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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 68 KB, 640x478, oslo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1949772 No.1949772 [Reply] [Original]

Norwegian literature?

I've already read the Prose Edda.

>> No.1949774

oslo got bombed what the fuckl

>> No.1949776
File: 24 KB, 307x475, norwegian-wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1949778
File: 20 KB, 582x329, avenge me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda' racist, y'know *taps you on the shoulder and waves* 'Hi, Mister Racist' ...

People are dying!

>> No.1949780

Poetic Edda


>> No.1949781


>> No.1949784

was knut hamut from norway? his stuff is godly

cf. his 'hunger'

>> No.1949787


durrrr *hamsun hurrr

>> No.1949792


The Prose Edda is Icelandic

>> No.1949808
File: 40 KB, 800x115, Screen shot 2011-07-22 at 23.29.35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps asking for Norwegian literature is too specific, what is the best from Scandinavia in general? And don't say Stieg Larsson.


I'm not racist, I have nothing against people from arabic/muslim countries. Turkish people are the most friendly and kind people I have ever met. My problem is exclusively with the ideology of Islam, but that is another talk for another place, we both know 4chan isn't capable of a reasoned discussion on this topic.

>> No.1949973

How the fuck can you have 10 posts and no mention of Henrik Ibsen?

Shit, /lit/. Get it together.

Even James Joyce said that Ibsen was a better playwright than Shakespeare. He said Shakespeare was the better poet. Although Ibsen's verse plays are damned good. So is his elegy (par Norske) for Abe Lincoln.

>> No.1949981


more like henrik boring

strindberg ftw

>> No.1949982


where should I start with Ibsen?

>> No.1950011

lol it's just like him to not know what he's talking about

>> No.1950022

Ibsen - A Doll's House and Hedda Gabler are the most famous, while Peer Gynt, Ghosts, The Wild Duck, The Master Builder, and An Enemy of the People are all great as well.
Strindberg - I prefer him, honestly.

>> No.1950044
File: 7 KB, 192x192, dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>1949808 , you big smartypants.


Thanks bro, I'll check out Strindberg too.

>> No.1950114

there's a chart in the wiki

>> No.1950156

Tarjei Vesaas - The Birds is godly.

>> No.1950165

What you got to remember Capote is that most of the writers from Norway usually write about being Norwegian in one way or other.

Dag Solstad is the most celebrated Norwegian author, and he just had a 70 year anniversary.

>> No.1950189

>where should I start with Ibsen?

I think that Ibsen should probably be read in this order:

Ghosts and Hedda Gabler
The Vikings at Helgeland (or Peer Gynt)
The Wild Duck (I think his best play)

>> No.1950223

thanks guys these notes are greatly appreciated

>> No.1950226
File: 9 KB, 180x220, Anders Behring Breivik..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God, check out the guy's Facebook and tell me he couldn't have been a /lit/ poster. He probably did it because some girl at a coffee shop wasn't in the mood to have some creep lecture her about the stuff he learned in his pre-college summer program philosophy class

>> No.1950250


he looks like swedish fabulous

>> No.1950306
File: 494 KB, 1903x3314, FireShot-capture-020-Anders-Behring-Breivik-nb-no_facebook_com_people_Anders-Behring-Breivik_100002651290254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ether a nice taste or he tried to impress people.

>> No.1950316


Oh I think it indicates something else. In Norway today he indicates his religion as "Christian". But he also lists as foremost among his favorite writers William James, the author of "Varieties of Religious Experience". I think it is possible he had a religious experience, i.e., he thought he was directed by God to do this. In other words, a schizophrenic like the one who murdered Anna Lindh in Stockholm. Does anyone agree?

>> No.1950318


Unless he was a loner, this will put psychiatrist on the head. No extreme views, nothing unusual about the guy.

>> No.1950319

Yeah, I noticed that too. Interesting.

>> No.1950323

another impressionable mind ruined by trying to go /lit/core

this never would have happened if homeboy had just settled down with a cup of cocoa and a copy of looking for alaska

>> No.1950328
File: 80 KB, 393x393, dayum_shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw /lit/club goaded him on the whole time

>> No.1950334

The day /lit/ went too far.

>> No.1950339
File: 67 KB, 533x800, tears_of_ectasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit tybrax, it didn't have to end like this

>> No.1950340

>No extreme views

Yes, but this is why I think he will say Jesus told him to do it. Like Jesus told Mijailovic to stab the Foreign Minister to death in a department store.


Someone who lists William James as his favorite writer is probably most interested in religion. I wonder if it was religious psychosis of some sort.

>> No.1950344


I wouldn't count on that theory. He only states he is Christian, it doesn't mean he is highly devoted to it.

I'd put my money on him having something against that political party or politics in general. You can find a lot of wrong with the way world works if you read books.

The absence of Bible in his favorite book list is noticeable. And the one that are there tell a lot:

Wealth of Nations
The Prince
The Republic
On Liberty
Consequences of Pragmatism

I believe we have ourself the first liberal bomber!

>> No.1950363

for given reasons

>> No.1950377


You're absolutely correct. If he was a religious-minded schizophrenic, he would have listed the Bible.

Amazingly he is interested in William James for Pragmatism! And I suppose his actions are "propaganda of the deed".

But still, he seems more neo-liberal than liberal to me

>> No.1950431

There are rumours floating around that this guy did it because he believed the labour party was taking over the country and turning it into an Orwellian nightmare.
The camp he shot up, was a political summer camp owned by the labour party. (apparently).

This guy is a demented psycho.