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19488303 No.19488303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They are basically just biological determinists with lots of flawed and inaccurate data supporting their claims. Surely, there exist some books that help disproving their worldview, right?

>> No.19488320

>They are basically just biological determinists with lots of flawed and inaccurate data supporting their claims
What claims?
What data?
Elaborate, chud

>> No.19488331

Well, it's mostly that a man's success when it comes to love and work is dependent on his genetics. Their data is basically the whole incel wiki.

>> No.19488350

>a man's success when it comes to love and work is dependent on his genetics
And what are the alternatives? What are the other factors that dictate a persons life except his genes?
You don't need to be an incel to agree with this claim, that's why I don't understand why would you attribute this claim to incels specifically.

>> No.19488357
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I've never gotten the point of this meme.
The point seems to be that a few millimeters of bone is the difference between an incel and a normal person, but of course, the deformed facial structure on the left is indicative of inferior genes which anyone would want to avoid (even I as a heterosexual male find the specimen on the left to be very displeasing to look at, it's just a natural human reaction). It's like saying the difference between a normal person and a cripple is literally one limb. OK? and?
It's literally "gold is just a shinny rock", "we are just atoms lol", "music is like, just wiggly air man" tier Ledditor reasoning. Reductionism that intentionally misses the point.

>> No.19488358

A lot of what incels believe is summarized in this page.
Don’t let the “scientific” label fool you, a lot of these studies are easily deboonked.
For example, one study claims that sex is the most meaningful experience of all. How did they come to this conclusion? By interviewing a bunch of college students. Totally not a biased population right? Lol
Similarly, many of these “studies” have flaws in their methodology like small sample sizes, no control groups, no follow up studies, etc.

>> No.19488359

Inches not milimeters

>> No.19488382

Yeah, I see ugly men with hot women weekly, incels don't understand that if you can make a woman laugh this is often better than having a strong chin.

>> No.19488391

Their personality, upbringing, education.
Genetic determinism is just a blind incels use to avoid looking at what kind of people they are.

>> No.19488393

Oh and I forgot to mention 99% of these studies come from sociology, a field notoriously affected by the replication crisis.
I bet not even half of these studies can be replicated or they will come up with different results.

>> No.19488396

Incels claim that their genes wont let them fuck but neglect to consider how those genes got passed down to them lol

>> No.19488407

This is not an argument because there exists something called genetic recombination. A Chad can breed with a dysgenic woman and produce ugly undesirable male children. Take gingers for example. Their phenotype even is a genetic mutation. Red haired girls are desirable but can produce undesirable red headed men who will be incels.

>> No.19488414

parental genes, which are also his genes
parental genes, which are also his genes and his genes in general

>what kind of people they are
They might be lazy fucks, sure. Doesn't change the fact that it's in their genes

>> No.19488416

There's two kinds of incels though, there's the kind that has some kind of social anxiety or social ineptness and really just wants to have a relationship with a woman but doesn't know how, and then there's the bitter and resentful borderline sociopath who really just hates women and want other men to join in their misery.

>> No.19488418

>mate slection has nothing to do with genetics
they arent looking for friendship retard

>> No.19488420

What's the 'incel' worldview? I don't think there is really a coherent incel worldview, but I do think that the typical incel mindset you see is an overreaction containing a germ of truth. Dating in the dating-app, smart-phone era is a lot worse than it used to be. I don't think that much is made up. Japan got there first after all - Japan 10-15 years ago is where we are now in the west. Like I said, I think incels tend to overreact, but I think it is a real social phenomenon and there is probably more interesting things to be explored about what is true in the incels observations than in disproving what is false.

If you are talking about shit like hypergamy then you don't need a book to refute that shit just half a brain cell.

>> No.19488422

it's not about "not getting sex" in general. It's about "who gets most sex and why"

>> No.19488423

Well if I were you I would avoid books on the first crusade and the arab spring (both successful incel uprisings). If the govt doesnt channel incel rage they are going to have a great revolt on their hands

>> No.19488425

Their ancestors were rapists.

>> No.19488428

im sort of an incel, i think if i rly wanted to fuck I would've already

but I've skimmed through the notions and:
1.1 Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
this is absolutely true, verbalized usually with the phrase : why is she into that asshole?
Women are definitely much more attracted to assholes. I would know, I'm not an asshole and I've no 'success' ( success with apostrophes bcos I could never be such a chad type asshole even if I tried plus i'd never be with a woman that is attracted to those types of men)
I still don't understand why they like assholes, maybe bcos they usually bully their way through life so there's a better chance they'd be secure/ financially well off.
There are 20 or so more notions about how women give pussy much more to anti- social, psychopathic, criminal, gang member types- and that is objectively true.

>> No.19488429

OP is saying the hikikomori dont exist.

>> No.19488432

>biological determinists
...So they're correct?

>> No.19488448
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Hikikomori are a bit more extreme than just an incel. Plenty of incels are 'functioning' people, which is probably what makes them so bitter. If you never leave the house and you never get laid the source of the problem is pretty obvious. But if you do everything 'right' and still can't make it work then that is a recipe for resentment.

With that said, Hikikomori: Adolescence Without End is a good read that OP might find interesting although it doesn't directly answer his question. It's the book which first identified / described the phenomenon.

>> No.19488450

I believe it was a poor choice of words.
OP meant this >>19488358

>> No.19488451

The problem with incels isn't that they are wrong that dating is hard or that women are picky or whatever, it's that they don't accept that rejection is a singular event that can't be generalized. If a woman rejects you, that doesn't mean the other hundreds of women you can meet in your life will, and you only need to meet one great girl to have a good relationship.

>> No.19488452
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>> No.19488467

>Well, it's mostly that a man's success when it comes to love and work is dependent on his genetics
Aka millions of years of evolutionary genetics

>> No.19488473

>For example, one study claims that sex is the most meaningful experience of all
Former sex addict here. Couldn't be more wrong. It certainly is meaningful when done with someone you love, and I can imagine how being deprived of it would magnify it's important. But spiritual feelings, parenthood, life achievements; these all trump sexual gratification by light years.

>> No.19488475

this >>19488450

>> No.19488479

I think if there was a kinsey scale of inceldom they certainly belong on it, (with volcel trad chads who cannot tolerate modern women on the opposite side of the spectrum

>> No.19488481

Back then every person in good standing got married and aethetics were not an issue.
Today there is hypergamy and hyper focus on aesthetics of the partner as indicative of social status.

>> No.19488483

Nothing that anon said was wrong.
Your image doesn't apply here.

>> No.19488484

Why do incels get so much focus when they're basically the male version of feminists? I guarantee if inceldom was a female phenomenon you wouldn't see half the hate in the media for it.

>> No.19488485

Isn't their worldview "women owe me sex"? It disproves itself.

>> No.19488486


>> No.19488490

if you wish, go to 'female dating strategy' on reddit for some evidence to your thesis.

>> No.19488491

>I still don't understand why they like assholes
I think it's because a guy who hangs onto her for dear life and is thus polite and doting signals that she is all he can get, and thus is clearly unable to attract many women. Women base a lot of their value judgements on what other women think and do. Hence why Pete fucking Davidson keeps getting laid. You're seen with attractive women, it makes other women want you because clearly you have something worth attaining. Women are eternal adolescents, it's really that simple

>> No.19488492

Which is why its an overreaction yeah. Tbh from my experience a lot (not all) of incels are just young guys who will be late bloomers and have written themselves off way too early. They compare themselves to others who they (think) are getting laid way more than them and they understandably feel put out by it. In truth, if they continue to put themselves out there / age a little / leave college / find the right crowd etc. then it will happen eventually.

Yeah it sucks when other people are getting laid and you're not, but that doesn't mean it won't ever happen. The issue is that they are young and insecure and then they are able to latch onto an online community that gives them a bunch of bullshit pseudo-scientific reasons for why they're not getting laid and then they adopt a defeatist mindset.

Now, I'm not talking about wizards, so don't reply to this saying "I'm 28 khv so you're wrong". I'm talking about 20 year olds on this website and other websites who want to off themselves because the brain dead woo girls at their college parties want to fuck someone with a six pack.

>> No.19488494
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>> No.19488495

Oh I've seen that subreddit. But there isn't endless media articles about how they're all terrorists in waiting, are there?

>> No.19488497

Good. Physiognomic gremlins deserve to suffer. People who look like the guy on the left usually have poor moral character and have liberal world views and usually are engaged in useless unproductive behaviors like gaming, masturbation, excess eating, and almost always are the ones endlessly trying to hookup on Tinder. Meanwhile Chads are focused on elevating themselves. I look more like the guy on the right and always did my best to avoid fornication. My main goal has always been total mastery of self. The interior beauty of a soul reflects exteriorly. As to work, you also are wrong. If you look better than the people interviewing you, they almost always are resentful and envious and vicariously assume you're a Don Juan out to seduce them and their daughters. They also wrongly assume you are well to do and wealthy based on looks. Also, men and older women assume you are homosexual if you refuse to dirty yourself in the mud like everyone else.

>> No.19488500


>> No.19488502

Ironically, the incel worldview will disprove itself genetically. Nobody will fuck someone dumb or maladjusted enough to subscribe to that self-pitying vitriolic nonsense.

>> No.19488503

>Isn't their worldview "women owe me sex"?
No that's MtF trannies kek

>> No.19488508

Thats because an all female terrorist cell would backstab eachother within a week

>> No.19488509
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>Good. Physiognomic gremlins deserve to suffer. People who look like the guy on the left usually have poor moral character and have liberal world views and usually are engaged in useless unproductive behaviors like gaming, masturbation, excess eating, and almost always are the ones endlessly trying to hookup on Tinder. Meanwhile Chads are focused on elevating themselves. I look more like the guy on the right and always did my best to avoid fornication. My main goal has always been total mastery of self. The interior beauty of a soul reflects exteriorly. As to work, you also are wrong. If you look better than the people interviewing you, they almost always are resentful and envious and vicariously assume you're a Don Juan out to seduce them and their daughters. They also wrongly assume you are well to do and wealthy based on looks. Also, men and older women assume you are homosexual if you refuse to dirty yourself in the mud like everyone else.

>> No.19488513

Humanity will destroy itself genetically because female hypergamous pattern of mating is unsustainable and cannot foster demographic growth

>> No.19488516

but why is it important whether he can attract many women? He is supposed to be with one woman anyway.
What If he wants to be with 1 woman?

>> No.19488517


>> No.19488522

you cant disprobr it, its true and even moreso blatantly in the modern world and no amount of cope anecdotes will change that.

>> No.19488531

I mean I get that you're baiting but I'll bite. I've had a very normal and 'stereotypical' romantic history for somebody my age and am in my mid-20s now, but I have had plenty of friends who fell into the incel camp when they were in the early 20s but grew out of it because that's life.

Honestly, a large part of it is the crowd you roll with. I think college sucks for a lot of these people because they are stuck in the wrong crowd due to forces slightly out of their control. Again, I'm not universalizing my experience, I know there are plenty of people for whom this doesn't apply, but there are plenty of people to whom it does apply. Whenever you see those pics of incels posting their own faces most of them aren't even ugly by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.19488535

TIL women can somehow magically detect when someone has said incel stuff on the internet but cant detect abusive partners.

>> No.19488539

>Whenever you see those pics of incels posting their own faces most of them aren't even ugly by any stretch of the imagination
That's your judgment. Women on the other hand consider 70% of men to be average or below average in attractiveness

>> No.19488545

Not him, but even if that's true, there's plenty of women who are willing to accept a partner who has subpar looks for a lot of other reasons, he can be funny, he can be rich, he can be smart and so on.

The fact that incels focus solely on looks is pure projection, because that's actually how men view women, if women aren't attractive men don't care if she's got a master's degree, is funny, or rich.

>> No.19488548

>Not him, but even if that's true, there's plenty of women who are willing to accept a partner who has subpar looks for a lot of other reasons, he can be funny, he can be rich, he can be smart and so on.

there arent plenty those are outliers

>> No.19488552

Wrong. I see average men with hot wives weekly.

>> No.19488556

i see alien ufos on a daily basis

>> No.19488557

This is exactly what I mean - you're really proving my point. I don't expect to be able to convince you over a 4chan thread, but live a bit more / broaden your horizons and you will realise you are wrong.

>> No.19488558
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>The fact that incels focus solely on looks is pure projection, because that's actually how men view women
Patently wrong. I'd understand if you were spouting this bullshit some 10 years ago but our understanding of the modern dating market has advanced so much in that time that it seems like you're wilfully remaining ignorant

>> No.19488560

>le /pol/ unsourced chart

>> No.19488561

This is true, dating apps suck. They really a scourge and should not exist at all. But incels catastrophise - the world is bigger than dating apps. It might be harder than it once was, but it also isn't the end of the world (although you may be liable to think so if your world is very small).

>> No.19488563

So if my gf is a 6... then that makes me a 9! Thanks. That really boosted my ego!

>> No.19488564

Anon, CEOs of billion dollar companies will literally marry their 25 year old secretary because she's hot, a woman in the same position will never in a million years marry her male secretary just because he's attractive.

>> No.19488569

Women can detect abusive partners, they're attracted to it. Incels aren't abusive, they are passive-aggressive and effeminate (ie, unattractive. Women are primally attracted to raw aggression and violence).

>> No.19488570

1. dating apps cant reflect patterns mate selection reality with significant accurasy theres no reason why they shouldnt.
2.dating apps are very widely used anyways.

>> No.19488572

Because it shows he is desirable to attract high value women. Women accept that men will go through several women before settling down, even if they deny it

>> No.19488573

incel isnt a personality trait its a state of being usually brought by being short and unattractive.

>> No.19488574

based glass half full enjoyer

>> No.19488579
File: 318 KB, 67x90, soyboy-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a good QRD: https://ifstudies.org/blog/male-sexlessness-is-rising-but-not-for-the-reasons-incels-claim

And apart from that, just look around you. The posterchild for söyboys in pic related who had a spastic fit and cried relentlessly at the Star Wars trailers has a girlfriend - she's plain, sure, but you can easily love a plain woman if you're not ruining your mind with pornography daily.

And that's what I mean by go outside and look around you - short, average and below looking men still find love.

>> No.19488581

No, it's a state of being brought on by either mental illness or resentful online culture.

>> No.19488583

prove it

>> No.19488588

>dating apps cant reflect patterns mate selection reality

But its NOT reality. On an app you have an endless selection of faces to sort through, which is why women are picky. In real life, you do NOT and thus people hook up for other reasons - looks being ONE but not the only reason. I am not talking about whores at college parties. I am talking about the real world, which is much more complicated and frankly less blackpilling than incels will have you believe.

>> No.19488592

but can't she tell herself whether that's a good man?
This implies that it is attractive for a man to be promiscuous. I think it's not good, but not in the exact same way, for a man to be promiscuous as it is for a woman

>> No.19488596

There’s a video out there (blackpilled tinder dating in 2020 or something) that reveals that Tinder’s algorithm purposefully hides men’s profiles so you get fewer matches in order to get you to buy Tinder Plus which gives your profile more exposure = higher chance of matching.
Dating apps are absolute cancer, literally commodifying and gamifying every aspect of human existence.

>> No.19488597

Alek Minassian.

>> No.19488600

why would women be picky on dating apps and men not? and why would this not reflect reality significantly? why would this suddenly change

>> No.19488601

Incels are the maladjusted perfectionists of dating, really. I'm pretty sure some could get a date but refuse to do so because someone somewhere is getting more, easier and better pussy. Then they concentrate all their energy on those people instead of working on themselves

>> No.19488607
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My mum says I look handsome and that's all that matters.

>> No.19488608

thats in order to cater to womens desire since they swipe away 90% of men for a reason if anything it proves my point.

>> No.19488610

>The posterchild for söyboys in pic related who had a spastic fit and cried relentlessly at the Star Wars trailers has a girlfriend - she's plain, sure, but you can easily love a plain woman if you're not ruining your mind with pornography daily.
>And that's what I mean by go outside and look around you - short, average and below looking men still find love.

This is the truth. Incels want to fuck as much as chad and when they realise they can't then they misinterpret that to mean they will never be able to fuck ever. The real blackpill is not realising that women are whores, but that you are average and that you have to accept the same boring, average life that the majority of the world accepts. The reason they won't accept this though is because they derive pleasure from their own failure.

>> No.19488613

anecdotes arent evidence

>> No.19488615
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That was the result of an OKCupid experiment conducted many years ago. I suspect it's only gotten worse from then. You can find the documentation online or replicate the findings if you want. As a matter of fact I intend to do so as part of my statistics course
>the world is bigger than dating apps
Not according to the data. Besides other forms of finding a date are systematically being discriminated against by radical feminists who have gotten the hold of justice system. Cold approach - a method favored and popular in the PUA days - is practically dead and is more likely to land you a sex offense charge than a date. Sexual harassment lawsuits (initiated by women of course) are ubiquitous in universities and colleges to the extent that even I noticed this craze despite living in Poland. I won't mention COVID because that will only affect the dating market temporarily but I wonder if it won't have a kind of hysteresis effect on the dating market. All that taken into account dating apps are on their way to becoming the only way of meeting someone. Very fitting that a neoliberal society obsessed with market solutions, rationalization and contracts should choose an app whose design so conspicuously reflects market logic where people are commodities for sale

>> No.19488617

why do you keep bringing up these assumptions out of your ass?

>> No.19488618

If you use tinder for half a second you will realise this. If you're halfway decent looking you'll get a tonne of matches the day you sign up and then literally none from every day onward. It is so transparently broken to get you to buy premium that you'd be braindead to even try it.

>> No.19488624

tinder isnt the only dating app the same selection patterns exist in pretty much every other dating app.

>> No.19488625

A self-described incel spree killer isn't an anecdote.

>> No.19488630

hes a single individual and therefore an anecdote

>> No.19488631

That's true in my case except I do work on myself. I think part of my problem is that I didn't settle for what I had available in my early 20s. Girls with great personalities or looks tend to get taken quickly. Now I'm a nostatus 30 something male. The pool now seems considerably small for me and at this point I've given up and taken the prostitute pill.

>> No.19488634

more baseless assumptions

>> No.19488635

Or he's just the violent expression of a larger phenomenon.

>> No.19488636


Incels are so pathetic. They give up so easily and then look for scientific methods to rationalise their own failure. Even if it is true on a broad scale, it doesn't have to be true for any one specific individual. Man the fuck up and don't accept defeat. If you are too cowardly and you would prefer to blame all your problems on society then do so but shut up about it / kill yourself so nobody else has to listen to your whinging.

>> No.19488641

>but can't she tell herself whether that's a good man?
No. Most women, as I said, base all their value judgements on the society around them. It's an evolutionary trait. Most women just copy what other women do. It's why they love to bitch so much, it's a catharsis to learn how other women's values and peevs are aligned so as not to step outside them
>Ok incel
I've been in many relationships and am exactly the dickhead type of guy anon is on a out

>> No.19488643

I've found Hinge is pretty good but I am pretty hot desu ngl

>> No.19488644

you cant prove that if all you have is a single anecdote

>> No.19488648
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utterly disproven by a single image

>> No.19488649

You don't even know what the word anecdote means retard, just stop posting.

>> No.19488651

>Man the fuck up and don't accept defeat.
Careful now. You don't want incels to gain class consciousness and kill you do you?

>> No.19488652

Zizek is hot though. So is Houllebeq.

>> No.19488654



noun: anecdote; plural noun: anecdotes

a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.

>> No.19488657
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>Zizek is hot though

>> No.19488659

He's an extremely high status male.

>> No.19488664

Houllebeq had to jbwmaxx with an asian woman

>> No.19488665

Yeah, and my claim was that incels are mostly mentally ill loners, or sociopaths who want to drag others down with them, and used an incel spree killer as evidence. That's not an anecdote you retard.

>> No.19488667
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>So is Houllebeq.

>> No.19488670

he isnt ugly inherently hes just fat and old now he has pretty decent bone structure.

>> No.19488672
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>> No.19488673

hes hot cause of the way he thinks and carries himself. the man is a selfadmitted trainwreck physically.
if he were to act and seethe like an incel he would also remain an incel (see also: schopenhauer)

>> No.19488675

When the normie is faced with solid evidence for the existence of a societal problem he proceeds to shift the blame for said problem on the individual. You're really no different from NYP pundits who tell us that the correct way to combat climate change is to take "personal responsibility" and stop using plastic straws and going on vacation

>> No.19488676

you made a claim without any support and used an anecdote as evidence.

>> No.19488680

No I didn't. You're just asspained because you think the incel worldview is perfectly rational and logical, I get it.

>> No.19488682

I never denied the existence of a societal problem. At the top of this thread I said the societal problem existed and was true. The problem is that incels overreact and catastrophise because they possess slave morality.

>> No.19488690
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>> No.19488695

you used a single individual person as evidence thats that fits the definiton of anecdote actual support would be more data based. there are plenty of anecdotal evidence supporting the blackpills + actual data. you can also be an incel without being blackpilled since as i said its a state of being caused by female hypergamy+ being short and ugly.

>> No.19488699

just be white maxxing

>> No.19488702

Honestly I'd rather be ugly than a failure. The truly pathetic are the ones who have nothing to show for themselves. You can't really control being ugly, but if you wasted your youth playing video games and failing your community college classes because you have no discipline then it is unironically good that you can't get laid.

My heart goes out to the uggos though

>> No.19488705

I used one example of many examples anon. I could've also mentioned Eliot Rodger and Marc Lepine as examples too.

>> No.19488709

Just Be White Theory (JBW)
it basically says that it's impossible for a white guy to be an incel (at best he's a locationcel which means he's involuntarily celibate relative to his local dating market) because he can always go to South East Asia or even East Asia and India and have crowds of women flock to him. I think it also applies to diaspora Asians but those might have higher standards because they have a lot of whites to choose from

>> No.19488711

Nothing wrong with this desu anon. Imagine denying yourself prime pussy because you're afraid of stereotypes.

>> No.19488716

Anecdotally, I know a friend who is as you described. He's incel-looking, but he won't accept anything less than a 9. As a result, he's been single forever now, even though he is a "good catch", fit, has a good job, etc. He could get a normal gf if he wanted to, he's kissed a girl before. Is he even an incel or a volcel at this stage? Anyway, we know attractive women are social status symbols, there is also the problem of media and porn, which create unreasonable standards. I don't claim this is a general trend, it's worth looking at the data.

>> No.19488720

genes themselves are responsible for creation of certain environments retard.A classic case of this would be the language acquistion of chimps or gorrillas when humans create a certain,specialised environment.Why is it that these apes can't figure out complex communication on their own out in the wild?

>> No.19488722

still not data they are a needle in a haystack when you consider vast majority of killings have other motives and the vast majority of incels wont do that.

>> No.19488727

thats the problem all you faggots can use against the reality that is the blackpill is anecdotes.

>> No.19488729
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Blackpill is actually bluepill. The real redpill is to accept your ugliness and lack of attractiveness as a gift from God and an invitation to devote oneself to spiritual matters. The next evolutionary step of a hypergamous society is a NEET theo-aristocracy with incels forming religious orders and living in monasteries off of a combination of NEETbux and self-sufficiency (wine production, farming etc.) and the rest of the society that is females and hyper attractive male Chads fucking and working to sustain our incel livelihoods.

>> No.19488730

>it basically says that it's impossible for a white guy to be an incel
no it doesn't .All it had said was whites just have it better w.rt. their ethnic counterparts even when they possess similar bones structures.

>> No.19488733

Well I didn't mean that they were evidence of incels being killers, learn to read, I said they were evidence of incels being mentally ill loners. I know for a fact that most mentally ill people aren't violent, but that doesn't change my point.

Fact is that these people lurk /r9k/ 16 hours a day instead of going to a therapist to get help.

>> No.19488739

Absolutely based

>> No.19488755
File: 6 KB, 250x205, 1624913319778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19488756

therapists wont make you taller and attractive
also being short and ugly has a tendency to make you a mentally ill loser due to constant rejection, but most incels are bluepilled they arent evern aware of the blackpill. also see the all the data supporting the scientific blackpill and all the anecdotes aswell supporting it.

>> No.19488763

>therapists wont make you taller and attractive

No but they might cure social anxiety or other problems which are the more pressing impediments to an incel's failure to engage in romantic relationships.

>> No.19488768

you can be an incel without social anxiety or any social impediments but as i said, being short and ugly has a tendency to make you a mentally ill loser.

>> No.19488769

Can someone pls post that screenshot of a guy that read mgtow books and tried to hit on every girl in his college and got rejected by all of them to the point of being known and treated like a leper by everyone? I WANT TO FEEL THAT FEEL!

>> No.19488774

>you can be an incel without social anxiety or any social impediments

Highly unlikely because normal, emotionally stable people don't fall into a bit of resentful loserdom the moment some random bitch rejects them.

>> No.19488779

Another problem is that there really isn't a straight forward way to find a partner anymore. Most hobbies groups are extremely gender segregated. Bars largely have the same problems as dating apps. Once you're done with school a lot of friends circles are cemented in and if they break up it's pretty easy to end up friendless and single in your 20s and 30s for a long period of time. A lot of jobs are largely gender segregated as well, an engineering company can't just share the secretary and 3 HR roasties between their 95% male staff.

>> No.19488784

The answer you'll likely not accept, OP, is that they're more or less right and the problem of lonely, isolated men will only get worse as time goes on.

>> No.19488787

>mgtow books
>hit on girls
MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way aka rejection of dating in its modern form. You're thinking about redpill/PUA

>> No.19488789

>women are definitely more attracted to assholes
No they’re not. They might put up with some level of not great behavior for someone who’s hot, just like you would for a very hot girl, but all things equal women (and men) overwhelmingly prefer nice people to assholes. You just happen to conflate niceness with pathetically putting yourself below her and worshipping her like a goddess

>> No.19488791

>just like you would for a very hot girl

This. Literally everything negative incels say about women is literally true of themselves.

>> No.19488797

>women are definitely more attracted to assholes
I also think there is a mistaken causality here. It's not that women are attracted to assholes, it's that attractive men have big egos and tend to be assholes and value women less (because they know they can get another).

>> No.19488802

>You're thinking about redpill/PUA
You're probably right. Anyone's seen/got that screenshot?

>> No.19488803

Women are also coded by nature to view niceness with suspicion though, an asshole is an asshole, but he's straight-forward and says what he actually wants and thinks without caring that much about the consequences, which is less manipulative.

>> No.19488804

nigger stfu with yoiur baseless assumptions and listen for once.
normality and emotional stability is highly
correlated with with not being ugly and not being short aswell as not having a shitty life which can be caused by those, infact suicide rates increase the shorter you get per statistics.


are you seriously going to tell me that mate selection has nothing to do with genetics? they are looking for a mate not a friend obviously looks will play a larger role especially for women since they are hypergamous by nature.

>> No.19488812

I'm seriously saying that all your so-called scientific babble is just a rationalization of your failure, and instead of reading a chart you should actually talk to women in real life instead of falling deeper into the rabbit hole of resentful bitterness.

>> No.19488814

>ok manwhore
I've been to zero relationships and will never ever be you. It's a matter of principle

>> No.19488816

The coof kinda fucked us over in this respect though. Can't deny Latinas and Persians and some Asians want my blond Nordic ass even if I have jack shit for achievements, but they live pretty damn far

>> No.19488817

youre just using circular logic at this point any evidence whatsoever will merely be labeled as rationalization by you so you can never be wrong you can just make a random statement and it will aoutomatically be right.