513207

They are both amusement. Yes, including your Tarkowsky or any of the greatest of the greats you can think of. This is not to elevate your shitty seasonal anime. It's just a different flavor of the same thing. Art is just amusement. It can be amusement for 16 year old jerkoffs, it can be amusement for intellectuals, it's all amusement nonetheless. It's something for people who need to be amused to live. In its purpose all art is the same.

>> No.19513232

how do you hide them?

>> No.19513247

Filmcels be like “this dude staring at a wall for 60 minutes is a deep artistic expression because blah blah” I respect capeshit viewers more since they know cinema can never be art.

>> No.19513255

I’m not heavily into it, moid bitch. And GotF is just a hard pill to swallow. You can be filtered by it, kid.

Maybe he’s not autistic.
(Someone quote that for him).

>> No.19513381

Bottom third in the left is The face of another

>> No.19513840

There's nothing wrong with childish amusement. Even as an adult.

>> No.19515181
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1579536135724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anime is so bad then why are animeposters the highest quality posters on the board?

>> No.19515196
File: 36 KB, 138x133, 364C9E34-F31C-4059-8ED2-4BA4179AE4E5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren’t.

>> No.19515300
File: 50 KB, 645x973, 345654324564356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19516423

They are, actually