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/lit/ - Literature

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19504232 No.19504232 [Reply] [Original]

I have an essay due in 8 hours on a book i haven't read yet. I probably won't be sleeping tonight.
Post your best or worse /lit/ related experience.

>> No.19504238

How many words?

>> No.19504255

almost won an award at uni
accidentally got found out to be a "right winger" when I sperged at a master's presentation because I showed my power level.

>> No.19504265

Story time (for both pls)!

>> No.19504270

What's the book? /lit/ can help you write your essay.

>> No.19504275

its 1-2 pages, my last one was 1050 words and that was 1 and a half pages.

>> No.19504282

That takes 30 minutes at most. Just read a sparknotes

>> No.19504285
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i don't know if you can help but feel free to read along with me. Idk if theres a pdf anywhere for it.

>> No.19504319

>accidentally got found out to be a "right winger" when I sperged at a master's presentation because I showed my power level.

>> No.19504343

1000 words of should take 3 hours... If you can't pull that off you may as well drop out

>> No.19504346


>> No.19504352

Me and some gril were the last two people to be able to win the award within the country, but because mine was some psychotic schizobabble (quite literally, I was psychotic at the time) about [redacted]'s relationship to various methodologies for knowledge, and hers was about gendah, she won. I think she was the safer option and I did have some typos. But I hear that creativity can exist in crazy people's breaks from reality.
I just hadn't slept the night before so I was grouchy, then went to this master's presentation, when some dude was about to finish his degree by defending it. I had shaved my head in a psychotic break, I think we tend to do that when we're agitated or something. I was dressed a bit like a metalhead because most of my clothes were stinky at the time (messy student) so I wore stuff from my highschool days (a DOWN shirt). At the end of the presentation, someone asked me what I thought of it and I said, "Not for me." He was really aghast but the professors played it off like I was just some nobody so he shouldn't care. Then they listened as I said something like, "Do you like Sappho?" to my lesbian friend. Then one of my old professors said, "Wait a minute... Greeks... a DOWN t-shirt, and a shaved head? You're a NAZI!" I got really offended and said, "Oh I'm not a nazi, it's just a fashion statement sweaty." Eventually, it devolved into me saying how ridiculous this was because I wasn't even fully white and they were pale Anglos. They gave some lecture about internalised racism and white supremacy, and one of the professors literally sent me a book on racism in the mail once; it was authored by some homphobic pan-Africanist. Then, I let it slip that I didn't think most women but Sappho or Woolf could write, and all the feminist professors were up in arms and said, "We weren't ALLOWED TO WRITE." Basically, it turned into a shouting match aggravated by my lack of sleep; they all left annoyed and red-faced, saying, "If you don't read, you can't THINK" because I admitted I wasn't reading a book a week like I should be.

>> No.19504362

kek the last one took me like 20 hours and i got a 75% on it. I just find the premise of the essays to be odd, but i think i get what he's looking for now

>> No.19504379

Pls be bait
Do Americans really?

>> No.19504393

>almost got exposed
Anon, you WERE exposed.

Not because of the fashion, but because of what you said later. And they’re right. In many societies (even today in some places) women were not allowed to read or write. Combine that with gender stereotypes and societal pressure, many women didn’t even WANT to do that. Kinda like how women keep hair long and men keep hair short even though there is no biological reason for that.

>> No.19504401

It's all about that 'close reading'. Just pick a couple passages and hyperfocus on them.

>> No.19504405

You don't seem like the most reliable narrator

>> No.19504407

Why is pink girly?

Why is blue boyish?

These are all gender constructs.


How many people telling you the sky is red would it take for you to believe it?

>> No.19504432

Eh? I said I "almost won an award," which I will add was outside of the faculty's control, not that I was "almost exposed." Correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.19504577

if red was the word people used to describe the color of the sky. And lest you be reminded that the sky has a variance of hues, it does turn red every day numbnuts

>> No.19504615

what does this mean?

>> No.19504657

a drink usually helps me get going

>> No.19504894

You're probably fucked if it's an essay, but I managed to pass a test on Snow Country in my Jap literature class based on reading the wikipedia article, skimming the book and reading a sentence every 5 or 10 pages, and most importantly having an idea of the sort of answers the teacher wanted. Literary bullshitting is a skill all its own that renders most reading superfluous.

>> No.19504938

>OP gives you dysjunction question
>This or that. Only one that could be true
>Anon shares both his worst and best experience

Bad reading comprehension. This really represents /lit/. Lmao.

>> No.19504953

Could be an inclusive disjunction anon, as it traditionally is in logic.

>> No.19504963

For one of the all nighters I pulled in undergrad, I don't really remember working on the essay. It was one of the better essays I had composed under those circumstances, but I mostly remember watching the entirety of the anime Basilisk.
My prof said to me "This essay is pretty good but you cheated the word count a little bit. Look at how much of the page is taken up by your quotes." I looked and it was like half the page, so I had to agree.

>> No.19504970

Wouldn't you need to say "either ... or"? I think you need to brush up on logic.

>> No.19504973

I don’t have any because I never went to school

>> No.19505052

Are you in middle school?

>> No.19505463
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>It was one of the better essays I had composed under those circumstances, but I mostly remember watching the entirety of the anime Basilisk.
If we ever met, i would shout you a drink my friend. You are one of my people.

>> No.19505469

that should take like an hour and a half if you're citing all your sources and stuff. even less than that if not

>> No.19505592

that might be true if i read the book

>> No.19505611

>OP was made 8 hours ago
How'd you do bro?

>> No.19505614

the sheer amount of pushing by agents to include diverse bullshit in my manuscript

The decision to write a few more in a dedicated series and self-publish it, as soon as I got offers of rep.

Way I look at it, people act like being tradpubbed is some massive hurdle that proves you’re in the big leagues, but really it’s just uncreative faggots trying to Jew you out of royalties. Why bother actually using them if they’ve already given me the okay for my work and said it passes muster? I’d be an idiot to hand over all control and the majority of my earnings in exchange for shit that with a little time and effort I can actually do myself.
Just finalising a cool cover design that can be modified and recoloured for each book in the series, then it’ll be a matter of releasing them in a way which best abuses the algorithm in my favour.

I’ll be sure to link copies here for you faggots too. Planning the same for my Indie game on /v/

>> No.19505695

We were tasked to do speech writing and did an essay instead, with pretentiousness, to boot. My teacher didn't gave any sign of disapproval, she just ignored it. What makes me cringe so much is how pretentious it was.
Got A+ at math.

>> No.19506795
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>> No.19506916

1000 words is more like 4 pages

>> No.19506955

>400-word flash essay due in three weeks.
>Haven't even signed up for internet in my apartment.
>how fucked am I, bros?
In Word, regular spacing, size-12, there are around 600 words per page. When I was in school, standard formatting was size-12 and double-spaced, so yes, 1000 words would end up at four pages.

>> No.19506972

you finish it you sussy baka bitch?

>> No.19507000

If you can't start an essay like 90 minutes before it's due and get a B+ every single time, then unironically, and in the most literal sense, you aren't gonna make it.

College is a fucking joke and if you can't make it through literal baboon tier dumbed down 85 IQ classes, you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.19507102
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What? This concedes that women require allowances to produce work, ipso facto women are liberated by concessions men allow (and can subsequently rescind). Is this something actual people say? I can't imagine a feminist (basically every academic) espousing this sentiment because it invalidates their entire ethos. Is it bad bait, or was she just an unthinking twit?

>> No.19507115

I have chemistry exam tomorrow morning, and I haven't studied anything. If I pull an all nighter, I will have around 6 hours to prepare for it. Sad. I shouldn't have procrastinated the whole year. But whatever, for now gotta be stoic. A cup of coffee and maximum effort, let's go!

>> No.19507190

ya took me like 4 hours to read the book and 30 minutes to write it lol, i probably got a solid 70%

>> No.19507215

thats what i usually do but this guy is a hard ass who thinks his 2 credit class actually matters.

>> No.19507228

No, women unironically have this false revisionist belief that women were forbidden to write and had to hide their poems, letters and diaries from their evil husbands like it's The Handmaid's Tale or some shit.

>> No.19507307

in what world is down a nazi band? in what world would some random old professor recognize a down shirt? sounds made-up

>> No.19507348
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>mfw I never studied for tests and would just answer questions based on which answer made the most sense to me
>mfw I passed all my classes and got my master's in Literature and Writing

>> No.19507387

Underage b& OUT OUT OUT

>> No.19507610

This one time, I was asked to read 24 (twenty-four) books for a Japanese Literature exam in college, although I admit some were short. The teacher's last question was about something that was written in the appendix of one of the books.
Sometimes I still think about it.

>> No.19507824

>Post your best or worse /lit/ related experience.
Wrote a 6-paged essay, a 2,500-word analysis of the novel in 4 parts, 80 annotations, and citing/analyzing all figurative language mentioned in the novel in a single. The novel was Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, which isn't as good as his other work.

>> No.19508952

Why do people do this?

>> No.19508978

I have a 4000 word legal essay due in 6 days. I haven’t started.

Your thoughts?