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19507417 No.19507417 [Reply] [Original]

Outside from petty "evilness" that comes out of manipulating relationships? Are women capable of true evil? In the sense of becoming vilified like Hitler. With women's liberation, will they live up to the potential of "evilness"? Or if one came to power, everybody will just brush her off because "women are nice" spell? Or if Hitler was not truly evil, will any woman become a vilified scapegoat as much as Hitler is?

>> No.19507425

what about that lady who put her man's dick in a blender?
captcha was kkka4
i chuckled

>> No.19507443

Yes, there was this American bitch in the 70s or something who tortured a young woman because she was attractive.

>> No.19507452

And? Will there ever be a woman to do "evil" things in the scale of Hitler?

>> No.19507485

Hitler was less evil than them. What he did was on a mass scale as nations, what they did was personal and brutal.

>> No.19507497

Give them time. They've been baby machines for most of human history and we've only had contraception in the past century. Indira Ghandi and Thatcher are the only women I can come up with who're responsible for atrocities on a large scale, but I'm sure if you give it a couple hundred years you'll get something hitler-esque.

>> No.19507502

And no, because no woman would ever be able to get that much power like Hitler or Stalin

>> No.19507504

Hillary Clinton is unironically like Bathory tier evil, and when she dies the truth will eventually come out.

>> No.19507514

Will she be demonized as much as Hitler does? Or will people especially white knights deny her "evilness" simply because she's a woman?

>> No.19507517

what did hitler do that was so evil? he didn't kill the jews, he didn't start the holohoax, he just wanted his people to be successful and have space to live and be happy

>> No.19507523

She'll be in jail any day now, right fellow patriot

>> No.19507524

I didn't say he's evil. I'm saying that he may or may not be evil, but the notoriety remains. I'm asking whether ANY woman can get as much notoriety as Hitler or not.

>> No.19507527

Margaret thatcher
Any chinese princess
What a shitty thread, how is this related to literature at all

>> No.19507538

Depends on how hot she is.

>> No.19507542

Hitler didn't any evil thing in a grand scale.

>> No.19507548
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>> No.19507552

It's funny Ghandi and Thatcher committed crimes against humanity and they're lauded for it because girl power. Ghandi was assasinated by her bodyguards because she was such a fucking witch and she was named woman of the millennium.

>> No.19507556
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I’m disappointed in all of you for not posting the most obvious choice.

>> No.19507560

Well, women generally can't get as much notoriety as men so probably not.

>> No.19507571

Whos Ghandi?

>> No.19507637

Female evil often tends to be lazy and channelized; small in scale and complex in execution.

>> No.19507646
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>> No.19507685
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No. I'm reading 'Sexual Personae' right now and Camille Paglia says it best when she says that there is no female Jack the Ripper for the same reason that there is no female Mozart.

I would say that, as a female myself, I don't feel the same strain or depth of drive to separate myself from the masses via acts of heroism, depravity, or creativity because I am already afforded a base amount of attention and grace simply because I am a woman. Men built societies to make individuals out of themselves, but living in a society doesn't automatically make you an individual. Society only ever promises a chance, if that. Most of the time men are just economic units for the government to suck money out of, that they then have to satisfy enough to get men to go to war for them. The advent of birth control elevated (or reduced, depending on your perspective) women to economic units as well, but even while the culture may treat men and women equally now, the law still skews heavily towards favoring women (in most regards).

Simply put, I'm not sure I can envision a woman getting a) mad enough to revolt at such a scale, b) charismatic enough to mobilize a populace behind her, or c) organized enough to effectuate such a strategy.

Basically this

>> No.19507790

Retard since modern medicine there have been multiple heinously evil women. The only argument that might hold some water is that it's hormonal--since your social constructionist view of female behavior means that social and technological advancements could change those behaviors. That said, even the hormonal argument doesn't strike me as very convincing, because there've been some pretty evil impotent men, just take Hitler for an example.

>> No.19507811
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>> No.19507820

Indira Ghandhi is basically Hitler for Sikhs, I think she's the closest.

>> No.19507843

The level of contempt she has for America is crazy. They aren't even trying to hide the marxist takeover anymore.

>> No.19507860

Retard I was responding to OP and to >>19507452 which posed the question of women being evil on the scale of Hitler. As OP already mentioned women, individually, are largely capable of every act of malice that men are capable of such as the ones you point out medically -- Nurse Ratchet types like Jane Toppan or Kristen Gilbert -- or women like Aileen Wuornos, which is probably the most household female serial killer name because she actually used a gun. Women by and large don't use lethal force which is why women statistically have higher rates of suicidal ideation but not of suicide itself. They use alcohols, pills and poisons, as you pointed out, to kill themselves and others.

Unless we invent some nuclear bomb version of morphine, I just don't seem women as being capable of killing on the scale of men like Hitler, which was the point that I was responding to.


>> No.19507887


Hitler wasn't evil, just ambitious

>> No.19508093

Karla Homolka killed people with her husband, and used her femininity to get a plea bargain. She's out of prison and was found working at a fucking school a couple years back. Hey, that's the Canadian justice and education system for ya.

>> No.19508160

evilness is not exclusive to men. in fact, women with the dark triad of personality embody evilness. if only you knew one in person. for historical cases there's chinese Daji for example

>> No.19508222
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> Oh no, someone stop her before she ends our bout of stagflation and protects the rightful clay of the former British empire!

>> No.19508241

Did you know that "kamala" means "horrible" in Finnish?

>> No.19508543

And I was rebutting your claim, since there have been female world leaders--like Ghandi and Thatcher who've been mentioned throughout the thread--with bodycounts to match male dictators. Although they aren't on the same level as the very worst genocides, they've only really had a hundred years to show what they can do. Give them another millennia and they'll commit crimes against humanity, too. What we probably won't see is individual women without any kind of institutional power committing a series of perverse crimes (in the vein of Albert Fish, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, etc.) for the reasons you've pointed out, but also because law enforcement is far more efficacious than it was even 50 years ago.

>> No.19508557

Is this bait?

>> No.19508581

Go back to your containment board /pol/ack. We know you don't actually read; if you did you'd quickly realize that your entire ideology is a hoax that most of the world was too smart to believe a century ago.

>> No.19508798

I think you could have a women who does Hitler level evil, but I don’t think it would look significantly different than the male variety. I’m agnostic towards Thatcher since I’m not British, but I think her and Ghandi prove that you could have a skilled female politician who leads all the usual men to commit genocide for all the usual reasons.

>> No.19508830

Got his country involved in a war they clearly had no real hope of winning and continued to double down until his people were being bombed and raped in the streets. His decisions resulted in the suffering of millions of his own people, that sounds pretty evil to me.

>> No.19508836

>Camille Paglia
She is a pedo supporter.

>> No.19508838

I made this same exact argument to my ex earlier today, even quoting Paglia, and she finally blocked me.
Not even joking btw

>> No.19508888

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sylvia_Likens ?

>> No.19508973

Elizabeth Bathory was pretty evil. Countess/serial killer in the 1500s...took peasant girls and daughters of lesser nobles and tortured them to death in her castle. Estimates put the number tortured/murdered at around 300. I'd say she was a lot more evil than Hitler.

There are also a few ancient Chinese political figures who did some really fucked up shit. Empress Wu was fairly ruthless (but her reputation has been pretty white-washed).

Aside, as far as males go it seems a lot more evil to abuse power to inflict torment for personal sadistic pleasure. Sure, Nazism was an ideological monster and Hitler was at its head but at least it's somewhat detached. Using China as an example again, there was a prince (Liu Pengli) who was pretty much the same as Ramsey Bolton; he was bad enough that the Emperor at the time was asked to execute him--he ended up just taking away his lands/title and banishing him.

I don't know. Different faces of evil. Both are scary.