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19511369 No.19511369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't wish to give any credence to the "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory, which I believe has been quite successfully discredited. I looked at it fairly closely when it was popular, and it was very clear that it involved outlandishly detailed conclusions from a very sparse amount of extremely spurious evidence.

But what I found strange in Pinker's conversation with Joe was that he seemed to bring up the conspiracy theory as an example of one of the most ludicrous of the current period. I have never really understood this line of thinking. It occurs to me there are far more bizarre conspiracy theories out there than Pizzagate.

Pinker appears to think that the idea of a child sex trafficking organisation using such a seemingly innocuous business as a pizza shop as a front is the height of absurdity. Yet of course many criminal organisations do use fronts, and the whole point of a front is that it seems innocuous.

Child sex trafficking organisations do also exist, and as we have learnt from the Epstein and Dutroux cases, they may involve members of the very highest tiers of the worlds of celebrity and politics.

Of course, these realities only make Pizzagate possible in the same way that the existence of the crime of murder makes it possible that my neighbour is a murderer, with any accusations of him actually being one remaining completely baseless until evidence is produced. But equally, of all the totally bonkers theories out there, it is surely one that is comparatively rather grounded, if only for the fact that it consists entirely of elements that are known to exist.

When you take into account the Jimmy Savile case in the UK, the Dutroux affair in Belgium, and the Epstein scandal in the US (which had already been brewing for a long time before Pizzagate blew up), it doesn't seem particularly surprising that some people would become a little monomaniacal and begin seeing cases of elite paedophilia where it wasn't. In light of such a context, Pizzagate seems neither extraordinary or inexplicably strange, but a fairly predictable consequence of a moment of cultural shock where people have had to recalibrate their perspective of the world to accommodate the existence of elite paedophile rings. It is not surprising that some people have not quite focused their new lenses correctly, and have made misapprehensions as a result.

Why, then, does Pinker seem to find Pizzagate so ludicrous that he can't even bring himself to believe that people ever sincerely believed it? Given the fact he met Epstein, I would expect him to have been disturbed by the Epstein scandal even more than most, and so surely must have thought deeply about it and its consequences. Given that conspiracy theories revolving around Epstein had existed for a long time before the scandal hit the mainstream news, you would also expect him to show a little more humility and sympathy when discussing as-yet unproven conspiracy theories in general, especially of that ilk.

>> No.19511398
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>blocks your best path

>> No.19511451

I didn't read that much into it. It's fresh on peoples mind and probably the first example he could think of. Looking for pizzagate support among academics is not going to be fruitful, there's nothing for them to gain.

>> No.19511468

But surely you would expect an intelligent, intellectually honest thinker to have a deeper understanding of a subject which he speaks about in conjunction with an entire book he has just written, and who even met Jeffrey Epstein.

>> No.19511485

>which I believe has been quite successfully discredited
It hasnt.

>> No.19511493

Read the rest of the post.

>> No.19511494
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>> No.19511500

Not seen him on Rogan, but this a very well written and reasoned post.

>> No.19511511

Pinker is right, Pizzagate is for loons

>> No.19511517

>Pinker is right
He's never been righ in his life

>> No.19511521

He is suffering from the same delusions where nobody believes their friends and children can do wrong. My guess is because he is pretending to be distant from Epstein when they were actually gay lovers and he was the one who was told to put him down in that prison cell. Don't fuck wit Pinker, he cold.

>> No.19511563

Check out this infograph anon, until then you have not delved deep into pizzagate >>19511494

>> No.19511578

My point isn't really about whether it's true or not, it's about whether it deserves to be considered as outlandish as people like Pinker make out, and I'm saying it doesn't.

>> No.19511597

Just look at it.
The is a documented case of child trafficking by an orphanage that was featured on the news, and its director was literally super close friends with the owner of the pizzeria in question.

>> No.19511607
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And his daughter, Nora Maccoby, drew the cover for this book. She's featured in photos with Alefantis.

>> No.19511632

Ok, it's true then. That only backs up my claim that it isn't an outlandish theory. Why are you arguing with me?

>> No.19511699

>Given the fact he met Epstein
This is the point where you should realize why he wants to refute Pizzagate so strongly and wants you to believe it is an outlandish conspiracy theory. If Epstein felt the need to come in contact with him, chances are that Pinker himself abused underage girls. There is no hard evidence, but I don't see many reasons why a pedophile financier like Epstein would feel the need to come in contact with some linguist.

And even if that were not the case, Pinker just isn't very rational, period. Around 2006 he tried to push that theory that Ashkenazim (like himself) are genetically superior to goyim. That incident has been labeled "scientific racism with a human face" since even though it amounted to scientific racism (claiming the superiority of one race over another on a genetic basis) it was "human" since it glorified Jews rather than evil Caucasian people. Though of course that created a precedent that was exploited by many who tried to revive Charles Murray's Bell Curve arguments: if some races are superior to white people (Ashkenazim), it follows logically that other races could be inferior (black people, for instance). This made it at least plausible that the differences between blacks and whites observed by Murray may not be explained away by purely socio-economic reasons, and thus Pinker (a Jew) unwittingly gave ammo to his sworn enemies, the so-called white supremacists. That episode really made it clear to me that Pinker is so narcissistically in love with his own race that he couldn't even foresee the consequences of his scientific racism with a "human" face. He is not rational and he should not pontificate about rationality.

>> No.19511703

you know, the /pol/ 2.0 thing is real
it isn't a conspiracy theory
did it fucking occur to you that we have /pol/ for the conspiracy news?!?!

>> No.19511724

Not that guy but he's arguing with you because you started your post by saying it has been successfully debunked which it hasnt.
Also, the fact that Pinker has rubbed shoulders with Epstein and co should tell you why he's going around saying its outlandish

>> No.19511758

Very clearly-written post, OP. My non-conspiracy explanation is the Pinker is so insulated from the day-to-day operations of criminal enterprises that the thing (superficially, at least) seems to complex and well-organized to be plausible. My conspiracy explanation is that he's employing subtle psychological tricks to embed suspect premises in his assertions so that the premises ("Pizzagate is an absurd and ridiculous theory") slowly become normal through repetition and a form of begging the question.
He's doing this because he wants people's first thought when someone mentions Pizzagate to be "that's ridiculous." This means he can refuse to mention his involvement in it because "it's ridiculous."

>> No.19511818

>Even /lit/, the smartest board on 4chan, believes in pizzagate
The world is ending

>> No.19511821

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.19511866

Both of those perspectives seem very plausible.

>> No.19511880

I'm not saying it's been completely debunked, I'm saying it has been successfully discredited, i.e it has lost credibility. I've read the evidence for it, including the infograph posted, and it's very interesting, but it's not a slam-dunker. I am open to the theory though, because as I say, it's not particularly implausible.

>> No.19511896
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>the smartest board on 4chan
>the least barbaric ape
>the most coherent schizophrenic
>the smartest kid on the short bus

>> No.19511904

This has always been my attitude. I don't see much good evidence for Pizzagate, but it's not really that unbelievable either. There is some potent, you know, innuendo or whatever. Some genuinely weird shit. Not very good basis for a firm belief. But at the same time "debunked" "ridiculous" etc. WTF? In what world

>> No.19511924

I understand what you're saying but by that logic short of catching them in the act of fucking children nothing is going to be "slam-dunk". Being neck deep in child trafficking connections is a pretty solid argument imo.

>> No.19511926

It's more shocking that /lit/ takes people like Stinker seriously.

>> No.19511941

Why i think this is bullshit: nobody cares about black kids, they're ugly as fuck and nobody would fuck them.

If you read about the epstein case you would know he only wanted blonde blue eyes kids.

>> No.19511960

Elites have fucked up fetishes.

>> No.19511965


>> No.19511967

it's obvious, isn't it? the ones who scream the loudest!
besides, have you *seen* the man? obvious pedophile.

Pinker is a Luminary. don't mistake it. So is Rogaine. Ya oughta realize that there are multiple stakes in this 'game'. Speaking of, did you know they like to BET on whether or not such and such an event will be 'noticed' or 'taken up'? guess who's still salty he lost the bet!
it's not ludicrous because it's false, it's ludicrous because he thought it was a sure bet.

>> No.19511969
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Pinker is an IYI BS vendor

>> No.19511984
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Everybody can relax now. Steven Pinker, a guy who was close friends with and defender of Jeffrey Epstein, says we can rest assured that pizzagate is just a lunatic conspiracy theory and there is no global pedo cabal.

>> No.19511991

Sure, you would think that. But if you were being intellectually honest you would have to bring up the fact that Pinker had actually HELPED Epstein's defense when he was charged with trafficking a 14 year old with the intent of having illegal sexual relations with her. He helped them talk it down to solicitation of prostitution.

>> No.19511995

Black kids command a lower price than white kids, but you're gonna find a buyer anyway.

>> No.19512010

>intelligent, intellectually honest thinker
That's not what Steven Pinker is.
He is a propagandist.

>> No.19512024

yes. he is afforded the same space as neil degrasse tyson

>> No.19512118

I don't understand the behavior pattern either honestly. You would generally assume he's guilty of something and is covering up. That being said I think he just thinks ppl are being "irrational" and he refuses to substantiate any point they make.

>> No.19512191

Pizzagate and QAnon are _obviously_ out there to discredit anyone interested in Jeff & Ghislaine. Cognitive infiltration, poisoning the well. Anyone who talks about organized sex trafficking to blackmail politicians--which 100% happened--is considered a loon

>> No.19512228

its actually simpler than you might imagine: all neoliberals are pedophiles

>> No.19512289
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>> No.19512434

He's not quite that bad, but he is very uninteresting when it comes to his philosophical views.

>> No.19512452
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I grew up in Chevy chase and grew up going to CPP Pizza for a ton of birthday parties and the such.
Never saw anyone dissappear and get raped there.

>> No.19512508

Wealthy perverts will indulge. “All neoliberals”? I donno.

>> No.19513168

As I say, I don't think much of the Pizzagate theory. I just found it strange that Stephen Pinker, a man who has written in-depth about such examples of "irrationality", and who actually met Epstein, has such a shallow and unsatisfactory perspective on it.

>> No.19513600

You have to be a special kind of drone to look at the pizzagate movement online at it's peak when all the twitter and instagram shit was there and think something was not stiking as rotting corpse and that looking more into it is unrational.
Of course jew retards like Epstein's best friend will talk shit about this since it was burried by the media immediatly and they even false flagged some retard in order to shut it down.

t. early lesswrong nrx fag

>> No.19513618

>one of the most ludicrous
Well, it is. Have you read that shit? It's not about the child trafficking. That shit happens every day in all corners of the world. It's the fucking pizza joint that's fucking the whole narrative up. I'd sooner believe that this was all just a larp or marketing stunt for some PnP RPG.

>> No.19513668

/lit/ doesn't and never has taken him seriously, even if he does have a few fans here. /lit/ was making fun of Pinker before it was cool to.

>> No.19513681

Read the rest of my post, where I've already refuted your point.

>> No.19513695

My local bookstore always has Pinker stuff and I always sneak them out, rip them, and toss them in the trash because he hangs out with pedophiles

>> No.19513709

It's an obvious conflict of interests. As previous anons mentioned, he knew Epstein. >>19511468 You don't badmouth your powerful "friends".
If he was honest, he could easily use the Moon hoax or Flat Earth as examples, they're probably the most ridiculous theories, but he specifically chose that one.

>> No.19513720
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Pinker is Whiggish. But I think Whiggishness is an inherently conservative notion resting in the idea that we "live in the best of all possible worlds" and it'll continue evolving to become better in this teleological way. If that's true, then we don't really have to do anything drastic -- radicalism would potentially upset all the progress that has led us here. Whiggishness seems progressive on the surface, but it's not really forward-looking as much as an interpretation of the past to justify the present state of things, like the Middle Ages being backwards compared to today and so forth.

But with Epstein and Maxwell, the idea that rich, connected people at the top of the society and with the most Reddit gold could also be serial sexual predators calls into question many things about how the society is structured.

Q-Anon pizzagate stuff otoh seems like secularized Evangelical Christian apocalypticism. The underground tunnels where children are being trafficked is like a kind of "hell." I was reading some really schizo Q stuff and it was remarkable because one guy was saying that someone else opened up this veritable portal-to-hell and the trafficked children in there who had been brainwashed into slavery tried pulling him down in there, so it's better to keep the door closed to prevent the evil from escaping into the world. It's a frightening vision but it's like Dante's Inferno.

I don't like Nietzsche very much but he said something once that to understand reality, you have to part with seeing "reason in reality." I wouldn't recommend the path that some of his extremely irrational followers took, but I think about that sometimes. Or like the vaxx issue. People resist it with the language of the dominant ideology of society, because "it's my right" and "I don't want the government telling me what to do." This is totally irrational to me because... there's a plague. But we have this terrible situation where state officials cannot enact measures that would save the society from the plague because that would violate an ideology which originally emerged from the effects of a plague on a feudal, rural society hundreds of years ago... which gave birth to the western mandate of "rational" individuals making the best decisions.

>> No.19513816

Of course, it's the latter

>> No.19513845

don't care
still not getting the jab
you and pinker can cry about it

>> No.19513852

Yes because it's true.

>> No.19513858


>> No.19513883

This is disingenuous as fuck. You either didn't actually look into it at all, or are full of shit concern trolling.

Pizzagate was not the idea that child sex trafficking exists, everyone acknowledges that. It was a statement that almost the entirety of the top of the Democratic Party were pedophiles who murdered children in Satanic rituals. Hillary Clinton was supposed to have a video of her killing a baby.

Pizzagate didn't come from Epstein, it came from the leaked DNC emails and spergs claiming innocuous phrases like soul cooking were actually about raping, murdering, and sometimes eating children. This wasn't being done by some shadowy billionaire, but by extremely public figures. It just so happened to fit right down partisan lines, with all of one party being rapist pedos. So Clinton killed a baby, but Joe Biden is a pedo too. It's an open secret somehow never exposed.

Now let's look at Epstein. Pizzafags would later claim his island was used for mass child rape parties and rituals. Nothing in the case, which is public, says this. His victims were pubescent girls on the young end, and most commonly under aged girls towards the end of puberty. Is it fucked up? Yes. And abortion of justice, sure. But not satanic pedo ritual. The girls were teens lured into and pressured for prostitution after grooming. Shit like this happens all the time (see Asian rape gangs) but in this case it was a billionaire pitching girls to celebrities, which made him immune to justice for awhile and makes it more scandalous.

But it took on completely partisan overtones. You know who the most famous person who partied with Epstein was? Donald J. Trump. He was a codefendant in a sexual abuse of a minor case in New York state that was quitely dropped. Three Epstein victims testified to being sold to Trump for sex as young teens. A former Trump employee said Trump hosted a private party with Epstein where they were the only men and Epstein had "models" come (could have been of age too.). Dude was called out for barging into Miss USA changing rooms all the time. Absolute crickets, because the sperg lords only care about generating meaning for their lives by pretending politics are some great crusade against Satan.

>> No.19513904

This is a fairly nebulous argument, and there are parts where you touch on the truth and others where you're distant from it, but I only feel compelled to comment on a point that I think is most relevant: your apparent view that Pizzagate is on the same level of absurdity as the Q-anon theory.

Do you truly believe this? Q-anon revolved around the idea that the president of the United States was using a Neo-Nazi basket-weaving forum to deliver coded messages to his followers about the existence of an elite circle of extra-dimensional vampires. It was based around a number of elements that are either not known to be possible or have no precedent.

But the all the elements of Pizzagate are possible, and have substantial and numerous precedents. This seems to me a fairly important distinction, and yet again I'm left feeling rather nonplussed by the idea it that it supposedly so absurd.

>> No.19513911

If you're not going to endeavour to read beyond the initial paragraph of my post, why would I bother reading your reply?

>> No.19513923

I did read it you fucking retard. If you don't see the difference between one celeb being a serial pedo who was enabled in the UK, and half the political leadership of the United States being full on serial killer level organized Satanists, you're double retarded.

>> No.19513950

Pizzagate already happened in the 1980s. Look up Michelle Remembers. They through a ton of pre school teachers in prison over easily falsifiable fantasied dreamed up by sick Evangelicals. None were punished. It was ressurected and shrewd political operators at the right aimed it at the other party.

But I gotta go with Pinker on this one, only absolute fucking morons think it's possible to hide a 1,000+ person massive child murder ring while also being in the public eye nonstop and having everyone wanting to dump oppo research on you.

>> No.19513962

Look into the Dutroux affair, and try to take the political bias glasses off. Something is no more or less likely to be true because the subject has been distorted by political shitslinging.

>> No.19513969
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>> No.19514002

Jimmy Savile was one of the most famous people in the UK, and was connected to hundreds of influential people. He abused over 300 people. Yet the scandal about him only arose after he died.

Also, look into the Dutroux affair if you don't believe that a child paedophila ring with a large scope can remain clandestine.

And of course, consider the Epstein case.

>> No.19514037

You're comparing a series of crimes related to a handful of people with thousands. Come back when you have an example of 10,000+ children being killed, not 5. The claims of Pizzafags are totally beyond rationality.

>"Hurr, see the cops failed to catch this one psycho and his few friends as they raped and killed, so it's totally plausible that John Podesta, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton regularly get together to rape and eat children."

The two claims are not analogous. This is like saying, because there is so much evidence for the Moon landing, why don't you believe there is actually a secret Moon city that has been built there full of people.

>> No.19514040

How do you do, fellow white men

>> No.19514060

Do you guys think there could be a correlation between pedophilia and certain kinds of racism?

>> No.19514117

As I said, I don't believe pizzagate happened. But I don't find it surprising that some people believe it, given the fact that cases like it exist. The point is that it's not particularly implausible, not that it happened.

>Come back when you have an example of 10,000+ children being killed

I never heard that Pizzagate conspiracy theorists claimed so many children were killed. Can you back this up with a source?

>John Podesta, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton regularly get together to rape and eat children.

Although Podesta was linked with it from the beginning, I don't remember it being claimed that Biden and Clinton raped and ate children themselves. Clinton was suspected to have known that Podesta was involved, and it was thought that she may have helped facilitate the crimes, but I don't remember it being claimed that she personally cannibalised children.

>> No.19514146

Pedophile rings do exist but people do not and can not handle the truth. A high percentage of women has been molested or sexually abused, usually by someone close to them. Why would we expect any different from people who have positions of power ?

Biden most likely molested his own daughter if you believe what is in his daughters diary

During the election someone leaked photos of hunter biden naked with underage girls and another compromising photo of someone with an underage girl

there are hoards of stories from chidlren that have been sexually abused that involved people in high places




>> No.19514157

I never want to hear about Daisy's Destruction again, one of the worst things I've ever learnt about.

>> No.19514172

>During the election someone leaked photos of hunter biden naked
Confirmed to be fake.

>> No.19514185

You have no proof of it being fake.

>> No.19514186

wowee another pop sci book on rationality brought to you by your favorite virtue signalling midwit. there is nothing this faggot can say that hasn't been said a million times and each one better. why are you giving him oxygen?

>> No.19514245

I'm not sure whether Pinker even understands what rationality means, given the fact that he seems to actually be advocating empiricism.

>> No.19514252

There is also a mexican reporter that uncovered a pedophile ring that involved wealthy businessmen but as usual, they got away with it even though there is

1) VIDEO evidence of one of the people talking about how he had sex with a 4 year old girl and he goes into graphic details explaining it.
2) Audio evidence from on the wealthy businessmen talking to a governor how he wanted the reporter to be raped and killed. They both are also laughing about it.


If any of you are interested, she has a book called Demonds of the eden or Demonios del eden where she goes into detail about the whole thing.

>> No.19514341

Pizzagate literally started with a fake news site claiming the FBI had raided Clinton's house and found she was running a child sex ring. It had a fake quote and everything. There is a whole thing about Frazzeldrip, the name of the file on Huma Aberdeen's computer of Hillary torturing a ten year old girl to death.

Then /pol/ ran with it on Podesta's emails. References to pizza were actually references about child rape. Other types of food were standins for murder and ritual. The big question was, "why else would the DNC email server have thousands of references to pizza, how much pizza can they eat?" Which apparently never sparked the question: "how are they abducting thousands of children secretly considering a single lost child blows up local media?"

Then came Comet Pizza, which supposedly had kill rooms underneath it for Democrats to go to for regular murder orgies.

After that the number of conspiracies keep bifurcating. A lot of Bush people critical of Trump got named as confirmed pedos by "sources" too. Cheney was a pedo Satanist for one.

You can go to any Q site and still see this shit. Greatawakening.win is a good one, they still think Trump is getting reinstated or already actually president.

Or go ask /pol/, they know for sure Biden alone as raped hundreds, if not thousands of kids. I saw a thread with a guy claiming to be an insider saying that inauguration night was basically a 3,000 person rave of elites going all out with child murder. People eat this shit up. Feels hackneyed to me.

>> No.19514660

lol cope. You are throwing out the baby with the bath water. There are people in politics and positions of power that are involved in human trafficking and sexual abuse. YOU just can't handle the truth.

>> No.19514670

You're all so mad

>> No.19514701
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>> No.19514703

I am more concerned about the fact that a man who believes he is superior to Europeans was friends with another Jew who only trafficked girls from lower class European families than about reviving the boogeyman of KKK. His opinions and behavior should set off alarm bells

>> No.19514717

One thing I've noticed about elite pedoes is that they usually want "exotic" sex slaves. For Jews and Arabs this usually means trafficking lower class Europeans, who they have also subtly unpersoned
t. non-European who notices

>> No.19514722

They might have just killed the black kids. Some of them are also sadists

>> No.19514833

That's the thing. Some conspiracy theories contain a grain of truth. They are just unfocused and sloppy because of a complete absence of scholarship, evidence-based thinking, and common sense. There are several documented cases of pedophilic abuse of children by elites . Except they aren't doing it in the basement of a pizza parlor because that's fucking stupid. And they aren't broadcasting all these dogwhistles and symbolisms to show off that they are doing t That's so insane only someone delirious could believe it. And that's what happen, intellectually inept disturbed individuals without critical thinking skills and mental instabilities latch onto conspiracy theories as an outlet for their vague fears and distrusts of the elites. A distrust that is valid and warranted, mind you. The are not wrong to distrust the elites. They simply lack the skills to determine what is true and so they conjure up fantasies loosely drawn around it.

>> No.19514911

Then don't get one. At this point, I don't give a shit if you die or end up with a lifelong crippling illness. You've made your bed.

I think anon here >>19513883 addresses that better than I can. But Q-anon stuff gets crazy with the extra-dimensional vampires, but the believers also think that political leaders are corrupt and craven in all sorts of ways, which is hard to argue with. I don't think that's what Steven Pinker believes, though. Like I said, as a Whig, he thinks we're living in the best of all possible worlds and the elites are basically good as a result.

>> No.19514966
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>Why, then, does Pinker seem to find Pizzagate so ludicrous that he can't even bring himself to believe that people ever sincerely believed it?
Le rational science man was interviewed on a broadcast regularly listened to by millions of people hosted by someone that, despite being openly center-left politically, has turned into somewhat of a cult figure amongst the modern right. Le rational science man is left with a choice, take every opportunity to signal the socially correct things as possible and reinforce his position as a I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE type of redditor pseudo celebrity regardless of how little he knows about the matter, or acknowledge the slightest bit of ambiguity on what may or may not be the truth and let hundreds of thousands of hypercritical nitpickers take the opportunity to burn him at the stake on the internet.

The question of "why does a guy who's trying to sell something to a certain demographic not publicly do things that demographic is well known for attacking people over?" is very simple when you're willing to swap 'integrity' out for social and financial consequences. The kind of people who would buy a book called "Rationality" with a bright rainbow cover are the kind of people that take even the slightest acknowledgement that bad things happen and responsibility for them can't be safely delegated to the institutional powers that be as a sign that you are a dangerous radical worth dismissing at best or hunting down at worst.

>> No.19514968
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I think it's also plausible that schizo stuff can be either introduced directly or fostered / boosted indirectly as a way of creating "noise."

I use this as an example of how corporate media does it. Not boosting Greenwald in particular and one can swap out Chris Cillizza of CNN for another hack, but a lot of people end up encountering Greenwald through the noise that Cillizza is creating before the message is received. Greenwald might be saying something that's true, but the noise makes people doubt it. And what is reported in the mainstream media is often conspiracist in character at that: see "Russiagate" for a popular schizo conspiracy theory promoted by corporate-owned media outlets and believed in by a lot of "rational" people.

I think this revolving door of intelligence agencies and media organizations like to "play the angles" and it's also compartmentalized, so you'll get someone working for CNN who believes Pizzagate is obviously wrong yet also thinks the Russians are responsible for it even when it's partly a creation or at least encouraged by U.S. intelligence agencies. I don't know for a fact that this is happening, but I could believe that it's happening.

>> No.19515000

>Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

>> No.19515030

This is the smoking gun, honestly. They're literally featured on the news for child trafficking. The question is, is it child sex trafficking?

>> No.19515070

You didn't properly read the infograph. Chevy Chase is 80% CIA, according to Nora Maccoby who grew up there. This means that every second person you see in the neighborhood is a CIA spook. It's not a coincidence that there's a CIA agent working in the orphanage, which gave children to convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby.

This case was discussed in the Clinton emails. Now why is the orphanage director defending Alefantis in both court and the neighborhood meeting?

>> No.19515075

>is it child sex trafficking
Laura Silsby's (the child trafficker connected to James Alefantis) lawyer was a wanted child SEX trafficker featured on the INTERPOL. That's enough smoke there.

OP is being disingenuous.

>> No.19515076

Russia gate had a lot of irresponsible reporting and talk show pontification of what might be the case, but at least there was some substance. Pizzagate was formed from a fake story about Hillary being arrested on rape charges that didn't actually happen but people just ran with it.

I mean, Trump's campaign was contacted by a known Russian intelligence agent about "dirt of Hillary." His son and campaign manager DID meet the agent (they said nothing happened there). A few weeks later, someone began releasing DNC emails compromising to Hillary's campaign. This hack was then tied back to Russia intelligence because they forgot to turn their VPNs on while in the Macedonia.

Of course, you might have heard the DNC hack was an inside job, right? Except all evidence of this was actually produced by a guy in the UK who was caught having set up multiple fake identities to push the story. He got an old, disabled intelligence officer who had a good reputation for calling out the Iraq intel as bogus to pitch it for him.

The problem is that all the good reporting on Russia's involvement in the DNC hack, and just how airtight it was (Dutch intelligence didn't just catch the hack, but had hacked a camera near the building where the hack occurred in Russia and had video of the people who did it). The VIPS story is particularly interesting:


Worth a read because this guy was caught step by step in the disinfo game.

But of course, all you heard was retarded supposition on talk shows and shit about Trump Tower Moscow.

There is a pretty straightforward interpretation.

>Moscow wanted Trump to win because they saw him as more favorable. Election interventions aren't new, the USSR tried it every cycle.
>They do the hack, because internal communications are sure to have some good stuff like Hillary getting debate questions early, shit talking voters, etc.

>They contact Trump for a meeting. Regardless of whether they offer collusion (my guess is that they did NOT, because that's a huge fucking risk), just his team taking the meeting will end up looking really bad and cause chaos if they get caught.

>Trump team takes the meeting. It helps that his campaign manager is doing felony level money laundering for work with Russia in Ukraine because it makes the thing look more suspicious.

>Russia gets caught, no biggie. Meanwhile, it causes major chaos in the US as they have successfully planted circumstantial evidence of collusion.

But if you only watch propaganda from either side you think it was mostly about piss tapes, or that there was no evidence whatsoever.

Not disclosing the Russia meeting to the FBI until they found out about it was also hyper retarded, but it is Don Jr. so incompetence seems as likely as actual nefarious intent.

>> No.19515092


You usually go for the walnut sauce or not anon? checkers or chess?

>> No.19515094

Pizzagate was formed from the Podesta emails included coded words about pizza (pizza related handkerchief, dominos on pizza than on pasta) and the fact that Hillary Clinton was discussing child trafficker Laura Silsby's arrest and trying to get her released.

>> No.19515096

normal language and totally not code for diddling children

>> No.19515099

Also Tony Podesta's art

>> No.19515103
File: 258 KB, 1060x1000, ef6fba3f146da1abd5ecf09df95575d99397bb5d_4d4d50c7609ccb57a20420e905a1d6f1b309f2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah guys, OP is right. Pizzagate is totally discredited.

>> No.19515108

>Its merely a pizza parlor anon, dont look at who owns it. And if anyone asks repeatedly say that its merely a pizza parlor with no basement.

>> No.19515112

Why is there a CIA agent working for a totally normal orphanage, in a secret task force?

>> No.19515115

Pinker wants to discredit it so that lay people are split on what could be real about elite pedophilia conspiracy.

The point is that you are not to look for the evidence in the first place. That is the arch crime conspiracy theorists make.

And who is afraid that people are looking for evidence of crimes? Why criminals of course.

So how does this relate to Steven Pinker?

Pinker has been named as a pedophile in Virginia Giuffre's memoir.

>Epstein arranged a meeting with a "quirky little man with white hair and a mad scientist look about him" named Steven


>> No.19515120

>it's always the pedophiles publicly denouncing pizzagate as a conspiracy theory
This only makes me believe it's true

>> No.19515127
File: 189 KB, 1024x683, DSiYLpgUQAAcM_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a world noble Rothschild man working at a pizza parlor?

>> No.19515143

CIA and Mossad are trafficking kids and using them as black mailing for rich or well placed politicians.



This is just the start, look further into it.

>> No.19515163

Read this:


>> No.19515206

Don't forget:

>In 2007, Pinker gave his expert interpretation as a linguist of the wording of a federal law pertaining to the enticement of minors into illegal sex acts via the internet. This opinion was provided to Alan Dershowitz, a personal friend of Pinker's, who was the defense attorney for Jeffrey Epstein, resulting in a plea deal in which all federal sex trafficking charges against Epstein were dropped.[41] In 2019, Pinker stated that he was unaware of the nature of the charges against Epstein, and that he engaged in an unpaid favor for his Harvard colleague Alan Dershowitz, as he had regularly done. He stated that he regrets writing the letter.[41] Pinker says he never received money from Epstein and met with him three times over more than a dozen years,[42] and said he could never stand Epstein and tried to keep his distance.[41]

>> No.19515209

OP needs to see this.

>> No.19515231

Head of the Snake


>> No.19515287
File: 47 KB, 620x410, Epstein plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the power of nu-atheism

>> No.19515345
File: 78 KB, 1010x525, download - 2021-12-04T221353.463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

At the trial on Thursday another victim recounted being flown to see Trump at 14. Apparently Epstein bringing Trump a teen girl wasn't unusual back then..

>> No.19515353

Sex with minors was legal in their generation, give them a break.

>> No.19515355

>elites who literally plan assassinations and have topple governments and deal with top secret information with access to some of the most advanced espionage techniques and tools in the world casually discussing child trafficking over unencrypted emails. Using cartoonish code phrasing straight out of an Agatha Christie book no less.

>> No.19515360

Why is it always Anglos and Jews?

>> No.19515370 [DELETED] 

alex jones is a psyop to distract people from the fact that wikileaks showed they set up bernie. if people think all that was in the wikileaks dump was a bunch of plans to order lunch, no one will bother to look at the actual corruption that was discussed

>> No.19515427

Whites always "hallucinate" Jews taking their kids cuz they did for centuries. How did all those White girls get sold into Muslim harems? Who middlemanned that? Duh

>> No.19515451

>Hillary sacrificing a chicken to Moloch was just a joke

>> No.19515518

>source: 8 chan

>> No.19515532

wikileaks actually, newfriend

>> No.19515549

Trump owned miss teen USA and there's testimony about him walking into their changing rooms, not Miss USA (over 18) but TEEN USA. Of course he's a pedophile.

The whole partisan nature of this discussion, which you are reinforcing, was the direct goal of the Q psy-op run by the FBI.

By making people who look into these things seem schizo and partisan average people could write it off as being all false or extremist or w/e garbage.

The facts are:

pizzagate is completely legitimate,

elite pedophilia is real,

the involvement of intelligence agencies in child sex trafficking is real.

This is where honest conversation has to start.

>> No.19515551

Wikileaks isn't a valid source

>> No.19515551,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why was this thread deleted?

Fucking janitors.