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19489299 No.19489299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good introductory books on Hinduism?

>> No.19489349

Dont overestimate the brahmins.

here is the chronology of eastern teachings

The Jews of the East are called Brahmins and they are saying that to please blue gods, the Jews, I mean the Brahmins , have to kill horses and cut very special woods in order to burn it and dance around the fire while chanting ''''''''''magical & sacred'''''''''''' sentences called mantras. Brahmins live off the royal families and have a comfy life, spending their day doing rituals mandated by the king, because the local jew, i mean Brahmin told him that the gods were somehow not pleased with him...
At this point karma rebirth and meditation are not in the Vedas and do not matter. The only way to live the holy life is to be a born a Brahmins and do ritual by dancing around a fire and killing some animals once in a while.

Buddhism and so on
Then Buddhism, Jainism and some materialist gurus came along and said the Vedas and Brahmins are full of shit. Sainthood is not hereditary for instance. Buddhists introduce karma, aggregates are not self, and very precise meditation and their only goal is to ''end suffering''. They do not give a shit about politics. The Jews get super triggered and write the Upanishads as a counter attack.

From now on, in the Upanishads it's wrong to kill animals to please the gods and they say any past killing was ''''''''''''symbolic''''''''''''.
They say that sainthood is not hereditary and instead Brahmins should meditate once in a while. They do not say what meditation is since they don't even know themselves. They just heard the word from the buddhists and jains, so they just mention the word and cross their fingers their audience will move past that.
The Upanishads is a half-assed work.

Buddhism dies
Buddha died a long time ago already and buddhism with him. The Brahmins are still seething at the buddha and start to kill whatever remains of buddhism from the inside by making up new teaching like Mahayana inside the buddhist monasteries. There is barely any filter at the entrance to become a buddhist monk, so everybody charismatic could join and change the daily rules and the teachings.
The ''''buddhist'''''' bramins create new '''buddhist'''' sutras for the first time written in perfect sanskrit [the language exclusive to the brahmins] in the exact same prose as the brahminical texts, but they say that those sutras are totally the Budhdas teaching '''dude just trust me lmao'''.
Now in buddhism there is a '''''primordial mind'''' which '''encompasses everything'''' and it's the ''''''''''''true self''''''''''''. Doing ''''''''rituals''''''''' makes good karma and anybody can be enlightened just by saying ''''''''''mantras''''''''''.

>> No.19489353


Some Brahmin tard called Patanjali decided also to write a manual on meditation. Since Brahmins made that shit up in a rush in the Upanishads , they can't pad their manual with custom teachings, so they copy word for word the buddhist manual. But this time they call it ''''''''''yoga'''''''''''''''and they use ''''''''''''''the breath'''''''''''' in order to ''''''''''''''reach Brahman'''''''''''''''.
In the middle ages, a Poo called Shankaracharya was still triggered by buddhism from 1000 years go so he tried to refute it by saying '' lol buddha did not use sanskrit so what he says is wrong lol''. To this day, the Poos still use this turd to ''''''''''''refute'''''''''' buddhism and sometimes jainism.

Buddhism has been dead for several centuries and what is left is various Brahminical-buddhist intellectuals struggling to differentiate Vajrayana, Mahayana and Hinduism, saying each one is better and different from the others. They make up lots of contrived mental gymnastics, but since they all reject the buddhist claim that ''things don't have any essence'', their teachings get more and more confusing and more and more the same. At this point in buddhism, buddha is literally the essence of the universe and to get enlightened you have to do some rituals on the order of the newly introduced concept of the local Vajrayana guru [the buddhist equivalent of a brahmin] while saying some mantras. Buddhist fucking love mantras at this point.

Nowadays, the situation is the same with:
- buddhism still dead
- hindus still seethe IRL and online at buddhism and jainism, even though there is like 0% buddhists and only 1% jains in India right now lol
-hinduism-mahayana-vajrayana still desperate to say they are different yet still saying the exact same things
- now lay people try to do meditation, but they either do the non-buddhist meditation like all the zen ''do nothing'' crap, all the mahayana worship crap, or do the the meditation from buddhist commentaries also written centuries after the death of the buddha.

>> No.19489470


>> No.19490348
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prabhupada's translation of the gita

>> No.19490391
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You can join the local Hinduist Fight Club

>> No.19490407
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Or a local IT club, you don't have to limit yourself to books OP!

>> No.19490688

Don't listen to >>19490348
Read a different version of the Gita
Fuck off, Hindu threads have been consistently comfy and educational on lit

>> No.19490729
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What are you talking about, I'm a big fan of vedic medicine

>> No.19490796

drops mic

>> No.19490818


Rene Guenon (pbuh) - Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines

>> No.19490924
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Myths and Gods of India by Danielou is pretty good. Keep in mind though that he himself became a shivaite and regarded shivaism as the primordial religion

>> No.19491771

Hello new friend. Everyone here eventually goes through the eastern canon. The only thing that differs is the order. Usually Hinduism --> Buddhism --> Taoism. But I warn you, eventually once you read enough of it, you will come to brutal black pills. If you have a family that cares about you, you cannot just reject desire completely. If you have no desires, then there is no reason to struggle, to do what is expected of us, and then what kind of life will you lead? That is unless you're alone, in which go crazy with it, since you have no one to disappoint. Eventually it hits that our lives, the western world that we live in isnt compatible with these ideas at all.

>> No.19492132
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(1.) Why do you assume I live in the west?
(2.) Why do you assume that because I want to learn about the religious practices of another culture that I am looking for some kind of spiritual enlightenment?
(3.) Why do you assume that if an incompatibility exists between the western world and eastern spirituality that it is the eastern spirituality that is as fault?