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19491296 No.19491296[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've always needed a woman to humiliate me - mainly by beating me, chaining me up, insulting me, stepping on me, spitting on me, making me hope to have sex with her for weeks (i spent most of my time with my last mistress on my knees, tied up and begging, while she did what she wanted with me).
I need to give myself to a woman. Completely. I need to be owned by a woman.
I let her do anything to me, take anything from me including money, hair, clothes, bodily fluids - even blood. But she left me when my punishment didn't satisfy her enough. I genuinely can't live without getting these feelings.
What are some books that can help me experience these feelings vicariously? My life is in your hands, /lit/.

>> No.19491323

Have sex IRL and your mind should soon get rid of such nonsense. As for recs I can think of a few but I won't tell you.

>> No.19491335

I've tried, fren. When i get into bed with a non-intimidating woman i can't get an erection

>> No.19491352

This is most likely a cope for repressed pedophilia, your best bet is to offset it by solely dating milfs, fat women, or trannies.

>> No.19491390
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>> No.19491450

Whats the connection between wanting to get dommed and repressed pedophilia?

>> No.19491464

There isn’t, he’s afraid of you and is projecting. Most pedos under 50 are aggressive incels who love hentai

>> No.19491468

Tell me, what work of art is this from?

>> No.19491470

Literally the polar opposite disposition lol

>> No.19491472


Sounds like you have a problem with your own sense of dignity. I dunno, watch a bunch of Clint Eastwood films, read some Tolstoy, but for the love of G..., fix it!

>> No.19491477

You feel embarrassed about your sexual urges with regards to grown women, which means that you feel shame for not being attracted to them and thus to off-set that you associate this disregard for them with humiliation and self-hatred thus giving you the pretense of the closest you can get to normal sexual relationship with a woman. Did you ever watch regular porn growing up? My guess is no. You are either a homosexual or a pedophile with no intention of coming out, most likely both, and the only way to mask it is by dating one of the three above stated.

>> No.19491489

pretty sure I read a study once that implied most tranny chasers are dominant and violent

>> No.19491500

>aggressive incels who love hentai
You are out of your lane if you think 'incels' actually exist. Cope for women more, simp I'm not the one with cuck fetishes.

He is ashamed

>> No.19491506

Guys who want to be dommed arent not attracted to women, they tend to pedestalize women, obsess and simp over them. Your armchair psychology is all out of whack

>> No.19491510

>submissive = humiliation and internalized self hatred
Go back to your joe rogan subreddit armchair evopsych

>> No.19491521

The guy is not a submissive he wants to be beaten and abused. He has no self-respect.

Yes, it's an abnormal behavior to want violence inflicted on you...

>> No.19491533
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>INCELS ARENT REAL it’s just that for the first time ever an overwhelming amount of young men arent socialized the way their fathers were and spend all day playing violent video games and cooming to violent porn and beheading twitch streamers

>> No.19491539

You were conflating submission with that type of nonsexualized violence earlier, though?

>> No.19491547

Is that supposed to be you? Why would you think I support the incel movement? I pity them, but think people should be open in their sexualities. Moralizing on reddit like you're wont to do will change nothing. If you had any idea what my views on sexuality were you would call me the complete opposite of an incel.

>> No.19491549

>What are some books that can help me experience these feelings vicariously?
Don't, stop indulging in this, seek help, get a therapist, seriously, jerk off, and then LISTEN TO YOURSELF, with post-nut clarity

>beating me, chaining me up, insulting me, stepping on me, spitting on me, making me hope to have sex with her for weeks (i spent most of my time with my last mistress on my knees, tied up and begging, while she did what she wanted with me).
This is pure MENTAL ILLNESS. Plain and simple, no sane, self-respecting person gets aroused by being tortured, you've developed a SEVERE mental illness

>>submissive = humiliation and internalized self hatred
>Go back to your joe rogan subreddit armchair evopsych
Except humiliation and internalized self-hatred is exactly what OP is driven by. Why the fuck else do you think he wants to be assaulted, demeaned and treated like a slave? Do you think someone with no self-hatred does this?

>> No.19491554

If I did it was mistaken I was referring to this guy's sole case which may be bait but does exist irl, I think submission is just a natural conditional that follows as the two genders become more similar with each other; that guy wanted to be violently beaten and de-humanized which indicates repression of some other degree.

>> No.19491555

What do you think bdsm is exactly? The type of guy who fantasizes about his celebrity waifu stepping on him can hardly be accused of inadequate attraction to adult women. If anything they have a preference for full bodied, dominant, "mature" types

>> No.19491557 [SPOILER] 
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The Torture Garden
Venus in Furs

Also what are your thoughts on tickle torture

>> No.19491559

Most BDSM is emotionally vulnerable men or women being taken advantage of. Consent never exists in this arbitrary handshake way that you think it does. What do you want me to say that being degraded to the point of near-death is good because you can moralize on 4chan to justify some sadistic porn you jerk off to?

>> No.19491563

OP isn't merely "submissive", he's completely masochistic, submissive would be if he caved in easily to people's demands, or if he was insecure and easily got clingy with people. What OP has, a desire to be inflicted physical and mental pain, demeaned, treated like dogshit, is plain and simple masochism

>> No.19491564

Never mind, then.

>> No.19491577

There is a difference in the two is all I was originally trying to say.

>> No.19491580

I want you to say it has nothing to do with pedophilia because it very obviously doesnt you idiot, that's what I responded to

>> No.19491588

knew what i was reading by the second line
isn’t BBW the third highest search term? seems way more like a mommyfag thing than a pedo thing

>> No.19491592

BDSM or this guy's case? How would I know there's no correlation. Pedophilia is extremely rare, and what gets called pedophilia is almost always hebephilia or ephebophilia. I specifically said pedophilia for anon, since such intense degrees of pain may indicate the more taboo the fetish. All psychology is merely speculation stated as fact, anyhow.

>> No.19491679

>Yes, it's an abnormal behavior to want violence inflicted on you...
no its not. what do you think conscience is?

>> No.19491749

>Also what are your thoughts on tickle torture
Not a fan of it. I am ticklish, yes, but the pretense of joy and innocense in laughter takes me out of it

>> No.19491784

Ah yeah. Have you ever tried it? The laughter I think is quite easily differentiated from happy, wilful laughter. It has a crazed, desperate aspect I find really hot. Sometimes people simply cry. If you like you could be gagged

>> No.19491796

I'll watch some videos and get back to you
Feel free to link me some if you care to

>> No.19491818

I’ll try to link some good ones for you. Is it femdom ones you’re interested in?

>> No.19491826

>even blood
What the fuck man

>> No.19491834

Yes, please
I require no justification. If you want to judge, then judge

>> No.19491837

>Why would you think I support the incel movement? I pity them
How would you feel pity for a non-existent entity? faggot.

>> No.19491879
File: 63 KB, 339x500, SunAndSteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Yukio Mishima's Sun and Steel to motivate you to cultivate your body and mind so you develop actual self-respect and appreciation for yourself.

You're mentally ill, you're filled with self-hate, the last thing you need is to keep indulging in your mental illness through even more means

Reflect on this when you're not horny, because it's clearly messing with your judgement right now

>> No.19491940

It’s hard to find some of my favourite ones at the moment since I’m not on my pc and pornhub purged heaps of shit but here’s a few you might like. Tell me what you think. I wish I had better ones to show you at the moment. I’ll try to find ones with lots of begging








>posts a man who publicly lived out his fetish of killing himself via seppuku as a model for OP to end his masochism

>> No.19491957

This is the best advice, OP. Read it over a few times too.

>> No.19491958

Mishima did not have a "fetish" for killing himself, he just decided to commit suicide because he didn't want to live to old age and see his body and mind decay

>> No.19491968

>All the Puritan handwringing in this thread
I can’t wait until the pendulum swings back the other way again.

It’s a fetish. Indulge in it, but don’t get consumed by it. Make sure you recognize you’re into the fantasy and that the real experience may very well be a miserable one.

>> No.19491979

Thank you, i'll get back to you in an hour. I've already watched a couple.

>> No.19491982

Do you see now?
Do all of you see?
You were wrong to call us coomers and simps for saying women are the pinnacle of art.
This is a coomer.
This is a simp.

>> No.19491997
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>Mishima did not have a "fetish" for killing himself
Sounds like someone has not read Confessions of a Mask

>> No.19492008

Venus in furs is probably the only /lit/ femdom book.

>> No.19492015

Holy mother of based

>> No.19492022

Holy shit i can tell exactly what you mean from the third video; it's almost maniacal how the guy is shaking. In some of the other videos, the men literally shake at the touch of their mistress. Snot comes out of their noses, they drool, they can't even laugh any more so when their mistress allows them respite from the last tickle they can't help but caterwaul in a thoroughly defeated, oppressed and downright painful way. Holy shit.
This is a better answer than any other in the thread. Thank you.

>> No.19492033

No worries anon! I’m very very very glad I could help. Tickling is an under appreciated torture until you experience it for yourself. Some doms use it to punish subs who tolerate and enjoy pain

>> No.19492054

>I can’t wait until the pendulum swings back the other way again.
Never going to happen, coomer

4Chan itself is nothing but the eternal antithesis of everything that mainstream society stands for, it's founded on contrarianism. However, when society itself becomes deranged, we become principled. For as long as mainstream society embraces self-destructive degenerate behavior like your simping and self-mutilation, you won't be welcome here

>> No.19492074

4chan is not merely contrarian, it is irreverent. This is something many newfriend /pol/posters dont get. Yes it is funny to post Hitler content, but people are also going to mock Hitler and white people back at you, and this applies to everything. So we have continent Christian posters but we're also always going to have deranged coomers alongside them. It is not hugbox

>> No.19492084

I think my previous mistress didn't care about what she was doing to me psychologically. Thinking about it now it seemed that she was only interested in herself causing pain; the fact that it was pain - my pain - seemed to escape her.
She never seemed to care about me.
Maybe if she noticed how much i enjoyed the physical torture, she might have tried something like this.
I'm not sure if you're into the receiving end of this type of thing, but i need some affection behind the blood. Of course i'm content to just get the blood but somebody who understands my needs would complete me.

>> No.19492090

peak masturbation

>> No.19492105

I’m more of a dom myself but I agree. Sorry to hear about your past experience anon. Did you still get much satisfaction out of it? It wasn’t too alienating I hope. I love torturing my subs out of their wits but I always pay a lot of attention to their state of mind. I love fulfilling their fantasies. I just also happen to enjoy using their shrieking squirming bodies as vessels for my own satisfaction, hehe. Not much they can do about it

>> No.19492135
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I'm am extremely submissive person. I have extreme difficulty standing up for myself and will go out of my way to please other people if I think it will make them like me, and so they'll be more likely to forgive me when I fuck up. I love femdom as well, though I haven't been to a professional domme since Covid hit. Face slapping just isn’t as fun when you can't feel their soft, warm skin with the masks and gloves. Most literotica is garbage so I commission stuff exactly to my preferences.

>> No.19492154

Well, at least your prose is a joy to read!

Though I am curious, what is your genuine opinion on yourself? If I was to say "describe yourself with five adjectives" what would be your response? Are you pessimistic? Are you self-hating? What are your views on women in general? Would you ever die for a girl?

You are very fascinating because you seemed to have dedicated your life to something most people would look down on. What made you ignore them? What is interesting is you have found meaning in your life and actually have a self (in the kierkegaardian sense - a relation which connects everything in your life, including the relation itself), which is far more impressive than the contrarians in this thread who look at everything critically and as beneath them, and as a result never are anything.

Can you try to describe just what about it you like? I have my theories and i want to see if they are correct.

>> No.19492160

>Most literotica is garbage so I commission stuff exactly to my preferences.
Any examples you can share with us

>> No.19492167

Well that is part of it, right. It was a bad phrase to say "complete me" when i mean something close to the opposite. It's the desire to somehow give yourself away to somebody who completely takes you out of love. It's the idea that i do it and have no self anymore. It's love.
Letting her do that to me is great - i truly loved it sometimes - but intent is the difference between somebody trying to break you and scrape you away in pieces too small to fully collect and somebody melting all of you away to the last layer of self you have, completely understanding what they're doing and who you are, and taking the very core of you in its entirety through violence and humiliation. The breaking you metaphor might be lost on you, since that seems a kind of dom headspace, but it makes sense to me.
And the love i give them is a sort of dangling it out, saying "if you want it, here it is." Those few instants when the sympathy and affection seeps through make it far deeper. But she never seemed to be able to take me completely.

>> No.19492250

>Though I am curious, what is your genuine opinion on yourself? If I was to say "describe yourself with five adjectives" what would be your response? Are you pessimistic? Are you self-hating? What are your views on women in general? Would you ever die for a girl?
I think i'm a fine person. I'm a teacher's assistant at an ontario university, preparing to write my master's thesis on kathy acker among other things, laying the groundwork to becoming a high school principle. I go to work on time, work hard, talk to my family a lot, keep up with old friends.
I'm not pessimistic, really. I think the world is as great a place we're going to get, that true selflessness is rare but possible, which is good enough for me. There's much joy and good to be found in the world.
I think women are wonderful, but men are wonderful too. I'm not gay or into cuckoldry, but there is a specific type of woman i find attractive. Mostly it has to do with their attitude and, of course, their physical qualities, but i don't have a type in the same way that some guys are into black girls, etc.
My answer may not be interesting or different from other men, but if i died for a woman i would have to be her man and she would have to prove it to me for years, honestly. It's great to be selfless in my own little way, but being selfless is not exactly the same as being dead, though they have their similarities. Giving your selfhood away in death is done once, giving your selfhood away in other ways adds up to more. I'd have to be on death's door anyways with a woman who i've already given enough of my self to.

>> No.19492259

>Well, at least your prose is a joy to read!
And yes, i have had some writing published in small canadian presses - not much i admit - but writing is another act in which i feel the self is given away and the feeling comes naturally to wax about the things i care about.
Glad you like it :)

>> No.19492318

Naked Lunch, whynot?
L'Image by Catherine Robbe-Grillet
Also Women's Rites by Jeanne de Berg

>> No.19492350

Not to go on and on, but
>Are you self-hating?
Probably, but i don't feel self-hatred. There was an aspect of self hatred that fueled a large part of my life, but i'm past a massive bout of alcoholism - 3 years and 8 days sober - and don't feel those feelings anymore. They did bring a satisfaction to me that i remember perfectly, but since going to treatment, staying sober and seeing the end of those destructive thought processes, i could get that satisfaction in safer and more rewarding ways than alcoholism. Since then, i've explored my sex life.
>What made you ignore them?
It's my self to give out and nobody else's. i also don't broadcast it anywhere other than 4chan lol.
>Can you try to describe just what about it you like?
It all comes down to identity, and idk about all that philosophy stuff you're talking. I just have certain ideas of stuff i'm interested in, certain fantasies, etc.
It might seem that i have the most self-understanding but i really don't. I know what i like, what i don't like, my needs and my past: from there it's pretty easy to make choices. Sorry if that seems like a non-answer.