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/lit/ - Literature

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19503464 No.19503464[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature and Poetry > Sculpture and Art > Classical Music > Cinema and Theatre > TV shows > Movies > Modern Music > Graphic novels and Manga > Dogshit > Anime and Cartoons

>> No.19503505

The objective rankings:

>god tier
Music. Both classical and pop music. I love music so fucking much bros

>high tier

>mid tier
Novels and stories

>le flashy sneed tier

>> No.19503518

I love cum and smoking that doesn't mean it's good
>opera in god and le flashy sneed
KYS my man

>> No.19503534

Opera is not merely music, it is le flashy sneed look at me I'm 5 different art forms. It can be good but still. I dont dislike any of those 3 anyway

>> No.19503538

High brow
>classical music

Middle brow

Low brow
>modern movies
>modern music
>tv shows

Shit brow
>video games
>manga and anime
>modern "art"

>> No.19503546

>High brow
oh no no no no no

>> No.19503553

Commentary played over video games >>>>>>> Books > Music >>>> Visual Art >>>> Video Games > Film > Theatre > Television > image board posts

>> No.19503572

Anna Karenina, Moby Dick, Ulysses, etc, are absolutely high brow

>> No.19503592

Daily hunting for sustenance in the woods alone with your dog and retiring to a warm cabin every night > your life

>> No.19503600

Nobody does this. Meds now

>> No.19503686

Poetry, (great) music, and drama > high tier novels > high tier cinema and television > things I do not enjoy

>> No.19503695


>> No.19503881

Why do you larpers put sculpture above paintings? Is it because among the visual art mediums, it's the most "obscure" or less explored just like poetry is for literature? Never change, pseuds! Out of curiosity, which sculpture besides "David" by Michelangelo compelled you to put sculpture above paintings, the highest of all arts? I always love the threads where you retards who don't know shit about art besides literature rank art forms. Michelangelo's painting "Creation of Adam" is more impressive and artistic than anything Dante, Milton, or Shakespeare did. the best ranking I've seen so far is the OP. But I'll switch places with literature for music. When you talk about the Genius of the Arts, we have Da Vinci, Bach, Michelangelo, Mozart, Francisco Goya, Rafael, a huge margin, then Dante, Shakespeare, or whoever you lads are still arguing is the greatest writer. "The Third of May 1808" by Francisco Goya, and all his paintings, are far more impressive than anything Cervantes wrote. Hell, even Picasso is levels above James Joyce. "Guernica" is more impressive than anything that Fart Sniffer produced. Dante doesn't even comw to mind when there is a discussion about the artistic geniuses from italy. His name isn't mentioned until Da vinci, Michelangelo and Rafael have been mentioned. Even Botticelli is above him. All of the old masters btfo any writer in the literary Canon. If you are ranking Art forms, and you don't have Painting as number 1, why are you wasting your time?

>> No.19503913

When you guys put poetry at the very top (or near to it), what kinds of poetry are you imagining? What poets are you thinking of? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.19503957
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Bernini. I've gone to the Met like once so I don't put sculpture that high up but I'm aware of it's virtue, to capture beauty solidly in all three dimensions, to make stone appear like flesh, etc. I'm assuming wherever you live is also bereft of statues or else you would appreciate them more.

>> No.19503963

Pushkin for example

>> No.19503984
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I should clarify that I'm not the guy you were responding to, just saying that sculpture didn't end with Mike.

>> No.19503991

I would tell you to take your meds but I suspect the problem is that you're taking someone else's meds

>> No.19504029

I have no problems with sculptures. I love them. In fact, some of the greatest Artist were great sculptors. It helped with their anatomy, and understanding of the human body, which is the greatest artwork of all time. We could even consider God the greatest artist. But, how can one rank art forms, and rank the one where the greatest of the old masters most shined in anything but number 1? Michelangelo is a better painter than sculptor imo. I just feel this board puts it above painting because, like poetry, its the least "explored." So they feel smart becausw they appreciate it. At least unless their larping.

>> No.19504041


>> No.19504056

90% of people find Michaelangelos sculptures more impressive than his paintings. It is literally the normal view. Since when is sculpture obscure in any way, it is actually much easier to sculpt than it is to paint, since you are creating a simple object, rather than an illusion of sorts. You pretty much need training to paint but any child can sculpt something

>> No.19504065

favorite videogame essayists?

>> No.19504108

you just got off the anime board

>> No.19504131

U can’t rank art objectively but music is the supreme forme of language. Lit is close but no cigar. It’s actually better off for it. The beautiful part of reading is the purity of how thought is translated to the reader. Film is inherently limited, it’s not a bad form for art at all but it’s physical reality holds it back from full expression. Theatre is a more real film (time is a bastard). Pure visual arts are like the other half of what music is that literature loses. When I listen to music. Any music. I purely imagine from the language inherent. Music is based.

>> No.19504252

no, they are high-middle brow

(good) short stories and (good) essays are the only form of prose belle-lettre that is high-brow

>> No.19504327

Video Games are not art BTW

>> No.19504337


>> No.19504376

Meds aren't gonna be enough for you

>> No.19504392

Literally the same art form

>> No.19504395

Citizen Kane is cinema. Avengers is a movie.

>> No.19504399

Sculpture is shit. Just X buff guy in marble

>> No.19504433

Those are just snobby classifications. They are the same art form.

>> No.19504440

8/10 bait, I almost got mad

>> No.19504479

why has 'meds' or 'schizo' become the new favourite buzzwords of this odious shitheap of a site

>> No.19504497

/lit/ is always so massively behind the times kek. It has been a meme for years; it started with people saying "take your meds" if you expressed controversial ideas or sentiments, things like not trusting vaccines. People then just adopted it to refer to any statement indicating what they considered a disconnect from reality or frenetic/unbalanced tone.

>> No.19504509

What do you mean?

>> No.19504521
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So the structuralists basically proved that classification semantics are a festing corpse for phylogenic vultures and other lexicon thrawls (pic related grinds my axe)
overall the personal arts so far exceed the consumed in almsot every facet that the discussion is useless and I fear only partaken by failures of the former and exclusives of the latter

>> No.19504524
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>> No.19504531

Peak autism

>> No.19504533

The hierarchy of genres is determined by the genre's difficulty to be full deconstructed. Genres that are more difficult to deconstruct allow for a higher ceiling and potential for subjective interpretation allowing them to potentially relate to incredibly nuanced yet also broad aspects of the human condition.

This is my promptly made thesis on the topic, do you agree? Are there any books that touch on this?

>> No.19504545

Music = poetry > Painting > Cinema > Architecture = Sculpture > Theater> Comics > Photography > Dance

>> No.19504547

These are art forms, not genres.

>> No.19504558

Angloids have such a bizarre conception of art.

>> No.19504576

You can say the same about art forms and genres. Art forms are different modes so by default they are stricter to dividing what certain forms can and can't do

>> No.19504600
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Drain Gang / Sad Boys > Anime > Literature and Poetry > Sculpture and Art > Classical Music > Cinema and Theatre > TV shows > Movies > Modern Music > Graphic novels and Manga > Dogshit > Cartoons

>> No.19504614
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You will *never* be an Anglo

>> No.19504637

Opera is music you fucking moron

>> No.19505023

>moby dick: highbrow
>oidipus rex: middlebrow

>> No.19505027
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Yep, I listen to Glenn Gould AND Taylor Swift, how could you tell.

>> No.19505032
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There's no such thing as high brow, middle brow and so on. There is only based and cringe.

>> No.19505070

faggots who rank artforms like this have no experience with any of them. there could not be a more midwit pseud take than ranking the arts in all their vastness like a fucking buzzfeed tier list.

anime is indeed unironically lower than dogshit, this is accurate.

>> No.19505080

Only god is god tier you moron.
Certainly not music

>> No.19505081


>> No.19505087

poetry and sculpture are not obscure or unexplored you dumb retard.

>> No.19505126

music=dance>death>oral storytelling>writtenpoetry>funerals=graves>sport>everything else (cartoon>live action)

>> No.19505190

it was just any remaining modernists trying to cope with the pomos telling them all their theory was stupid

>> No.19505233

Opera is music theatre.

>> No.19505558

based. Music works most strongly on me but still, ranking media is total retardation. I'll take a great film over a shit album any time of day

>> No.19505602

The fact that Manga and Anime are even considered is fucking retarded.

>> No.19505607

Don't bother with Film fags. There's no discernible difference between the Avengers and whatever those nauseating, insufferable pseuds jerk off to.

>> No.19505638

schopenhauer ranked artforms, are you dumb?

>> No.19505649

don't do this, makes you look emotionally unstable

>> No.19505659

This. It makes all the difference to differentiate between classical and modern. The two are not the same.

>> No.19505673

"film" and "movies" are used as synonyms in film studies. you would know this if you weren't a larping pseud

>> No.19507021
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>nooooo you cant do that it isn't heckin wholesome it is extremely serious business to rank le artforms you're doing me a frighten

>> No.19507026

>being so incredibly dumb you cant grasp the concept of an artform combining multiple other artforms

>> No.19507033

Then videogames would be the highest?

>> No.19507037


>> No.19507482

No they would be the lowest or not included because the meaning of a video game is already determined by its objectives and does not require deconstruction. When you experience a game you have objectives so you know what you must do.

>> No.19507498

Thank God.

>> No.19507505

Imagine thinking literature is even an art form and that it is superior or equal to music

>> No.19507590

i´m pretty sure cinema is higher than literature, it has the potential to surprass it, the medium is still young, also most novelists are trying to ape hbo shows, what a bunch of scumbags


>> No.19507733


Pussy > rap music > beating up nerds > weird gay nerd shit

>> No.19507745

>beating up nerds, he posts on the literature section of the anime image board

>> No.19507766

Literature might have been high brow before the advent of public schools but since everyone can read now it's literally the lowest, most base form of art. Something that only an elite group can appreciate? Modern art. Everything else has become too democratized

>> No.19507777
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music > architecture & sculpture > theatre > painting > literature > film&tv > cartoons > vidya > anime&manga


>> No.19507794
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lucky quads of TRUTH

>> No.19507974

Why do people so often consider music of all things the highest form of art? Music is shit. Music lends itself to the most base, most savage aspect of our nature. It is the human imposition of noise. It is a bulldog art. There is nothing of music that is intellectual. Nothing of it which does more than whorishly placate the senses.

>> No.19508003

film&tv > cartoons > vidya

>> No.19508013

>There is nothing of music that is intellectual.
Patently false. You clearly know nothing about music.

>> No.19508024

musicfags are so fucking cucked by metaphysics of presence and emotional response they don't even know what art even is, get the fuck off the board

>> No.19508028

maybe you know nothing about music

>hurrrr maths

>> No.19508039

try 'deconstruct' game code if you think it is easy

>> No.19508044

ultimately all art forms turn back to literature in order to justify their standing as art. there is no escape

>> No.19508763

democratisation is the art form

>> No.19508848

Emotional unstability is in the eye of the beholder
In other words, you're projecting your negative attributes into everything and everyone you dislike the slightest

>> No.19509093

This sounds like something an emotionally unstable person would say

>> No.19509529

lemme guess you havent read dante and if you did you would have read some anglo translation

>> No.19509604

You’re conflating literature as in written works of artistic merit with literature as in academic papers on a subject, also
Cringe. If you can’t discern an honest human feeling without reading reviews then you have no taste for art in the first place

>> No.19509620

Yes vidya is trash, cartoons are where all the accessible and biting satire on society is, and film&tv have at least some potential artistic merit. Reply with an actual claim next time pussy

>> No.19509633

I can tell your aesthetic opinion is worthless but how much you manage to type without actually saying anything

>> No.19509646

Highest brow
>Classical musics of all cultures
>Poetry and abstract prose
>Analytic philosophy (not really art though)
>High fashion

High brow
>Folk music
>Continental philosophy
>Fictional literature

Upper middle brow
>High cuisine

Lower middle brow
>Popular music
>Video games pre Half-Life 2

Low brow
>Live action TV shows
>Cartoons, incl. anime
>Video games post Half-Life 2

Absolutely perfect example of a word salad. There is zero substance to your dumbass argument.

>> No.19509878

doing that >>>>>>>> not doing that

>> No.19509884

>You’re conflating literature as in written works of artistic merit with literature as in academic papers on a subject
no shit buddy
>honest human feeling
now you have to justify why 'honest human feeling' is the purpose of art without any sort of recourse to theory or philosophy. good luck

>> No.19509893


>> No.19509894

t. has never explored (let alone tried to create) anything past top 40 and tourist shit, and uses this as some sort of intellectual affirmation

>> No.19509914

Most artful game is probably Dark Souls. Half Life 2 is a generic shooter with no merit expect muh physics.

>> No.19510455

You want a proper argument? Fine. Music is almost entirely affective in nature: it offers little or no intellectual substance, which disqualifies it from any but the lowest rung of art. A song cannot convey intellectual matter in the same way a painting or a sculpture or a novel can, excepting cases in which said song is accompanied by lyrics (which falls more in the realm of literature than music).

Music lacks an entire artistic dimension, simply put, and so in terms of aesthetic beauty, it is a relatively shallow form. Listen to any of the old masters' concertos, and you will be left with, perhaps, a pleasant sensation in your chest or a light, airy feeling at the pit of your stomach. Maybe, if you are a musician, there is some satisfaction at the skill of the players involved or of the finer points of composition. Read a novel, on the other hand, and you will be left with more than a vague feeling of melancholy or imprecise giddiness. You will be left with ideas. With convictions. With arguments. You will, assuming you have understood the work, experience a pleasure far greater than the musican, because it will extend itself beyond the fingertips which have turned the pages, beyond the eyes which have read the words, beyond the lips and tongue which have shaped and shorn the grooves of each weighty syllable upon the page. It will belong to you, and you to it.

So yeah, fuck music.

>> No.19510496

top tier
>classical music
>everything else

>> No.19510514

>Music is almost entirely affective in nature: it offers little or no intellectual substance
That's why it's the best, but only 1. if it's instrumental music, and 2. its substance is symbolically hidden in cryptic motifs and development.
>A song cannot convey intellectual matter in the same way a painting or a sculpture or a novel can, excepting cases in which said song is accompanied by lyrics (which falls more in the realm of literature than music).
All songs have lyrics. And this is exactly why non-instrumental music is terrible; it's not even entirely music, only a confused mess.
>if you are a musician, there is some satisfaction at the skill of the players involved or of the finer points of composition
Another reason why it's good and why it filters non-musicians.

So yeah, fuck you.

>> No.19510553

>A song cannot convey intellectual matter in the same way a painting or a sculpture or a novel can, excepting cases in which said song is accompanied by lyrics
Lmfao you are an actual NPC.

>> No.19510605

Reminder that literature > classical music
Tolstoy was a greater genius than Beethoven

>> No.19510612

>concept songs / albums don't exist
>instrumental and lyrical content can't tell a story outside basic emotions or convey intellectual content, but muh pretty brushstrokes on a painting can
>any lyrical content / arguments can be written off as stealing from literature and disqualified, despite its application and interaction with the instrumentation / singing format being the primary selling point of the writing or poetry itself and how it gains additional emotional power or flow over muh literary mental gymnastic brain movies


>> No.19510631

The last digit of this post is how many inches long your dick is.

>> No.19510637

>That's why it's the best
Care to explain why that would be? The appreciation of beauty necessarily involves both the senses and the intellect. I fail to see how forgoing either would improve the art.

>> No.19510659

I'm sorry you're insecure about your intelligence.
Right back at you, pal.
If you can give me an example of music conveying intellectual content without the use of lyrics, then I'll concede the point. Also, you realise poetry was originally sung, correct? When it comes to lyrics, it's always been more about the words and not the music accompanying them.

>> No.19510712
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>ranking art mediums
your iq must be three digits to qualify
Confirmed for being a midwit faggot incel just rattling off surface level nonsense on subjects you know nothing about.
Whats next? Your favorite classical composer is Bach and not Mozart? Signifying your higher intelligence?
Go to school kid

>> No.19510716
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>film studies

>> No.19510820


>> No.19510822


>> No.19510856

>9 inches
lmao thanks

>> No.19510861


>> No.19510947

Really though, trolling on 4chan to create quality character psychology while writing engaging prose > literature of any kind > literally everything else

>> No.19511254
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>> No.19512035

>God tier
>Garbage tier
everything else in between

>> No.19512065

Poetry originally being sung and oral tradition preceding written word and mental abstraction historically being projected on auditory stimulus before (and more commonly than) written stimulus is actually more just evidence that literature and the written form shouldn't have this monopoly on linguistic information that you seem to give it

>> No.19513160

music is a craft - there is nothing artistic about it, how it's arranged, its complexity, etc. it doesn't achieve anything greater than a fine piece of furniture

>> No.19513238

if you said this in person i’d slap you at least once

>> No.19513515

yeah because you think feeling happy then sad because of chord change is some divine experience. you'll grow out of music in your mid-late 20s

>> No.19513536

nice try autismo but i’m in my late 20s and it’s more meaningful now than ever
sorry it doesn’t make sense, maybe one day it will

>> No.19513543

The real answer to this is:
/lit/ threads > ......... > everything else

>> No.19513573

i'm sorry to hear that man

>> No.19513585

There are people who listen to opera without watching it. Many people. Tell me Wagner is a worse composer than John Williams because he wrote opera. Fucking dumbass you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.19513610

Morphy even swept the board with two bozos because he wanted to get back to watching Norma