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File: 62 KB, 460x686, 1310845945483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1950897 No.1950897 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/erals?
I'm currently in the last chapter of writing my book that will bring shame to religion. What are you doing?

>> No.1950899
File: 131 KB, 1000x712, atheism-argument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1950898
File: 51 KB, 600x763, atheism-reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1950902

What then, is the proper term for the person who doesn't believe in God but isn't overbearing about it, if the term "atheism" has been co-opted by the person depicted in the second image?

>> No.1950901

That kid has a hell of an O face.

>> No.1950904

an idiot

>> No.1950905

Funny thing is that I'm not an Athiest, I'm an agnostic. I'm writing from both sides, adding the facts. It's not about evolution. So don't start on that.

>> No.1950907



>> No.1950908

>writing about facts
>has no evidence that God doesn't exist

>> No.1950912

No, I'm not trying to bring shame to god, at all.
God is whatever you want it to be. God could be science for someone.
I'm bringing shame to the bible. The whole "Son of God" situation.

>> No.1950913


I just made that up off the top of my head but apparently it's a real thing.


>> No.1950914

He said "religion," not faith. He could be criticizing the actions of specific organized religions, and "bringing shame" to them in that way. Why assume so much?

>> No.1950915
File: 136 KB, 450x380, 1306902929847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does referencing God make someone believe in him? If I reference Bambi, do I believe in Bambi?

Fail comic made by butthurt Christfag is fail.

>> No.1950920

I'm sure it's nothing that hasn't been said before by someone more popular than you, and both of you are equally wrong.

>> No.1950921


>> No.1950925

you're dumb

>> No.1950926

Did... did you just imply how popular someone is has anything to do with whether that person's ideas should be considered?

>> No.1950928

>filter out posts by benjamin braddock
>/lit/ suddenly becomes 10,000x more tolerable

>> No.1950929

I'm sure this is different.
Besides, I don't care if someone has written the same thing. I'm doing it because I want to had have the opportunity to. Also, I want to get all my thoughts about the matter onto paper.
How we are wrong? Even though you didn't mention any books, and don't know my arguments. I'd still like to know why you think I'm wrong.

>> No.1950933


Did... did you just reply to benjamin braddock?

>> No.1950936

Ignore him. Seriously. Block him if that's the only way you can ignore him. But make every effort never to respond to anything he posts. He's a troll of incredible proportions.

>> No.1950934

because most of the time atheists are 100% wrong about whatever "points" they bring up

>> No.1950939

As I said, I'm not an Atheist.
Disbelieving any type of god is retarded. God is a vague word and can be interpreted in numberless ways.

>> No.1950942

there's no such thing as an agnostic
you either believe or you don't
how retarded are you?

>> No.1950943

If you were being serious, you would have been contradicting the stereotypical Atheist in your comic by fitting the stereotype of failing to explain your rebuttals.

But if not, you're an alright troll. I don't really come on /lit/ much but your comic was pretty dumb.

>> No.1950944

Alright, I'm just going to see how deep his stupidity is first.

>> No.1950946

>has no evidence that God is not a gigantic octopus and the afterlife consists of Him tentacle-raping everyone who has ever died simultaneously

>> No.1950950

Endless samefaggotry by an endless retard

>> No.1950955

Depending on how you interpret what constitutes something as a god, it's very easy not to believe in one.

>> No.1950956


>> No.1950953

1. we are made in God's image
2. we are not octopi
3. God is not an octopus

>> No.1950952

Did you really just say there is no such thing?
That's unbelievable. You're either the worst troll, or a prime candidate spokes person for an abortion clinic.

>> No.1950960

there is no such thing. there's no simpler way to put it, either. you either believe there is a God, or you don't. if you're an "agnostic," you don't believe in God's existence, making you an atheist.

>> No.1950961

Which is dumber:

Someone who believes God doesn't exist?
Someone who doesn't know if he believes God exists? i.e., calls himself "agnostic."

>> No.1950963

This is my point exactly.
You can't decide "This is god to me" God, as I said, is a very vague word.

>> No.1950965

I'm going to hope you just didn't read my previous posts, and aren't this stupid.

>> No.1950966

>doesn't know if he believes God exists
i would lock you up in a mental institution if that is the case

>> No.1950967

You seem to be more Nazi, than religious.

>> No.1950970

i'm not a nazi, but if you don't know what you believe in, you're an idiot.

>> No.1950969

God is usually defined traditionally in monotheism as a Supreme Being/Creator. I can say that the word "shotgun" is a vague word and interpret it as anything I want, but the semantics don't change.

>> No.1950968

Some people have blond hair. Others have black hair. Some have white skin. Others dark. What color is god's hair? Eyes? Skin? What is God's resting heart rate?

>> No.1950973

someone doesn't know how genetics work

>> No.1950974

I think I'm wording my words incorrectly.
I'm agreeing with you. God is what ever you make it out to be.
Does not have to be a giant sky-man.

>> No.1950976

An atheist can be converted to Christianity, right? Does the atheist go from not believing to instantaneously believing, or go through a period of uncertainty, during which he or she is convinced of God?

>> No.1950977

Can you explain HOW someone is an idiot though?

>> No.1950978

>he took God to mean a Judeo-Christian one

>> No.1950982

Genetics determine how a person looks, sure, but what person's image is -closest- to God's? Who looks the most like God?

>> No.1950986
File: 14 KB, 250x210, sug4568_my_face_when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm writing purple prose.

Infinite purple prose.

>> No.1950988
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1300825373297s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christians on 4chan: Retarded.
Atheists on 4chan: Retarded.

I'm an Atheist on 4chan, and I am retarded. Please do not flatter yourselves.

>> No.1950990

Give us a sneak peak, please. First sentence of your book?

>> No.1950992
File: 46 KB, 591x158, Screen shot 2011-07-23 at 10.45.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1950993

there's no period of uncertainty. the atheist goes from being wrong to being right. it's like doing a math problem.

>he thinks there are any other gods

How am I supposed to know? I've never seen God. But He's in each of us.

>> No.1950997

Maimonides made the point that the image of God is consciousness and morality within man, and of course the soul itself, not physical form, which is a stupid position.

>> No.1950998

What if there were a person who looked a lot like a tentacle-raping octopus, and he was the person most made in God's image?

>> No.1951000
File: 7 KB, 316x202, sad_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Invisible within the sheet of paper resting below my hand, which tightly pinched at a freshly sharpened pencil, laid the open possibility to sketch the ultimate woman.

i am so deep 4 u


> mfw image

>> No.1951005

you're dumb
that's never happened before
all the evil in the world is caused by Satan anyway, not God

>> No.1951010
File: 89 KB, 452x501, 1311188767632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1951016

I believe you're thinking of free will, bro. Not Satan.

Also, evil doesn't exist.

>> No.1951014
File: 56 KB, 468x472, 1311189218508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1951020

Just because it hasn't, doesn't mean it couldn't. And it could just LOOK like a tentacle-raping octopus, and actually be a human man having consensual sex for the purpose of procreation with his wife. Which would mean it wasn't evil.

>> No.1951022

no i'm not
yes it does

>> No.1951027

yeah i guess there's no point really in arguing with these idiots

>> No.1951035

That's not a very nice thing to say.

>> No.1951036

People who believe that we don't have free will yet are all loved by God are contradictory, simply because if we don't decide to defy God then he has damned many of his own creations for apparently no reason, because there is no free will.

And there is law and chaos. Good and evil are moralistic in nature and subjective. The pure ability to do something considered evil by one person without consequence disproves universal morals.

But I'm sure you already knew all that.

>> No.1951073

Just finished God and His Demons by Michael Parenti, sorry bro, but your book will not even be decent in comparison.

>> No.1951080

It's not going to be some massive biggest seller of the year or something.
It's just a book I started at uni 2 years ago.
It'll be there for anyone who's interested in it.

>> No.1951092

>I'm not an Athiest, I'm an agnostic

So you're an agnostic theist?

>> No.1951094

Kierkegaard believes that taking an objective view towards religion is not having faith for the objective view believes in God only because it cannot disprove God.

To have faith is to look at God subjectively. How do you argue against a subjective view OP?

>> No.1951098


Dick to the mouth.

>> No.1951286

Anyone who tries to disprove god has already fallen into a rhetorical trap. The burden of proof, evidence, whatever falls on those who propose a god - and since the Enlightenment they are fighting a losing battle. They are naked and should be ashamed of themselves.

>> No.1951289

I think it's been obvious to anyone of intelligence (including many religious people) for quite some time that it's futile to try and prove the existence of god

just saying, you're a dumbass who doesn't know shit about theology

>> No.1951305

Your understanding of SK seems to be shallow at best.

>> No.1951311

I am up at 6 AM on a Saturday saging a religion thread.

Such is the life of an igtheist on /lit/.

>> No.1951316

>saging a religion thread.

y u do this. y u even care about what these morons think

>> No.1951324

You also have no evidence that the universe wasn't created by a Giant Spaghetti Monster. So what? You're gonna believe in that?

Oh the retards, believing in ridiculous things that have never shown any signs of existence, even vice versa.

>> No.1951332

Because it is 6 AM on a Saturday.

>> No.1951356


eat my ass wi jelly