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File: 241 KB, 548x794, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-W0409-300,_Bertolt_Brecht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19500734 No.19500734 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Exploitative, power-hungry and manipulative writers

>> No.19500904

ok you start

>> No.19500911 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19500915


>> No.19500922

>a meme
>an embarrassingly ignorant statement

>> No.19500947

Its not ignorant at all, retard. Its the truth. Your college (((professor))) may stipulate otherwise, however, Marxism has never produced a society worth living in and never will. A society that equates barbarians with greats can only produce disaster.

>> No.19500971
File: 223 KB, 797x945, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not power hungry but manipulative and exploitative

>> No.19500998

>A society that equates barbarians with greats can only produce disaster.
Never happened
Read books

>The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.

>> No.19501015

Holy fucking cringe.

>> No.19501027

K name 1

>> No.19501032

Do you know nothing about him, or why are you confused?

>> No.19501042
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>> No.19501045

Boomer (literal) tier

>> No.19501289
File: 9 KB, 250x234, crying soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19501319
File: 283 KB, 1200x1200, noam-chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19501474

>There is no doubt in fact that Heidegger's hostility to the grand masters of Kantianism, especially Cassirer, was rooted in a profound incompatibility with their alien habitus: 'On the one hand, you had this dark, athletic little man, an accomplished skier, with energetic but impassive features, a hard, difficult man, totally committed to setting and solving problems with the deepest moral seriousness; and, on the other hand, a white-haired man, Olympian not only in appearance but also in spirit, with his open mind and his wide-ranging discussions, his relaxed features and his indulgent amiability, his vitality and adaptability, and, finally, his aristocratic distinction'.
>We can quote the words of Cassirer's wife herself: 'We had been explicitly warned about Heidegger's odd appearance; we knew about his rejection of all social conventions and also his hostility towards neo-Kantians, especially Cohen. His penchant for anti-semitism was not unfamiliar to us, either... All the guests had arrived, the women in evening gowns, the men in dinner suits. At a point when the dinner had been interrupted for some time with seemingly endless speeches, the door opened, and an inconspiciuous little man came into the room, looking as awkward as a peasant who had stumbled into a royal court. He had black hair and dark piercing eyes, rather like some workman from southern Italy or Bavaria; an impression which was soon confirmed by his regional accent. He was wearing an old-fashioned black suit. For me, what seemed the most worrying thing, was his deadly seriousness and his total lack of a sense of humour'.

Sounds like he was the opposite of a two-faced, manipulative exploiter

>> No.19501495

That's not what I was reffering to
his wife knew he was fucking other women
he had intimate relationships with his students,you wouldn't want to go to a uni,and see the girl you like whisper to her friend group that the way older teacher is ''so warm and flexible''
arendt was 17 when she started his relationship with him,idk about your age of consent laws but here in the west it's 18 and I can't imagine how other barbarians allow it any lower
he also basically betrayed husserl,the greatest philosopher and idealist of all time (heidegger himself made no note worthy critique of husserl,nor did his other writings have any affect on the real world)
and now that I think about it,he might have been powerhungry,he might have wanted to become nazi germany's philosopher,since they didn't have one (except maybe for wagner?),but once he figured out that the nazis weren't going to adapt to his critiques
he started distancing himself from them (as much as he could,while still being essentially a nationalist and a socialist,''technically'')
heidegger fits the OP post perfectly

>> No.19501497

How was he "power-hungry"? Did he ever hold any kind of office?

>> No.19501522

>his wife knew he was fucking other women
That’s because she cucked him with another man, giving birth to his child - seems fair that he can have affairs with other women then

>nooo she was 17 years and 360 days how barbarous

>> No.19501524
File: 107 KB, 925x692, age of consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk about your age of consent laws but here in the west it's 18 and I can't imagine how other barbarians allow it any lower
Stopped reading there, read books

>> No.19501530

American moment

>> No.19501547

>arendt was 17 when she started his relationship with him,idk about your age of consent laws but here in the west it's 18 and I can't imagine how other barbarians allow it any lower
All women above 18 are ugly hags,amerimutt,normal people wish they could fuck a cute,pure,fragile little virgin,amerimutts are not normal however,they are disgusting monstrosities built by the jew to be slaves and die for israel

>> No.19501574

Yeah, Chomsky really does like to fight dirty. Also interesting how self-professed anarchists tend to have such authoritarian personalities.

>> No.19501593
File: 57 KB, 500x500, Sigma Male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take trips to Tunisia to colonize young boys

>> No.19501635

Any anons who know about this area or speak german able to tell something about Brecht's relationship with his son Frank who died on the eastern front?

>> No.19501656

>son Frank who died on the eastern front?
Tell me more

>> No.19501673

Husserl was literally influenced by Heidegger so much he tried to claim he was doing the same things in his own philosophy in the 30's and didn't know why Heidegger was getting all the attention.

Apparently he didn't realise doing it first makes a difference.

>> No.19501724

https://www.volksbund.de/nachrichten/am-grab-des-obergefreiten-frank-banholzer Apparently it was in an attack on a movie theater, which must carry some sort of irony. Their relation doesn't seem to have been exceptional though for a half-estrangement, Brecht barely saw him but tried to support him

>> No.19502400

Sad story

>> No.19502811

you got me man