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/lit/ - Literature

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19498795 No.19498795 [Reply] [Original]

Instead of me actually wasting my time doing it, can you guys just summarize the biggest lessons I’m gonna learn if I read all the Greeks, Vedas, Eddas, Nibelunglied, the entire western canon, all the great 19th century German philosophers, Carl Jung, Heidegger, Julius Evola, Guenon, and Jordan Peterson?

>> No.19498808

Clean your room

>> No.19498835

Have self discipline

>> No.19498840

Jordon Peterson is an amphetamines addicted man boy who lost a debate in the most pathetic way ("here, son, let me help you") to a cocaine addicted buffoon, the worst of the Marxists for 60 years since Iosef Stalin, and a demonstration of just how hard we have fallen since Foucault pinned Chomsky to the wall and made him admit that 1) he was a fantasist idealist with no method of demonstration of his claims and b) that Chomsky would murder workers, because Chomsky believed workers could be wrong.

Also Germans have scat fetishes.

>> No.19498849

rape boy pussy
rape brown boy pussy
rape liszt daughter boy pussy
see above but in german
>the entire western canon,
rape the east
>all the great 19th century German philosophers,
rape jews
>Carl Jung,
rape frued
rape hitler
>Julius Evola,
rape the beatles
rape evola
>and Jordan Peterson
rape your room

>> No.19498852

Posts like these make me want to abstain from commenting so I don’t get thrown in with these morons

>> No.19498863
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Biggest lesson: I am that I AM

Exodus 3:14

>> No.19498903

Know thyself

>> No.19498992

Just be yourself

>> No.19499000

buy IceePee

>> No.19499131

>all the great 19th century German philosophers
LOL but anyway the lesson is don't be a breeder for idiots

>> No.19499141

From most of those you'll learn that Heraclitus was accurate and that philosophy is mostly an apology to Heraclitus, and from Evola, Guenon and Jordan Peterson you'll learn incel self help cringe

>> No.19499152

rent free bebyyy

>> No.19499177

That you are still broke as fuck

>> No.19499725

That's a nice cock

>> No.19499904

retroactively refuted by Παρμενίδης ὁ Ἐλεάτης (PBUH)

>> No.19499950 [DELETED] 

Experience with the spiritual life will teach you things you wouldn't expect about yourself. You'll be out in the ocean on a lifeboat trying to sail the sea. Trying to get home.

You'll eventually despair and think that all of philosophy (and thus all of modern science) is bullshit and that we can't really know ANYTHING and then this will lead you to the Bible. You'll realize that everything but the Bible is bullshit. You just have to read it correctly. I suggest reading the book of psalms and realize that King David is praying directly to you. YHWH is Hebrew for "I AM". Descartes proved that it was indubitably true that "I AM" is a truth. Do you understand? Descartes is the only philosopher that isn't a crank in this mode of thinking.

Sometimes you'll think the Bible is bullshit and you'll want to listen to Reason. Kant is the supreme philosopher in this mode of thinking. I'll admit I haven't read Hegel but I know what he has to say. I don't really like Hegel as much as Kant.

Anyways I hope I helped. This was a very personal effortpost. Good luck OP.

One more thing: Find a story you like - a hero you like. Read that book over and over. Faust , the New Testament, the Brothers Karamazov - just as a suggestion. You'll eventually realize that it's you. We create our true selves. Nietzsche created his self, Zarathustra - Shakespeare was probably Hamlet, Goethe was Faust - we are who we fantasize we are.

>> No.19500796

The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.

>> No.19500852
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>> No.19500928

Ywhw doesnt mean what you think it means.

>> No.19500935

>Instead of me actually wasting my time doing it, can you guys just summarize the biggest lessons I’m gonna learn if I read all the Greeks, Vedas, Eddas, Nibelunglied, the entire western canon, all the great 19th century German philosophers, Carl Jung, Heidegger, Julius Evola, Guenon, and Jordan Peterson?

Do the opposite of everything the jews tell you

>> No.19502725

I love this image