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19512262 No.19512262 [Reply] [Original]

Do you own any books that have probably gotten you put on a list?

>> No.19512270

I don't recognize the ATF as a legitimate institution

>> No.19512345

I've thought about buying turner diaries for shits and giggles

>> No.19512361

Turner Diaries is the perfect ebook.
Download, read, chuckle and delete/forget most of it besides some memorable lines.

>> No.19512370

I downloaded the Communist Manifesto so they would put me on the “loyal to the elite” list

>> No.19512371

What are the most politically incorrect books you can think of?
>Turner Diaries
>Industrial Society and Its Future
>On Women
>Sun and Steel

Black nationalist/communist stuff is fine too, I'm just looking for fringe literature.

>> No.19512399

Lol you are brain dead if you think communism is what the elite wants. Get off /pol/ faggot.

>> No.19512410

you're not getting put on a list for owning a book, only stormfags think like this

>> No.19512412

If you read between the lines in the Malcom X autobiography you can easily see why he got assassinated.
A few months more and he would have been a major proponent of answering the JQ.

>> No.19512439

>The elite are doing LITERALLY everything Mrx said the capitalist stage should do: eroding borders, homogenizing cultures, building the productive forces
>They're not Marxists chud, I swear!
If they waved a hammer and sickle flag every now and then, our elite would be indistinguishable from the CCP.

>> No.19512445

I kinda flirted with o9a involvement before I realized they had a disturbing amount of pedo arrests and convictions
Not quite as bad as the Catholic Church but still they have a much smaller sample size.

>> No.19512454

>Man Who Agrees With The Media, Universities, Corporations, Military, and Hollywood Thinks He's Part of The Resistance
Fucking classic.

>> No.19512459 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20211204-130317_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost certainly o9a is a fed trap.


>> No.19512478
File: 513 KB, 1080x1660, Screenshot_20211204-130317_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost certain o9a is a fed trap.


>> No.19512486

if anything, programmed to kill

>> No.19512494

Lol the elite is constantly allowing and pushing more and more Marxist beliefs unto the populous to turn the world communist because even if your shitty pamphlets say it’s a glorious utopia where everyone is happy the reality every time it's been tried is a state of limitless corruption and totalitarianism. Why the fuck WOULDN'T elites want such a state?? You're delusional if you think Gen Z's affinity for socialism is some accident or something the elites are panicking about. Stop dreaming about some utopia and look at reality.

>> No.19512500

Oh shit
Which countries don’t have extradition agreements with the US?
Also how far can I travel internationally on 278 bucks?

>> No.19513141

they want that for you, not for themselves

>> No.19513155

The first book I have read on my kindle was a pdf of Siege, followed by Lolita. I didn't like Siege and I deleted it before completing it, but I read Lolita in a single sitting.

>> No.19513161

>>Industrial Society and Its Future
Is it really politically incorrect? Does it really get you on a list of you read it?

>> No.19513167

Probably the chemistry books for school fedbois or the Do/k/ument torrent.

>> No.19513476

Marx theorized that these things would happen naturally as a result of contradictions within capitalist society.

Seriously just think about it. Globalization is an inevitable result of the free market plus it benefits capital owners more than anyone else.

>> No.19513481

>Marx predicted everything that is currently happening 200 years after the fact
>/pol/acks are interpreting this to mean he was wrong

>> No.19513500

>Lol the elite is constantly allowing and pushing more and more Marxist beliefs unto the populous to turn the world communist
Allowing is the key word. You can’t stop the natural evolution of society.

>> No.19513518 [DELETED] 

Just look at them trying to push universal basic income.

They see it as an alternative to a future socialist society.

>> No.19513525

>The people running the world are doing what Marx says they should do
> They aren't Marxists though, just playing into Marxist hands, trust me
Come on. They are literal Marxists anon.

The people running society believe in Marx and are implementing his ideology. Of course he looks like a prophet.

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs

>> No.19513526
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Maybe Uncle Fester's if you can get a hold of a copy

>> No.19513584

Economies develop on their own and effect the society around them without human intervention. Especially in a free market system.

>Mass immigration is a natural result of the free market.
>Companies are pandering to the woke crowd (which has nothing to do with economic socialism) in an attempt to appeal to consumers and boost profits. They don’t actually give a fuck.

As for more people believing in socialism, that’s because the capitalist world is in a crisis right now and people are looking for an alternative

>The people running society believe in Marx and are implementing his ideology.
The west is very far away from having an actual society based around a socialist economy. You can make the argument that we are heading in that direction, but it’s not because of some massive conspiracy. Everything you are seeing can be explained.

>> No.19513607

As the world around us becomes increasingly globalized, there is no other explanation than capital. Pick a random object (commodity) and look at where the materials came from, where is was assembled, all the different things that went into it. You will find that the economies of different nations are becoming increasingly reliant on one another. Countries do not have economic crashes. Those are global issues that are now effect the entire planet when they happen.

And now for immigration. The west is the major hub of immigration because that’s where all the money is. To combat rises in waves here, the capitalists have exported their production to third world countries where they don’t have to pay workers a fair living wage. That’s where all the jobs are going.

And those same third worlders will immigrate to the west because we have higher wages. The capitalists will happily accept them because they will work for less money and wages will go downX

>> No.19513621

Just follow the money. It’s not that hard.

Who is profiting the most when bad things happen? I would prefer that no one suffers from capitalist exploitation.

>> No.19513726

> without human intervention.
That's the thing. There's a ton of top-down human intervention going on. Society is being guided (guided, not just unwittingly stumbling towards) the socialist stage of development by the elite. Don't believe me? There's a good chance 2070's America will look like this:
>Amazon, which became a hegemonic monopoly is directly controlled by the American government
>Amazon's supply/distribution chains serves as a centrally planned economy, guiding the means of production (owned by the proles via the American government's control of Amazon)
>Nearly all jobs are automated, the productive forces are completely constructed
>People receive UBI as the sole source of income, this is where "to each according to his needs" comes in
Do you not see that this is the socialist stage of development made real? Do you not see that this is literally what our elite want? It's not accidental, it's not the economy acting on it's own, it's not even inevitable. It's what our elite, informed by Marx, Engels, and their ideological descendants, pushed our society to become.

>> No.19513843

Yeah, a few. Black Sun, Jews Must Live!, some old socialist stuff, and a few others.

>> No.19513876

>Economies develop on their own and effect the society around them without human intervention.
Buying and selling commodities is an intervention mate. Time for you to read volume 1. Particularly on the composition of the commodity and its universalisation in exchange and on the social construction of the value of labour power as the value of its inputs.

>> No.19513912
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That's why corporations won't raise wages for workers or allow unions lmfao dumbass.

>> No.19513928

Building the productive forces and ensuring the transition to socialism occurs ASAP is more important than temporary concessions which only sustain capitalism.

>> No.19513973

Library books I never returned.

>> No.19513974

literally what are you talking about.

Why would a corporation support socialism if socialism would mean the businesses would be owned by the workers/ The investors wouldn't be able to profit off of owning shares of it.

>> No.19513994

I own A Time to Kill by Michael Bray. It's an anti-abortion book about the theological justifications for killing abortion doctors and blowing up their clinics. It's banned due to calls to violence and its association with the Army of God. Had to mail 30 dollars to an address in Virginia to get it.

>> No.19514005

the closest book i can think of is “the spook who sat by the door”, though i haven’t read it in years

>> No.19514013

You're not thinking about things at a high enough level. Stop thinking corporate leaders are against socialism, or that they disagree with Marxism. The petit bourgeoise of the West may think this way, but they are irrelevant. The movers and shakers, the Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, etc. are our vanguard party, our CCP. They are doing all they can to bring about the socialist stage of development, and they are using corporations as a way to do so. For now, they might keep up the façade that they are merely business owners. Sometimes they must act as mere business owners, to ensure the productive forces are built as quickly as possible. But they are dedicated Marxists.

I can give you all the proof in the world, but at the end of the day most communists think "no red-and-yellow, no hammer-and-sickle... not communist!". You'll just have to wait and see. When 2050 rolls around and it becomes apparent that the transition to socialism is happening and that it was the elite which guided it, you will all realize I was 100% right.

>> No.19514026

The people running capitalism won it. They aren't interested in uprooting it with a violent revolution against... Themselves.
The leftism becoming popular among young people is specifically a declawed milquetoast version, hence its massive emphasis on purely social change. There are no serious, permanent societal changes pushed for by noseringed bluehaired DSA kids. They just want black trannies in movies and free abortions, that's all they're conditioned to care about by design.
I don't consider myself a leftist anymore because they've just gone so far off the deep end that it's irredeemable, and I'd bet my life savings that it was manipulated to that point on purpose specifically to get rid of people like me (see a lot of the stories from people who gave up after trying to keep hippies and faggots on-topic at Occupy Wall Street, same thing).
Rest assured, if another Eugene V. Debs came back, he would be actively suppressed and probably killed.

>> No.19514050

>I can give you all the proof in the world
Which you have not doneZ

>> No.19514066

I don't even understand what kind of idea of socialism you can possibly imagine them leading the world towards. People who already own everything are not going to institute a radical change to a system where ownership is distributed.
You seem to just think "big authoritarian government" is completely synonymous with "socialism," in which case I can see why you think that because of our proud burger education but you're wrong.

>> No.19514067
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It's literally all about money.
The elite you listed, they will never ever support paying their workers more or letting their workers own the business as a collective (literally what socialism is).

Yeah they support lgbt and blm, but that's not socialism. It's just social justice. And they use it to get support from consumers (still capitalism).

Everything you've written is literal schizophrenia and just plain ignorance of what ideologies mean.
Socialism is not the 1% holding the majority of the wealth while most workers don't make a living wage. Socialism would be no shareholders in corporations and workers own the business as a collective. (Obviously that's not realistic and might not work in real life but my point is that you do not know the definitions of what you are talking about)

>> No.19514073

Hammer and sickle and red doesn’t even mean your a communist.

The USSR and all the ML/MLM states of the past were all state capitalist countries who betrayed the original ideals of socialism.

>> No.19514088 [DELETED] 


Like why would jeff bezos want amazon to be owned by the government?

>> No.19514113

The elite are doing literally what Marx says people in the capitalist stage of development should be doing, from building the productive forces to eroding national borders and homogenizing culture. Major social networks promote communist thinking while suppressing any dissent. (Don't believe me? Go to Reddit/Twitter right now, you'll quickly realize how much effort is put into making Marxism popular). My thinking is that none of this is accidental. Marx is not exactly secret knowledge, and there's NO way the elite, from Bezos to Gates to Obama and beyond, haven't read him, realized he was recommending a way to a stable society, and decided to enact his ideology. If they really opposed Marxism like you all think, they wouldn't be doing what he recommended, even if it was good for them in the short term, because Marx shows that will lead to socialism. They are doing it because they support Marxism.

My definition of socialism is "a society built around a planned economy where the means of production are owned by the working class". I do believe that is what the elite want. Why would they be willing to give up their control of the means of production? Because they are dedicated to Marxist philosophy and want the transition to socialism to happen.

I literally haven't mentioned these things once. They aren't relevant.

ok revisonist

Same reason Chinese billionaires are in the CCP. They all support Marxism.

>> No.19514161
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>My definition of socialism is "a society built around a planned economy where the means of production are owned by the working class".
>I do believe that is what the elite want.
>Why would they be willing to give up their control of the means of production?
>Because they are dedicated to Marxist philosophy and want the transition to socialism to happen.

What haha You're telling me billionares are actually marxist but have never given up their wealth and turned over control to their workers? Or significantly raised their workers pay? Why would a marxist not do that?
Lol you have literal schizophrenia. Billionares are scared of losing their wealth.

>> No.19514181

>but have never given up their wealth and turned over control to their workers?
They haven't done so for the same reason the Chinese haven't done so. The productive forces need to be built up more. A premature move to the socialist stage of development is a mistake which leads to famines, suffering, etc. Once the productive forces are built to completion, then the transition to socialism, where all the megacorporations in the USA voluntarily nationalize and the US government will act on behalf of the working class, owning and managing the means of production. This will happen when AI reaches a level where the whole of the US economy can be autonomously managed and run by it.

>> No.19514198

You are pretty smart, the marxists here are just having a hard time because suddenly they understand that all their thought processes were guided from above and lead to a world where you live in a pod and eat the bugs

>> No.19514215
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First of all, this really sounds like libertarian conspiracy theories. Every corporation is fighting for its own self interest.
The government is not competent enough to have agents running every single multi billion dollar company in the country waiting for the day when they all fuse together under a single government with no conflict in the transition.
It's all about individuals fighting for profit. That's it.

Second of all, the government did act on the behalf of the workers, wouldn't the lives of workers be drastically improved?

In terms of culture, most of the decay in culture really is just a response to a decay in standards of living.

Capitalists want open borders to allow an inflow of cheap labor that can compete with citizens bargaining for higher wages and benefits. The USSR wasn't taking in tons of immigrants for cheap labor were they?

>> No.19514230
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How tf is fighting for higher wages so you can afford nicer homes and a higher standard of living equal to living in the pod and eating bugs?

Only as this country decays with major wealth inequality, where workers have no power as they once did, is there now a discussion of living in a pod.
You are literally delusional as well.

>> No.19514243

They weren't taking in immigrants because they were paying next to nothing to their own citizens and the citizens couldn't exactly run away, also holding dollars was a very serious crime and you could get about ten years of jail time for manufacturing jeans. they also very high birth rates at a certain point and if nothing else worked they could always use prison camp labor or just force schoolkids or students to do some horrific jobs for free. It wasn't the utopia you think of, bussinesses are forced to take in immigrants to do the hard jobs because citizens of the 1st world have it easy and will never do these jobs

>> No.19514250

Again, you simply are unwilling to think past this "corporations are enemies merely acting in their best interest" narrative. At one point, this might have been true. But that hasn't been the case for a long time.
>The government is not competent enough to have agents running every single multi billion dollar company in the country waiting for the day when they all fuse together under a single government with no conflict in the transition.
Of course, the government by itself wouldn't be able to. But luckily, the majority of corporations are run by Marxists and employ Marxists. It will not be a bloody overthrow, but a smooth transition at with a signature.

>Second of all, the government did act on the behalf of the workers, wouldn't the lives of workers be drastically improved?
When 2050 rolls around and the transition to socialism happens, you will see this happen as well.

>In terms of culture, most of the decay in culture really is just a response to a decay in standards of living.
Culture is not relevant to this discussion.

>Capitalists want open borders to allow an inflow of cheap labor that can compete with citizens bargaining for higher wages and benefits.
Sure, but our elite aren't capitalists. They are Marxists. They are bringing in people to accelerate the erosion of borders and nations, and thus to accelerate the transition to socialism.

>> No.19514254
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You tell me

>> No.19514268

Fighting for higher wages is not marxism, I am talking about all the revolutionary types, that want big daddy government to tell everyone what to think, what to eat, what to do etc and at the same time want to eat the rich, not understanding that the government and the truly rich people are the same thing

>> No.19514297

I don't think USSR was a utopia. My point is that in America, billionaires are not marxists. Corporations are not run by marxists. The government is not conspiring with corporations to transform this country into communism.

>Sure, but our elite aren't capitalists.
By definition, they own companies and property that generate profit for them. They are capitalists. They bring in workers because either its cheaper or because for some high tech fields, there is better talent in other countries. All they care about is their bottom line.

Why aren't the board of directors at Amazon cutting their salaries and bonuses and giving it to their warehouse workers? Why do companies try to stop unions from forming?

>When 2050 rolls around and the transition to socialism happens, you will see this happen as well.
The only reason socialism would happen is because so many people have jobs that do not paying living wages. People have lower living standards than their parents and grandparents. And its not going to be a simple transition, companies will do everything in their power to prevent socialism while the workers will fight for it - so that they can have more money and higher living standards.

There is more wealth inequality than ever before. The elite own property that generates profit while most of their workers do not get paid a living salary. That is literally capitalism and the elite do not want to give it up and they will fight to not give it up.

I have to ask, do you have a job?

>> No.19514308

What you're talking about is just upper middle class kids on twitter or in college who want social justice. They're not working class and they're not marxist.

>> No.19514322
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>> No.19514338

LOL if you believe that the elite will ever give up their power. They will always rule over us.

>> No.19514353

Brazzas, do you know of any publishers that might be interested in similarly controversial manuscripts? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19514359

>All they care about is their bottom line.
As long as you believe this is true, you will not understand the true nature of the elite. They are Marxists who happen to be living in a time where society is still in the capitalist stage of development.

>Why aren't the board of directors at Amazon cutting their salaries and bonuses and giving it to their warehouse workers?
Our vanguard party needs resources for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they need money to combat and coerce counterrevolutionaries. A lot of them are investing in other companies and firms. Some are investing in China, helping their comrades there also achieve the socialist stage.

>Why do companies try to stop unions from forming?
For now, the buildup of the productive forces trumps any other concerns. If unions are slowing that down, they need to be controlled. When the transition to socialism happens, we won't have to worry about wages or working anymore. It's a "struggle now, prosper later" thing.

>And its not going to be a simple transition, companies will do everything in their power to prevent socialism while the workers will fight for it
You are wrong but you are not listening either. Like I said before, when the transition to socialism happens you will realize that it was being engineered, on purpose, the whole time.

>I have to ask, do you have a job?
Yes, I have worked full time for 4 years now.

>> No.19514414

So you freely admit that they're actively working against Marx's ideals of socialism, and you think this is just some kind of long con?
The only concrete steps you've brought up that they've taken are dissolving national borders and eroding cultures. The catch is that this isn't moving anyone towards any kind of solidarity, like you would imagine from old Soviet propaganda or something - the only goal of it is atomization (the exact opposite of old-fashioned solidarity) and uniformity to ramp up consumption as much as possible. It's a 100% capitalist maneuver that only helps them further cement the system that they're already in charge of.

>> No.19514416


Every socialist/social democrat (who actually has credentials not kids on twitter) despises the elites because of how they impact wealth inequality.

You should let Bernie know that this country is actually going to turn socialist in 30 years, he'll be so relieved. This whole time he didn't need to campaign about issues facing working class Americans. This whole speaking about Americans having less money than they did in the past while a small percentage of this country owns more than the rest, wasn't even a big deal it was going to solve itself.

The elite follow an ideology that speaks on how capitalism has led to wealth inequality to workers. And they willfully want to give workers more wealthy but they can't just do ti. They have to do it in a complex secret conspiracy?

You're uneducated lmfao.

>> No.19514444

>The catch is that this isn't moving anyone towards any kind of solidarity, like you would imagine from old Soviet propaganda or something
You literally have the reason why they are doing it and then you say that's not the reason lmao

You are too blinded by dislike for the elite to see that they are trying to make socialism happen. You're the same as some factory worker in China whining that the CCP isn't making socialism happen right away.

>he elite follow an ideology that speaks on how capitalism has led to wealth inequality to workers. And they willfully want to give workers more wealthy but they can't just do ti. They have to do it in a complex secret conspiracy?
Yep. If they were to do it now it would be a disaster. They have to build up the technology which will enable the socialist stage before they do the transition. Once AI is capable of running a planned economy, the transition will happen, within a few years.

>> No.19514454
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yes i have bought them in person i don't care glow niggers put me on as many lists as you want

>> No.19514521

You're absolutely blind if you think the dissolution of all social bonds in the west is leading to any kind of unity among the lower/middle classes.
Average people have never in history been more atomized and detached from any sense of community. Rootless, deracinated young people don't know any of their neighbors, hate their own families, and spend less and less time socializing in person and more time consuming parasocially through technology. Uniformity and unity are not the same. This is such a colossal oversight that I can't take anything else you say seriously, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I won't take the time to write this up again because I'm already repeating myself.

>> No.19514621

You'll just have to wait and see. When the socialist transition occurs in 2050, I hope you remember this post and remember that I was right.

>> No.19514965

>My definition of socialism is "a society built around a planned economy where the means of production are owned by the working class
You’re right about point 2 but it doesn’t have to be a planned economy. Market socialism is a thing.

>> No.19514975

>I literally haven't mentioned these things once. They aren't relevant.
Ok well that’s the only left leaning thing they do.

You won’t see them allowing their workers to unionize or voluntarily giving control over the means of production to the workers anytime soon.

>> No.19514980

If they were doing what you say they’re doing then they would be based af

I wish we lived in the world you think we do

>> No.19514985

If you want to call me a revisionist then go ahead

I don’t dogmatically follow 200 year old writings from bearded men. And even if I did I’d tell that Marx and other socialist thinkiners of the time would’ve hated the ussr

>> No.19514989

Like I'm telling you faggot OP

>> No.19514993

>The powerful people are doing everything this communist said the communists should do to empower communism
>Therefor the powerful people are communists despite all of their power being derived from extremely vertical capital based power hierarchies

Marx wore pants. You wear pants. You are communist.

>> No.19515001
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>> No.19515063

>You won’t see them allowing their workers to unionize or voluntarily giving control over the means of production to the workers anytime soon.

>I wish we lived in the world you think we do
Well, we do. It is motivating in a way. Whenever I feel down at work or I don't want to go, I remember that I am helping to build the productive forces, and that 2050 and the transition to socialism will come, in some small part because of my efforts.

>> No.19515140

i love hilldawg