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/lit/ - Literature

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19503157 No.19503157 [Reply] [Original]

What are some actual legitimate alternative paths to knowledge and intellectualism that differ from academia?

Becoming a NEET reader is not a perfect solution. I'm talking about developing one's one ideas while at the same time being surrounded by a group of interesting individuals that can challenge oneself. The social aspect of learning can not be understated.

Academia, with al its problems, does facilitates an intellectual environment that is - from my knowledge - unmatched by any alternative non-academic path.

>> No.19503180

You're in the next best alternative unless some secret discord groups have been holding out. Everyone is trying to get their good boy plaques from useless non profits so you're only going to see shallow crap develop. If I become rich I can switch it. I have a lot of ideas. I only say if I because ik I'll never become rich or accepted in my lifetime and I've done a very good 4 years of torture so far and I have another 6 more until something in my body breaks. They're making sensitove to salt and ozone so I have to be very careful w what I do. I can't take allergy pills so something will break down. My kidneys are being fucked w so soon maybe who knows.

>> No.19503214

/lit/ is a good place to get the occasional inspirational or interesting post but it's far from a decent alternative to academia. Most posts are complete waste of times.

Also, I think that embodiment is a necessary feature of learning well. Something which the internet just hasn't got yet.

For the rest of your comment, I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.19503256

b u m p

>> No.19503263

Yeah there are things we can do to fix it but it hasn't matured yet.

As for the rest of your non comment, you really should try to see how that's the exact same issue you speak of

>> No.19503274

I went to Uni of Adelaide, spooky that other Adelaide anons lurk here. Try independent scholarship though, you can talk to a lot of journal editors and other researchers on Twitter and go to conferences.

>> No.19503390
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>What are some actual legitimate alternative paths to knowledge and intellectualism that differ from academia?



>I'm talking about developing one's one ideas while at the same time being surrounded by a group of interesting individuals that can challenge oneself.

It is year twothosand twentyone; there are no more universities, or anything like them, only globaria; currently, conversationally active sapient, and/or wise persons subsist in the penumbra of "4chan(nel)", and/or engage in martial pursuits; if you want to "challenge" yourself engage within the community of the former, or within any community that facilitates the latter.

>Academia, with al its problems, does facilitates an intellectual environment that is - from my knowledge - unmatched by any alternative non-academic path.

Learning to talk much about nothing is Prater Anselm's school, so you can also be on the lookout for him.

>> No.19503486

I like that idea. Do you think you need a PhD for that or do you think that even without a bachelors degree it would be possible to be taken seriously?

How can a full auto-didact be taken seriously at conferences?

>> No.19503974

Why do you speak so affectedly?

>> No.19504014

>Do you think you need a PhD for that
Minimum is usually a master's degree, and I would argue it would need to be an MPhil or Masters by Research.

>> No.19504026

You ok bro? Don't become isolated or delusional, that only hurts you. Stay healthy and be with someone you love to keep you balanced, if you can.

>> No.19504028

Triggered you c:

>> No.19504039

Conferences are a joke except for very specialized fields where the research is somehow guaranteed to be semi-serious, like if people are mostly presenting new archaeological finds or tangible shit like that (and even those mostly suck too)

Don't idolize academia, conferences are 99% fake excuses to get a stupid conference presentation on your CV so you can look busy and important

What we really need are rogue academics who can bridge the gap to independent scholars and make the latter realize that they aren't as isolated and "fringe" as they think they are, to create formal and informal networks of serious scholarship outside of the academy. The independent scholars could do that on their own too, it would just be a lot easier and quicker if people with academic credentials and experience of how bullshit the whole academic machine is could come and point out how the emperor has no clothes

I mean I actually fucking winced to see someone going "how can I be taken seriously at conferences" when I "presented" at a dozen conferences and have many friends who did also and some who still do, and without fail, every one of those presentations had less effort put into it than your average undergraduate paper bullshitted at the last moment 6 hours after the submission deadline. Don't idolize this awful evil pile of shit industry, that's exactly what the talentless, sad, mediocre pieces of shit who still get PhDs want you to do, since it's the only way they can still grasp for clout.

>> No.19504079

hey wtf, adelaide bros in here? ._.

>> No.19504099


You should rather ask yourself why it seems like that to you.

>> No.19504103

>responding to a gimmick tripfag

>> No.19504402

I had the same thing happen to me when I was just about to finish my degree. Sinuses inflamed constantly, dull pain on both sides of my torso just below my ribs (like a stitch from running but softer), plus I started grinding my teeth every night despite not having anxiety AT ALL (I was pretty much acing my classes without a problem and everything was going like I planned so it's not like there was even a reason to be anxious). Had a master's lined up and then they decided they wanted to fuck with me. Not sure if they were trying to stop me from progressing or if this was some weird test. Anyway I started noticing the pain being worse on my right side and every morning I swear my piss was brown. I started drinking loads of water but I dunno I guess that made me lightheaded but I think there was something in the water apart from the fluoride honestly (wouldn't put it past them). Eventually I sort of found a "just right" amount but it took me like three weeks to balance the dizziness and the scary pee, plus I was filtering everything twice. Even worse was that midway through I started losing sleep and noticing a tiny little ringing noise when I'd lie in bed. Turned off everything in my apartment but it sounded like it was coming from the walls so I figure they were fucking with the electricity and changing the frequency (my electronics started acting up, so I'm betting it was that, plus EMF is said to INDUCE anxiety AND hallucinations). I figured out this was how they were making me grind my teeth at night and it was also making me make mistakes on tests and assignments since I was losing sleep AND it was giving me I dunno like some kind of hallucinatory dyslexia? Anyway I started looking into it lots because I was figuring out that it was on purpose and not just tinnitus (I've never been to a concert and I'm not one of those idiots that wears headphones all the time I don't even listen to music so there's no way I have tinnitus and it's gone now so whatever) and I read that some people with tinnitus (again, not me, but useful) could use another frequency to cancel out what they hear. I started sleeping with noise cancelling headphones that played the inverse of the frequency I was hearing which pretty much immediately made me stop grinding my teeth. After that all the mental fog and "dyslexia" started clearing up and I could understand things again. (Still almost failed but that was because of other stuff and not my fault.) I got into the master's and now I'm on the cusp of starting my PhD and I can tell they're starting to fuck with me again but whatever I already know how to deal with this and I'm not gonna fall for some dumb trick lmao.

But I wanted to tell you that if that sounds familiar it's probably not your kidneys but your LIVER. Cut out ALL alcohol and try eating organ meat, and try not to drink anything straight from the tap because it's pretty obvious that's how they get you (there was the same plumber coming to my building

>> No.19504409

Reddit spacing tripfag. Probably Cumschizo

>> No.19504416

It isn’t 1900 anymore bro.

>> No.19504435

like every month and I'm 100% sure he was fucking with the lines to my apartment so I started rotating public water sources and boiling/double-filtering tap water if I HAD to use it);.

And I can tell that we're both gonna make it and when you make it a little further you'll see honestly. You just gotta power through and then you're gonna see how much stronger you are than them and honestly they can't do ANY-THING. It's crazy that anyone gets so hung up on stuff like this since it doesn't actually work as well as they think and they're not really all powerful and that's just whate they want you to believe. I know that whateer the numbers say is pretty much spot on and the trick is to figure out IN-BETWEEN (HINT: in-be-twin) and that's pretty much howI girued out that we're (I already knew I was but I mean you) are gonna make it after all this it's not a big deal . Also avoid "people" (you know who I mean) because it's better even if they're weak not to even bother with them for now because by the time you're stronger you'll just ignore them and you'll see what it['s all like . It's pretty much a war of attrition, but you'll win every time, just remember to play the long con because they're so caught up on success they don't think ahead and that's how you can get them.

Also what I said before how I wasn't sure it was a test or if I was just being deterred from progress is because at the same time I was starting to get dreams (more like "visions" because I was still kind of awake) where I was bveing told I was on the right path and etc. that it was going to be hard but to power through. So I figured there was something good on my side or my subconscious was aware of something but I don't know if it was a warning or like the "start" to the test. Anyway, here Iam.

>> No.19504441
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>> No.19504464

haha silly 4channer, you will never join my secret true CATHOLIC initiation guild of mystics where we commune with the Triune God via gnosis/intellect of our soul while taking an adjuvant that puts us in a death like state so our souls can achieve identity with an aspect of Being via intellection. Ascending Jacobs ladder, climbing out of Plato's Cave, little by little we ELECT have achieved true knowledge while the blind and myopic academics and their ilk have played around with mere shadows and stand PROUD of what shadows of knowledge that they could grasp and call it "progress".

>> No.19504484

What do you want to learn? what direction do you want to go? You can get a STEM or business degree without almost ever having to set foot inside a building. You can also sit in on plenty of ivy league classes, start with Yale Open Courses and see if there is anything you like.

>> No.19504491

>But I wanted to tell you that if that sounds familiar it's probably not your kidneys but your LIVER. Cut out ALL alcohol and try eating organ meat, and try not to drink anything straight from the tap because it's pretty obvious that's how they get you (there was the same plumber coming to my building
>like every month and I'm 100% sure he was fucking with the lines to my apartment so I started rotating public water sources and boiling/double-filtering tap water if I HAD to use it);.
Schizo breakdown in real time.

>> No.19504516
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Please divulge more on the vanity of academia. I very much enjoyed this.

>> No.19504517

You put in all that effort and achieved nothing. You just look obsessed

>> No.19504539
File: 86 KB, 890x501, MW-HI445_Mauree_20190429113517_ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes yes give it to me don't stop keep going

>> No.19504559

Not buying it, pal.

>> No.19504572

You are pathetic

>> No.19504580

I'm also not the one putting in more effort to look crazy. Why would I lie about it? What do I get from it that just chilling out would not serve if I didn't have issues? Like you have to be retarded and assume more crazier things to assert that than to just assume I'm in deep shit.

>> No.19504587

I can definitely assert you have to be crazier because your shit had much more effort on the face of it and if it didn't then you're crazy because you typed more but if you assume I'm crazy then that makes you crazier than me so what are you getting worked up about you fucking retard?

>> No.19504612

lmao both of you are fucking schizos after everything i just read
are you both seriously that inept? go see a fucking shrink lol

>> No.19504725
File: 216 KB, 1000x1394, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

el = lambda
em = mu
ay = alpha
oh = omicron
Put them together and you spell, Malot in Greek: "Μαλό"
He was adapted into various anime.
4chan is an anime imageboard website.
Figure it out.
>both of you are fucking schizos after
Perfect iambic pentameter, which strangely rhymes with this line by Shakespeare, but going backwards:
>After a thousand victories once foil'd,
The rhyming line to this is:
>And all the rest forgot for which he toil'd:
So, you're saying that the schizoposters toiled for nothing much in particular, as they will be forgotten.
Next, you say:
>everything i just read / are you both
This is a direct allusion to Sonnet XCIX:
>A third, nor red nor white, had stol'n of both
But what has a third stolen from both of those schizoposters?

>> No.19504747

You have to sit and wait until the CIA kidnaps you and puts you in their secret underground-base monasteries in Antarctica where they will train a la>>19504464 and make you maximally strong or kill you in the process

>> No.19504787


>> No.19504893
File: 313 KB, 1920x2560, fTYtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you jest, but before it ends know this:
the secrets you hold are deep and are true
they unfold in your breast, revealed in moments to you
but your perpetual angst, the point of your spite
affords your heart no time, no spirit invite
instead of introspection you dwell on destruction
piling on sin through your lack of discretion
you watch anime which turns your heart gay
you post on boards till your fingers are sore
please stop, you fool
your heart has a limit
to what it can take
from what you can give it
what I'd like you to know cannot go out be put into words
no noun no sound no letters no verbs
but what I can do is paint a picture for you
hoping to shock your life from its fugue
so though its been long and and this is truly belated
click on the thumbnail, pic very related

>> No.19504896

Also is Remi worth watching? I've got it downloaded but I didn't make it past the first episode.

>> No.19504900

Are you a real human?

>> No.19504956
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this level of shizo is like believing that OwO is greek for Thoth, Θώθ , and that there are elites who are making us worship their gods by perpetuating memes which invoke their names whether we know it or not.

>> No.19505000

>perpetuating memes which invoke their names

Such as?

>> No.19505028
File: 68 KB, 740x600, kek-vs-moloch-bleh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the aforementioned thoth egyptian god of wisdom becoming the OwO meme, and the other one that comes to mind is KEK which is the egyptian god of the void, this invoking of egyptian gods was a meme at the time of the trump election in 2016 on 4chan/8ch and was considered a sign of synchronicity that these gods (esp KEK) favored the cause of trump being elected and since 4chan culture has always had this chaos principle to it they happily accepted KEK as a deity.

>> No.19505054
File: 770 KB, 3116x2337, IMG_20210101_123128_070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless Thoth Alpha kai Omega

>> No.19505076

I know precisely what you're talking about. glowies whatch you btw.

>> No.19505084

japs love to reference pagan gods and mythology in anime so yes why couldnt that be possible? the pagan gods are just demons anyway so of course they have the ability to influence creators to subconsciously include demonic symbolism in their works with the intent of attaching to the souls of every individual consuming the media.

>> No.19505088

Sounds pretty cool. Be a shame if someone tipped you off to the archons...