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19511959 No.19511959 [Reply] [Original]

I like anarchy... but I hate the punk scene.
All the famous Anarchist songs are loud and shouty. So, can we please have a go at creating some nice, mellow, polite poems that are about a no-rulers outlook on life?

>> No.19512003
File: 301 KB, 500x500, אֲנַרכִיסט.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like anarchy... but I hate the punk scene.
>All the famous Anarchist songs are loud and shouty. So, can we please have a go at creating some nice, mellow, polite poems that are about a no-rulers outlook on life?

>> No.19512689

Joe Hill music

>> No.19512793

>call yourself an "anarchist"
>Too afraid to call people niggers and faggots
I didn't know anarchy was submitting yourself to cuckholdry

>> No.19512798

We admit all. Get over yourself, racist.

>> No.19512846

I have very anarchistic beliefs, but I rather call myself a libertarian than an anarchist because people at least know I'm okay with racism without having to ask me. Fuck your woke non-sense.

>> No.19512870
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>Butterfly is an Anarchist too., apparently.

>> No.19513135

>I’m a liberal racist
>fuck your liberal race scam
Welcome aboard, bungler.

Card? Of course I’m an anarchist. I talk about it all the time

>> No.19513159

Already been done.

>> No.19513185

Anarchist “poetry” be like

Joined the sons
Of anarchy he did
Hid from life
Now there’s strife
Was thrown the book
So he decided to cook
Now he’s a methhead

>> No.19513660

>I'm a liberal racist
You say that like its a bad thing.

>> No.19514740

Toward the Creative Nothing by Renzo Novatore. A classic of individualist and egoist anarchy.
Originally written in italian but translated here into english.

>> No.19514992

>I talk about it all the time
literally never noticed it before
anyway, any specific school of thought?

>> No.19515015
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I tend towards Bakunin/Herod’s anarcho-communism, but have lately been seeing sense in the ecological side of the an-prims. We’re in for a rough time if not extinction.

>> No.19515049
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Me and all my mates tend towards Makhno-style Platformism, with a lot of influence from organisation in Spain (during the civil war) and from Uruguay.
Although I'd personally also recommend making sure one has read (and properly understands) a broad Left base of thought: Goldman, Stirner, Godwin.

Do any IRL organising?

>> No.19515147

I like syndicalism, but it doesn’t go far enough. Spain needed more than just the workers seizing their workplaces. Massive Direct Democratic meetings can incorporate Platformists but also bring in fence sitters like general preppers, fed up progressives, bitcoiners, and any individualists who might join. Presenting a replacement for regular state-capitalism should be up to everyone, but I wholly advocate vouchers as a transitory currency. (Bitcoiners will grouse, but it’s all transitory towards a shared economy). Read Goldman and Stirner. Currently reading a little book on Nikifarova. I don’t know how, but I either need to find good organizers or become one.

>> No.19515205

>I like syndicalism, but it doesn’t go far enough
agree, but I wouldn't argue the fix is more, or harder, Syndicalism.

>but also bring in fence sitters like general preppers, fed up progressives, bitcoiners, and any individualists who might join
Good general idea - but, in your IRL organising, I wouldn't recommend you open up your affinity groups to mass/general participation as of yet. and in order to avoid the heirarchy of having an org with a mass pop and a closed inner circle (to avoid slipping into Lenin-style Vanguardism or anything, and for pragmatic practical purposes too)

>I don’t know how, but I either need to find good organizers or become one.
you can't get anything good out of arguing theory online, but you can start getting people together in some sort of shared IRL space by planning online these days prettily easily
for the moment, what I'd recommend building up a local cell of anarchists in a school of thought you all agree with, and see if you can make any connections to other local Left groups just to see if you can share resources or plan to oppose far-right demos and stuff together.

>Read Goldman and Stirner
that's good, because you definitely should ideally be able to internalise and articulate the rights of the individual before you understand the importance of collective action and unity of theory and thought among your organisational comrades.