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19503630 No.19503630 [Reply] [Original]

From "The Revolt of the Masses" by Ortega y Gasset:
>Strictly speaking, the mass, as a psychological fact, can be defined without waiting for individuals to appear in mass formation. In the presence of one individual we can decide whether he is "mass" or not. The mass is all that which sets no value on itself — good or ill — based on specific grounds, but which feels itself "just like everybody," and nevertheless is not concerned about it; is, in fact, quite happy to feel itself as one with everybody else.

>The characteristic of the hour is that the commonplace mind, knowing itself to be commonplace, has the assurance to proclaim the rights of the commonplace and to impose them wherever it will. As they say in the United States: "to be different is to be indecent." The mass crushes beneath it everything that is different, everything that is excellent, individual, qualified and select. Anybody who is not like everybody, who does not think like everybody, runs the risk of being eliminated. And it is clear, of course, that this "everybody" is not "everybody." "Everybody" was normally the complex unity of the mass and the divergent, specialised minorities. Nowadays, "everybody" is the mass alone.

>The sovereignty of the unqualified individual, of the human being as such, generically, has now passed from being a juridical idea or ideal to be a psychological state inherent in the average man.

>The mass-man would never have accepted authority external to himself had not his surroundings violently forced him to do so. As to-day, his surroundings do not so force him, the everlasting mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to other authority and feels himself lord of his own existence.

>Once for all, he accepts the stock of commonplaces, prejudices, fag-ends of ideas or simply empty words which chance has piled up within his mind, and with a boldness only explicable by his ingenuousness, is prepared to impose them everywhere.… Why should he listen if he has within him all that is necessary? There is no reason now for listening, but rather for judging, pronouncing, deciding. There is no question concerning public life, in which he does not intervene, blind and deaf as he is, imposing his "opinions."

Any more like this, or like Guenon's Reign of Quantity?

>> No.19503659

Laughing uncontrollably at your video. I didn't realize what was going on at first, I thought it was an autist seeking to win a man's heart through dance, but being some brahmin turmeric monster learning how to appease a zoomer mulatto who somehow sprang from a ginger's loins so she could give her a COVID vaxx was not where I thought this was going. The fact it's horribly ugly too. Man it's so fucking ugly. Thank you for sharing anon.

>> No.19503675

man against mass society by marcel

>> No.19503685

On Democracy in America - Alexis de Tocqueville
The One-Dimensional Man - Herbert Marcuse
The Culture of Narcissism - Christopher Lasch
The Closing of the American Mind - Harold Bloom
Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola
Yuga: An Anatomy of Our Fate - Marty Glass

>> No.19504358

That’s the most globohomo thing I’ve ever seen and I took the v@x

>> No.19506096


>> No.19506147


>> No.19506166

that webm gave me cancer

>> No.19506188

So repulsive

>> No.19506207

Thank you for ruining my day.

>> No.19506810


Of course