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19488863 No.19488863 [Reply] [Original]

What existing sacred doctrine is closest to Platonism, ala Plotinus, etc? Are the Traditionalists correct in assuming there is a unitary whole out of all the different 'religions', and you only need to get to the esoteric part and you'll find that singular metaphysical doctrine?

Cuz Al Ghazali in Mishkat al Anwar pretty much lays out an almost identical metaphysical conception as Plato and Plotinus. Advaita Vedanta as well but for some reason they go too far and accept nominalism (absurd).

Is there still such a thing as a Christian Neoplatonist who seeks his soul's return to God's unity via theosis (henosis)?

>> No.19488877

Twelver Shi’ism
Christian Orthodox Hesychasm
But you must pretend that it's not from Plato but Moses or some Imam or some shit.

>> No.19488895

>Advaita Vedanta as well but for some reason they go too far and accept nominalism (absurd).
No, they don’t, there is no support for any nominalist position in Shankara’s writings

>> No.19488911

>What existing sacred doctrine is closest to Platonism, ala Plotinus, etc?
none, at its root it's a lot closer to paganism than it is to any Abrahamic religion.

>> No.19489706

Why was Socrates charged with corrupting the youth and discrediting the pagan gods of Athens then?

>> No.19489808

slander, throughout the dialogues socrates makes supplications for various deities like pan, daimones, and so on. the athenians misconstrued his questions on the relation of subjects like 'piety' to the gods. some of the people who tried to charge him on these things were sophists who were relativistic nihilists anyway so who the fuck cares what they say when they wouldn't believe in an objective essence/form to a god in the first place

>> No.19489827

>Twelver Shi’ism
As a Shi'a I found the part in Timaus where the Godhead creates and speaks to "gods" highly interesting.
>But you must pretend that it's not from Plato but Moses
You must believe it's from God.

>> No.19489841

Plotinus' famously said that the gods could come to him, for he would not go to them. He refused to give offerings to them and did not pray in their temples. His disciples got filtered by this and went back to paganism.

>> No.19490084

and? post-platonic tradition doesn't start with Plotinus, as various texts regarding the same matters he was talking about had already existed in 2-3 c. AD, and many of them do lean towards paganism.

>> No.19490595
File: 2.78 MB, 927x1200, 1629742986148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Based fellow shia anon

>> No.19490776
File: 155 KB, 1276x718, 1615960096818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there still such a thing as a Christian Neoplatonist
Porbbaly the closest you would find is Meister Eckhart

>> No.19491333

The influence of neoplatonism to other traditions is very exaggerated. People can come to similar conclusions without being influenced by that philosophy. Is Taoism also influenced by neoplatonism? If it was a european or middle eastern tradition you would say yes...

>> No.19491422

>b-but you need an analogue to the catholic church and a holy book written by jews and-
No you don't. By Plato's own philosophy, you don't. That's the entire point of Transcendence.

>> No.19491439

I don't know about all that philosophy stuff, but I do like that painting. Who painted it? Is that supposed to be a druid?

>> No.19491449

Not OP, but im pretty sure that its meant to depict cultists of Dionysus

>> No.19491457

>all Paganism involves sacrifice and temples
>Paganism is when you have a sacrifice and the more sacrifices the more Paganistic it gets

>> No.19491480

Thank you, that's very cool. One of my greatest wishes would be to go back in time and talk to all these pagan priests that we know so little about. So much of their philosophy and theology has been lost, I just wish I could get a taste of it.

>> No.19491485

This is a pretty common argument amongst the Church Fathers, yeah. This gets wrapped up in the weird tranny veganism stuff a lot of them had going on.

>> No.19491488

Conversations with some of them would be quite fascinating I think

>> No.19491545
File: 12 KB, 400x274, Wieland's Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there still such a thing as a Christian Neoplatonist who seeks his soul's return to God's unity via theosis (henosis)?
Yes, Parsifal.
