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19498067 No.19498067 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book to help me overcome cowardice? I always fantasize situations but never act on them. When reality presents me the opportunity to act out what I imagined, my heart starts hitting the ribcage and I can't do it anymore.

>> No.19499016

The Bible, and by extension, prayer.

>> No.19499380


>> No.19499382

New or Old testament?

>> No.19499403

Do something every day that makes you scared. Begin with small things.

We could start a SCARY IRL HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT CLUB a la Fight Club.

For example:

Week One: go to the petrol station with exactly £20 in your pockete and fill up to no less than £19.98 in one squeeze of the pump. If you go over, good luck dealing with the shame!

Week Two: make a witty remark to a sales assistant.


>> No.19499413

Genesis book 12

>> No.19499416

>Genesis book 12

Seems like Abraham got cucked but did his revenge later.

>> No.19499467


According to some obscure Japanese book I read years ago, written by an author I can't recall during a period where violence was still accepted as a given fact within the Nippon society - aka the nation wasn't cucked just yet, there existed two kinds of people; those that would lose themselves to instincts and those that would hold those instincts in complete check essentially becoming calm and stone cold - in a psychopathic sense.

You need to understand who you are. If you have anger issues and don't have problems with rage then chances are that you're the first kind, and in most cases those tend to be 'naturals', as in assuming you pit an emotional rager vs rational guy the rager would hold the edge - if both have no training. If you have problems feeling proper rage, then you're the rational 'calm' guy, and unfortunately those don't have the "rage" to overshadow their "fear", which causes them to act like cowards in most situations. These people in order to get good at fighting need to practice both physically and mentally to the point where they get comfortable in dangerous situation - essentially becoming a psychopath.

Chances are you're the latter and not the former, hence your cowardice. You lack the rage within you to overshadow fear, and because of that you need to become stonecold emotionless killer who is comfortable breaking people for breakfast. The easiest way is to simply fight and train till you feel comfortable, but that's easier said than done.

I still don't know if it was pseudo-science unfortunately, but it kinda makes sense to me. Looking back at my school years, that were thankfully devoid of any challenges, what I do remember is that the angriest kids were usually the better ones at fighting assuming equal footing in all other aspects. The only notable exception was this dude learning Karate who I shit you not had the coldest face you could imagine on a 12 year old kid - like a psychopath. Outside of that he was a great kid.

>> No.19499502
File: 300 KB, 1200x1800, On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19499595

5 Rings.

>> No.19499623

CBT For Dummies

Not a joke. Both worked for me and I looked A LOT

>> No.19499663

Both, but start with the gospels.

>> No.19501429
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>> No.19501676

no book is gonna make you not a pussy. you just have to man up and ignore anxiety.

>> No.19501690

quality post but also nice reddit spacing

>> No.19501728

This. Unfortunately, books aren't gonna solve the issue here, even if they may help.
No matter what, overcoming cowardice means facing fears in the real world. How you go about doing that may depend on your individual psychology, but it's literally the only way. If you don't confront your fears then you are by definition still a coward.

>> No.19501736

do drugs

>> No.19503005

Self Therapy by Jay Earley

>> No.19503373

Good rec