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19506099 No.19506099 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most extreme right wing book ever? I want something that’ll make Mein Kampf look like the Conquest of Bread.

>> No.19506104

Harassment Architecture or Gothic Violence

>> No.19506105

my diary desu

>> No.19506106

My diary desu

>> No.19506353

The Ego and His Own

>> No.19506449

Maybe something by Julius Evola
>According to the scholar Franco Ferraresi, "Evola's thought can be considered one of the most radical and consistent anti-egalitarian, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, and anti-popular systems in the 20th century".

>> No.19506456


>> No.19506514

Depends what you mean by right wing.
Ride The Tiger (Probably Evola's most approachable book, regardless of what all those infographics say. If you want more of his theory about higher spiritual principles or whatever, read Revolt after this.)
Democracy: The God That Failed (Hoppe is widely misunderstood, but he's definitely extreme enough for your interests.)
The Fourth Political Theory (Very Eurasia centric. Builds on Evola, so maybe read a primer on him first; the four theories correspond to the four Traditional castes.)

>> No.19506590

Going by the picture m you want de Sade

Evola is for returning to monarchy and strict Catholicism?
Libertarian means anarchism, so they’re mostly pro democracy. Hoppe is a liberal conservative.

>> No.19507622

Guenon's crisis
Also known as Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube

>> No.19507675

Any book that unironically says we should destroy all technology and live like cavemen

>> No.19507727

juliette by de sade

>> No.19507736

Celines pamphlets unironically. Also obligatory shilling of KL von Hallers Restoration of political science

>> No.19507885
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>> No.19507948

Evola wasn't a fan of Christianity.

>> No.19507973
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>> No.19508485
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Unironically this

>> No.19509538

Possibly Codreanu's For My Legionaries.

>> No.19509599

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes. Not even kidding. Its what right wing is.

>> No.19509667
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>> No.19509772

Fuck that liberal faggot. Read Filmer.

>> No.19509810

Revolt against the modern world is pretty extreme

>> No.19509826

You're retarded

>> No.19509844

>Libertarian means anarchism
Read a fucking book

>> No.19509860

The Bible (Douay-Rheims or KJV w/ Apocrypha)

>> No.19509871


>> No.19509931

How do you give such consistently dogshit takes? Seriously, every word that comes out of your mouth is somehow wrong. I've never seen you give a good take. I'm more impressed than anything.

>> No.19509933

Marquis de Sade

>> No.19509960
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books? just go listen to this nigga anon.
although it is true... there's a lot of wisdom in old books.

>> No.19510054
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>> No.19510075

It's quite easy to invent an even more radical right wing platform. For example:

>A hyper eugenic state based on competing fiefdoms

>Murdering all non germanic people and enslaving all women.

>sterilizing everyone below a certain iq threshold

>following the Bible or Koran literally

>> No.19510117

Pretty hard desu. Because unlike far left extremism you cannot keep going further and further right. In the end you hit a philosophical end point. "Nothing to my right but a wall" is the expression. So probably something by Ironmarch, like next leap. Or maybe devis lightning and the sun (Hitler was too merciful to his enemies).
You're building a strawman of what you think is right wing.

>> No.19510120

That's not a strawman, I was just giving helpful ideas

>> No.19510128

I would read that and probably enjoy it tremendously tbqh.

>> No.19510140

I am partial to Archaic-age sacral kingship

>> No.19510151

I've written tons of material like that already. Sometimes I post it here but mostly I just save it in a text file. I'm not even right wing myself; I am literally a lolbertarian who believes in charity by temperament.

But right wing people simply lack imagination. Like they're utterly terrified of flouting the taboos the left have set up. "Oh no genocide, slavery, and fucking teenagers" have you read Homer lmao.

>> No.19510278

The Turner Diaries and Hunter

>> No.19511015

hitler is basically as far as it gets. maybe monarchists like >>19509772 are further depending on how you define it

>> No.19511217
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>> No.19511276
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Without apu

>> No.19511293

Nazis aren't right wing you retarded amerishit

>> No.19511452

Shut the fuck up bots

>> No.19511489

I-I'll take the next train, th-thanks.

>> No.19511778
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>> No.19511798

>he thinks national socialism is right-wing
The only place where national socialism has been right-wing is Germany. No other national socialist political unit is right-wing.
It's a German exception. Unique situation.

>> No.19511840

Hitler was a socialist, that isn't very right wing at all. Authoritarians &Totalitarians aren't a right-left thing. Most right wing sentiment I read was some kind of quasi-revolutionary monarchist idea of revolt and institution of a king. I don't remember what it was exactly but it was Thomas Carlyle.

Mind you, left and right aren't some elemental forces like fire and cold. This is just enlightenment larp.
Eugenics were always the progressive's game by an large. You're just falling into the Hitler hole along with OP.

>> No.19511857

Georgez Dumezil and Konstantin Pobedonostsev are the two farthest Right thinkers. Your precise metaphysical inclinations will determine which of the two is more Right Wing than the other, however.

Arthur Desmond was a lefty.

>> No.19511992

its only burger lolbertarians that pretend they arent right though?

>> No.19512009

see example here

>> No.19512148

Old progressive movement legislation was sterilizing natives all the way to the 70s in Canada. It wasn't traditionalist muh natural rights of man types that set it up. Galton and his enthusiasts weren't conservatives of any kind. I'm not an anglo or a newworldlet so I guess I have a tad more nuanced view informed by my local divergent political history as well as the forcefully mainstreamed anglo one. Right-left is a larp but if you stick to it then you have to accept that divide for what it is. Not make up handmaidens' tale type shit where le christian right deconstructs monogamy or some retarded shit like that.

Mussolini was shaped by communism and fascism grew out of applied leninism that shed Marxian utopian ideas as it filtered to him through like 2 thinkers away from Lenin himself Somehow this is the same as Carlyle because... because it just is, okay??? lel

>> No.19512160

This or Siege.

>> No.19512221

Point made.
That’s the trouble. I do read and know what libertarian means. It used to even be on Wikipedia till they were bought out. You’re being re-educated.
What you think of as libertarian is neoclassical liberalism. Although some of them are drifting this way or that on the economic scale. “Liberty” for capital is their only concern, and anathema to anarchists. Many of whom used the name libertarian to disassociate themselves from the illegalists and suicidal “deed” anarchists.

Another shade of rightwing, but liberal as well.
Extreme rightwing I suppose is simply and stupidly assuming everything that the monarchs believed in three hundred years ago. They’re all Enlightenment capitalists nowadays.

>> No.19512461

Based Stirner reader.

>> No.19512505


>> No.19512510

Lol why does the CC website shill shit like this?

>> No.19512529

Why assume it’s from there?

>> No.19512768

Normies tend to say the turner diaries but as for the true one I dont know.

>> No.19513787

For My Legionaries

I have a totally normal amount of antisemitism and even I wanted him to chill about the jews.

>> No.19514045


>> No.19514058

totally normal or normal by 4chan standards?

>> No.19514068

damn. so are you guys basically the literary Joker?

>> No.19514080

>and enslaving all women.
you do realize that Germanics, like Aryans in general, are more feminist than sand people and insectoids?

>> No.19514709

>Democracy: The God That Failed (Hoppe is widely misunderstood, but he's definitely extreme enough for your interests.)
Just finished this a couple weeks ago. Really loved it.

>> No.19515157

Tarnsman of Gor

>> No.19515268

Mein Kampf, unironically. Most right-wingers have (mistakenly) written it off because of the popular meme that it's a boring book. To an average person expecting to read the Devil's diary and instead getting a German political manifesto this is an understandable conclusion. But if you actually think through Hitler's ideas to their logical conclusion you get something like this >>19510075

>> No.19515365
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>be me
>bought and read the first two with pleasure
>haven't had sex in three years
>shitpost all day

>> No.19515384

you expected the shit that gets posted on here to actually change your life? lol