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19502940 No.19502940 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women today mostly read books written by other women? What are male writers failing to deliver that they're finding in female authored books?

>> No.19502942

Women are mostly retarded, hence reading kindred spirits

>> No.19502950

have sex

>> No.19502955

Well, incel, that goes both ways. Tell me: do you read books written by women?

>> No.19502959

Empathy and believable female characters. Women also hate objectification and the male gaze, which is hard to get rid of in men.

>> No.19502965

Yes, your mom asks me for that regularly

>> No.19502968

No, they are retarded, next question

>> No.19502972


>> No.19502974
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>Empathy and believable female characters. Women also hate objectification and the male gaze, which is hard to get rid of in men.
God I hate that /lit/ is now full of women and trannies

>> No.19502979

Cultural narcissism. Nobody wants shit that isn't them. They need to have their own individual selfhood reflected back at themselves by all external sources. They're intolerant of the idea of an other.
Same reason a lot of faggots on /lit/ read their way through "top 100" charts as some kind of perverse exercise in american style self help

>> No.19502988

Women objectify men all the time.

>> No.19502989

For some reason whenever multiple women display their sex meat simultaneously it really makes me see how retarded sex meat is in the first place, and how insane women are for permitting themselves to be seen as sex meat.

Imagine if society were arranged so that the dominant theme of your life was people wanting to see the space between your ballbag and your asshole. The completely unremarkable stinky taint space you don't even think about. But you are raised since childhood to integrate showing your taint meat, wearing clothing that reveals your taint meat, cultural rituals revolve around your taint meat, your human relationships with other people revolve around their desire to smell and suck on your taint meat. You are so saturated in the purely external taint obsession of these deranged lunatics that you can't remember or understand a world where your taint is just a taint. Women are like that except their whole body is one giant taint. One big stinky bag of meat people want to lick and touch.

A woman has no choice to say "I am more than stinky fuck meat," because being sex meat is all she's ever known from the ground up. All her friendships with other women revolve around talking about men who want to touch her hole where the shit comes out, all her relationships with men are thinly veiled dances revolving around whether she feels like letting them touch her smelly holes. Centuries of feminism can't make them see themselves as anything more than an expression and vehicle of sex. When they try to say "I am a real person and not just sex" it is as one more dance step in the dance of alternately denying and bestowing the right to suck on their sweaty floppy skin parts.

I would hate to be a woman. My cock pisses and I shit but I know nobody cares about that so I can focus on other things.

>> No.19502991

>believable female characters
Interested to hear an expanded version of this if you don't mind. How are female characters unbelievable in male books, and how are female authors doing things differently?

>> No.19502997

Female chauvinism, more or less. Female issues and female point of views have been raised to this place of great importance in culture, at the same time as men are not allowed to write about them because it's not their "lived experience".

>> No.19503002

i think you need to interact with women who arent pornstars in your computer a little more often

>> No.19503019

Part of the experience of reading is being able to identify with the material. It’s easier to do that when the person that wrote the literature is of a similar background to you. There is also the idea that woman that read want to monetarily support woman as an act of solidarity and empowerment.

>> No.19503024

Basically, I think men don’t empathise with women enough and they don’t understand what it’s like to be a woman, at least not enough to create it in a literary space.
I found an article on it:
>Two hugely popular authors, Jonathan Franzen and Jeffrey Eugenides, for example, are known for full-bodied, decade-spanning novels. But their female characters? "Franzen's women are confused and masochistic," claims Pollitt. "The female lead in Eugenides' The Marriage Plot is the least interesting of the three major characters." Literary critic and writer Sarah Seltzer is a bit kinder, but agrees that a double standard endures. "I doubt whether a female novelist who so obviously bungled/sidelined a major male character as Eugenides did, would get the same slack from readers and critics."
>Bringing a complex female character to fictional life is daunting enough for one of the opposite sex. Inhabiting their actual voice is even more so. "I don't necessarily find women difficult to write about in the third person," says author Eli Gottlieb (The Face Thief), "but to write them in the first person is to make a hubristic leap. It can be done—Madame Bovary comes to mind—but the reader will often begin from a suspicious wariness." One of the most dazzling turns is Brazzaville Beach by William Boyd. It truly never dawns on the reader—and in fact is a constant surprise—that there is a man behind the marvelous female storyteller.

>> No.19503026


>> No.19503036

If you read some of those novels you’ll understand. Male writers are just not as relatable to women readers. They need constant talk about feelings, indecisiveness, as well as both their ego and victim complex to be fed with “empowering” scenes or scenes bemoaning the cishet oppressive patriarchy for which they blame their discontent.

>> No.19503037

We don’t empathize with each other, it’s a two way street and it’s fine as long as policy doesn’t get ducky. It’s when policy gets involved that things get shity.

>> No.19503038

It is commonplace for women to try to get a man, especially an ex, to kill themselves in order to satisfy their wickedness and satisfy their need for pity and attention.

>> No.19503040

Kill yourself

>> No.19503052

Women hate how men portray women because it’s actually accurate to who they are and nothing is more disgusting to a woman than what she really is, in most cases, a whore, a liar, a reprobate, a walking STD, a weak thing, an unintelligent thing, a gross thing, a selfish thing, etc.

>> No.19503053

Go out and talk to real people

>> No.19503055

Franzen's women are fucking spot on. I've never understood the accusations of misogyny.
A female character's maturation is the crux of understanding The Corrections.
I honestly think some of the so-called feminist criticism of his female characterization is because he writes his chicks with flaws, and blogging feminists have never actually read any feminist theory and honestly believe that feminism is when women good.
Many of his female characters mistakes are sexual in nature but that's also reflective of real life. Every chick I know, 75% of their problems are from fucking the wrong person. One of my best female friends just dumped her bf of like four years because he was a fucking loser with no aspirations or desire to do shit in life, and she was moving and he threw a big tantrum about not coming with her despite having nothing going on.
He broke it off. She told me, he wouldn't take of his shirt during sex because he was "insecure about his body."
Fucking the wrong dude in the wrong ways.

>> No.19503057

Tell them who they are while youre fucking them. They will cream.

>> No.19503071

Related question: What are some male authors that wrote female characters well?

>> No.19503073

Surprise surprise roastie can’t handle the truth.

>> No.19503077

>Franzen's women are fucking spot on. I've never understood the accusations of misogyny.

You answered it yourself

>> No.19503079

By that logic, men avoid reading women because they expose them too fucking retard

>> No.19503084

I feel like you'd know this >>19503071

>> No.19503090

Maybe it’s simply because men and women write about topics / genre’s that interest them and thus also interest the readers of their sex.

>> No.19503096

Are you retarded? Men write shit about each other all the time, that doesn't stop men from reading it, what stops men from reading women is the fact that 90% of their literature suck

>> No.19503098

I think Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is seen as the epitome of a fully-fleshed female character that is complex. I’ve never heard many people say it was a sexist depiction. I also like Dostoevsky’s women but some become tropes (saintly prostitute), but that was due in part to the publishers who wanted stories about that. George Saunders and Cormac McCarthy also have strong women; the latter even has a flawed, incestuous one but who just wants to look after her baby (Outer Dark). I can’t think of any Australian male writer who did it, because many of our writers are homosocial, barring the women like Miles Franklin (who had to write under a male pseudonym).

>> No.19503110


>> No.19503119

Women's literature:
1. A self insert whore that travels the world trying to find herself
2. That time I got a chad then he left me and now I sob about it for 250 pages
3. Three men fight over a self insert insipid whore
4. Shitty novels about vampires / magical shit
5. 0.000005% kino made by a handful of women (Charlotte Bronte, Simone Weil, Flannery O'connor)

>> No.19503130
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>> No.19503161

men make their own trashy entertainment for each other, just not in the form of books most of the time.

>> No.19503164


>> No.19503218

>women hate the male gaze
women literally live their lives revolved around the male gaze just like how men ingratiate themselves endlessly to dominate women, they rule from beneath

>> No.19503243

I like women. We're going to genetically modify humans to make women big and men small.
It's happening anons. 2 years and we will begin.

>> No.19503252

Nobody’s gonna mention the horrifying troll toes huh.

>> No.19503280

because men are repulsive and they know that even better than us

>> No.19503289

masculine digit ratio

>> No.19503291

Fuck can you stay on /sci/ you insufferable faggot?

>> No.19503356

> One of my best female friends just dumped her bf of like four years because he was a fucking loser with no aspirations or desire to do shit in life, and she was moving and he threw a big tantrum about not coming with her despite having nothing going on.
He broke it off. She told me, he wouldn't take of his shirt during sex because he was "insecure about his body."
Fucking the wrong dude in the wrong ways.
she must be ugly as hell if she’s putting up with That shit

>> No.19503378

dude, she has HUUUGE feet.

>> No.19503386
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Receptionist : How do you write women so well?

Melvin Udall : I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

But more seriously it's an open secret in the industry that many female authors are in fact males under female pseudonyms.

>> No.19503422

no handsome mafia boss vs sexc CEO man and normal girl love triangle

t. biofem

>> No.19503425

can I get a source? curious on that one

>> No.19503440

Sadly true. I'm a woman.

>> No.19503457
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I only read books by men so who cares

>> No.19503475

Ceo of incel*

>> No.19503615

>He broke it off. She told me, he wouldn't take of his shirt during sex because he was "insecure about his body."
Imagine sticking your peepee into a woman's nono and still being like "but I don't want her to see my moobs". This is mental illness.

>> No.19504289

Men write for women. Books are all for women now. Sure wish a new jack london would show up

>> No.19505031

women are spiritually and intellectually repugnant

>> No.19505053

Why do faggots today mostly post retarded threads?
Is it the jews?

>> No.19505071

John Green managed to capture a predominantly female fanbase. Nicolas sparks as well.

I would say Percy Jackson has a large female audience but its aimed all both teenage boys and girls.

>> No.19505114

Female perspective?

>> No.19505117

Neil Gay Man too. I can't imagine a dude reading him.

>> No.19505162

>believable female characters

Kek, bad bait

>> No.19505177

Monkey feet

>> No.19505244

Alhamdurillah. May the sissification begin.

>> No.19505328

Writing characters of the opposite sex in first-person is really rare. What are the best examples? Here's a few I can think of:

The narrator feels fairly masculine I suppose, in a pulpy gothic sort of way.

>Wuthering Heights
Technically the whole book is told by Lockwood, but it doesn't really count as first-person because he is just there as a framing device. Effectively it's either first-person (from the perspective of Nelly Dean) or third-person.

>Bleak House
Half of this is third-person and half is first-person from the perspective of Esther Summerson. Dickens does a decent job, IIRC (but perhaps the many women on /lit/ will put me right).

>To Sail Beyond The Sunset
The narrator is Heinlein's idea of the perfect woman, i.e. a bright, friendly, happy-go-lucky nymphomaniac. (A bit like Friday.) RAH also did one (I Shall Fear No Evil?) where a dying billionaire gets his brain transplanted into a woman's body. Maybe that counts too.

>The Double Tongue
William Golding's last novel. He died while revising it but they published the draft he had, which feels pretty finalized. The narrator is a woman in Greece who becomes a sibyl at the oracle at Delphi. She's OK I guess, but it's not that great.

>The Passenger
Quite a step for ol' Cormac, given he hasn't had a major female character since Rinthy in Outer Dark. Of course he has to PULL HIS FINGER OUT AND RELEASE IT before we can judge it.

>> No.19505571

This comment is seriously sexist. I don't think people understand, I say women shouldn't work because I care about them. What's your soltuion for women hating? "Oh just fuck a random hole." It's lowly and if you do care then care better.

>> No.19505573


>> No.19505574

Has anyone considered that female readers might dislike their depictions by men because they're accurate?

>> No.19505577


>> No.19505581

Tbf, 99.9% of male literature sucks and 99.99% of female literature sucks.

>> No.19505588

Bump this question

>> No.19505593

Ding ding ding

>> No.19505594

I also think this downplays something pivotal: Women were rarely if ever human sex objects, but more so mothers. This is the either/or for female sexuality and OF became the de facto required choice because of the pill and abortion.

>> No.19505632

Fucking this.

>> No.19505733

They mostly read books for teenagers, romance stories and erotica about having sex with billionaires.

>> No.19505741

also who cares what women write or read

>> No.19505957

I genuinely wonder how women feel when they see objectifying stuff around. When I see men in porn or whatever I don't really give it any thought, because at the end of the day it doesn't really reflect my life experience. But women are objectified everywhere you go, and to such a huge extent.
For example, I hear/read women talk about being considered a fuckhole or something around those lines, people tricking you into having sex and so on. That's such a foreign experience to me, it's honestly wild.

>> No.19506049

I suggest reading some female authors. I think Flannery O'Connor and Eudora Welty are good and helped me write better for women while still sharing my own perspective.

>> No.19506063

basically this. it's the same reason everyone here loves stoner, dosto, etc. they just want to see themselves in whatever they're reading "they're just like me!" and have any preconceptions verified. it is extremely rare for anyone to seek out literature/media/art of any kind that challenges their worldview or presents a truly different perspective, despite how much our culture claims to value "diversity" it is a crock of shit. people only want to invest time in things that will confirm their views. the abundance of choice now ensures that this is possible. everyone is able to burrow into their preferred epistemological hole.

>> No.19506156

Wow, they finally got a good picture of bigfoot?

>> No.19506292


>> No.19507393

Go out and touch grass

>> No.19507401

nah she's a cutie

>> No.19507441

most retarted post i have ever read

>> No.19507588

I'm coming to your house to eat your ass cutie. I know you want it uwu.

>> No.19507809

I do. I just never met a woman who reads anything other than absolute garbage.

>> No.19508734
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>> No.19508906

Because men hardly right YA these days and that's what most females these days read.

>> No.19509637

good god what fucking ugly feet YUCK

>> No.19510394

>believable female characters
To a woman this means a character that exemplifies what she and society delude her into feeling that she and other women are really like

An unbelievable female character, by contrast, is one that may be realistic but is a character that the delusional and insecure modern woman finds insulting

>> No.19510407

>I genuinely wonder how women feel when they see objectifying stuff around
They feel angry, envious, and insecure. Seeing a competitor garner attention torments them

>> No.19510651

gollum feet

>> No.19510761

Yes I've read
Virginia Woolf
George Eliot
Jane Austen
Toni Morrison
Mary Shelley
Charlotte Brontë
Emily Bronte
Sylvia Plath
Ursula Le Guin
Sei Shōnagon
Emily Dickinson
Flannery O'Connor
t. incel misogynist

>> No.19510862

Holy shit I can hear this gif

>> No.19510882
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Men aren't the ones that teach women to objectify themselves, its other women and the, what I call whore-hierachy, in which they compete in hotness against OTHER WOMEN. Their sex-appeal is social currency and they increase it relentlessly to a point where even I have a problem with it. Is that a 12 year old girl that is grinding on my crotch in high-heels with make-up on wearing almost nothing, is that a little girl or is that a straight up hoe?!
As always females and effeminate men will only blame men for the choices modern women themselves are making on their own accord. They literally are incapable of seing any connection between their actions and the consequences of their actions. In the end everything is the fault of men. This is the reason men say women are retarded. Because they kinda are, when you look at their behavior.

>> No.19510890

That's what's advertised to them. What kind of answer other than that did you expect?

>> No.19510897

Nigga get your head out of you asshole because all you're observing is your own shit.

>> No.19510930
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I was recced this here on /lit/ and it was in fact very interesting.

>> No.19510959

Fiction is snoring boring anyway real stories about real people are where it’s at
Every fictional character is contrived after you read enough non fiction
So who cares really
If you enjoy fiction you’re reading horsefarts and I bet if most of the sexes were changed, you would still align to your own sex
Because you’re gay, and read mainly fiction

>> No.19511008

i think the only interesting depiction of women you'll find is by men. otherwise it's cliches and self-aggrandising stuff meant to make the female audience feel good or even self-insert. but that's partly because a big chunk of the market is just that.

>> No.19511052

What zero pussy does to mfs

>> No.19511167

damn this looks pretty hot ngl. do you see any tits in it? is there a list out there of works of feminism that you can bust to?

>> No.19511311

Ah, yes, my bad opinion of women is because fox and grapes and not because I had more than enough interactions with women to know their nature and despise them. Keep coping cunt.
>most men dont hate women because a lack of contact, they hate them because of lots of contact with them
You do you idiots never get this? You are literally confirming to everyone that you are massively coping.

>> No.19511450
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>the gatorade potion
my fucking sides

>> No.19511484

so many words for I never touched a woman

>> No.19511641


>> No.19511683
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Name three reasons why women should not be hated. Dont you get it? The vast majority of women hate is not coming from people who have had no contact with women, it comes from people who HAVE tons of contact with women.
And dont blame culture or upbringing, children and teens are surrounded by mostly women the moment they are born. So yeah, woman are hated for lots of reasons but mostly because women in general fucking suck and are neurotic children without any capacity of self-reflection and accountability.

The average womans stats from 0-100

>hypergamy 100
>promiscuity 100
>femininity 27
>accountability -34
>attitude 85
>masculinity 73

real men are not interested in such women and since women do a horrible job at femininity these days they are being resented for it.
You are hated because you are not doing your job you idiot. If you didnt have warm holes for benis no one would give a single fuck about you ever and deep down you know that, your 'haha you never touched a woman argument proves this. Your hole is the only thing that gives you value as an organism.

>femoids will very often respond to criticism, or arguments with which they disagree, by saying, e.g. "This attitude is why you'reincel"; the implication being that themanhad better change his stance if he wants to have access to women's holes (e.g. theirvagina). This fallacy is known as anappeal to force.

>The male mode of communication is often logic-based, i.e. it revolves around the presentation of evidence and counter-evidence to reach a factual conclusion. In comparison, femoids' mode of communication is usually emotion-based, and usually amounts to little more than manipulation and blackmail, aided by their frequent use of the "I have the pussy so I make the rules" card. It may be the result of femoids having a weaker mental capacity for logic than males, rather having been evolutionarily selected for the ability to play damsel-in-distress and for, later down the evolutionary line, the ability and willingness to use shaming tactics to "win" in a social context. Hence arguing with holes is futile, for they will inevitably, usually sooner rather than later, commence shaming their interlocutors by implying or accusing them of character flaws instead of presenting a logic-based case, as a male would do.

>> No.19511734

Anon’s stats from 0-100

>entitlement 100
>celibacy 100
>masculinity 19
>accountability 3
>bitterness 91
>histrionics 72

>> No.19511742

>why most people aren't that bright?
If everyone was smart, it wouldn't mean much. And the smart ones read anything.

>> No.19511752

>Why do women today mostly read books written by other women?
Echo chambers.
Nazis mainly read other Nazis; commies read other commies; niggers would read other niggers if they could read and/or write.

>> No.19511828

Even if, who gives a shit about the stats of a couple 100k anons versus all women in the world these days. Yeah you are still the worst. Also thanks for reinforcing the argument that I made before.

>> No.19511835

>Name three reasons why women should not be hated
Your mother and both grandmothers are women. Do you hate them too? Why?

>> No.19511873

Should I love them just because they are women??? How dumb are you? People are being resented when their every action is shitty and destructive. Just stfu retard.

>> No.19511940

The grand irony of this thread is that most "female" authors read by women irl are actually male authors working under pseudonyms to publish romance novels and mysteries, which are far and away the overwhelming majority of literature consumed by women

>> No.19512112

why do males mostly read male writers?

>> No.19512511


>> No.19512680

Why do women rarely read and discuss nonfiction books?

>> No.19512710

Shakespeare never had difficulties with it.

>> No.19512738

They don't, actually. Do you know how much women are in academia and how many of them have written papers on various literary subjects that you never bothered to read because you're too caught up in this frivolous theoretical display of who is the most stupid of the two?

>> No.19512806

you're arguing in favour of the hatred of all women, and that includes your mother and grandmother too.

>> No.19512946

Not him. I hate both my mother and my grandmother because both of them are stupid fucking whores who should never have reproduced and especially not with the men they reproduced with. It is a genetic miracle that I came out of the womb relatively defect free and managed to raise myself to be capable of a somewhat normal life. In an ideal world, women would be born without brains and kept alive in vats, only used for reproduction when necessary.
You are not human.

>> No.19512985

>You are not human.
Said the anon who dehumanizes his own mother and grandmother and seeks to do the same with the whole female gender and other strangers online. Hmm.

>> No.19513029
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This is the future for men and women.
Women will be 6'5" and thick, who make 4 babies at a time, and men will be 3'5" and cute, athletic and proportional. In this way they will expand far faster than any other phenotype, while using a fraction of the energy and land, and being superior in modern combat and labor.
It's happening anons.

>> No.19513563
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>Your mother and both grandmothers are women. Do you hate them too? Why?
That isn't three reasons. Maybe one, but less than that if you can just acknowledge the hypocrisy (of loving your mother while still holding to that belief) but be unable to change how you feel.

>> No.19514380


>> No.19514586

Epic bait lol

>> No.19514750

>bluh bluh the average woman reads average shitty books of the feminine variety
as if your average man reads books of quality, if he even reads at all. Women who read trash books read more than the average man, typically replacing the equally trashy hobby of playing vidya. Once you accept this you realize that those types of books have nothing to do with """actual""" lit. However, if we're talking about women and men who actually read proper literature... Women tend to read female authors in a 50/50 split to male authors, as far as I've seen in university/grad school and literary groups. Why do they tend to read more female authors in their spare time? Because the 'top books' listed here and elsewhere, plus the books in their curriculums, tend to be primarily male, and they want to have that even split amongst the sexes of the authors they're reading. Why is THIS important to women? Obviously if they're interested in literature as a woman, they want proof that women can also be good writers/thinkers. This is self-validating but it's also like a hurrah to feminism because it's making women seem less shitty at doing stuff men are good at. inb4
>reeeee reeee it doesn't work though because a woman has never convinced me to read a female author and also i think all females suck at writing reeee
this is the classic incel doesn't talk to women response. if you talk to actual respectable, intelligent women who you personally agree with on matters of taste in regards to male authors, she'll probably recommend you a good book or two by a waman. Not always, but often.

Anyways I think this post got me heated because O'Conner is my favourite American short story writer, and I'm convinced we don't talk about her more here because of idiotic incel types who clog up posts about females.

>> No.19514770

Ursula Le Guin and Diana Wynne Jones were some of my favorite writers as a kid.

>> No.19514775

The majority of the women who read a lot are reading porn

>> No.19514776

sadly this is accurate women only read stupid romance crap or YA stuff that designed for 6 year olds.

>> No.19514787

It's porn mate. They are cooming to the description of twink vampire boys getting railed in the ass.

>> No.19514812


>> No.19515606

visit /r/menwritingwomen

>> No.19515709

>What are male writers failing to deliver that they're finding in female authored books?
a cool, trendy brand to flash all over their next tik tok video. Be thankful these strumpets aren't twerking with 'crime and punishment' held firmly between their ass cheeks.

>> No.19515826

Name three reasons why women should not be hated:
1. My mother is dope.
2. My girlfriend is dope.
3. My female friends are generally dope. Although the ones who aren’t are usually not dope by virtue of being universally shitty as opposed to some delusional “feminine evil.”

>> No.19515923

Who markets and publishes books today, and what to they think of white males?

>> No.19515941

>generally dope
>not dope
I don't envy you for what you'll inevitably experience and learn the hard way over the next decade, now that you're finally 14 and on your way to adulthood.

>> No.19517109

>women in general are horrible people and fucking suck and they are ruining everything and should never have been allowed to vote because they are emotion based and easy to manipulate and are responsible for almost all problems society faces today
>but I know an individual woman that is pretty okay therefor u r rong
Holy shit, we have a fucking genius over here. Jfc