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File: 14 KB, 220x272, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19501043 No.19501043 [Reply] [Original]

If he had a 17 year old girl sucking his cock instead of getting rejected all the time he probably wouldn't of been such a sourpuss.

when did you realize all philosophy is just based on the philosopher's access to pussy?

>> No.19501073

Explain Sartre then. Ugly as a mf but fucking prime degenerate pussy.
Not to mention Aristotle who retired in a island full of lesbians.

>> No.19501083

Schopenhauer was known to have fucked women.

>> No.19501085

>muh pussy

>> No.19501090

he had numerous affairs u twat

>> No.19501106

Reminder for wiki skimmers:
>Johanna was an abusive wife to his father and an abusive mother to him. She even threw Schopenhauer down a flight of stairs once when he talked back to her. Also, Schopenhauer’s father (whom he was very close with) was believed to have committed suicide when Schopenhauer was seventeen and it has always been a rumor that Johanna Schopenhauer was a contributing factor to his suicide. After her wife died, Johana left for Weimar to join the free love movement and follow her dreams of becoming a writer, leaving Schopenhauer behind. And when Schopenhauer later wanted to move to Weimar to pursue philosophy, she desperately tried to convince him not to move to Weimar, saying she couldn’t stand to be around him.

>> No.19501119

Ooooooooooh. Now it all makes sense desu.

>> No.19501120

So, in other words, she was a whore?
Poor boy. Good thing he became a known philosopher and not a serial killer.

>> No.19501126

>She even threw Schopenhauer down a flight of stairs
God, is that were he learned it from? These Schopenhauers and their flights of stairs...

>> No.19501128

>when did you realize all philosophy is just based on the philosopher's access to pussy?
After reading Schopenhauer and Camus
Camus philosophy fucking sucks lmao, so does Sartre and Faucaults
Being gay, a pedo, or a coomer = shit philosophy

>> No.19501130

He had a 19 years old celebrity actress do that for him. He only got "rejected" once only for a marriage proposal.

>> No.19501132

>muh dik
are you a nigger perchance

>> No.19501141
File: 9 KB, 320x320, 1638330484977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone say, "mommy issues"?

>> No.19501151

Don't forget she was jelous of her son's relationship with Goethe, so she actively tried to ruin their friendship.

>> No.19501185
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everybody knows this is the true reason.

>> No.19501264

>Explain Sartre then. Ugly as a mf but fucking prime degenerate pussy.
To be fair it was rape. I don't know if that counts

>> No.19501287

>wouldn't of

>> No.19501611

Poor schoppy, always misunderstood...

>> No.19502426

i've heard of flights of fancies but with the Schopenhauers...

>> No.19502439

Schopenhauers main sin was literally his womanizing....

>> No.19502445

Socrates said something similar

>> No.19502446

Women are genuinely evil and need to be subdued

>> No.19502505

>women are evil because I can't control instincts that nature doesn't want me to control in the first place.
It's a head-scratcher

>> No.19502557
File: 138 KB, 350x350, Naamloos-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t.

>> No.19502731

Not getting laid causes all mental problems.

>> No.19503102

Holy fucking shit this is some Tupac tier transformation

>> No.19503445

No wonder Schopenhauer became an Antinatalist.

>> No.19503470




>> No.19503576

true incels typed most of these posts, when u have a lot of sex u find out its all the same meaningless degeneracy. sex is not the answer, you coom brained faggots

>> No.19503582

you can say this about everyone.

>> No.19503586

in wikipedia its like as he was an oppressive pussy blocker for her

>> No.19503610

I don't see Chads regarding women as anything else than evil fuck toys btw

>> No.19503625

I had a gf in high school, a serious gf in college, and many pussy in my penus since then and I hate woman almost as much S j hate men. Bottom 75% of men should be culled every generation and women should be pets of the remaining god kings. Then we can doscuss being a good man. I don’t pity incels but I hate that female consent is the standard for sexual anything, and that low quality males trying to fuck (rape) women are allowed to exist

>> No.19503651

Women aren't evil since they don't have beliefs of their own. They are a reflection of an evil society.

>> No.19503687
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>> No.19503713
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>> No.19503785

I've fucked lots of women and it didn't make me like them more.

>> No.19503795


>> No.19504228

The first feminist

>> No.19504254

When did you realize that a prerequisite to be a philosopher is a dead father

>> No.19504267

The Greeks and Romans were giga coomers who had limitless access to whores and sex slaves, yet they treated women like property and could be pessimistic as fuck. Pussy access doesn't really change your worldview that much.

>> No.19504268

>wouldn't of

>> No.19504698

>If he had a 17 year old girl sucking his cock
The effect just lasts a couple of days desu

>> No.19504705

Tell me more

>> No.19504759


>> No.19504789


>> No.19504795

Johanna sounds fucking based if you ask me

>> No.19504925

Try having a relationship with a BPD crab; let's see if you come out sane

>> No.19505155

And yet this faggot was still a simp who lusted and loved a girl with 3 other boyfriends and a son (despite being like what 16 or something). Faggot philosophers and their faggot preaching's that they fail to uphold. I don't take the word of a man who fucks prostitutes despite preaching ascetism says seriously.

>> No.19505175

>t. Bertrand Russell

>> No.19505180


>> No.19505229

Lol I doubt 1 thot not fucking him changed anything, prob just got a hooker or had a wank.
Most people don't obsess about a hole, and esp not when they are old

>> No.19505236

what does? you not knowing all women are like this at heart?

>> No.19505237

Did Schop visit whores? based...

>> No.19505242

Yes, he was a whore connoisseur.

>> No.19505247

According to your philosophy...

>> No.19505250

>t. homosexual being

>> No.19505814

nobody should care more about his life than his writings (unless you are a female of course)

>> No.19505826

Buddha fucked mad pussy but went on to go Volcel after having had royal kids. Ain't no one more alpha than the Buddha, the sole arbiter of all Eastern polity

>> No.19505835

The Buddha's mother said that she was impregnated by a flying white elephant who placed a lotus on her womb.

Schopey sorry mommy never loved you. Siddharta mogs him again.

>> No.19505844

A guy who preaches asceticism having solicited prostitutes is a former slave to his desires seeking to emancipate himself. He is not one who has attained karmic wealth but one who has begged for it.

>> No.19505859


>> No.19506163

thank god flora weiss refused his grapes and allowed him to become the wizard the world needed.

but anyway, he did fuck, and if anything his philosophy perfectly reflects the cycle of lust, brief satiation, boredom, then lust again, never truly being satisfied. as soon as you actually bust inside a pussy, you think, damn schop was right about everything, i should be focusing on aesthetic contemplation of nature or art.

>> No.19506290

yes if he had been sedated by empty pleasures he wouldn't have been acutely aware of the nature of reality. you're very astute. now go back to marveling at your precious illusions.

>> No.19507258

her pussy was filled with BWC?

>> No.19507267

>philosophy is based upon the experiences of the philosopher
Woah...I like...totally never thought of that, man...

>> No.19507633

Lol, only an incel could write a thread like this. Anyone who has ever had sex in their lives, especially people who have led a degenerate lifestyle of fucking whoever is up to it knows that Schopenhauer was right about sex.

Also, Schopenhauer did fuck, probably more than you do.

>> No.19507640

Buddha had blue eyes so yes

>> No.19508364

which dialogue?

>> No.19508865


>> No.19508871

Holy based

>> No.19508922

>thank god flora weiss refused his grapes and allowed him to become the wizard the world needed.
That happened when he was well in his 50s. Schop was already full wizard by that time. He published WWR when he was 30.

>> No.19508929

>. He published WWR when he was 30.
This is truly unequaled in philosophy imo. There are other philosphers who wrote notable things in ther 20s but not a massive system like that

>> No.19508953

>as soon as you actually bust inside a pussy, you think

Then you are doing it wrong. If you aren't happy to lay there for an hour completely content and just aim to "bust inside a pussy" then you aren't getting the most out of sex.

>> No.19509054
File: 15 KB, 400x300, Alexander-the-Great-detail-painting-Porus-Charles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by your late teens if you´re self-aware and astute, you can achieve greatness and this was more true in past centuries

i´m 24 years old and most of my artistic ideas came to my in my late teens and i´m still having them, i can´t act upon them because i need serious money and experience, my fruition will come in my early 30s if the muses can bless me with luck

>> No.19509079

Philosophy isn't art though. Making a whole metaphysical system like that is simply not something young men do, almost ever. I cant think of another one.