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1949632 No.1949632 [Reply] [Original]

If Harry Potter had been your idea, instead of JK's, what would've you done to improve it?

>Greater character development, steering away from the protagonist and antagonist archetypes.

>Invented my own creatures, rather than ripping them from mythology

>Fixed the god awful deus ex machina ending

>Lost the epilogue

>Killed Harry. And probably Ron.

>> No.1949637

Made it so that Neville is the real Boy Who Survived and Dumbledore was really pretending Harry was it to protect Neville.

>> No.1949636
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>> No.1949648


It's a damn sight better than the actual ending

>> No.1949644

Slytherin takes over Hogwarth. Draco Malfoy condemns potter to death at the end of book one.
Gryffindor starts marching from the north.

>> No.1949653


Do the exact same thing and be a billionaire.

Become a recluse and keep publishing real literature under a pseudonym.

>> No.1949661

Had it been my idea I would have killed myself and saved the world.

>> No.1949664

>Lost the epilogue

Really? It was kind of important. It's the one time we hear Harry admit how brave Snape was.

>> No.1949668

>If Twilight had been your idea instead of Stephanie Meyers

>> No.1949672

More page-time for Snape, he was easily the best written character. More "good" Slytherins and generally more moral ambiguity, like OP said. I kinda liked the ending; it made perfect sense so I would leave that. More dynamism for the characters, and greater focus on subplots.

>> No.1949675


I thought it was pointless closure, and nothing that couldn't have been summed up after the battle.

>> No.1949682

Eh... I guess I can see your point. If they stuck that info into another part of the book, it would be OK.

I don't think the epilogue was too bad,anyway. The only thing I'd really change is the deus ex machina ending.

>> No.1949688

I'd have both Weasley twins survive. Or hell, even better they both die. Killing one of them was a dick move and really the only thing I remember from the climax.

>> No.1949697


I would've killed less characters off, but made them bigger events. Instead of just turning around and finding out three of them had just keeled over.

>> No.1949698

I'd keep everything the same except Harry wakes up at the end in his cupboard under the stairs.

>> No.1949708


Followed by the phrase "thanks to all my loyal fans, and thanks for all the fucking money. Eat shit Twilight!"

>> No.1949714

More moral ambiguity. Not just for slitherine, but have voldemort believe what hes doing is a necessary evil, or something of the like. More character developement. Death of more major character(s). Fred, tonks and remus? Really? Likable enough characters, but their importance in the story was minimal. More than anything, though:

Less deux mechina. From the entire series. I like my magical fantasy REALISTIC N GRITTY =P

>> No.1949716


Oh fuck I'd so much prefer that!

>> No.1949725

>have voldemort believe what hes doing is a necessary evil, or something of the like.
Oh god. Thats horrible. Sometimes villains have to just be plain evil.

>> No.1949749


That's the thing though, Plain evil, as a story telling device, is boring. It's much better if they have some reason, some rationale, regardless how twisted, for what they're doing. Then we can emphasise with them, and develop some short of connection. Otherwise they're just another raving madman taking up page time.

>> No.1949750

It'd be a rewrite of Wetlands from Luna Lovegood's perspective titled Portable Swamp

>> No.1949762

What's this deus ex machina ending everyone keeps talking about?

>> No.1949790

Well probably around book five I'd've had Harry's whole world sort of falling apart in a post-modern conflagration in which he finds himself questing after useless stuff, always under Voldemort's eye (who really doesn't give a shit about Harry, since he himself is paranoid about a mythical-level Harry he's built up in his mind), and exploring all kinds of different narratives: first person, Star Wars, wandering the streets of Dublin drunk in stream of consciousness while realizing he's doing so, etc etc. In the end I would have a straightforward book about a regular kid who has a regular last day of school before summer vacation, but who manages to hold onto some--any--ideal that is well thought out, as his friends around him drift into perpetual fragmentation and cynicism. His fate is left unkown.

>> No.1949821

I have forgotten why Voldemort is even so keen on killing Potter. Can someone tell me? lol

>> No.1949828

prophecy siad potter was "the chosen one" who was the only one who could possibly defeat him

>> No.1949829


cuz of the prophecy

>> No.1949834

Oh, okay. Thanks. Now, does this speak for or against the main story? lol

>> No.1949835

Switch around love interests. Luna and Harry works much better.
Harry dies at the end.
Riddle's past, as the past of all characters, would be expanded upon.
Just minor points since the franchise prints money.

>> No.1949836

harry dies in a blaze of glory using some forbiden magic to kill voldy

>> No.1949840

You mean that an ancient evil has risen and only the chosen one can defeat it? Maybe that's why I never got into the series.

>> No.1949841


Exactly, would be hilarious

>> No.1949846

Harry Potter is for kids, I only read it because I was a kid myself as the books came out.

If you're an adult and you read it you're a faggot.

>> No.1949867

I enjoyd the movies and don't plan on reading the novels.

>> No.1949874

I read something about an alternative ending which was not pursued in the books so as not to differ from the movie ending. Can anyobody say something on this?

>> No.1949879


I can: it's bullshit

>> No.1949887

You were a kid in 2007?


>> No.1949885

Thought as much. Poor Snape.

>> No.1949906


I was 15 in 2007, so no I'm not underageb&

>> No.1949911

How Harry defeats Voldemort because he secretly owns Voldemorts wand, due to some duelling mechanic that was never mentioned until the last book, and how that causes Voldemort's wand to backfire. In a single book, it probably wouldn't be considered that bad of a deus ex, but in seven book series it's a terrible ending.

>> No.1949915

Sorry, the above comment is for >>1949762

>> No.1949938

I would have made it so that there were some good people in Slytherin. One of my twists would be that Dumbledore was in Slytherin.

>> No.1949948

I actually didn't mind that ending, because there's no way in hell Harry would defeat Voldemort on pure skill, since Voldemort is a magical genius and Harry is not. The fact that Voldemort's death was caused by a misstep of his own (not figuring out the ownership chain of the wand, or switching to another) seemed more fitting than Harry outright killing him. (Which would make Harry seem like a killer.)

>> No.1949958
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In I was Harry and I lived in the world of the book series, I'd just buy firearms and use them.

Think about it, almost none of the wizards know what guns are. Guns can kill you faster than raising a wand and saying an incantation. And there's no reason to believe any of the wizards are bulletproof, and non of them would have the reaction speed to block bullets (since they're invisible, unlike the spells which are visible, and slower).

>> No.1949971

No kidding, that motherfucker was all about the cunning. Also, why is he gay? I always thought he was just one of those ultra badass old bachelors. D'ya think he got it on with Grindelwald back in the day?

>> No.1949975


I'm sure there was some stuff about guns not working around magic or something

>> No.1950007


I did like the poetic justice of Voldemort dying by his own hand (also mirroring his defeat at the start of the book), but I would've preferred Harry to kill him, just because he was so lily white throughout the whole series. I mean, the worse thing he ever did was cast a torture curse on someone, who was about to torture a kid or something else ULTRA-EVIL. It would've been nice character development to find out he actually could kill someone.

>> No.1950024

The only time guns are mentioned is in the third book when in a newspaper for magical people it explains that guns are "like a muggle version of a wand." This would lead us to believe that the majority of wizards wouldn't know anything about them (Except Voldemort and Harry, who both grew up in the non-magical world).

>> No.1950028

-Realistic teenagers. Sex, drugs etc.
-More on the way the wizarding world interacts with the muggle world.
-Get rid of the evil vs good house system stuff. I really don't see the point.
-Get rid of the time turner stuff

>> No.1950031

According to the official story in the books there's nothing that really implies that he's gay. It was just something the author insinuated when asked about his character in an interview; though I think she said she originally planned to write that Grendlewold (or whatever his name was) and Dumbledore were into each other romantically, but that she cut that element of the story out of the novels.

>> No.1950038

wrong, Uncle Vernon bought a rifle in book one

>> No.1950043

>Snape has the Resurrection Stone and tortures himself with it as penance for having the love of his life killed.

>Dumbledore tells Harry about the Hallows from the start

>No epilogue

>Harry/Ron/Hermione love triangle

>Ron and Molly Weasley die

>Sirius doesn't die


>> No.1950042

That still doesn't change anything.

>> No.1950045

I didn't say it did, I just said you were wrong.

>> No.1950048


Hmm, or there was just something about "modern technology" in general not working around magic

>> No.1950053

This is an interesting idea, but it would just make Dumbledore seem like a cruel asshole who had Harry's life ruined on Neville's behalf.

>> No.1950058

>Twilight Crossover
>Bella x Harry x Edward

>> No.1950061

I see Harry pity dating Luna and getting attached. Gives the Death Eaters a real reason to capture her rather than "hurr your dad likes Potter"

>> No.1950066

sage for fanfiction

>> No.1950069

dumbledore/snape/mcgonagall love triangle

>> No.1950086

It's just on Hogwarts campus that things like walkie-talkies (and presumably most other modern tech) don't work. Something about some charm or something.

>> No.1950089


Ah ok, I knew there was something like that

>> No.1950100

Dumbledore is Amish

>> No.1950105

I'd have included a scene where Hermoine gets DP'd and cream pied by Harry and Ron, and then have that Chinese chick lie down underneath her so that the cum can fall into her mouth for her to swallow it down.

>> No.1950130

I would have delved further into the international wizarding world outside of Britain.

You get a taste of it with Drumstrang and Beauxbotons (sp?) in the Goblet of Fire, but she never takes it further than their appearance at Hogwarts. It would have been cool to see what witches and wizards in other countries were up to.

Minor gripe, I know, but there could have been a lot of exposition that arose from that idea.

>> No.1950140

This. I was really hoping that the final battle with Voldemort would include these schools as well. The ending war was good, but I felt it wasn't big enough. I wanted a fucking Helms Deep scale battle.

>> No.1950145

I don't really think she had much room for something like that. She'll probably explore wizarding throughout the rest of the world if she writes more set in HPverse

>> No.1950195

I lul'd

>> No.1950199

#1 Big Twist Ending.
Harry was just a decoy.
Neville was "the One".

#2 None of the books would have been more than 250 pages.
I'm a fan, but I have to say there is a LOT of padding from Book 4 onwards.