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/lit/ - Literature

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19501013 No.19501013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

St. John Chrysostom Edition

What Orthodox literature have you been reading lately? Planning on attending Divine Liturgy on Sunday?

Recommended Literature—
>The Orthodox Study Bible
>EOB (New Testament):
>The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church by Vladimir Lossky
>Orthodox Worship: A Living Continuity With the Synagogue, the Temple and the Early Church by Benjamin D. Williams and Harold B. Anstall
>God’s Revelation to the Human Heart by Fr. Seraphim Rose
>The Soul After Death by Fr. Seraphim Rose
>The Orthodox Veneration of the Mother of God by St. John Maximovich
>The Orthodox Church by Kallistos Ware
>The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware


>> No.19501019

Incel larp/cope

>> No.19501058

There's really no point if every thread immediately gets raided and/or nuked.

>> No.19501131



>> No.19501148

Reason religion threads are getting nuked

Is because yesterday a Catholic poster got so mad about losing an argument on the papacy and its historical validity with a Calvinist that the Catholic doxxed that poster and posted a picture of his home in the thread.

Mods have had enough of Catholic larpers. They brought this on themselves.

>> No.19501200

This is not a Catholic thread. Apparently one Orthodox thread is too annoying for the jannies but endless /pol/ and off-topic pornography are not.

>> No.19501209

Did you read what I said? The catholics were so toxic that the mods are done with religion threads in general.

>> No.19501277

>Catholics ruining everything
Bros... I just want a comfy discussion thread about literature and related topics, yet if I make it on /his/ it gets shit up by low IQ retards, and if I make it on /lit/ the retarded jannies nuke it because they have a stick in their ass

>> No.19501301

Ancient/medieval capeshit

>> No.19501311
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Lel, no way. I’ll have to dig through the archives for that. Tradcaths were a mistake

>> No.19501337

Unless you're a Slav or Greek, Orthodoxy is 10x more larpy than even the worst tradcath is.

>> No.19501376

This is a dumb idea. If one truly believes that Orthodoxy is the Church founded by Jesus Christ and His apostles, it doesn’t matter where it was predominantly centered until recently. If it’s true, it’s true. I’m a baptized Orthodox convert and I never adopted any sort of trad LARP or pretended be a Slav. Judging by the fact that the Church I go to is English speaking, has lots of well-adjusted people and inquirers there, most of these criticisms don’t stick.

>> No.19501438

Puritan general or something yesterday

>> No.19501476

Yes it was Puritan Christian Literature General and it was a great thread and I'm sad to see it go. I loved watching the Catholics get demolished repeatedly. Shame about the doxxing thing, I guess having the papacy systematically dismantled as a farce did a number on their mental health.

>> No.19501569

Them mitar tarabich prophecies hitting a lil different right now

>> No.19501628

If LARPing is just defined by doing something that the majority of people don't do, then practically everyone who does anything with some critical spirit is a LARPer.

>> No.19501760

I thought these threads were banned? The Catholic and Islam literature threads are banned, at least... Are the jannies just Orthodolarpers?

>> No.19501765

This thread was remade after jannies deleted it

>> No.19501808

how much longer does it still have to live

>> No.19501908

Maybe it's God's will because He hates your paganistic idolatry.

>> No.19501926
File: 152 KB, 900x621, 304694C4-6D7B-4AB5-80DA-DA4179671EA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read this?

>> No.19501939

that's bullocks. these are valid, much moreso than 8/10 of threads in catalog. before banning people who actually read books, ban the tourists and frogposters.

i want to get a collection together of christian novels. there actually are surviving christian publishing houses but most of what they put out looks like low quality schlock. meanwhile yesteryear's christian literature was the best of all. where are the good modern writers?

>> No.19502109

I think I'll take a long break at least for the rest of the Christmas period. Wish everyone the best on his respective path.

>> No.19502350

The bugman fears sincerity